10 research outputs found

    A zero-assignment approach to two-channel filter banks and wavelets

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.It is well-known that subband decomposition and perfect reconstruction of an arbitrary input signal is possible by a proper design of four lters. Besides having a wide range of applications in signal processing, perfect reconstruction lter banks have a strong connection with wavelets as pointed out by Mallat. Daubechies managed to design minimal order, maximally at lters and she proposed a cascade algorithm to construct compactly supported orthogonal wavelets from the orthogonal perfect reconstruction lter banks. The convergence of the cascade algorithm requires at least one zero at z = 1 and z = 1 for the lowpass and the highpass lters, respectively. This thesis focuses on the design of two-channel lter banks with assigned zeros. The fact that causal, stable and rational transfer functions form a Euclidean domain is used to pose the problem in an abstract setup. A polynomial algorithm is proposed to design lter banks with lters having assigned zeros and a characterization of all solutions having the same zeros in terms of a free, even, causal, stable and rational transfer function is obtained. A generalization of Daubechies design of orthogonal lter banks is given. The free parameter can be used to improve the lter bank design and the design of corresponding orthogonal or biorthogonal wavelets. The results also nd an application in examining the robustness of regularity of minimal length compactly supported wavelets with respect to perturbation of lter zeros at 1 and -1.Akbaş, MustafaM.S

    Asymptotics of wavelets and filters

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mathematics, 1998.Includes bibliographical references (p. 126-131).by Jianhong (Jackie) Shen.Ph.D

    Multidimensional Wave Digital Filters and Wavelets (Mehrdimensionale Wellendigitalfilter und Wavelets)

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    Das Kernziel dieser Dissertation ist der Entwurf von orthogonalen, mehrdimensionalen Wellendigitalfiltern für nichtseparierbare Abtastmatritzen (z.B. Quincunx-, Hexagonal-, BCCS-Matrix). Damit der Leser einen einfacheren Einstieg in den Filterentwurf hat, sind einige Grundlagen elektrischer Netzwerke und Filter vom analogen als auch vom digitalen Typ in Kapitel 2 angegeben. Wichtiges Beiwerk, welches digitale Filter mit der Wavelettransformation verknüpft, ist zusammengefaßt. Es wird weiterführende Literatur angegeben, die diesen Stoff ausführlicher behandelt. Weiterhin werden wichtige Abtastsätze präsentiert und ein angegebener Vergleich über die minimale Abtastrate zeigt einen interessanten Aspekt. Kapitel 3 zeigt Verbindungen von Wellendigitalfiltern zu ihren analogen Referenzfiltern. Desweiteren wird gezeigt, wie man eine perfekte Rekonstruktion mit Filterbänken erreicht ohne eine spektrale Faktorisierung durchführen zu müssen. Bekannte Wavelets, wie z.B. Meyer Wavelets, Sinc-Wavelet (Littlewood-Paley Wavelet), Haar Wavelet, Daubechies Wavelets und Butterworth Wavelets, sind in Kapitel 4 präsentiert. Weiterhin werden bekannte Filter gezeigt, die (sofern einige Einschränkungen eingehalten werden) benutzt werden können um neue orthonormale Wavelets, nämlich Cosinus-Rolloff Wavelets und Chebyshev Wavelets zu generieren. Es wird auch ein Filter präsentiert mit welchem eine Verschiebung der Abtastwerte um einen beliebigen reellen Wert effizient erfolgen kann. In den Kapiteln 5, 6 und 7 werden Entwurfsmethoden für mehrdimensionale Filter angegeben mit denen nichtseparierbare, orthogonale Wavelets (zwei- und dreidimensional) erzeugt werden können

    Wavelets and Subband Coding

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    First published in 1995, Wavelets and Subband Coding offered a unified view of the exciting field of wavelets and their discrete-time cousins, filter banks, or subband coding. The book developed the theory in both continuous and discrete time, and presented important applications. During the past decade, it filled a useful need in explaining a new view of signal processing based on flexible time-frequency analysis and its applications. Since 2007, the authors now retain the copyright and allow open access to the book

    A generalized, parametric PR-QMF/wavelet transform design approach for multiresolution signal decomposition

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    This dissertation aims to emphasize the interrelations and the linkages of the theories of discrete-time filter banks and wavelet transforms. It is shown that the Binomial-QMF banks are identical to the interscale coefficients or filters of the compactly supported orthonormal wavelet transform bases proposed by Daubechies. A generalized, parametric, smooth 2-band PR-QMF design approach based on Bernstein polynomial approximation is developed. It is found that the most regular compact support orthonormal wavelet filters, coiflet filters are only the special cases of the proposed filter bank design technique. A new objective performance measure called Non-aliasing Energy Ratio(NER) is developed. Its merits are proven with the comparative performance studies of the well known orthonormal signal decomposition techniques. This dissertation also addresses the optimal 2-band PR-QMF design problem. The variables of practical significance in image processing and coding are included in the optimization problem. The upper performance bounds of 2-band PR-QMF and their corresponding filter coefficients are derived. It is objectively shown that there are superior filter bank solutions available over the standard block transform, DCT. It is expected that the theoretical contributions of this dissertation will find its applications particularly in Visual Signal Processing and Coding

    Design and VLSI implementation of a decimation filter for hearing Aid applications

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    Approximately 10% of the world’s population suffers from some type of hearing loss, yet only small percentage of this statistic use the hearing aid. The stigma associated with wearing a hearing aid, customer dissatisfaction with hearing aid performance, the cost and the battery life. Through the use of digital signal processing the digital hearing aid now offers what the analog hearing aid cannot offer. Currently lot of attention is being given to low power VLSI design. More and more people around the world suffer from hearing losses. The increasing average age and the growing population are the main reasons for this. The decimation filter used for hearing aid applications is designed and implemented both in MATLAB and VHDL. The decimation filter is designed using the distributed arithmetic multiplier in VHDL. Each digital filter structure is simulated using Matlab and its complete architecture is captured using Simulink. The resulting architecture is hardware efficient and consumes less power compared to conventional decimation filters. Compared to the comb-FIR-FIR architecture, the designed decimation filter architecture using Comb-half band FIR-FIR contributes to a hardware saving and reduces the power dissipation

    Combined Wavelet-neural Clasifier For Power Distribution Systems

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2002Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2002Bu çalışmada, dağıtım sistemlerinde hibrid “Dalgacık-Yapay Sinir ağı (YSA) tabanlı” bir yaklaşımla arıza sınıflama işlemi gerçeklenmiştir. 34.5 kV “Sağmalcılar-Maltepe” dağıtım sistemi PSCAD/EMTDC yazılımı kullanılarak arıza sınıflayıcı için gereken veri üretilmiştir. Tezin amacı, on farklı kısa-devre sistem arızalarını tanımlayabilecek bir sınıflayıcı tasarlamaktır. Sistemde kullanılan arıza işaretleri 5 kHZ lik örnekleme frekansı ile üretilmiştir. Farklı arıza noktaları ve farklı arıza oluşum açılarındaki hat-akımları ve hat-toprak gerilimlerini içeren sistem arızaları ile bir veritabanı oluşturulmuştur. “Çoklu-çözünürlük işaret ayrıştırma” tekniği kullanılarak altı-kanal akım ve gerilim örneklerinden karakteristik bigi çıkarılmıştır. PSCAD/EMTDC ile üretilen veri bu şekilde bir ön islemden geçirildikten sonra YSA-tabanlı bir yapı ile sınıflama islemi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu yapının görevi çeşitli sistem ve arıza koşullarını kapsayan karmaşık arıza sınıflama problemini çözebilmektir. Bu çalışmada, Kohonen’in öğrenme algoritmasını kullanan bir “Kendine-Organize harita” ile “eğitilebilen vektör kuantalama” teknikleri kullanılmıştır. Bu “dalgacık-sinir ağı” tabanlı arıza sınıflayıcı ile eğitim kümesi için % 99-100 arasında ve sınıflayıcıya daha önce hiç verilmemiş test kümesi ile de %85-92 arasında sınıflama oranları elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen başarım oranları literatürdeki sonuçlara yakındır. Geliştirilen birleşik “dalgacık-sinir ağı” tabanlı sınıflayıcı elektrik dağıtım sistemlerindeki arızaların belirlenmesinde iyi sonuçlar vermiş ve iyi bir performans sağlamıştır.In this study an integrated design of fault classifier in a distribution system by using a hybrid “Wavelet- Artificial neural network (ANN) based” approach is implemented. Data for the fault classifier is produced by using PSCAD/EMTDC simulation program on 34.5 kV “Sagmalcılar-Maltepe” distribution system in Istanbul. The objective is to design a classifier capable of recognizing ten classes of three-phase system faults. The signals are generated at an equivalent sampling rate of 5 KHz per channel. A database of line currents and line-to-ground voltages is built up including system faults at different fault inception angles and fault locations. The characteristic information over six-channel of current and voltage samples is extracted by the “wavelet multi-resolution analysis” technique, which is a preprocessing unit to obtain a small size of interpretable features from the raw data. After preprocessing the raw data, an ANN-based tool was employed for classification task. The main idea in this approach is solving the complex fault (three-phase short-circuit) classification problem under various system and fault conditions. In this project, a self-organizing map, with Kohonen’s learning algorithm and type-one learning vector quantization technique is implemented into the fault classification study. The performance of the wavelet-neural fault classification scheme is found to be around “99-100%” for the training data and around “85-92%” for the test data, which the classifier has not been trained on. This result is comparable to the studied fault classifiers in the literature. Combined wavelet-neural classifier showed a promising future to identify the faults in electric distribution systemsYüksek LisansM.Sc

    High performance shift invariant motion estimation and compensation in wavelet domain video compression

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    The contributions of this dissertation are in the development of two new interrelated approaches to video data compression: 1) A level-refined motion estimation and subband compensation method for the effective motion estimation and motion compensation. 2) A shift-invariant sub-decimation decomposition method in order to overcome the deficiency of the decimation process in estimating motion due to its shift-invariant property of wavelet transform. The enormous data generated by digital videos call for an intense need of efficient video compression techniques to conserve storage space and minimize bandwidth utilization. The main idea of video compression is to reduce the interpixel redundancies inside and between the video frames by applying motion estimation and motion compensation (MEMC) in combination with spatial transform coding. To locate the global minimum of the matching criterion function reasonably, hierarchical motion estimation by coarse to fine resolution refinements using discrete wavelet transform is applied due to its intrinsic multiresolution and scalability natures

    On the automatic detection of otolith features for fish species identification and their age estimation

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    This thesis deals with the automatic detection of features in signals, either extracted from photographs or captured by means of electronic sensors, and its possible application in the detection of morphological structures in fish otoliths so as to identify species and estimate their age at death. From a more biological perspective, otoliths, which are calcified structures located in the auditory system of all teleostean fish, constitute one of the main elements employed in the study and management of marine ecology. In this sense, the application of Fourier descriptors to otolith images, combined with component analysis, is habitually a first and a key step towards characterizing their morphology and identifying fish species. However, some of the main limitations arise from the poor interpretation that can be obtained with this representation and the use that is made of the coefficients, as generally they are selected manually for classification purposes, both in quantity and representativity. The automatic detection of irregularities in signals, and their interpretation, was first addressed in the so-called Best-Basis paradigm. In this sense, Saito's Local discriminant Bases algorithm (LDB) uses the Discrete Wavelet Packet Transform (DWPT) as the main descriptive tool for positioning the irregularities in the time-frequency space, and an energy-based discriminant measure to guide the automatic search of relevant features in this domain. Current density-based proposals have tried to overcome the limitations of the energy-based functions with relatively little success. However, other measure strategies more consistent with the true classification capability, and which can provide generalization while reducing the dimensionality of features, are yet to be developed. The proposal of this work focuses on a new framework for one-dimensional signals. An important conclusion extracted therein is that such generalization involves a mesure system of bounded values representing the density where no class overlaps. This determines severely the selection of features and the vector size that is needed for proper class identification, which must be implemented not only based on global discriminant values but also on the complementary information regarding the provision of samples in the domain. The new tools have been used in the biological study of different hake species, yielding good classification results. However, a major contribution lies on the further interpretation of features the tool performs, including the structure of irregularities, time-frequency position, extension support and degree of importance, which is highlighted automatically on the same images or signals. As for aging applications, a new demodulation strategy for compensating the nonlinear growth effect on the intensity profile has been developed. Although the method is, in principle, able to adapt automatically to the specific growth of individual specimens, preliminary results with LDB-based techniques suggest to study the effect of lighting conditions on the otoliths in order to design more reliable techniques for reducing image contrast variation. In the meantime, a new theoretic framework for otolith-based fish age estimation has been presented. This theory suggests that if the true fish growth curve is known, the regular periodicity of age structures in the demodulated profile is related to the radial length the original intensity profile is extracted from. Therefore, if this periodicity can be measured, it is possible to infer the exact fish age omitting feature extractors and classifiers. This could have important implications in the use of computational resources anc current aging approaches.El eje principal de esta tesis trata sobre la detección automática de singularidades en señales, tanto si se extraen de imágenes fotográ cas como si se capturan de sensores electrónicos, así como su posible aplicación en la detección de estructuras morfológicas en otolitos de peces para identi car especies, y realizar una estimación de la edad en el momento de su muerte. Desde una vertiente más biológica, los otolitos, que son estructuras calcáreas alojadas en el sistema auditivo de todos los peces teleósteos, constituyen uno de los elementos principales en el estudio y la gestión de la ecología marina. En este sentido, el uso combinado de descriptores de Fourier y el análisis de componentes es el primer paso y la clave para caracterizar su morfología e identi car especies marinas. Sin embargo, una de las limitaciones principales de este sistema de representación subyace en la interpretación limitada que se puede obtener de las irregularidades, así como el uso que se hace de los coe cientes en tareas de clasi cación que, por lo general, acostumbra a seleccionarse manualmente tanto por lo que respecta a la cantidad y a su importancia. La detección automática de irregularidades en señales, y su interpretación, se abordó por primera bajo el marco del Best-Basis paradigm. En este sentido, el algoritmo Local Discriminant Bases (LDB) de N. Saito utiliza la Transformada Wavelet Discreta (DWT) para describir el posicionamiento de características en el espacio tiempo-frecuencia, y una medida discriminante basada en la energía para guiar la búsqueda automática de características en dicho dominio. Propuestas recientes basadas en funciones de densidad han tratado de superar las limitaciones que presentaban las medidas de energía con un éxito relativo. No obstante, todavía están por desarrollar nuevas estrategias más consistentes con la capacidad real de clasi cación y que ofrezcan mayor generalización al reducir la dimensión de los datos de entrada. La propuesta de este trabajo se centra en un nuevo marco para señales unidimensionales. Una conclusión principal que se extrae es que dicha generalización pasa por un marco de medidas de valores acotados que re ejen la densidad donde las clases no se solapan. Esto condiciona severamente el proceso de selección de características y el tamaño del vector necesario para identi car las clases correctamente, que se ha de establecer no sólo en base a valores discriminantes globales sino también en la información complementaria sobre la disposición de las muestras en el dominio. Las nuevas herramientas han sido utilizadas en el estudio biológico de diferentes especies de merluza, donde se han conseguido buenos resultados de identi cación. No obstante, la contribución principal subyace en la interpretación que dicha herramienta hace de las características seleccionadas, y que incluye la estructura de las irregularidades, su posición temporal-frecuencial, extensión en el eje y grado de relevancia, el cual, se resalta automáticamente sobre la misma imagen o señal. Por lo que respecta a la determinación de la edad, se ha planteado una nueva estrategia de demodulación para compensar el efecto del crecimiento no lineal en los per les de intensidad. Inicialmente, aunque el método implementa un proceso de optimización capaz de adaptarse al crecimiento individual de cada pez automáticamente, resultados preliminares obtenidos con técnicas basadas en el LDB sugieren estudiar el efecto de las condiciones lumínicas sobre los otolitos con el n de diseñar algoritmos que reduzcan la variación del contraste de la imagen más ablemente. Mientras tanto, se ha planteado una nueva teoría para estimar la edad de los peces en base a otolitos. Esta teoría sugiere que si la curva de crecimiento real del pez se conoce, el período regular de los anillos en el per l demodulado está relacionado con la longitud total del radio donde se extrae el per l original. Por tanto, si dicha periodicidad es medible, es posible determinar la edad exacta sin necesidad de utilizar extractores de características o clasi cadores, lo cual tendría implicaciones importantes en el uso de recursos computacionales y en las técnicas actuales de estimación de la edad.L'eix principal d'aquesta tesi tracta sobre la detecció automàtica d'irregularitats en senyals, tant si s'extreuen de les imatges fotogrà ques com si es capturen de sensors electrònics, així com la seva possible aplicació en la detecció d'estructures morfològiques en otòlits de peixos per identi car espècies, i realitzar una estimació de l'edat en el moment de la seva mort. Des de la vesant més biològica, els otòlits, que son estructures calcàries que es troben en el sistema auditiu de tots els peixos teleostis, constitueixen un dels elements principals en l'estudi i la gestió de l'ecologia marina. En aquest sentit, l'ús combinat de descriptors de Fourier i l'anàlisi de components es el primer pas i la clau per caracteritzar la seva morfologia i identi car espècies marines. No obstant, una de les limitacions principals d'aquest sistema de representació consisteix en la interpretació limitada de les irregularitats que pot desenvolupar, així com l'ús que es realitza dels coe cients en tasques de classi cació, els quals, acostumen a ser seleccionats manualment tant pel que respecta a la quantitat com la seva importància. La detecció automàtica d'irregularitats en senyals, així com la seva interpretació, es va tractar per primera vegada sota el marc del Best-Basis paradigm. En aquest sentit, l'algorisme Local Discriminant Bases (LDB) de N. Saito es basa en la Transformada Wavelet Discreta (DWT) per descriure el posicionament de característiques dintre de l'espai temporal-freqüencial, i en una mesura discriminant basada en l'energia per guiar la cerca automàtica de característiques dintre d'aquest domini. Propostes més recents basades en funcions de densitat han tractat de superar les limitacions de les mesures d'energia amb un èxit relatiu. No obstant, encara s'han de desenvolupar noves estratègies que siguin més consistents amb la capacitat real de classi cació i ofereixin més generalització al reduir la dimensió de les dades d'entrada. La proposta d'aquest treball es centra en un nou marc per senyals unidimensionals. Una de las conclusions principals que s'extreu es que aquesta generalització passa per establir un marc de mesures acotades on els valors re ecteixin la densitat on cap classe es solapa. Això condiciona bastant el procés de selecció de característiques i la mida del vector necessari per identi car les classes correctament, que s'han d'establir no només en base a valors discriminants globals si no també en informació complementària sobre la disposició de les mostres en el domini. Les noves eines s'han utilitzat en diferents estudis d'espècies de lluç, on s'han obtingut bons resultats d'identi cació. No obstant, l'aportació principal consisteix en la interpretació que l'eina extreu de les característiques seleccionades, i que inclou l'estructura de les irregularitats, la seva posició temporal-freqüencial, extensió en l'eix i grau de rellevància, el qual, es ressalta automàticament sobre les mateixa imatge o senyal. En quan a l'àmbit de determinació de l'edat, s'ha plantejat una nova estratègia de demodulació de senyals per compensar l'efecte del creixement no lineal en els per ls d'intensitat. Tot i que inicialment aquesta tècnica desenvolupa un procés d'optimització capaç d'adaptar-se automàticament al creixement individual de cada peix, els resultats amb el LDB suggereixen estudiar l'efecte de les condicions lumíniques sobre els otòlits amb la nalitat de dissenyar algorismes que redueixin la variació del contrast de les imatges més ablement. Mentrestant s'ha plantejat una nova teoria per realitzar estimacions d'edat en peixos en base als otòlits. Aquesta teoria suggereix que si la corba de creixement és coneguda, el període regular dels anells en el per l d'intensitat demodulat està relacionat amb la longitud total de radi d'on s'agafa el per l original. Per tant, si la periodicitat es pot mesurar, es possible conèixer l'edat exacta del peix sense usar extractors de característiques o classi cadors, la qual cosa tindria implicacions importants en l'ús de recursos computacionals i en les tècniques actuals d'estimació de l'edat.Postprint (published version

    Pattern Recognition

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    Pattern recognition is a very wide research field. It involves factors as diverse as sensors, feature extraction, pattern classification, decision fusion, applications and others. The signals processed are commonly one, two or three dimensional, the processing is done in real- time or takes hours and days, some systems look for one narrow object class, others search huge databases for entries with at least a small amount of similarity. No single person can claim expertise across the whole field, which develops rapidly, updates its paradigms and comprehends several philosophical approaches. This book reflects this diversity by presenting a selection of recent developments within the area of pattern recognition and related fields. It covers theoretical advances in classification and feature extraction as well as application-oriented works. Authors of these 25 works present and advocate recent achievements of their research related to the field of pattern recognition