14,050 research outputs found

    Embryonic Architecture with Built-in Self-test and GA Evolved Configuration Data

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    The embryonic architecture, which draws inspirationfrom the biological process of ontogeny, has built-inmechanisms for self-repair. The entire genome is stored in theembryonic cells, allowing the data to be replicated in healthycells in the event of a single cell failure in the embryonic fabric.A specially designed genetic algorithm (GA) is used to evolve theconfiguration information for embryonic cells. Any failed embryoniccell must be indicated via the proposed Built-in Self-test(BIST) the module of the embryonic fabric. This paper recommendsan effective centralized BIST design for a novel embryonic fabric.Every embryonic cell is scanned by the proposed BIST in casethe self-test mode is activated. The centralized BIST design usesless hardware than if it were integrated into each embryoniccell. To reduce the size of the data, the genome or configurationdata of each embryonic cell is decoded using Cartesian GeneticProgramming (CGP). The GA is tested for the 1-bit adder and2-bit comparator circuits that are implemented in the embryoniccell. Fault detection is possible at every function of the cell due tothe BIST module’s design. The CGP format can also offer gate-levelfault detection. Customized GA and BIST are combinedwith the novel embryonic architecture. In the embryonic cell, self-repairis accomplished via data scrubbing for transient errors

    A Video Bioinformatics Method to Quantify Cell Spreading and Its Application to Cells Treated with Rho-Associated Protein Kinase and Blebbistatin

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    Commercial software is available for performing video bioinformatics analysis on cultured cells. Such software is convenient and can often be used to create suitable protocols for quantitative analysis of video data with relatively little background in image processing. This chapter demonstrates that CL-Quant software, a commercial program produced by DRVision, can be used to automatically analyze cell spreading in time-lapse videos of human embryonic stem cells (hESC). Two cell spreading protocols were developed and tested. One was professionally created by engineers at DRVision and adapted to this project. The other was created by an undergraduate student with 1 month of experience using CL-Quant. Both protocols successfully segmented small spreading colonies of hESC, and, in general, were in good agreement with the ground truth which was measured using ImageJ. Overall the professional protocol performed better segmentation, while the user-generated protocol demonstrated that someone who had relatively little background with CL-Quant can successfully create protocols. The protocols were applied to hESC that had been treated with ROCK inhibitors or blebbistatin, which tend to cause rapid attachment and spreading of hESC colonies. All treatments enabled hESC to attach rapidly. Cells treated with the ROCK inhibitors or blebbistatin spread more than controls and often looked stressed. The use of the spreading analysis protocol can provide a very rapid method to evaluate the cytotoxicity of chemical treatment and reveal effects on the cytoskeleton of the cell. While hESC are presented in this chapter, other cell types could also be used in conjunction with the spreading protocol

    Congenital anomalies from a physics perspective. The key role of "manufacturing" volatility

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    Genetic and environmental factors are traditionally seen as the sole causes of congenital anomalies. In this paper we introduce a third possible cause, namely random "manufacturing" discrepancies with respect to ``design'' values. A clear way to demonstrate the existence of this component is to ``shut'' the two others and to see whether or not there is remaining variability. Perfect clones raised under well controlled laboratory conditions fulfill the conditions for such a test. Carried out for four different species, the test reveals a variability remainder of the order of 10%-20% in terms of coefficient of variation. As an example, the CV of the volume of E.coli bacteria immediately after binary fission is of the order of 10%. In short, ``manufacturing'' discrepancies occur randomly, even when no harmful mutation or environmental factors are involved. Not surprisingly, there is a strong connection between congenital defects and infant mortality. In the wake of birth there is a gradual elimination of defective units and this screening accounts for the post-natal fall of infant mortality. Apart from this trend, post-natal death rates also have humps and peaks associated with various inabilities and defects.\qL In short, infant mortality rates convert the case-by-case and mostly qualitative problem of congenital malformations into a global quantitative effect which, so to say, summarizes and registers what goes wrong in the embryonic phase. Based on the natural assumption that for simple organisms (e.g. rotifers) the manufacturing processes are shorter than for more complex organisms (e.g. mammals), fewer congenital anomalies are expected. Somehow, this feature should be visible on the infant mortality rate. How this conjecture can be tested is outlined in our conclusion.Comment: 43 pages, 9 figure

    Guidelines for the use of cell lines in biomedical research

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    Cell-line misidentification and contamination with microorganisms, such as mycoplasma, together with instability, both genetic and phenotypic, are among the problems that continue to affect cell culture. Many of these problems are avoidable with the necessary foresight, and these Guidelines have been prepared to provide those new to the field and others engaged in teaching and instruction with the information necessary to increase their awareness of the problems and to enable them to deal with them effectively. The Guidelines cover areas such as development, acquisition, authentication, cryopreservation, transfer of cell lines between laboratories, microbial contamination, characterisation, instability and misidentification. Advice is also given on complying with current legal and ethical requirements when deriving cell lines from human and animal tissues, the selection and maintenance of equipment and how to deal with problems that may arise

    Development and characteristics of the hardware for Skylab experiment S015

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    Details are given regarding the hardware for the Skylab S015 experiment, which was designed to detect the effects of zero gravity on cell growth rates. Experience gained in hardware-related considerations is presented for use of researchers concerned with future research of this type and further study of the S015 results. Brief descriptions are given of the experiment hardware, the hardware configuration for the critical design review, the major configuration changes, the final configuration, and the postflight review and analysis. An appendix describes pertinent documentation, film, and hardware that are available to qualified researchers; sources for additional or special information are given

    Rapid PCR assay for detecting common genetic variants arising in human pluripotent stem cell cultures

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    Human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) are prone to acquiring genetic changes upon prolonged culture. Particularly common are copy number changes, including gains of chromosomes 1q, 12p, 17q, and 20q, and/or loss of chromosomes 10p and 18q. The variant cells harboring common genetic changes display altered behaviors compared to their diploid counterparts, thus potentially impacting upon the validity of experimental results and safety of hPSC-derived cellular therapies. Hence, a critical quality attribute in hPSC maintenance should include frequent monitoring for genetic changes arising in cultures. This in turn places large demands on the genotyping assays for detection of genetic changes. Traditional methods for screening cells entail specialized cytogenetic analyses, but their high costs and a lengthy turnaround time make them impractical for high-throughput analyses and routine laboratory use. Here, we detail a protocol for a rapid, accessible, and affordable PCR-based method for detection of frequently occurring copy number changes in hPSCs