308 research outputs found

    SAT and CP: Parallelisation and Applications

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    This thesis is considered with the parallelisation of solvers which search for either an arbitrary, or an optimum, solution to a problem stated in some formal way. We discuss the parallelisation of two solvers, and their application in three chapters.In the first chapter, we consider SAT, the decision problem of propositional logic, and algorithms for showing the satisfiability or unsatisfiability of propositional formulas. We sketch some proof-theoretic foundations which are related to the strength of different algorithmic approaches. Furthermore, we discuss details of the implementations of SAT solvers, and show how to improve upon existing sequential solvers. Lastly, we discuss the parallelisation of these solvers with a focus on clause exchange, the communication of intermediate results within a parallel solver. The second chapter is concerned with Contraint Programing (CP) with learning. Contrary to classical Constraint Programming techniques, this incorporates learning mechanisms as they are used in the field of SAT solving. We present results from parallelising CHUFFED, a learning CP solver. As this is both a kind of CP and SAT solver, it is not clear which parallelisation approaches work best here. In the final chapter, we will discuss Sorting networks, which are data oblivious sorting algorithms, i. e., the comparisons they perform do not depend on the input data. Their independence of the input data lends them to parallel implementation. We consider the question how many parallel sorting steps are needed to sort some inputs, and present both lower and upper bounds for several cases

    On the van der Waerden numbers w(2;3,t)

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    We present results and conjectures on the van der Waerden numbers w(2;3,t) and on the new palindromic van der Waerden numbers pdw(2;3,t). We have computed the new number w(2;3,19) = 349, and we provide lower bounds for 20 <= t <= 39, where for t <= 30 we conjecture these lower bounds to be exact. The lower bounds for 24 <= t <= 30 refute the conjecture that w(2;3,t) <= t^2, and we present an improved conjecture. We also investigate regularities in the good partitions (certificates) to better understand the lower bounds. Motivated by such reglarities, we introduce *palindromic van der Waerden numbers* pdw(k; t_0,...,t_{k-1}), defined as ordinary van der Waerden numbers w(k; t_0,...,t_{k-1}), however only allowing palindromic solutions (good partitions), defined as reading the same from both ends. Different from the situation for ordinary van der Waerden numbers, these "numbers" need actually to be pairs of numbers. We compute pdw(2;3,t) for 3 <= t <= 27, and we provide lower bounds, which we conjecture to be exact, for t <= 35. All computations are based on SAT solving, and we discuss the various relations between SAT solving and Ramsey theory. Especially we introduce a novel (open-source) SAT solver, the tawSolver, which performs best on the SAT instances studied here, and which is actually the original DLL-solver, but with an efficient implementation and a modern heuristic typical for look-ahead solvers (applying the theory developed in the SAT handbook article of the second author).Comment: Second version 25 pages, updates of numerical data, improved formulations, and extended discussions on SAT. Third version 42 pages, with SAT solver data (especially for new SAT solver) and improved representation. Fourth version 47 pages, with updates and added explanation

    Massivel y parallel declarative computational models

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    Current computer archictectures are parallel, with an increasing number of processors. Parallel programming is an error-prone task and declarative models such as those based on constraints relieve the programmer from some of its difficult aspects, because they abstract control away. In this work we study and develop techniques for declarative computational models based on constraints using GPI, aiming at large scale parallel execution. The main contributions of this work are: A GPI implementation of a scalable dynamic load balancing scheme based on work stealing, suitable for tree shaped computations and effective for systems with thousands of threads. A parallel constraint solver, MaCS, implemented to take advantage of the GPI programming model. Experimental evaluation shows very good scalability results on systems with hundreds of cores. A GPI parallel version of the Adaptive Search algorithm, including different variants. The study on different problems advances the understanding of scalability issues known to exist with large numbers of cores; ### SUMÁRIO: Actualmente as arquitecturas de computadores são paralelas, com um crescente número de processadores. A programação paralela é uma tarefa propensa a erros e modelos declarativos baseados em restrições aliviam o programador de aspectos difíceis dado que abstraem o controlo. Neste trabalho estudamos e desenvolvemos técnicas para modelos de computação declarativos baseados em restrições usando o GPI, uma ferramenta e modelo de programação recente. O Objectivo é a execução paralela em larga escala. As contribuições deste trabalho são as seguintes: a implementação de um esquema dinâmico para balanceamento da computação baseado no GPI. O esquema é adequado para computações em árvores e efectiva em sistemas compostos por milhares de unidades de computação. Uma abordagem à resolução paralela de restrições denominadas de MaCS, que tira partido do modelo de programação do GPI. A Avaliação experimental revelou boa escalabilidade num sistema com centenas de processadores. Uma versão paralela do algoritmo Adaptive Search baseada no GPI, que inclui diferentes variantes. O estudo de diversos problemas aumenta a compreensão de aspectos relacionados com a escalabilidade e presentes na execução deste tipo de algoritmos num grande número de processadores

    Why CP Portfolio Solvers Are (under)Utilized? Issues and Challenges

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    International audienceIt is well recognized that a single, arbitrarily efficient solver can be significantly outperformed by a portfolio solver exploiting a combination of possibly slower on-average different solvers. Despite the success of portfolio solvers within the context of solving competitions, they are rarely used in practice. In this paper we give an overview of the main limitations that hinder the practical adoption and development of portfolio solvers within the Constraint Programming (CP) paradigm, discussing also possible ways to overcome them and potential extensions outside the CP field

    A review of literature on parallel constraint solving

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    As multicore computing is now standard, it seems irresponsible for constraints researchers to ignore the implications of it. Researchers need to address a number of issues to exploit parallelism, such as: investigating which constraint algorithms are amenable to parallelisation; whether to use shared memory or distributed computation; whether to use static or dynamic decomposition; and how to best exploit portfolios and cooperating search. We review the literature, and see that we can sometimes do quite well, some of the time, on some instances, but we are far from a general solution. Yet there seems to be little overall guidance that can be given on how best to exploit multicore computers to speed up constraint solving. We hope at least that this survey will provide useful pointers to future researchers wishing to correct this situation

    Exploiting Parallelism for Hard Problems in Abstract Argumentation

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    Abstract argumentation framework (AF) is a unifying framework able to encompass a variety of nonmonotonic reasoning approaches, logic programming and computational argumentation. Yet, efficient approaches for most of the decision and enumeration problems associated to AF s are missing, thus potentially limiting the efficacy of argumentation-based approaches in real domains. In this paper, we present an algorithm for enumerating the preferred extensions of abstract argumentation frameworks which exploits parallel computation. To this purpose, the SCC-recursive semantics definition schema is adopted, where extensions are defined at the level of specific sub-frameworks. The algorithm shows significant performance improvements in large frameworks, in terms of number of solutions found and speedup

    Constraint programming on hierarchical multiprocessor systems

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    The work reported in this thesis is about constraint processing in the context of hierarchical multiprocessor systems, including distributed systems. More speci cally, it develops techniques and a system to help bringing the power available in today's multiprocessing networked systems into the constraint processing eld. Solving constraint speci ed problems is a process which lends itself naturally to parallelisation, as it usually implies going through very large search spaces, looking for a solution. Parallel constraint solving draws on the idea of dividing the search space among several workers, so the search may proceed faster, and thanks to the declarative nature of constraint programming, the parallelisation happens transparently as far as the user is concerned. However, to fully take advantage of the parallel computing power available, techniques must be developed to help ensure that the workers executing the search are kept busy at all times, which is an issue tackled by this work; RESUMO: Esta tese debruça-se sobre a programação por restrições no contexto dos sistemas multiprocessador hierárquicos, incluindo os sistemas distribuídos. Mais especificamente, o trabalho elaborado desenvolve as técnicas de resolução de problemas de satisfação de restrições recorrendo ao paralelismo. A actualidade do tema prende-se com a cada vez maior divulgação de que são objecto os sistemas multiprocessador que, juntamente com a omnipresença das redes de computadores, põe à nossa disposição uma capacidade de cálculo que necessita de ser posta a uso, o que tarda em acontecer. Nesta tese desenvolve-se um sistema que permite tirar partido desses recursos através do processamento de restrições A programação por restrições é um paradigma declarativo, em que o utilizador não tem de se preocupar com o controlo da computação, e a introdução de paralelismo nesta área pode realizar-se transparentemente. Por outro lado, o processo de pesquisa de soluções para problemas especificados por restrições adapta-se particularmente bem a ser paralelizado. Este tese apresenta uma abordagem _à resolução paralela de restrições, que junta paralelismo local, sob a forma de trabalhadores, com paralelismo distribuído, em que os actores são as equipas. O sistema construído, destinado a sistemas distribuídos de larga escala, que _é descrito e os seus resultados apresentados, inclui distribuição de trabalho, através de roubo de trabalho. Este funciona, localmente, sem a colaboração do roubado e, remotamente, com colaboração, num ambiente em que todas as equipas cooperam na procura da solução

    LLAMA: Leveraging Learning to Automatically Manage Algorithms

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    Algorithm portfolio and selection approaches have achieved remarkable improvements over single solvers. However, the implementation of such systems is often highly customised and specific to the problem domain. This makes it difficult for researchers to explore different techniques for their specific problems. We present LLAMA, a modular and extensible toolkit implemented as an R package that facilitates the exploration of a range of different portfolio techniques on any problem domain. It implements the algorithm selection approaches most commonly used in the literature and leverages the extensive library of machine learning algorithms and techniques in R. We describe the current capabilities and limitations of the toolkit and illustrate its usage on a set of example SAT problems

    Modelling In-situ Upgrading of Heavy Oil Using Operator Splitting Methods

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    Heavy oil and oil sands are important hydrocarbon resources that account for over 10 trillion barrels (Meyer et al., 2007), nearly three times the conventional oil in place in the world. There are huge, wellknown resources of heavy oil, extra-heavy oil, and bitumen in Canada, Venezuela, Russia, the USA and many other countries. The oil sands of Alberta alone contain over two trillion barrels of oil. In Canada, approximately 20% of oil production is from heavy oil and oil sand resources