234 research outputs found

    Scalable Parallel Delaunay Image-to-Mesh Conversion for Shared and Distributed Memory Architectures

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    Mesh generation is an essential component for many engineering applications. The ability to generate meshes in parallel is critical for the scalability of the entire Finite Element Method (FEM) pipeline. However, parallel mesh generation applications belong to the broader class of adaptive and irregular problems, and are among the most complex, challenging, and labor intensive to develop and maintain. In this thesis, we summarize several years of the progress that we made in a novel framework for highly scalable and guaranteed quality mesh generation for finite element analysis in three dimensions. We studied and developed parallel mesh generation algorithms on both shared and distributed memory architectures. In this thesis we present a novel two-level parallel tetrahedral mesh generation framework capable of delivering and sustaining close to 6000 of concurrent work units (cores). We achieve this by leveraging concurrency at two different granularity levels by using a hybrid message passing and multi-threaded execution model which is suitable to the hierarchy of the hardware architecture of the distributed memory clusters. An end-user productivity and scalability study was performed on up to 6000 cores, and indicated very good end-user productivity with about 300 million tets per second and about 3600 weak scaling speedup. Both of these results suggest that: compared to the best previous algorithm, we have seen an improvement of more than 7000 times in performance, measured in terms of speed (elements per second) by using about 180 times more CPUs, for geometries that are by many orders of magnitude more complex

    Efficient Core Utilization in a Hybrid Parallel Delaunay Meshing Algorithm on Distributed-Memory Cluster

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    Most of the current supercomputer architectures consist of clusters of nodes that are used by many clients (users). A user wants his/her job submitted in the job queue to be scheduled promptly. However, the resource sharing and job scheduling policies that are used in the scheduling system to manage the jobs are usually beyond the control of users. Therefore, in order to reduce the waiting time of their jobs, it is becoming more and more crucial for the users to consider how to implement the algorithms that are suitable to the system scheduling policies and are able to effectively and efficiently utilize the available resources of the supercomputers. We proposed a hybrid MPI+Threads parallel mesh generation algorithm on distributed memory clusters with efficient core utilization. The algorithm takes the system scheduling information into account and is able to utilize the nodes that have been partially occupied by the jobs of other users. The experimental results demonstrated that the algorithm is effective and efficient to utilize available cores, which reduces the waiting time of the algorithm in the system job scheduling queue. It is up to 12.74 times faster than the traditional implementation without efficient core utilization when a mesh with 2.58 billion elements is created for 400 cores

    Parallel Anisotropic Unstructured Grid Adaptation

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    Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has become critical to the design and analysis of aerospace vehicles. Parallel grid adaptation that resolves multiple scales with anisotropy is identified as one of the challenges in the CFD Vision 2030 Study to increase the capacity and capability of CFD simulation. The Study also cautions that computer architectures are undergoing a radical change and dramatic increases in algorithm concurrency will be required to exploit full performance. This paper reviews four different methods to parallel anisotropic grid generation. They cover both ends of the spectrum: (i) using existing state-of-the-art software optimized for a single core and modifying it for parallel platforms and (ii) designing and implementing scalable software with incomplete, but rapidly maturating functionality. A brief overview for each grid adaptation system is presented in the context of a telescopic approach for multilevel concurrency. These methods employ different approaches to enable parallel execution, which provides a unique opportunity to illustrate the relative behavior of each approach. Qualitative and quantitative metric evaluations are used to draw lessons for future developments in this critical area for parallel CFD simulation

    Parallel Anisotropic Unstructured Grid Adaptation

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    Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) has become critical to the design and analysis of aerospace vehicles. Parallel grid adaptation that resolves multiple scales with anisotropy is identified as one of the challenges in the CFD Vision 2030 Study to increase the capacity and capability of CFD simulation. The study also cautions that computer architectures are undergoing a radical change, and dramatic increases in algorithm concurrency will be required to exploit full performance. This paper reviews four different methods to parallel anisotropic grid adaptation. They cover both ends of the spectrum: 1) using existing state-of-the-art software optimized for a single core and modifying it for parallel platforms, and 2) designing and implementing scalable software with incomplete but rapidly maturing functionality. A brief overview for each grid adaptation system is presented in the context of a telescopic approach for multilevel concurrency. These methods employ different approaches to enable parallel execution, which provides a unique opportunity to illustrate the relative behavior of each approach. Qualitative and quantitative metric evaluations are used to draw lessons for future developments in this critical area for parallel CFD simulation

    Tem_357 Harnessing the Power of Digital Transformation, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analytics with Parallel Computing

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    Traditionally, 2D and especially 3D forward modeling and inversion of large geophysical datasets are performed on supercomputing clusters. This was due to the fact computing time taken by using PC was too time consuming. With the introduction of parallel computing, attempts have been made to perform computationally intensive tasks on PC or clusters of personal computers where the computing power was based on Central Processing Unit (CPU). It is further enhanced with Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) as the GPU has become affordable with the launch of GPU based computing devices. Therefore this paper presents a didactic concept in learning and applying parallel computing with the use of General Purpose Graphical Processing Unit (GPGPU) was carried out and perform preliminary testing in migrating existing sequential codes for solving initially 2D forward modeling of geophysical dataset. There are many challenges in performing these tasks mainly due to lack of some necessary development software tools, but the preliminary findings are promising. Traditionally, 2D and especially 3D forward modeling and inversion of large geophysical datasets are performed on supercomputing clusters. This was due to the fact computing time taken by using PC was too time consuming. With the introduction of parallel computing, attempts have been made to perform computationally intensive tasks on PC or clusters of personal computers where the computing power was based on Central Processing Unit (CPU). It is further enhanced with Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) as the GPU has become affordable with the launch of GPU based computing devices. Therefore this paper presents a didactic concept in learning and applying parallel computing with the use of General Purpose Graphical Processing Unit (GPGPU) was carried out and perform preliminary testing in migrating existing sequential codes for solving initially 2D forward modeling of geophysical dataset. There are many challenges in performing these tasks mainly due to lack of some necessary development software tools, but the preliminary findings are promising.Traditionally, 2D and especially 3D forward modeling and inversion of large geophysical datasets are performed on supercomputing clusters. This was due to the fact computing time taken by using PC was too time consuming. With the introduction of parallel computing, attempts have been made to perform computationally intensive tasks on PC or clusters of personal computers where the computing power was based on Central Processing Unit (CPU). It is further enhanced with Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) as the GPU has become affordable with the launch of GPU based computing devices. Therefore this paper presents a didactic concept in learning and applying parallel computing with the use of General Purpose Graphical Processing Unit (GPGPU) was carried out and perform preliminary testing in migrating existing sequential codes for solving initially 2D forward modeling of geophysical dataset. There are many challenges in performing these tasks mainly due to lack of some necessary development software tools, but the preliminary findings are promising

    A Unified Framework for Parallel Anisotropic Mesh Adaptation

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    Finite-element methods are a critical component of the design and analysis procedures of many (bio-)engineering applications. Mesh adaptation is one of the most crucial components since it discretizes the physics of the application at a relatively low cost to the solver. Highly scalable parallel mesh adaptation methods for High-Performance Computing (HPC) are essential to meet the ever-growing demand for higher fidelity simulations. Moreover, the continuous growth of the complexity of the HPC systems requires a systematic approach to exploit their full potential. Anisotropic mesh adaptation captures features of the solution at multiple scales while, minimizing the required number of elements. However, it also introduces new challenges on top of mesh generation. Also, the increased complexity of the targeted cases requires departing from traditional surface-constrained approaches to utilizing CAD (Computer-Aided Design) kernels. Alongside the functionality requirements, is the need of taking advantage of the ubiquitous multi-core machines. More importantly, the parallel implementation needs to handle the ever-increasing complexity of the mesh adaptation code. In this work, we develop a parallel mesh adaptation method that utilizes a metric-based approach for generating anisotropic meshes. Moreover, we enhance our method by interfacing with a CAD kernel, thus enabling its use on complex geometries. We evaluate our method both with fixed-resolution benchmarks and within a simulation pipeline, where the resolution of the discretization increases incrementally. With the Telescopic Approach for scalable mesh generation as a guide, we propose a parallel method at the node (multi-core) for mesh adaptation that is expected to scale up efficiently to the upcoming exascale machines. To facilitate an effective implementation, we introduce an abstract layer between the application and the runtime system that enables the use of task-based parallelism for concurrent mesh operations. Our evaluation indicates results comparable to state-of-the-art methods for fixed-resolution meshes both in terms of performance and quality. The integration with an adaptive pipeline offers promising results for the capability of the proposed method to function as part of an adaptive simulation. Moreover, our abstract tasking layer allows the separation of different aspects of the implementation without any impact on the functionality of the method

    Real-Time High-Quality Image to Mesh Conversion for Finite Element Simulations

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    Technological Advances in Medical Imaging have enabled the acquisition of images accurately describing biological tissues. Finite Element (FE) methods on these images provide the means to simulate biological phenomena such as brain shift registration, respiratory organ motion, blood flow pressure in vessels, etc. FE methods require the domain of tissues be discretized by simpler geometric elements, such as triangles in two dimensions, tetrahedra in three, and pentatopes in four. This exact discretization is called a mesh . The accuracy and speed of FE methods depend on the quality and fidelity of the mesh used to describe the biological object. Elements with bad quality introduce numerical errors and slower solver convergence. Also, analysis based on poor fidelity meshes do not yield accurate results specially near the surface. In this dissertation, we present the theory and the implementation of both a sequential and a parallel Delaunay meshing technique for 3D and ---for the first time--- 4D space-time domains. Our method provably guarantees that the mesh is a faithful representation of the multi-tissue domain in topological and geometric sense. Moreover, we show that our method generates graded elements of bounded radius-edge and aspect ratio, which renders our technique suitable for Finite Element analysis. A notable feature of our implementation is speed and scalability. The single-threaded performance of our 3D code is faster than the state of the art open source meshing tools. Experimental evaluation shows a more than 82% weak scaling efficiency for up to 144 cores, reaching a rate of more than 14.3 million elements per second. This is the first 3D parallel Delaunay refinement method to achieve such a performance, on either distributed or shared-memory architectures. Lastly, this dissertation is the first to develop and examine the sequential and parallel high-quality and fidelity meshing of general space-time 4D multi-tissue domains

    Characterization and surface reconstruction of objects in tomographic images of composite materials

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia InformáticaIn the scope of the project Tomo-GPU supported by FCT / MCTES the aim is to build an interactive graphical environment that allows a Materials specialist to define their own programs for analysis of 3D tomographic images. This project aims to build a tool to characterize and investigate the identified objects, where the user can define search criteria such as size, orientation, bounding boxes, among others. All this processing will be done on a desktop computer equipped with a graphics card with some processing power. On the proposed solution the modules for characterizing objects, received from the identification phase, will be implemented using some existing software libraries, most notably the CGAL library. The characterization modules with bigger execution times will be implemented using OpenCL and GPUs. With this work the characterization and reconstruction of objects and their research can now be done on conventional machines, using GPUs to accelerate the most time-consuming computations. After the conclusion of this thesis, new tools that will help to improve the current development cycle of new materials will be available for Materials Science specialists

    Proceedings, MSVSCC 2015

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    The Virginia Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Center (VMASC) of Old Dominion University hosted the 2015 Modeling, Simulation, & Visualization Student capstone Conference on April 16th. The Capstone Conference features students in Modeling and Simulation, undergraduates and graduate degree programs, and fields from many colleges and/or universities. Students present their research to an audience of fellow students, faculty, judges, and other distinguished guests. For the students, these presentations afford them the opportunity to impart their innovative research to members of the M&S community from academic, industry, and government backgrounds. Also participating in the conference are faculty and judges who have volunteered their time to impart direct support to their students’ research, facilitate the various conference tracks, serve as judges for each of the tracks, and provide overall assistance to this conference. 2015 marks the ninth year of the VMASC Capstone Conference for Modeling, Simulation and Visualization. This year our conference attracted a number of fine student written papers and presentations, resulting in a total of 51 research works that were presented. This year’s conference had record attendance thanks to the support from the various different departments at Old Dominion University, other local Universities, and the United States Military Academy, at West Point. We greatly appreciated all of the work and energy that has gone into this year’s conference, it truly was a highly collaborative effort that has resulted in a very successful symposium for the M&S community and all of those involved. Below you will find a brief summary of the best papers and best presentations with some simple statistics of the overall conference contribution. Followed by that is a table of contents that breaks down by conference track category with a copy of each included body of work. Thank you again for your time and your contribution as this conference is designed to continuously evolve and adapt to better suit the authors and M&S supporters. Dr.Yuzhong Shen Graduate Program Director, MSVE Capstone Conference Chair John ShullGraduate Student, MSVE Capstone Conference Student Chai
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