1,961 research outputs found

    The Future Direction of New Computing Environment for Exabyte Data in the Business World

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    With the rapid spread of the Internet and the computerization of trading a huge amount of data on the Internet and of transaction database in enterprises has been accumulated. The purpose of this paper is to explain the significance of the technology to process of exabyte-scale data and presents the business application, CODIRO, which will make it possible to integrate various types of large scale data. CODIRO is a consumer research system which discovers new knowledge by integrating the huge amount of different types of data both on the Internet and within companies. This paper will demonstrate the business implications for exabyte-scale information technology research, by explaining an example of the analysis of the sales effectiveness of television commercials using CODIRO.2005 IEEE/IPSJ International Symposium on Applications and the Internet Workshops (SAINT 2005 Workshops), 31 January - 4 February 2005, Trento, Italy

    Wider Europe, deeper integration? "Constructing Europe" network (EU-CONSENT)

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    EU-CONSENT" as a network of excellence for joint research and teaching will look at the construction of a new Europe especially from 2005-2008. It will address the question of the mutual reinforcing effects of deepening and widening by developing and wor king with three sets of expectations for analysing the past and developing an innovative framework for the future integration beyond Western Europe. Within such a conceptual framework 25 teams will test lessons from the past in view of their academic and political validity for discussing visions and scenarios for the future. The major leitmotiv is that the Union is in the full process of reinventing itself - a development which is however difficult to grasp and explain. The common framework will include integrating activities (conferences, workshops, activities in plenum and teams), common research (EU-25 Watch, CONSENT-WEB), teaching activities (traditional / virtual courses, virtual study units on EU deepening and widening, PhD Centre of Excellence an d internships for young researchers) and dissemination activities (public events and common publications). The results of the integrating activities will flow into common data-bases such as the E-Library, a multilingual glossary on EU deepening and wideni ng, bibliographies and core curricula, which will all be made available on the CONSENT-WEB. It will also offer yardsticks for observing the progress made by the whole project. The open character of the network which aims at being a "network of networks", together with a full integration of young researchers into the network, respect of gender equality and concern for sustainability, are the core principles of EU-CONSENT. Its management will be based upon a consolidated structure, following a decentralis ed approach. As an academic, and policy-oriented network EU-CONSENT will be closely linked to political and administrative decision-makers on EU and national level as well as to civil socieNoE - Network of Excellenc

    Bartolomeo & Benedetto Montagna and the Role of The Graphic Arts in Vicenza c.1480-1520

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    The Italian Renaissance workshop was simultaneously a business, a collaborative practice and a space for experimentation. Disegno, a term that can be interpreted to refer to a physical object –generally a work on paper –or the act of depicting an invention in visual form, served as the thread that connected theseinterests. This thesis investigates the role of disegno inthe workshop operated by Bartolomeo Montagna in Vicenza, Italy, between circa 1480 and 1520. During this period, the Montagna workshop was not only the preeminent workshop in Vicenza, but also ranked among the most prosperous on the Venetian terraferma. Focussing on the output of the Montagna workshop consequently in a manner that has hitherto gone unexplored therefore contributes new insights into the management of Venetic workshops. The graphic arts –here taken to encompass drawings and prints –serves as the prism through which a number of key themes are refracted. The question of an artist’s formation is addressed through analysis of Bartolomeo Montagna’s drawings in their deployment of media and handling of form in relation to the graphic traditions of other Venetic cities. The specialisation of Bartolomeo Montagna’s secondson, Benedetto, as an engraver, invites an extended appraisal of both how artists were instructed in printmaking techniques, and factors that facilitated the workshop’s diversification into print production. Mobility is revealed as a drivingforce: the migration of publishers from Northern Europe was instrumental to the establishment of the print trade in Vicenza, the import of Northern prints fostered an awareness of the medium and its potential, while the reputation of the Montagna workshop attracted ‘peintre-graveurs’ from across the Veneto. Benedetto Montagna is newly afforded a pivotal role in the development of engraving in the Veneto by virtue of the exchanges of ideas and knowhow between engravers that must have taken place around him. When taken in conjunction with the workshop’s concurrent fulfilment of commissions for altarpieces, devotional paintings and fresco schemes, the fundamental concept that emerges in the workshopis that of co-working. Drawings produced by Bartolomeo Montagna and prints acquired from other artists are posited as the basis of the workshop’s visual archive; a repository of designs that was recycled in diverse projects and deployed by various individuals. Access to vital materials such as paper, copper and a printing press is similarly shown to have brought artisans into contact. This pragmatic approach to resources is ultimately shown to have streamlined operations within the Montagna workshop. What, therefore, does this thesis contribute to scholarship on theItalian Renaissance? The collaboration between Bartolomeo and Benedetto Montagna, as father and son, that was fundamental to their printmaking ventures offers a new dimension to our understanding of the interplay between artistic autonomy and the assertion of a workshop identity. The extended analysis of the family’s production and use of prints and drawings demonstratescompellinglythe importance of disegnoto the operation of a Venetic workshop. Finally, and crucially, the potential of the Montagna workshop to attract itinerant artists to Vicenza brings into question the hegemony of Venice in the artistic developments of the Veneto

    LIFE. Information & communication projects 2011

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    The Comacchio Glass Workshop: A Late Seventh-Century Urban Production Site of the North Adriatic

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    This article is an in-depth review of the production structures found in Comacchio, dating to the middle of the seventh century ad, and the glass-ware, contextualizing both in the early medieval glass production processes. The final part of the article reflects on the role of Comacchio workshops in the Po Valley trading system and on the importance of these workshops for further developments in medieval glass production

    Management of ecclesiastical institutions' forest resources: an exploratory investigation

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    The purpose of this work is make an objective analysis of the already existing and recognized sacred natural sites in the various areas of the world, as well as identify in the management of the ecclesial heritage the virtuous examples of active exploitation of agricultural and forestry properties, with social inclusion and economic and environmental sustainability. Starting from an exploratory study of worldwide sacred sites, the work analyzes the multicultural European situation and ends with a focus on how the Vatican and all the Italian dioceses, orders and congregations manage lots of green areas, places of worship surrounded by the natural environment and forestry surfaces.openPer ulteriori informazioni contattare la Biblioteca di Agripolis al seguente indirizzo: [email protected]

    Observations on daily Life in the communal town of Leopoli-Cencelle

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    The civitas of Leopoli-Cencelle, founded by Pope Leo IV (9th cent.), is located in the Tolfa Mountains on the northern edge of the Province of Rome. The site has been the object of archaeological research directed by the Department of Medieval Archaeology at La Sapienza University of Rome. The paper focuses on the analysis of about thirty agricultural artefacts (hoes, sickles, billhooks and axes) originating from stratigraphic contexts corresponding to the town’s communal facies (13th-14th cent.). The interpretation of the material properties of these tools, resulting from a synthesis of data from written sources, iconography, science applied to archaeology and the artefacts’ contexts of recovery, allowed us to shed light on several social aspects of the agricultural production cycle at Leopoli

    A Survey of Paraphrasing and Textual Entailment Methods

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    Paraphrasing methods recognize, generate, or extract phrases, sentences, or longer natural language expressions that convey almost the same information. Textual entailment methods, on the other hand, recognize, generate, or extract pairs of natural language expressions, such that a human who reads (and trusts) the first element of a pair would most likely infer that the other element is also true. Paraphrasing can be seen as bidirectional textual entailment and methods from the two areas are often similar. Both kinds of methods are useful, at least in principle, in a wide range of natural language processing applications, including question answering, summarization, text generation, and machine translation. We summarize key ideas from the two areas by considering in turn recognition, generation, and extraction methods, also pointing to prominent articles and resources.Comment: Technical Report, Natural Language Processing Group, Department of Informatics, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece, 201

    New finds of the Jezerine-type fibulae from Poland

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    Three Jezerine-type fibulae were found in two graves from the end of the Late Pre-Roman Period during archaeological excavations at the cemetery in Kleszewo in eastern Poland. These are atypical forms with triangular bows and, in one instance, a rib on the lower side of a bow. Parallels to these forms can most often be found in north-eastern Italy and southern Pannonia (modern Slovenia, Croatia). The presence of such Jezerine-type fibulae in the territory north of the Carpathians may be associated with far-reaching links, presumably with the amber trade.Med arheološkimi izkopavanji na najdišču Kleszewo, enem izmed grobišč przeworske kulture na območju vzhodne Mazovije na vzhodu Poljske, so bile v dveh grobovih iz konca poznega predrimskega obdobja odkrite tri fibule vrste Jezerine. Vse tri so atipične oblike s trikotnim lokom in v enem primeru z rebrom na spodnjem delu loka. Primerjave jim lahko iščemo v severovzhodni Italiji in južni Panoniji (današnji Slovenija in Hrvaška). Najdbe tovrstnih fibul na območjih severno od Karpatov lahko povezujemo s stiki na dolge razdalje, domnevno v zvezi s trgovino z jantarjem
