145 research outputs found

    A survey of scheduling problems with setup times or costs

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    Author name used in this publication: C. T. NgAuthor name used in this publication: T. C. E. Cheng2007-2008 > Academic research: refereed > Publication in refereed journalAccepted ManuscriptPublishe

    Overview on: sequencing in mixed model flowshop production line with static and dynamic context

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    In the present work a literature overview was given on solution techniques considering basic as well as more advanced and consequently more complex arrangements of mixed model flowshops. We first analyzed the occurrence of setup time/cost; existing solution techniques are mainly focused on permutation sequences. Thereafter we discussed objectives resulting in the introduction of variety of methods allowing resequencing of jobs within the line. The possibility of resequencing within the line ranges from 1) offline or intermittent buffers, 2) parallel stations, namely flexible, hybrid or compound flowshops, 3) merging and splitting of parallel lines, 4) re-entrant flowshops, to 5) change job attributes without physically interchanging the position. In continuation the differences in the consideration of static and dynamic demand was studied. Also intermittent setups are possible, depending on the horizon and including the possibility of resequencing, four problem cases were highlighted: static, semi dynamic, nearly dynamic and dynamic case. Finally a general overview was given on existing solution methods, including exact and approximation methods. The approximation methods are furthermore divided in two cases, know as heuristics and methaheuristic

    Scheduling and variation-aware design of self-re-entrant flowshops

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    On the exact solution of the no-wait flow shop problem with due date constraints

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    Peer ReviewedThis paper deals with the no-wait flow shop scheduling problem with due date constraints. In the no-wait flow shop problem, waiting time is not allowed between successive operations of jobs. Moreover, the jobs should be completed before their respective due dates; due date constraints are dealt with as hard constraints. The considered performance criterion is makespan. The problem is strongly NP-hard. This paper develops a number of distinct mathematical models for the problem based on different decision variables. Namely, a mixed integer programming model, two quadratic mixed integer programming models, and two constraint programming models are developed. Moreover, a novel graph representation is developed for the problem. This new modeling technique facilitates the investigation of some of the important characteristics of the problem; this results in a number of propositions to rule out a large number of infeasible solutions from the set of all possible permutations. Afterward, the new graph representation and the resulting propositions are incorporated into a new exact algorithm to solve the problem to optimality. To investigate the performance of the mathematical models and to compare them with the developed exact algorithm, a number of test problems are solved and the results are reported. Computational results demonstrate that the developed algorithm is significantly faster than the mathematical models

    Theoretical and Computational Research in Various Scheduling Models

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    Nine manuscripts were published in this Special Issue on “Theoretical and Computational Research in Various Scheduling Models, 2021” of the MDPI Mathematics journal, covering a wide range of topics connected to the theory and applications of various scheduling models and their extensions/generalizations. These topics include a road network maintenance project, cost reduction of the subcontracted resources, a variant of the relocation problem, a network of activities with generally distributed durations through a Markov chain, idea on how to improve the return loading rate problem by integrating the sub-tour reversal approach with the method of the theory of constraints, an extended solution method for optimizing the bi-objective no-idle permutation flowshop scheduling problem, the burn-in (B/I) procedure, the Pareto-scheduling problem with two competing agents, and three preemptive Pareto-scheduling problems with two competing agents, among others. We hope that the book will be of interest to those working in the area of various scheduling problems and provide a bridge to facilitate the interaction between researchers and practitioners in scheduling questions. Although discrete mathematics is a common method to solve scheduling problems, the further development of this method is limited due to the lack of general principles, which poses a major challenge in this research field

    Single Machine Scheduling with Uncertain Processing Times

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    Scheduling flexible flowshops with sequence -dependent setup times

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    This dissertation addresses the scheduling problem in a flexible flowshop with sequence-dependent setup times. The production line consists of S production stages, each of which may have more than one non-identical (uniform) machines. Prior to processing a job on a machine at the first stage, a setup time from idling is needed. Also sequence dependent setup times (SDST) are considered on each machine in each stage. The objective of this research is to minimize the makespan. A mathematical model was developed for small size problems and two heuristic algorithms (Flexible Flowshop with Sequence Dependent Setup Times Heuristic (FFSDSTH) and Tabu Search Heuristic (TSH)) were developed to solve larger, more practical problems. The FFSDSTH algorithm was developed to obtain a good initial solution which can then be improved by the TSH algorithm. The TSH algorithm uses the well-known Tabu Search metaheuristic. In order to evaluate the performance of the heuristics, two lower bounds (Forward and Backward) were developed. The machine waiting time, idle time, and total setup and processing times on machines at the last stage were used to calculate the lower bound. Computational experiments were performed with the application of the heuristic algorithms and the lower bound methods. Two quantities were measured: (1) the performance of the heuristic algorithms obtained by comparing solutions with the lower bounds and (2) the relative improvement realized with the application of the TSH algorithm to the results obtained with the FFSDSTH algorithm. The performance of the heuristics was evaluated using two measures: solution quality and computational time. Results obtained show that the heuristic algorithms are quite efficient. The relative improvement yielded by the TSH algorithm was between 2.95 and 11.85 percent

    Heuristics and metaheuristics for heavily constrained hybrid flowshop problems

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    Due to the current trends in business as the necessity to have a large catalogue of products, orders that increase in frequency but not in size, globalisation and a market that is increasingly competitive, the production sector faces an ever harder economical environment. All this raises the need for production scheduling with maximum efficiency and effectiveness. The first scientific publications on production scheduling appeared more than half a century ago. However, many authors have recognised a gap between the literature and the industrial problems. Most of the research concentrates on optimisation problems that are actually a very simplified version of reality. This allows for the use of sophisticated approaches and guarantees in many cases that optimal solutions are obtained. Yet, the exclusion of real-world restrictions harms the applicability of those methods. What the industry needs are systems for optimised production scheduling that adjust exactly to the conditions in the production plant and that generates good solutions in very little time. This is exactly the objective in this thesis, that is, to treat more realistic scheduling problems and to help closing the gap between the literature and practice. The considered scheduling problem is called the hybrid flowshop problem, which consists in a set of jobs that flow through a number of production stages. At each of the stages, one of the machines that belong to the stage is visited. A series of restriction is considered that include the possibility to skip stages, non-eligible machines, precedence constraints, positive and negative time lags and sequence dependent setup times. In the literature, such a large number of restrictions has not been considered simultaneously before. Briefly, in this thesis a very realistic production scheduling problem is studied. Various optimisation methods are presented for the described scheduling problem. A mixed integer programming model is proposed, in order to obtaiUrlings ., T. (2010). Heuristics and metaheuristics for heavily constrained hybrid flowshop problems [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/8439Palanci

    Sequencing in Mixed Model Non-Permutation Flowshop Production Lines using Constrained Buffers

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    En una línea de producción clásica, solamente se producían productos con las mismas opciones. Para la fabricación de variaciones del mismo producto básico se utilizaba una línea diferente o eran necesarias modificaciones importantes de la maquinaria. En los últimos años se ha visto acrecentada la necesidad de considerar métodos que permitan más flexibilidad ofreciendo una mayor variedad de productos al cliente. En general estos métodos consisten en producir diferentes tipos de productos en una misma línea de producción. Además, con la filosofía de Just-In-Time, los stocks y sus costes derivados, especialmente el stock de productos acabados, se reducen considerablemente y consecuentemente una producción con lotes ya no es favorable. Con este panorama la producción de distintos productos o modelos en la misma línea de forma simultánea, sin lotes, adquiere un gran auge y con ello la complejidad de gestión de la línea aumenta. La toma de decisiones en las fases de secuenciación y programación se convierte en esencial.Existen varios diseños de líneas que pueden permitir la resecuenciación, como son:utilizar grandes almacenes (Automatic-Storage-and-Retrieval-System), desacoplar una parte del proceso del resto de la línea; disponer de almacenes con plazas limitadas fuera de la línea; existencia de líneas híbridas o flexibles; posibilitar la división y unión de líneas;o cambiar los atributos de las piezas en vez de cambiar la posición en la secuencia. La resecuenciación de piezas dentro de la línea llega ser más efectiva cuando se presenta un tiempo o coste adicional, conocido como setup-time y setup-cost, necesario en muchos casos, cuando en una estación, la siguiente pieza es de otro modelo.Esta tesis considera el caso de una línea de flujo con la posibilidad de resecuenciar piezas entre estaciones consecutivas. Los almacenes están ubicados fuera de la línea y en un primer paso accesible desde una sola estación (caso del almacén intermedio). A continuación se utilizará un solo almacén, centralizado, accesible desde varias estaciones. En ambos casos se considera que una pieza, debido a su tamaño, quizás no pueda ocupar ciertas plazas del almacén ya sea intermedio o centralizado. Como resultado del estudio y análisis del Estado del Arte, que permitió delimitar el caso a estudiar, se propone una Novedosa Clasificación de líneas de flujo no permutación. Esta clasificación era indispensable, debido a que en la literatura actual no se ha clasificado con profundidad este tipo de producción, hasta hoy las clasificaciones existentes no consideran las múltiples opciones que se presentan al incluir la posibilidad de resecuenciar piezas en la línea. La presente tesis presenta distintas formulaciones: un método exacto, utilizando un modelo de programación por restricciones (CLP), varios métodos híbridos, basados en CLP, y un método heurístico, utilizando un Algoritmo Genético (GA).Durante el curso de este trabajo, los estudios que se han realizado muestran la efectividad de resecuenciar. Los resultados de los experimentos simulados muestran los beneficios que sumergen con un almacén centralizado, comparado con los almacenes intermedios.El problema considerado es relevante para una variedad de aplicaciones de líneas de flujo como es el caso de la industria química, donde los pedidos de los clientes tienen diferentes volúmenes y en la misma línea existen tanques de diferentes volúmenes para resecuenciar. También, en líneas en las cuales se utilizan lotes divididos (split-lot) con el fin de investigar variaciones en los procesos, así como en la industria de semiconductores, o en la producción de casas prefabricadas, donde fabrican paredesgrandes y pequeñas que pasan por estaciones consecutivas y en las que se instalan circuitos eléctricos, tuberías, puertas, ventanas y aislamientos.In the classical production line, only products with the same options were processed at once. Products of different models, providing distinct options, were either processed on a different line or major equipment modifications were necessary. For today's production lines approaches, considering more flexibility, are required which result more and more in the necessity of manufacturing a variety of different models on the same line, motivated by offering a larger variety of products to the client. Furthermore, with the Just-In-Time philosophy, the stock and with that the expenses derived from it, especially for finished products, are considerably reduced and lead to the case in which a production with batches is no longer favourable.Taking into account this panorama, the simultaneous production of distinct products ormodels in the same line, without batches, lead to an increased importance and at the same time the logistic complexity enlarges. The decision-making in sequencing and scheduling become essential.Various designs of production lines exist which permit resequencing of jobs within the production line: using large buffers (Automatic-Storage-and-Retrieval-System) which decouple one part of the line from the rest of the line; buffers which are located offline; hybrid or flexible lines; and more seldom, the interchange of job attributes instead of physically changing the position of a job within the sequence. Resequencing of jobs within the line is even more relevant with the existence of an additional cost or time, occurring when at a station the succeeding job is of another model, known as setup cost and setup time.The present thesis considers a flowshop with the possibility to resequence jobs between consecutive stations. The buffers are located offline either accessible from a single station (intermediate case) or from various stations (centralized case). In both cases, it is considered that a job may not be able to be stored in a buffer place, due to its extended physical size.Following the extensive State-of-the-Art, which led to the problem under study, a Novel Classification of Non-permutation Flowshops is proposed. This classification was indispensable, due to the lack of an adequate classification for flowshop production lines that would consider the diversity of arrangements which permit resequencing of jobs within the production line. Furthermore, distinct formulations are presented: an exact approach, utilizing Constrained Logic Programming (CLP), various hybrid approaches, based on CLP, and a heuristic approach, utilizing a Genetic Algorithm (GA).During the course of this work, the realized studies of performance demonstrate the effectiveness of resequencing. The results of the simulation experiments reveal the benefits that come with a centralized buffer location, compared to the intermediate buffer location.The considered problem is relevant to various flowshop applications such as chemical productions dealing with client orders of different volumes and different sized resequencing tanks. Also in productions where split-lots are used for engineering purpose, such as the semiconductor industry. Even in the production of prefabricated houses with, e.g., large and small walls passing through consecutive stations where electrical circuits, sewerage, doors, windows and isolation are applied