142 research outputs found

    On the design of architecture-aware algorithms for emerging applications

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    This dissertation maps various kernels and applications to a spectrum of programming models and architectures and also presents architecture-aware algorithms for different systems. The kernels and applications discussed in this dissertation have widely varying computational characteristics. For example, we consider both dense numerical computations and sparse graph algorithms. This dissertation also covers emerging applications from image processing, complex network analysis, and computational biology. We map these problems to diverse multicore processors and manycore accelerators. We also use new programming models (such as Transactional Memory, MapReduce, and Intel TBB) to address the performance and productivity challenges in the problems. Our experiences highlight the importance of mapping applications to appropriate programming models and architectures. We also find several limitations of current system software and architectures and directions to improve those. The discussion focuses on system software and architectural support for nested irregular parallelism, Transactional Memory, and hybrid data transfer mechanisms. We believe that the complexity of parallel programming can be significantly reduced via collaborative efforts among researchers and practitioners from different domains. This dissertation participates in the efforts by providing benchmarks and suggestions to improve system software and architectures.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Bader, David; Committee Member: Hong, Bo; Committee Member: Riley, George; Committee Member: Vuduc, Richard; Committee Member: Wills, Scot

    Distributed multi-label learning on Apache Spark

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    This thesis proposes a series of multi-label learning algorithms for classification and feature selection implemented on the Apache Spark distributed computing model. Five approaches for determining the optimal architecture to speed up multi-label learning methods are presented. These approaches range from local parallelization using threads to distributed computing using independent or shared memory spaces. It is shown that the optimal approach performs hundreds of times faster than the baseline method. Three distributed multi-label k nearest neighbors methods built on top of the Spark architecture are proposed: an exact iterative method that computes pair-wise distances, an approximate tree-based method that indexes the instances across multiple nodes, and an approximate local sensitive hashing method that builds multiple hash tables to index the data. The results indicated that the predictions of the tree-based method are on par with those of an exact method while reducing the execution times in all the scenarios. The aforementioned method is then used to evaluate the quality of a selected feature subset. The optimal adaptation for a multi-label feature selection criterion is discussed and two distributed feature selection methods for multi-label problems are proposed: a method that selects the feature subset that maximizes the Euclidean norm of individual information measures, and a method that selects the subset of features maximizing the geometric mean. The results indicate that each method excels in different scenarios depending on type of features and the number of labels. Rigorous experimental studies and statistical analyses over many multi-label metrics and datasets confirm that the proposals achieve better performances and provide better scalability to bigger data than the methods compared in the state of the art

    Design and Investigation of Genetic Algorithmic and Reinforcement Learning Approaches to Wire Crossing Reductions for pNML Devices

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    Perpendicular nanomagnet logic (pNML) is an emerging post-CMOS technology which encodes binary data in the polarization of single-domain nanomagnets and performs operations via fringing field interactions. Currently, there is no complete top-down workflow for pNML. Researchers must instead simultaneously handle place-and-route, timing, and logic minimization by hand. These tasks include multiple NP-Hard subproblems, and the lack of automated tools for solving them for pNML precludes the design of large-scale pNML circuits

    Distributed Estimation and Inference for the Analysis of Big Biomedical Data

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    This thesis focuses on developing and implementing new statistical methods to address some of the current difficulties encountered in the analysis of high-dimensional correlated biomedical data. Following the divide-and-conquer paradigm, I develop a theoretically sound and computationally tractable class of distributed statistical methods that are made accessible to practitioners through R statistical software. This thesis aims to establish a class of distributed statistical methods for regression analyses with very large outcome variables arising in many biomedical fields, such as in metabolomic or imaging research. The general distributed procedure divides data into blocks that are analyzed on a parallelized computational platform and combines these separate results via Hansen’s (1982) generalized method of moments. These new methods provide distributed and efficient statistical inference in many different regression settings. Computational efficiency is achieved by leveraging recent developments in large scale computing, such as the MapReduce paradigm on the Hadoop platform. In the first project presented in Chapter III, I develop a divide-and-conquer procedure implemented in a parallelized computational scheme for statistical estimation and inference of regression parameters with high-dimensional correlated responses. This project is motivated by an electroencephalography study whose goal is to determine the effect of iron deficiency on infant auditory recognition memory. The proposed method (published as Hector and Song (2020a)), the Distributed and Integrated Method of Moments (DIMM), divides responses into subvectors to be analyzed in parallel using pairwise composite likelihood, and combines results using an optimal one-step meta-estimator. In the second project presented in Chapter IV, I develop an extended theoretical framework of distributed estimation and inference to incorporate a broad range of classical statistical models and biomedical data types. To reduce computational speed and meet data privacy demands, I propose to divide data by outcomes and subjects, leading to a doubly divide-and-conquer paradigm. I also address parameter heterogeneity explicitly for added flexibility. I establish a new theoretical framework for the analysis of a broad class of big data problems to facilitate valid statistical inference for biomedical researchers. Possible applications include genomic data, metabolomic data, longitudinal and spatial data, and many more. In the third project presented in Chapter V, I propose a distributed quadratic inference function framework to jointly estimate regression parameters from multiple potentially heterogeneous data sources with correlated vector outcomes. This project is motivated by the analysis of the association between smoking and metabolites in a large cohort study. The primary goal of this joint integrative analysis is to estimate covariate effects on all outcomes through a marginal regression model in a statistically and computationally efficient way. To overcome computational and modeling challenges arising from the high-dimensional likelihood of the correlated vector outcomes, I propose to analyze each data source using Qu et al.’s quadratic inference funtions, and then to jointly reestimate parameters from each data source by accounting for correlation between data sources.PHDBiostatisticsUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/163220/1/ehector_1.pd

    Graphical Models and Symmetries : Loopy Belief Propagation Approaches

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    Whenever a person or an automated system has to reason in uncertain domains, probability theory is necessary. Probabilistic graphical models allow us to build statistical models that capture complex dependencies between random variables. Inference in these models, however, can easily become intractable. Typical ways to address this scaling issue are inference by approximate message-passing, stochastic gradients, and MapReduce, among others. Exploiting the symmetries of graphical models, however, has not yet been considered for scaling statistical machine learning applications. One instance of graphical models that are inherently symmetric are statistical relational models. These have recently gained attraction within the machine learning and AI communities and combine probability theory with first-order logic, thereby allowing for an efficient representation of structured relational domains. The provided formalisms to compactly represent complex real-world domains enable us to effectively describe large problem instances. Inference within and training of graphical models, however, have not been able to keep pace with the increased representational power. This thesis tackles two major aspects of graphical models and shows that both inference and training can indeed benefit from exploiting symmetries. It first deals with efficient inference exploiting symmetries in graphical models for various query types. We introduce lifted loopy belief propagation (lifted LBP), the first lifted parallel inference approach for relational as well as propositional graphical models. Lifted LBP can effectively speed up marginal inference, but cannot straightforwardly be applied to other types of queries. Thus we also demonstrate efficient lifted algorithms for MAP inference and higher order marginals, as well as the efficient handling of multiple inference tasks. Then we turn to the training of graphical models and introduce the first lifted online training for relational models. Our training procedure and the MapReduce lifting for loopy belief propagation combine lifting with the traditional statistical approaches to scaling, thereby bridging the gap between statistical relational learning and traditional statistical machine learning

    From cluster databases to cloud storage: Providing transactional support on the cloud

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    Durant les últimes tres dècades, les limitacions tecnològiques (com per exemple la capacitat dels dispositius d'emmagatzematge o l'ample de banda de les xarxes de comunicació) i les creixents demandes dels usuaris (estructures d'informació, volums de dades) han conduït l'evolució de les bases de dades distribuïdes. Des dels primers repositoris de dades per arxius plans que es van desenvolupar en la dècada dels vuitanta, s'han produït importants avenços en els algoritmes de control de concurrència, protocols de replicació i en la gestió de transaccions. No obstant això, els reptes moderns d'emmagatzematge de dades que plantegen el Big Data i el cloud computing—orientats a millorar la limitacions pel que fa a escalabilitat i elasticitat de les bases de dades estàtiques—estan empenyent als professionals a relaxar algunes propietats importants dels sistemes transaccionals clàssics, cosa que exclou a diverses aplicacions les quals no poden encaixar en aquesta estratègia degut a la seva alta dependència transaccional. El propòsit d'aquesta tesi és abordar dos reptes importants encara latents en el camp de les bases de dades distribuïdes: (1) les limitacions pel que fa a escalabilitat dels sistemes transaccionals i (2) el suport transaccional en repositoris d'emmagatzematge en el núvol. Analitzar les tècniques tradicionals de control de concurrència i de replicació, utilitzades per les bases de dades clàssiques per suportar transaccions, és fonamental per identificar les raons que fan que aquests sistemes degradin el seu rendiment quan el nombre de nodes i / o quantitat de dades creix. A més, aquest anàlisi està orientat a justificar el disseny dels repositoris en el núvol que deliberadament han deixat de banda el suport transaccional. Efectivament, apropar el paradigma de l'emmagatzematge en el núvol a les aplicacions que tenen una forta dependència en les transaccions és fonamental per a la seva adaptació als requeriments actuals pel que fa a volums de dades i models de negoci. Aquesta tesi comença amb la proposta d'un simulador de protocols per a bases de dades distribuïdes estàtiques, el qual serveix com a base per a la revisió i comparativa de rendiment dels protocols de control de concurrència i les tècniques de replicació existents. Pel que fa a la escalabilitat de les bases de dades i les transaccions, s'estudien els efectes que té executar diferents perfils de transacció sota diferents condicions. Aquesta anàlisi contínua amb una revisió dels repositoris d'emmagatzematge de dades en el núvol existents—que prometen encaixar en entorns dinàmics que requereixen alta escalabilitat i disponibilitat—, el qual permet avaluar els paràmetres i característiques que aquests sistemes han sacrificat per tal de complir les necessitats actuals pel que fa a emmagatzematge de dades a gran escala. Per explorar les possibilitats que ofereix el paradigma del cloud computing en un escenari real, es presenta el desenvolupament d'una arquitectura d'emmagatzematge de dades inspirada en el cloud computing la qual s’utilitza per emmagatzemar la informació generada en les Smart Grids. Concretament, es combinen les tècniques de replicació en bases de dades transaccionals i la propagació epidèmica amb els principis de disseny usats per construir els repositoris de dades en el núvol. Les lliçons recollides en l'estudi dels protocols de replicació i control de concurrència en el simulador de base de dades, juntament amb les experiències derivades del desenvolupament del repositori de dades per a les Smart Grids, desemboquen en el que hem batejat com Epidemia: una infraestructura d'emmagatzematge per Big Data concebuda per proporcionar suport transaccional en el núvol. A més d'heretar els beneficis dels repositoris en el núvol en quant a escalabilitat, Epidemia inclou una capa de gestió de transaccions que reenvia les transaccions dels clients a un conjunt jeràrquic de particions de dades, cosa que permet al sistema oferir diferents nivells de consistència i adaptar elàsticament la seva configuració a noves demandes de càrrega de treball. Finalment, els resultats experimentals posen de manifest la viabilitat de la nostra contribució i encoratgen als professionals a continuar treballant en aquesta àrea.Durante las últimas tres décadas, las limitaciones tecnológicas (por ejemplo la capacidad de los dispositivos de almacenamiento o el ancho de banda de las redes de comunicación) y las crecientes demandas de los usuarios (estructuras de información, volúmenes de datos) han conducido la evolución de las bases de datos distribuidas. Desde los primeros repositorios de datos para archivos planos que se desarrollaron en la década de los ochenta, se han producido importantes avances en los algoritmos de control de concurrencia, protocolos de replicación y en la gestión de transacciones. Sin embargo, los retos modernos de almacenamiento de datos que plantean el Big Data y el cloud computing—orientados a mejorar la limitaciones en cuanto a escalabilidad y elasticidad de las bases de datos estáticas—están empujando a los profesionales a relajar algunas propiedades importantes de los sistemas transaccionales clásicos, lo que excluye a varias aplicaciones las cuales no pueden encajar en esta estrategia debido a su alta dependencia transaccional. El propósito de esta tesis es abordar dos retos importantes todavía latentes en el campo de las bases de datos distribuidas: (1) las limitaciones en cuanto a escalabilidad de los sistemas transaccionales y (2) el soporte transaccional en repositorios de almacenamiento en la nube. Analizar las técnicas tradicionales de control de concurrencia y de replicación, utilizadas por las bases de datos clásicas para soportar transacciones, es fundamental para identificar las razones que hacen que estos sistemas degraden su rendimiento cuando el número de nodos y/o cantidad de datos crece. Además, este análisis está orientado a justificar el diseño de los repositorios en la nube que deliberadamente han dejado de lado el soporte transaccional. Efectivamente, acercar el paradigma del almacenamiento en la nube a las aplicaciones que tienen una fuerte dependencia en las transacciones es crucial para su adaptación a los requerimientos actuales en cuanto a volúmenes de datos y modelos de negocio. Esta tesis empieza con la propuesta de un simulador de protocolos para bases de datos distribuidas estáticas, el cual sirve como base para la revisión y comparativa de rendimiento de los protocolos de control de concurrencia y las técnicas de replicación existentes. En cuanto a la escalabilidad de las bases de datos y las transacciones, se estudian los efectos que tiene ejecutar distintos perfiles de transacción bajo diferentes condiciones. Este análisis continua con una revisión de los repositorios de almacenamiento en la nube existentes—que prometen encajar en entornos dinámicos que requieren alta escalabilidad y disponibilidad—, el cual permite evaluar los parámetros y características que estos sistemas han sacrificado con el fin de cumplir las necesidades actuales en cuanto a almacenamiento de datos a gran escala. Para explorar las posibilidades que ofrece el paradigma del cloud computing en un escenario real, se presenta el desarrollo de una arquitectura de almacenamiento de datos inspirada en el cloud computing para almacenar la información generada en las Smart Grids. Concretamente, se combinan las técnicas de replicación en bases de datos transaccionales y la propagación epidémica con los principios de diseño usados para construir los repositorios de datos en la nube. Las lecciones recogidas en el estudio de los protocolos de replicación y control de concurrencia en el simulador de base de datos, junto con las experiencias derivadas del desarrollo del repositorio de datos para las Smart Grids, desembocan en lo que hemos acuñado como Epidemia: una infraestructura de almacenamiento para Big Data concebida para proporcionar soporte transaccional en la nube. Además de heredar los beneficios de los repositorios en la nube altamente en cuanto a escalabilidad, Epidemia incluye una capa de gestión de transacciones que reenvía las transacciones de los clientes a un conjunto jerárquico de particiones de datos, lo que permite al sistema ofrecer distintos niveles de consistencia y adaptar elásticamente su configuración a nuevas demandas cargas de trabajo. Por último, los resultados experimentales ponen de manifiesto la viabilidad de nuestra contribución y alientan a los profesionales a continuar trabajando en esta área.Over the past three decades, technology constraints (e.g., capacity of storage devices, communication networks bandwidth) and an ever-increasing set of user demands (e.g., information structures, data volumes) have driven the evolution of distributed databases. Since flat-file data repositories developed in the early eighties, there have been important advances in concurrency control algorithms, replication protocols, and transactions management. However, modern concerns in data storage posed by Big Data and cloud computing—related to overcome the scalability and elasticity limitations of classic databases—are pushing practitioners to relax some important properties featured by transactions, which excludes several applications that are unable to fit in this strategy due to their intrinsic transactional nature. The purpose of this thesis is to address two important challenges still latent in distributed databases: (1) the scalability limitations of transactional databases and (2) providing transactional support on cloud-based storage repositories. Analyzing the traditional concurrency control and replication techniques, used by classic databases to support transactions, is critical to identify the reasons that make these systems degrade their throughput when the number of nodes and/or amount of data rockets. Besides, this analysis is devoted to justify the design rationale behind cloud repositories in which transactions have been generally neglected. Furthermore, enabling applications which are strongly dependent on transactions to take advantage of the cloud storage paradigm is crucial for their adaptation to current data demands and business models. This dissertation starts by proposing a custom protocol simulator for static distributed databases, which serves as a basis for revising and comparing the performance of existing concurrency control protocols and replication techniques. As this thesis is especially concerned with transactions, the effects on the database scalability of different transaction profiles under different conditions are studied. This analysis is followed by a review of existing cloud storage repositories—that claim to be highly dynamic, scalable, and available—, which leads to an evaluation of the parameters and features that these systems have sacrificed in order to meet current large-scale data storage demands. To further explore the possibilities of the cloud computing paradigm in a real-world scenario, a cloud-inspired approach to store data from Smart Grids is presented. More specifically, the proposed architecture combines classic database replication techniques and epidemic updates propagation with the design principles of cloud-based storage. The key insights collected when prototyping the replication and concurrency control protocols at the database simulator, together with the experiences derived from building a large-scale storage repository for Smart Grids, are wrapped up into what we have coined as Epidemia: a storage infrastructure conceived to provide transactional support on the cloud. In addition to inheriting the benefits of highly-scalable cloud repositories, Epidemia includes a transaction management layer that forwards client transactions to a hierarchical set of data partitions, which allows the system to offer different consistency levels and elastically adapt its configuration to incoming workloads. Finally, experimental results highlight the feasibility of our contribution and encourage practitioners to further research in this area

    Statistical Methods of Data Integration, Model Fusion, and Heterogeneity Detection in Big Biomedical Data Analysis

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    Interesting and challenging methodological questions arise from the analysis of Big Biomedical Data, where viable solutions are sought with the help of modern computational tools. In this dissertation, I look at problems in biomedical studies related to data integration, data heterogeneity, and related statistical learning algorithms. The overarching strategy throughout the dissertation research is rooted in the treatment of individual datasets, but not individual subjects, as the elements of focus. Thus, I generalized some of the traditional subject-level methods to be tailored for the development of Big Data methodologies. Following an introduction overview in the first chapter, Chapter II concerns the development of fusion learning of model heterogeneity in data integration via a regression coefficient clustering method. The statistical learning procedure is built for the generalized linear models, and enforces an adjacent fusion penalty on ordered parameters (Wang et al., 2016). This is an adaptation of the fused lasso (Tibshirani et al., 2005), and an extension to the homogeneity pursuit (Ke et al., 2015) that only considers a single data set. Using this method, we can identify regression coefficient heterogeneity across sub-datasets and fuse homogeneous subsets to greatly simplify the regression model, so to improve statistical power. The proposed fusion learning algorithm (published as Tang and Song (2016)) allows the integration of a large number of sub-datasets, a clear advantage over the traditional methods with stratum-covariate interactions or random effects. This method is useful to cluster treatment effects, so some outlying studies may be detected. We demonstrate our method with datasets from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics and from the Early Life Exposures in Mexico to Environmental Toxicants study. This method has also been extended to the Cox proportional hazards model to handle time-to-event response. Chapter III, under the assumption of homogeneous generalized linear model, focuses on the development of a divide-and-combine method for extremely large data that may be stored on distributed file systems. Using the means of confidence distribution (Fisher, 1956; Efron, 1993), I develop a procedure to combine results from different sub-datasets, where lasso is used to reduce model size in order to achieve numerical stability. The algorithm fits into the MapReduce paradigm and may be perfectly parallelized. To deal with estimation bias incurred by lasso regularization, a de-bias step is invoked so the proposed method can enjoy a valid inference. The method is conceptually simple, and computationally scalable and fast, with the numerical evidence illustrated in the comparison with the benchmark maximum likelihood estimator based on full data, and some other competing divide-and-combine-type methods. We apply the method to a large public dataset from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration on identifying the risk factors of accident injury. In Chapter IV, I generalize the fusion learning algorithm given in Chapter II and develop a coefficient clustering method for correlated data in the context of the generalized estimating equations. The motivation of this generalization is to assess model heterogeneity for the pattern mixture modeling approach (Little, 1993) where models are stratified by missing data patterns. This is one of primary strategies in the literature to deal with the informative missing data mechanism. My method aims to simplify the pattern mixture model by fusing some homogeneous parameters under the generalized estimating equations (GEE, Liang and Zeger (1986)) framework.PHDBiostatisticsUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/145885/1/lutang_1.pd

    Big Data in the construction industry: A review of present status, opportunities, and future trends

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    © 2016 Elsevier Ltd The ability to process large amounts of data and to extract useful insights from data has revolutionised society. This phenomenon—dubbed as Big Data—has applications for a wide assortment of industries, including the construction industry. The construction industry already deals with large volumes of heterogeneous data; which is expected to increase exponentially as technologies such as sensor networks and the Internet of Things are commoditised. In this paper, we present a detailed survey of the literature, investigating the application of Big Data techniques in the construction industry. We reviewed related works published in the databases of American Association of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Association of Computing Machinery (ACM), and Elsevier Science Direct Digital Library. While the application of data analytics in the construction industry is not new, the adoption of Big Data technologies in this industry remains at a nascent stage and lags the broad uptake of these technologies in other fields. To the best of our knowledge, there is currently no comprehensive survey of Big Data techniques in the context of the construction industry. This paper fills the void and presents a wide-ranging interdisciplinary review of literature of fields such as statistics, data mining and warehousing, machine learning, and Big Data Analytics in the context of the construction industry. We discuss the current state of adoption of Big Data in the construction industry and discuss the future potential of such technologies across the multiple domain-specific sub-areas of the construction industry. We also propose open issues and directions for future work along with potential pitfalls associated with Big Data adoption in the industry