575 research outputs found

    De uma teia a uma rede: SlutWalk Portugal nas redes sociais online

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    A agregação de indivíduos em torno de movimentos visa gerar um grupo capaz de influenciar atitudes e comportamentos, modelando assim os sistemas sociais (Tonnies, 2002). Esta ação de engenharia social consiste em i) criar uma ideia, ii) proceder à sua disseminação e iii) fazer com que outros indivíduos a adotem. Diferentes formas de engenharia social criam uma finalidade assente numa ideia (engenharia social utópica) ou em combater um pressuposto que visa alternar no sistema social (engenharia social fragmentada) (Popper, 1966). Os movimentos sociais unem estas duas formas de engenharia social ao conferir i) uma identidade ao protesto, ii) um princípio de oposição (a mensagem) e um iii) princípio antagónico contra o qual se manifestam, enquadrando um elemento de totalidade pelo qual tentam controlar a narrativa histórica, suscitando o interesse dos restantes elementos (Touraine, 1977, 2007). As ações de mobilização pretendem angariar membros, aceder às suas redes (pessoais e sociais), e utilizá-los como elementos que catalisem e despertem o interesse de outros indivíduos.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Serviam : a Historical Case Study of Leadership in Transition in Urban Catholic Schools in Northeast Ohio

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    The purpose of this historical case study was to explore, through the lens of knowledge transfer, answers to the following two questions: how did the Sister-educators from one community in Northeast Ohio prepare themselves for leadership, and when it became clear that the future of their urban school depended on transitioning to lay leadership, how did Sister-principals prepare their religious communities and their school communities for that change. This qualitative study focuses on six members of one active, engaged, service-based community which has supported schools Northeast Ohio for over a century. The research revealed that a successful Sister-to-laity leadership transition will have its foundation in charismatic love, encourage faith-filled mentoring of faculty and students, honor the mission of the founding community, and support an overarching leadership culture of magnanimity to all stakeholders. This model can be employed in other educational and nonprofit settings where non-hierarchical servant leadership would be an effective approach

    Effective process times for aggregate modeling of manufacturing systems

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    Czech primary minority education in the years of the First Czechoslovak Republic (with a view to the situation in the Brno language island)

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    The “Metelka Act”, which laid out the procedure for the establishment of new minority schools, was, in terms of nationalities, the most important of the large number of educational laws issued following the foundation of the Czechoslovak Republic. Although the act made it possible for all minorities to build schools, under the given political conditions it tended to accommodate the needs of Czech national education in particular. Many Czech organisations and societies, such as the Central School Foundation, branches of Sokol, professional teacher organisations and many regional women’s and youth organisations (including, in South Moravia, the National Union for Southwest Moravia), had an interest in the establishment of Czech minority education. This paper, in addition to a theoretical section on Czech minority education, also offers a concise look at the situation in minority education in three districts in the former German language island to the south of the historical centre of the City of Brno

    Voice and poetry as inspiration and material in acousmatic composition

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    This thesis combines both practice-based research, in the form of acousmatic composition, and theoretical research, addressing voice and poetry both as inspiration and material. It includes a portfolio of original compositions and a written text with aesthetic ideas that informed the compositional process. The aim of the research was to propose a particular creative strategy, based on Chilean poet Vicente Huidobro’s aesthetic theory; a system which aims to create artistic works independent of real world by taking materials from reality and combining them in unexpected ways through an equilibrium between rationality and intuition. This theory, alongside various other theoretical and artistic sources informing the creative process, is explained in a section entitled Compositional Rationale. The broader thesis is divided into two parts, each starting with a methodology relating to the compositions described within: Part 1: Octophonic cycle La lumière artificielle and Part 2: Three acousmatic tributes. In order to examine how the Compositional Rationale operates within the portfolio’s pieces, an analytical methodology has been proposed. This is described in an Analytical methodology section and considers the use of two parts of the tripartite model proposed by Nattiez (1990) and developed for electroacoustic music by Roy (2004). The two parts of the tripartite model are poietic analysis and neutral analysis. The first describes the creative process and compositional considerations of the author, and the second details the constitutive elements of each piece within five areas; Pierre Schaeffer’s notion of sound objects (1966), Denis Smalley’s notion of spectromorphological functions (1997), levels of spatial function by Annette Vande Gorne (2010), and finally two more types of analyses developed by the author: voice type and speech-sound type. Taken as a whole, the analysis demonstrates the structural constitution of each piece, and thus shows how Huidobro’s creative system, called creacionismo, has been applied successfully to acousmatic composition, generating the notion of acousmatic-creationist as nomenclature for the process. This is the main outcome of this thesis, a new artistic strategy which balances rationality and intuition within acousmatic composition and places poetry as a driven force in the use of voice, merging artistic practice and theory in a recursive action

    The Subversion of Wagnerian Gender Dynamics in James Joyce’s Ulysses

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    To the uninitiated, the works of James Joyce can descend into endless and impenetrable obscurity, but one thinker provides a key to deciphering Joyce’s writing: German operatic composer Richard Wagner. Wagner dominated nineteenth-century culture and Joyce could not escape his omnipotent influence. Whereas many artists tried to adopt aspects of Wagner’s artistic philosophy as their own, Joyce’s works reveal an inherent kinship with the composer. Allusions to Wagner’s radical “music dramas” are evident across Joyce’s œuvre. Wagner’s influence is not only found in the implicit and explicit allusions in Ulysses,—as Timothy Martin and other scholars have noted—but also in Joyce’s adoption of Wagner’s artistic philosophy and literary techniques. Specifically, Joyce expands on Wagner’s aesthetic philosophy and emphasizes drama and myth to explore gender relations in Ulysses. I argue that in Ulysses, Joyce modifies Wagner’s artist-hero and self-sacrificing woman to complicate and critique the cultural expectation for the male protagonist’s reliance on female love for absolution. Joyce’s women—specifically Marion “Molly” Bloom and Gerty MacDowell—undermine the artist-hero’s redemption by blending the barrier between the two misogynist feminine archetypes: the Virgin and the Temptress. Whereas Wagner’s female characters are either the virginal redeemers, like Elisabeth from Tannhäuser, or fatal temptresses, like Kundry from Parsifal, Joyce’s female characters blur the barrier between the two archetypes. Molly and Gerty inhabit both the Virgin and Temptress archetypes, thereby wholly fulfilling neither. Thus, they disrupt the fixed gender roles necessary to propel the artist-hero towards salvation

    Instituições militares, poder político e sociedade

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    O autor socorre-se dos contributos da história, da ciência política e da sociologia para propor um ensaio interpretativo das relações entre as instituições militares, o poder político e a sociedade. No primeiro tópico são analisadas questões como a instituição e o corporativismo militares, a missão das Forças Armadas e as culturas predominantes entre os militares. No segundo ponto, depois de um enquadramento histórico, consideram-se problemas como os do enfraquecimento dos estados nacionais e da paz. Finalmente, refl ecte-se sobre as principais mudanças sociais contemporâneas, e seus efeitos nos corpos militares

    Dinâmicas nacionais e internacionais no child support grant da África do Sul

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    This article examines one of South Africa’s cash  transfers since its formulation until the present moment. The analysis of the Child Support Grant  takes into consideration its insertion in the  national social protection system, while also puts  it in international perspective. This article is based  on a literature review and on the analysis of  official documents and interviews. Besides the  description of the programme’s evolution, the article also aims at contributing to the debates  regarding global policies.O artigo analisa o programa sul-africano de transferência monetária Child Support Grant desde a sua formulação  até ao momento atual, tanto no quadro do sistema de proteção social nacional quanto em perspectiva  internacional. Construído a partir de revisão da literatura, de documentos oficiais e de entrevistas, o texto contribui  para a discussão sobre políticas globais e constitui um registro da evolução desta política social

    Management of agroforestry systems: ecological, social and economic approaches

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    The Intensive Programme of study on “Management of agroforestry systems: ecological, social and economic approaches” resulted from the recognition of the growing importance of agroforestry systems in the European context, in particular, silvopastoral systems in the south of Europe. The European roadmap towards low carbon economy within the 2050 horizon creates enormous challenges for the agriculture sector in terms of its modernization and reconversion for which agroforestry systems are essential technological and sustainable production solutions. At the global scale, challenges resulting from escalating demand for animal and forest products, effects of climate change, loss of natural capital and the search for sustainable development solutions strengthen the importance of agroforestry systems. Several international organizations, among which the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) and the European Union (EU), have been promoting the development and implementation of these systems. Also, within the context of the United Nations, several conventions – biological diversity, climate change, soil conservation – force deep changes to be made in production systems, to which agroforestry systems are indispensable references. The intensive learning programme on “Management of agroforestry systems: ecological, social and economic approaches” was funded by the European Comission through the ERASMUS program (2013-1-PT1-ERA10-16673- PBRAGANC01). The Intensive Programme took place in Bragança, Portugal, from March 30 to April 12, 2014, and was organized by the Instituto Politécnico de Bragança in collaboration with the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Universidad da Extremadura, and Universidad de Oviedo, in Spain, and the Università degli studi di Bari Aldo Moro, in Italy. The objective of the programme was to share with first and second cycle students from Portugal, Spain and Italy knowledge about implementation and management of agroforestry systems, in particular silvopastoral systems, considering production, economic, environmental and socio-cultural aspects. The programme was an opportunity to discuss practical and theoretical issues iv related to agroforestry systems in different environmental backgrounds, particularly in Atlantic and Mediterrenean regions of the Iberian Peninsula. The programme made it also possible to the intervening institutions to establish cooperation partnerships within the scope of scientific research and knowledge transfer, with emphasis on the production of knowledge on silvopastoral systems materialized in this book. The content of this book corresponds to lectures taught in the programme by the researchers and professors subjected to a peer reviewing process; we would like therefore to acknowledge all authors, reviewers and institutions involved in the Intensive Programme and in this book by their collaboration and the ERASMUS Programme by the financial support provided that made it possible to organize this course on “Management of agroforestry systems: ecological, social and economic approaches”.A realização do curso intitulado Management of agroforestry systems: ecological, social and economic approaches resultou do reconhecimento da importância crescente dos sistemas agroflorestais no contexto europeu e, particularmente, dos sistemas silvopastoris no do sul da Europa. O roteiro europeu para uma economia de baixo carbono no horizonte 2050 coloca ao sector agrícola enormes desafios de modernização e reconversão no qual os sistemas agroflorestais são incontornáveis enquanto soluções tecnológicas de produção sustentável. À escala global, os desafios resultantes das necessidades crescentes de alimentos de origem animal e de produtos florestais, os efeitos das alterações climáticas, a perda de capital natural e a procura de soluções de desenvolvimento sustentável reforçam a importância dos sistemas agroflorestais. Diversas organizações internacionais, entre as quais a Organização das Nações Unidas para a Alimentação e Agricultura (FAO), o World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) e a União Europeia (EU), têm promovido o desenvolvimento e implementação destes sistemas. Também no âmbito das Nações Unidas, diversas convenções - diversidade biológica, alterações climáticas e conservação do solo - obrigam a alterações profundas nos sistemas produtivos para as quais os sistemas agro-florestais serão uma referência obrigatória. O programa de aprendizagem intensivo sobre Management of agroforestry systems: ecological, social and economic approaches, foi financiado pela Comissão Europeia através do programa ERASMUS (2013-1-PT1-ERA10-16673- PBRAGANC01). O curso decorreu entre 30 de março e 12 de abril de 2014 e foi organizado pelo Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, em colaboração com a Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Universidad da Extremadura, e Universidad de Oviedo, em Espanha, e a Università degli studi di Bari Aldo Moro, em Itália. O objectivo do curso foi partilhar com alunos de 1º e 2º ciclo de Portugal, Espanha e Itália, conhecimento sobre implementação e gestão de sistemas agroflorestais, particularmente silvopastoris, considerando os aspectos produtivos, económicos, ambientais e socioculturais. O curso constituiu uma oportunidade de discussão de aspectos práticos e teóricos relativos aos sistemas silvopastoris em diferentes contextos ambientais, particularmente nas zonas Atlânticas e Mediterrânicas da Península Ibérica. Permitiu ainda às instituições envolvidas estabelecerem parcerias de cooperação no âmbito da investigação científica e transferência de conhecimento, destacando-se a produção de saber no âmbito dos sistemas silvopastoris consubstanciada neste livro. O conteúdo do livro corresponde às lições apresentadas no curso pelos investigadores e professores das instituições responsáveis pelas sessões teóricas; assim, gostaríamos de agradecer aos autores e instituições envolvidas pela sua colaboração e ao programa ERASMUS pelo suporte financeiro que possibilitou a realizou do curso sobre Management of agroforestry systems: ecological, social and economic approaches