124 research outputs found

    Features of development of school pedagogics health in transnistria

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    The aim of the investigation is to show the features and to define the directions of development of school pedagogics of health in Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (PMR). Methods. The methods involve theoretical analysis of sources in the field of pedagogics of health, statistical data, methods of analogy, comparison, correlation, synthesis of information, studying of the best practices of schools of health of PMR. The principles of system and valeological approaches have been involved as the leading methodological reference points. Results and scientific novelty. Intrinsic characteristics and specifics of school pedagogics of health in PMR are disclosed; its genesis during the PostSoviet period is completely presented; the prospects are defined. Positive experience of preservation, strengthening and formation of health of pupils of Pridnestrovian schools is revealed and analysed. Practical significance of research consists that the received results have predictive character and are suitable for design of the organization of a school education system. Цель исследования, представленного в публикации, – показать особенности и определить направления развития школьной педагогики здоровья в Приднестровской Молдавской республике (ПМР). Методология и методики. В ходе работы использовался теоретический анализ источников в области педагогики здоровья, статистические данные, методы аналогии, сопоставления, сравнения, обобщения информации, изучение передового опыта школ здоровья ПМР. В качестве ведущих методологических ориентиров были задействованы принципы системного и валеологического подходов. Результаты и научная новизна. Раскрыты сущностные характеристики и специфика школьной педагогики здоровья в ПМР, целостно представлен ее генезис в постсоветский период, определены перспективы. Выявлен и проанализирован позитивный опыт сохранения, укрепления и формирования здоровья учащихся приднестровских школ. Практическая значимость исследования состоит в том, что полученные результаты носят прогностический характер и пригодны для проектирования организации школьной системы образовани

    The Philosophy of Success Learning as Quality Assurance Methodology of Higher Pedagogical Education

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    The article reveals the possibilities of the philosophy of learning by success as a resource for improving the quality of higher education; main directions of implementation «Models of system of future teacher’s preparing for successful professional activity”, pedagogical conditions that ensure the effectiveness of experimental studies and training technologies. The results of an experiment aimed at diagnosing the effectiveness of the success learning model are presented. The final result of the study showed that in the experimental group, the high level of success increased by 12.2%, the number of students with a low level of success in educational activities decreased significantly from 56.5% to 24.9%. In the control group, the number of students with a low level of success in educational activities decreased by 8.1%, with a high level increased by 2.6%. The value of the statistical criterion for the levels of students' success in educational activities in the CG and the EG upon completion of the experimental work exceeds the critical value (5.991) and is χ2emp = 8.300. The productivity of training future teachers for successful professional activity, based on the methodological foundations of the philosophy of learning by success, has been proved

    Содержание подготовки будущих преподователей дошкольной педагогики и психологии к инновационной деятельности

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    The article highlights and summarizes the scientific approaches to the selection of innovative component content of training future teachers of high school; the content of future teachers of preschool education and psychology to an innovative professional work is determined, analyzed the principles of designing curriculum, found that the selection and structuring the content of future teachers of preschool education and psychology to an innovative professional should be considered as general principles of curriculum and general didactic principles and principles of content update training («innovation» of information, integration, unity and traditional innovation, creativity, variability, problematic) defined semantic component prepare future teachers for innovative professional, reasonably scientific and methodical approach to the selection and structuring the content of future teachers of preschool education and psychology to an innovative professional activities as an example of the training course «Higher school pedagogics».У статті висвітлено та узагальнено наукові підходи до відбору інноваційної складової змісту професійної підготовки майбутніх викладачів вищої школи; визначено змістовий компонент підготовки майбутніх викладачів дошкільної педагогіки і психології до інноваційної професійної діяльності; обґрунтовано науково-методичний підхід до відбору та структурування змісту підготовки майбутніх викладачів дошкільної педагогіки і психології до інноваційної професійної діяльності на прикладі навчального курсу «Педагогіка вищої школи».В статье отражены и обобщены научные подходы к отбору инновационной составляющей содержания профессиональной подготовки будущих преподавателей высшей школы; определён содержательный компонент подготовки будущих преподавателей дошкольной педагогики и психологии к инновационной профессиональной деятельности; обоснован научно-методический подход к отбору и структуризации содержания подготовки будущих преподавателей дошкольной педагогики и психологии к инновационной профессиональной деятельности на примере учебного курса «Педагогика высшей школы»


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    Felix Fradkin i la reflexió pedagògica en condicions extremes

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    Kako ravnatelji_ce zaznavajo fzicni ucni prostor kot dejavnik pouka?

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    School leaders are a central factor of the quality of learning and teaching in schools. It is generally believed that the staff model their behavior on leaders, which means if school leaders understand the physical school environment to be an important factor of learning, school staff (teachers and other professional staff) will also do so. To discover how school leaders assess the school environment as a factor of learning, 150 school leaders in primary education in Slovenia were invited to complete an online questionnaire. They were asked about their views regarding to what extent their school as physical environment encouraged certain factors. Fourteen listed factors were assessed on five-point numeric scales. The results show that in their school environment, school leaders assessed ecology, movement, and respect the highest, and feelings, imagination, and space the lowest. Their estimates of the assessed factors differ depending on the type of school building (new, old, renovated) only on the factors of movement, creativity, and logic and mathematics in favour of old schools. The results provide interesting information especially for school policy and everyone involved in the planning, building, or renewal of school premises. (DIPF/Orig.

    Условия педагогической производительности ситуации у подростков

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    В статье изложены основные идеи исследования, направленные на решение проблем, связанных с педагогическими ситуациями подростков

    Increasing the efficiency of teaching the topic "Burns, frostbites, electric traumas" by means of modern educational technology.

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    The main objective of the work is to test and implement modern interactive methods in the field of medical education, namely the method  of  cooperative groups into the educational process of the Department of General Surgery  of  SI "DMA MH"   and to determine its efficacy by the example of class on the topic "Burns, frostbites, electrical trauma. Diagnosis, first aid, medical treatment”.The method is used to find similarities in different patterns of giving medical care to patients with burns, frostbites and electric trauma. Learning activity is divided into three stages. Stage 1:  the teacher divides the students into four groups and gives a task to each group. Stage 2:  each group announces the results  and presents them in the  standardized format.  After the discussion  the proper decision on the common features of the first aid, treatment, and the algorithm of action is made.  Stage 3: the groups  share  results of the previous clinical experience, sum up, solve situational tasks  and  tests of level III.  The method of co-operative groups allows to increase  the motivation of students in the learning process, causes  more efficient and thorough acquiring of the material, promotes development of clinical thinking, develops the urge towards collaboration and collective responsibility,  favors the development of positive personal qualities of a future professional doctor