41 research outputs found

    Scalable system software for high performance large-scale applications

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    In the last decades, high-performance large-scale systems have been a fundamental tool for scientific discovery and engineering advances. The sustained growth of supercomputing performance and the concurrent reduction in cost have made this technology available for a large number of scientists and engineers working on many different problems. The design of next-generation supercomputers will include traditional HPC requirements as well as the new requirements to handle data-intensive computations. Data intensive applications will hence play an important role in a variety of fields, and are the current focus of several research trends in HPC. Due to the challenges of scalability and power efficiency, next-generation of supercomputers needs a redesign of the whole software stack. Being at the bottom of the software stack, system software is expected to change drastically to support the upcoming hardware and to meet new application requirements. This PhD thesis addresses the scalability of system software. The thesis start at the Operating System level: first studying general-purpose OS (ex. Linux) and then studying lightweight kernels (ex. CNK). Then, we focus on the runtime system: we implement a runtime system for distributed memory systems that includes many of the system services required by next-generation applications. Finally we focus on hardware features that can be exploited at user-level to improve applications performance, and potentially included into our advanced runtime system. The thesis contributions are the following: Operating System Scalability: We provide an accurate study of the scalability problems of modern Operating Systems for HPC. We design and implement a methodology whereby detailed quantitative information may be obtained for each OS noise event. We validate our approach by comparing it to other well-known standard techniques to analyze OS noise, such FTQ (Fixed Time Quantum). Evaluation of the address translation management for a lightweight kernel: we provide a performance evaluation of different TLB management approaches ¿ dynamic memory mapping, static memory mapping with replaceable TLB entries, and static memory mapping with fixed TLB entries (no TLB misses) on a IBM BlueGene/P system. Runtime System Scalability: We show that a runtime system can efficiently incorporate system services and improve scalability for a specific class of applications. We design and implement a full-featured runtime system and programming model to execute irregular appli- cations on a commodity cluster. The runtime library is called Global Memory and Threading library (GMT) and integrates a locality-aware Partitioned Global Address Space communication model with a fork/join program structure. It supports massive lightweight multi-threading, overlapping of communication and computation and small messages aggregation to tolerate network latencies. We compare GMT to other PGAS models, hand-optimized MPI code and custom architectures (Cray XMT) on a set of large scale irregular applications: breadth first search, random walk and concurrent hash map access. Our runtime system shows performance orders of magnitude higher than other solutions on commodity clusters and competitive with custom architectures. User-level Scalability Exploiting Hardware Features: We show the high complexity of low-level hardware optimizations for single applications, as a motivation to incorporate this logic into an adaptive runtime system. We evaluate the effects of controllable hardware-thread priority mechanism that controls the rate at which each hardware-thread decodes instruction on IBM POWER5 and POWER6 processors. Finally, we show how to effectively exploits cache locality and network-on-chip on the Tilera many-core architecture to improve intra-core scalability

    STAPL-RTS: A Runtime System for Massive Parallelism

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    Modern High Performance Computing (HPC) systems are complex, with deep memory hierarchies and increasing use of computational heterogeneity via accelerators. When developing applications for these platforms, programmers are faced with two bad choices. On one hand, they can explicitly manage machine resources, writing programs using low level primitives from multiple APIs (e.g., MPI+OpenMP), creating efficient but rigid, difficult to extend, and non-portable implementations. Alternatively, users can adopt higher level programming environments, often at the cost of lost performance. Our approach is to maintain the high level nature of the application without sacrificing performance by relying on the transfer of high level, application semantic knowledge between layers of the software stack at an appropriate level of abstraction and performing optimizations on a per-layer basis. In this dissertation, we present the STAPL Runtime System (STAPL-RTS), a runtime system built for portable performance, suitable for massively parallel machines. While the STAPL-RTS abstracts and virtualizes the underlying platform for portability, it uses information from the upper layers to perform the appropriate low level optimizations that restore the performance characteristics. We outline the fundamental ideas behind the design of the STAPL-RTS, such as the always distributed communication model and its asynchronous operations. Through appropriate code examples and benchmarks, we prove that high level information allows applications written on top of the STAPL-RTS to attain the performance of optimized, but ad hoc solutions. Using the STAPL library, we demonstrate how this information guides important decisions in the STAPL-RTS, such as multi-protocol communication coordination and request aggregation using established C++ programming idioms. Recognizing that nested parallelism is of increasing interest for both expressivity and performance, we present a parallel model that combines asynchronous, one-sided operations with isolated nested parallel sections. Previous approaches to nested parallelism targeted either static applications through the use of blocking, isolated sections, or dynamic applications by using asynchronous mechanisms (i.e., recursive task spawning) which come at the expense of isolation. We combine the flexibility of dynamic task creation with the isolation guarantees of the static models by allowing the creation of asynchronous, one-sided nested parallel sections that work in tandem with the more traditional, synchronous, collective nested parallelism. This allows selective, run-time customizable use of parallelism in an application, based on the input and the algorithm

    Evaluating the performance of legacy applications on emerging parallel architectures

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    The gap between a supercomputer's theoretical maximum (\peak") oatingpoint performance and that actually achieved by applications has grown wider over time. Today, a typical scientific application achieves only 5{20% of any given machine's peak processing capability, and this gap leaves room for significant improvements in execution times. This problem is most pronounced for modern \accelerator" architectures { collections of hundreds of simple, low-clocked cores capable of executing the same instruction on dozens of pieces of data simultaneously. This is a significant change from the low number of high-clocked cores found in traditional CPUs, and effective utilisation of accelerators typically requires extensive code and algorithmic changes. In many cases, the best way in which to map a parallel workload to these new architectures is unclear. The principle focus of the work presented in this thesis is the evaluation of emerging parallel architectures (specifically, modern CPUs, GPUs and Intel MIC) for two benchmark codes { the LU benchmark from the NAS Parallel Benchmark Suite and Sandia's miniMD benchmark { which exhibit complex parallel behaviours that are representative of many scientific applications. Using combinations of low-level intrinsic functions, OpenMP, CUDA and MPI, we demonstrate performance improvements of up to 7x for these workloads. We also detail a code development methodology that permits application developers to target multiple architecture types without maintaining completely separate implementations for each platform. Using OpenCL, we develop performance portable implementations of the LU and miniMD benchmarks that are faster than the original codes, and at most 2x slower than versions highly-tuned for particular hardware. Finally, we demonstrate the importance of evaluating architectures at scale (as opposed to on single nodes) through performance modelling techniques, highlighting the problems associated with strong-scaling on emerging accelerator architectures

    Application-level Fault Tolerance and Resilience in HPC Applications

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Investigación en Tecnoloxías da Información. 524V01[Resumo] As necesidades computacionais das distintas ramas da ciencia medraron enormemente nos últimos anos, o que provocou un gran crecemento no rendemento proporcionado polos supercomputadores. Cada vez constrúense sistemas de computación de altas prestacións de maior tamaño, con máis recursos hardware de distintos tipos, o que fai que as taxas de fallo destes sistemas tamén medren. Polo tanto, o estudo de técnicas de tolerancia a fallos eficientes é indispensábel para garantires que os programas científicos poidan completar a súa execución, evitando ademais que se dispare o consumo de enerxía. O checkpoint/restart é unha das técnicas máis populares. Sen embargo, a maioría da investigación levada a cabo nas últimas décadas céntrase en estratexias stop-and-restart para aplicacións de memoria distribuída tralo acontecemento dun fallo-parada. Esta tese propón técnicas checkpoint/restart a nivel de aplicación para os modelos de programación paralela roáis populares en supercomputación. Implementáronse protocolos de checkpointing para aplicacións híbridas MPI-OpenMP e aplicacións heteroxéneas baseadas en OpenCL, en ámbolos dous casos prestando especial coidado á portabilidade e maleabilidade da solución. En canto a aplicacións de memoria distribuída, proponse unha solución de resiliencia que pode ser empregada de forma xenérica en aplicacións MPI SPMD, permitindo detectar e reaccionar a fallos-parada sen abortar a execución. Neste caso, os procesos fallidos vólvense a lanzar e o estado da aplicación recupérase cunha volta atrás global. A maiores, esta solución de resiliencia optimizouse implementando unha volta atrás local, na que só os procesos fallidos volven atrás, empregando un protocolo de almacenaxe de mensaxes para garantires a consistencia e o progreso da execución. Por último, propónse a extensión dunha librería de checkpointing para facilitares a implementación de estratexias de recuperación ad hoc ante conupcións de memoria. En moitas ocasións, estos erros poden ser xestionados a nivel de aplicación, evitando desencadear un fallo-parada e permitindo unha recuperación máis eficiente.[Resumen] El rápido aumento de las necesidades de cómputo de distintas ramas de la ciencia ha provocado un gran crecimiento en el rendimiento ofrecido por los supercomputadores. Cada vez se construyen sistemas de computación de altas prestaciones mayores, con más recursos hardware de distintos tipos, lo que hace que las tasas de fallo del sistema aumenten. Por tanto, el estudio de técnicas de tolerancia a fallos eficientes resulta indispensable para garantizar que los programas científicos puedan completar su ejecución, evitando además que se dispare el consumo de energía. La técnica checkpoint/restart es una de las más populares. Sin embargo, la mayor parte de la investigación en este campo se ha centrado en estrategias stop-and-restart para aplicaciones de memoria distribuida tras la ocurrencia de fallos-parada. Esta tesis propone técnicas checkpoint/restart a nivel de aplicación para los modelos de programación paralela más populares en supercomputación. Se han implementado protocolos de checkpointing para aplicaciones híbridas MPI-OpenMP y aplicaciones heterogéneas basadas en OpenCL, prestando en ambos casos especial atención a la portabilidad y la maleabilidad de la solución. Con respecto a aplicaciones de memoria distribuida, se propone una solución de resiliencia que puede ser usada de forma genérica en aplicaciones MPI SPMD, permitiendo detectar y reaccionar a fallosparada sin abortar la ejecución. En su lugar, se vuelven a lanzar los procesos fallidos y se recupera el estado de la aplicación con una vuelta atrás global. A mayores, esta solución de resiliencia ha sido optimizada implementando una vuelta atrás local, en la que solo los procesos fallidos vuelven atrás, empleando un protocolo de almacenaje de mensajes para garantizar la consistencia y el progreso de la ejecución. Por último, se propone una extensión de una librería de checkpointing para facilitar la implementación de estrategias de recuperación ad hoc ante corrupciones de memoria. Muchas veces, este tipo de errores puede gestionarse a nivel de aplicación, evitando desencadenar un fallo-parada y permitiendo una recuperación más eficiente.[Abstract] The rapid increase in the computational demands of science has lead to a pronounced growth in the performance offered by supercomputers. As High Performance Computing (HPC) systems grow larger, including more hardware components of different types, the system's failure rate becomes higher. Efficient fault tolerance techniques are essential not only to ensure the execution completion but also to save energy. Checkpoint/restart is one of the most popular fault tolerance techniques. However, most of the research in this field is focused on stop-and-restart strategies for distributed-memory applications in the event of fail-stop failures. Thís thesis focuses on the implementation of application-level checkpoint/restart solutions for the most popular parallel programming models used in HPC. Hence, we have implemented checkpointing solutions to cope with fail-stop failures in hybrid MPI-OpenMP applications and OpenCL-based programs. Both strategies maximize the restart portability and malleability, ie., the recovery can take place on machines with different CPU / accelerator architectures, and/ or operating systems, and can be adapted to the available resources (number of cores/accelerators). Regarding distributed-memory applications, we propose a resilience solution that can be generally applied to SPMD MPI programs. Resilient applications can detect and react to failures without aborting their execution upon fail-stop failures. Instead, failed processes are re-spawned, and the application state is recovered through a global rollback. Moreover, we have optimized this resilience proposal by implementing a local rollback protocol, in which only failed processes rollback to a previous state, while message logging enables global consistency and further progress of the computation. Finally, we have extended a checkpointing library to facilitate the implementation of ad hoc recovery strategies in the event of soft errors) caused by memory corruptions. Many times, these errors can be handled at the software-Ievel, tIms, avoiding fail-stop failures and enabling a more efficient recovery

    Effizientes Programmiermodell für OpenMP auf einem Cluster-basierten Many-Core-System

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    Da die Komplexität „System-on-Chip“ (SoC) auch weiterhin zunimmt, wird man die Herausforderungen aufgrund der Konvergenz der Software- und Hardwareentwicklung nicht ignorieren können. Dies gilt auch für den Umgang mit dem hierarchischen Design, in dem die Prozessorkerne in Clustern oder sogenannten „Tiles“ angeordnet werden, um mittels eines schnellen lokalen Speicherzugriffs eine geringe Latenz und eine hohe Bandbreite der lokalen Kommunikation zu gewährleisten. Aus der Sicht eines Programmierers ist es wünschenswert, sich diese Eigenheiten der Hardware zunutze zu machen und sie bei der Ausgestaltung der abstrakten Parallel-Programmierung gewissenhaft und zielführend zu berücksichtigen. Diese Dissertation überwindet viele Engpässe in Bezug auf die Skalierbarkeit Cluster-basierter Many-Core-Systeme und führt das Programmiermodell OpenMP zur Vereinfachung der Anwendungsentwicklung ein. OpenMP abstrahiert von der Sichtweise des Programmierers – und es werden Richtlinien eingeführt, mit denen Schleifen in Programmsequenzen eingeteilt werden, als Basis für die parallele Programmierung. In dieser Arbeit wird das OpenMP-Modell bespielhaft in einem konkreten Cluster-basierten Many-Core-System umgesetzt; dem Intel Single-Chip Cloud Computer (SCC). Es wird eine schlanke und hoch-optimierte Laufzeitschicht für die Ausführung von OpenMP sowie ein Speichermodell vorgestellt. Auf Basis dieser Laufzeitschicht wird der parallele Code automatisch von einem nativen Backend-Compiler (GCC 4.6) erzeugt, der mit der Laufzeitbibliothek verknüpft ist. Im Rahmen der Arbeit wird auf einen effizienten Designansatz für die OpenMP-Programmierung eingegangen, wobei der Intel SCC als Beispiel für Cluster-basierte Systeme zum Einsatz kommt. In nicht-Cache-kohärenten Systemen dient die SCC OpenMP Laufzeitbibliothek primär dazu, die folgenden Herausforderungen zu bewältigen: 1. Die Ausführung von unmodifizierten, bestehenden OpenMP Programmen auf solchen Systemen. 2. Die Portierung des OpenMP-Speichermodells auf den SCC. 3. Die Synchronisation der parallelen Threads, auf die ein beträchtlicher Anteil der Ausführungszeit einer Anwendung entfällt. Eine Reihe weiterer Beispiele, basierend auf verschiedenen gebräuchlichen Kernen und realen Anwendungen, untermauert die Tauglichkeit von OpenMP – und eine Reihe von Experimenten zeigt, wie dieses Modell zu einer deutlichen Beschleunigung (bis zu 48-fach) in verschiedenen parallelen Anwendungen führt.As the complexity of systems-on-chip (SoCs) continues to increase, it is no longer possible to ignore the challenges caused by the convergence of software and hardware development. This involves attempts to deal with the hierarchical design – in which several cores are grouped in clusters or tiles – to ensure low-latency, high-bandwidth local communication by relying on fast local memories. From a programmer’s perspec- tive, it is desirable to make use of these peculiarities of the hardware, which must be clearly and carefully taken into account when designing the support for high-level parallel programming models. This dissertation overcomes many scalability bottlenecks in cluster-based many-core systems and introduces the OpenMP programming model as a means of simplifying application development. OpenMP represents an abstraction of the programmer’s view by providing abundant directives that decompose loops in sequential programs and lead to parallel programs. In this work, the full OpenMP model is implemented on a specific instance of a cluster-based many-core system: the Intel Single-chip Cloud Computer (SCC). In this thesis, a lightweight and highly optimized runtime layer for OpenMP execution and memory model by generating the parallel code that is automatically compiled by native back-end compiler (GCC 4.6) that linked with the runtime library. In this dissertation, I will address an efficient design approach of the OpenMP pro- gramming model for the Intel SCC as an example for cluster-based systems. The SCC OpenMP runtime library is designed to cope with three main challenges in a non-cache coherent system: 1. Executing unmodified legacy OpenMP programs on such system. 2. Landing OpenMP memory model on the SCC. 3. Synchronization in the work of parallel threads accounts for a sizeable fraction of an application’s execution time. Furthermore, the effectiveness of OpenMP is demonstrated on a set of widely used kernels and real-world applications. An extensive set of experiments shows how this model achieves significant parallel speedups up to 48x in several applications

    Holistic Characterization of Parallel Programming Models in a Distributed Memory Environment

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    The popularity of cluster computing has increased focus on usability, especially in the area of programmability. Languages and libraries that require explicit message passing have been the standard. New languages, designed for cluster computing, are coming to the forefront as a way to simplify parallel programming. Titanium and Fortress are examples of this new class of programming paradigms. This work holistically characterizes these languages and contrasts them with the standard model of parallel programming, and presents benchmark results of small computational kernels written in these languages and models

    GPRM: a high performance programming framework for manycore processors

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    Processors with large numbers of cores are becoming commonplace. In order to utilise the available resources in such systems, the programming paradigm has to move towards increased parallelism. However, increased parallelism does not necessarily lead to better performance. Parallel programming models have to provide not only flexible ways of defining parallel tasks, but also efficient methods to manage the created tasks. Moreover, in a general-purpose system, applications residing in the system compete for the shared resources. Thread and task scheduling in such a multiprogrammed multithreaded environment is a significant challenge. In this thesis, we introduce a new task-based parallel reduction model, called the Glasgow Parallel Reduction Machine (GPRM). Our main objective is to provide high performance while maintaining ease of programming. GPRM supports native parallelism; it provides a modular way of expressing parallel tasks and the communication patterns between them. Compiling a GPRM program results in an Intermediate Representation (IR) containing useful information about tasks, their dependencies, as well as the initial mapping information. This compile-time information helps reduce the overhead of runtime task scheduling and is key to high performance. Generally speaking, the granularity and the number of tasks are major factors in achieving high performance. These factors are even more important in the case of GPRM, as it is highly dependent on tasks, rather than threads. We use three basic benchmarks to provide a detailed comparison of GPRM with Intel OpenMP, Cilk Plus, and Threading Building Blocks (TBB) on the Intel Xeon Phi, and with GNU OpenMP on the Tilera TILEPro64. GPRM shows superior performance in almost all cases, only by controlling the number of tasks. GPRM also provides a low-overhead mechanism, called “Global Sharing”, which improves performance in multiprogramming situations. We use OpenMP, as the most popular model for shared-memory parallel programming as the main GPRM competitor for solving three well-known problems on both platforms: LU factorisation of Sparse Matrices, Image Convolution, and Linked List Processing. We focus on proposing solutions that best fit into the GPRM’s model of execution. GPRM outperforms OpenMP in all cases on the TILEPro64. On the Xeon Phi, our solution for the LU Factorisation results in notable performance improvement for sparse matrices with large numbers of small blocks. We investigate the overhead of GPRM’s task creation and distribution for very short computations using the Image Convolution benchmark. We show that this overhead can be mitigated by combining smaller tasks into larger ones. As a result, GPRM can outperform OpenMP for convolving large 2D matrices on the Xeon Phi. Finally, we demonstrate that our parallel worksharing construct provides an efficient solution for Linked List processing and performs better than OpenMP implementations on the Xeon Phi. The results are very promising, as they verify that our parallel programming framework for manycore processors is flexible and scalable, and can provide high performance without sacrificing productivity

    Algorithm engineering for parallel computation

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    Predictive analysis and optimisation of pipelined wavefront applications using reusable analytic models

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    Pipelined wavefront computations are an ubiquitous class of high performance parallel algorithms used for the solution of many scientific and engineering applications. In order to aid the design and optimisation of these applications, and to ensure that during procurement platforms are chosen best suited to these codes, there has been considerable research in analysing and evaluating their operational performance. Wavefront codes exhibit complex computation, communication, synchronisation patterns, and as a result there exist a large variety of such codes and possible optimisations. The problem is compounded by each new generation of high performance computing system, which has often introduced a previously unexplored architectural trait, requiring previous performance models to be rewritten and reevaluated. In this thesis, we address the performance modelling and optimisation of this class of application, as a whole. This differs from previous studies in which bespoke models are applied to specific applications. The analytic performance models are generalised and reusable, and we demonstrate their application to the predictive analysis and optimisation of pipelined wavefront computations running on modern high performance computing systems. The performance model is based on the LogGP parameterisation, and uses a small number of input parameters to specify the particular behaviour of most wavefront codes. The new parameters and model equations capture the key structural and behavioural differences among different wavefront application codes, providing a succinct summary of the operations for each application and insights into alternative wavefront application design. The models are applied to three industry-strength wavefront codes and are validated on several systems including a Cray XT3/XT4 and an InfiniBand commodity cluster. Model predictions show high quantitative accuracy (less than 20% error) for all high performance configurations and excellent qualitative accuracy. The thesis presents applications, projections and insights for optimisations using the model, which show the utility of reusable analytic models for performance engineering of high performance computing codes. In particular, we demonstrate the use of the model for: (1) evaluating application configuration and resulting performance; (2) evaluating hardware platform issues including platform sizing, configuration; (3) exploring hardware platform design alternatives and system procurement and, (4) considering possible code and algorithmic optimisations