1,740 research outputs found

    Performance analysis of batteries used in electric and hybrid electric vehicles

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    Hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) and electric vehicles (EVs) are the most viable solutions to the undesirable high petroleum consumption by the present form of internal combustion engine driven vehicles. The varying requisites of HEVs and EVs have resulted in the advancement of battery technology in the area of chemical compositions such as electrode and electrolyte in addition to its electrical combination, control and protection schemes. The maximum utilization and protection of the battery is a challenge that needs to be tackled to improve its efficiency and reliability. A comprehensive study of the present battery technology has been performed in this thesis. The research is focused on battery modeling and its applications taking the complete electric drive train into consideration. Novel models and research perspectives have been proposed and analyzed. The scopes of increasing the accuracy of the present day battery management system have also been discussed

    Effects of Internal Resistance on Performance of Batteries for Electric Vehicles

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    ABSTRACT Effects of Internal Resistance on Performance of Batteries for Electric Vehicles by Rohit A Ugle The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2013 Under the Supervision of Professor Anoop K. Dhingra An ever increasing acceptance of electric vehicles as passenger cars relies on better operation and control of large battery packs. The individual cells in large battery packs do not have identical characteristics and may degrade differently due to their manufacturing variability and other factors. It is beneficial to evaluate the performance gain by replacing certain battery modules/cells during actual driving. The following are the objectives of our research. We will develop an on-line battery module degradation diagnostic scheme using the intrinsic signals of a battery pack equalization circuit. Therefore, a battery health map can be constructed and updated in real time. Next based on the derived battery health map, the performance of the battery pack will be evaluated a user specified trip so as to evaluate the worthiness of replacing certain modules/cells. Different electric vehicles have different performance for the same driving cycle. These variations are due to variation in driving patterns, traffic, different light patterns, random behavior of the drivers etc. To account for this random behavior of the electric vehicle performance we generate 100 random trip cycles. We aim to model the behavior of the driving cycle and battery behavior. Finally, the thesis also explores the possibility of energy exchange between the battery packs and the smart grid. In the smart grid scenario where we have the knowledge of the electricity price and the load patterns on the grid, it is beneficial for the user to schedule charging and discharging patterns for electric vehicles. Our research will define charging and discharging patterns throughout the life of the battery. We will optimize the charging and discharging times and define the opportunity cost for each day during summer and winter months. The objective is to maximize the profit earned by selling excess energy in the battery to the grid and minimize the charging cost for the electric vehicle

    Kalman-variant estimators for state of charge in lithium-sulfur batteries

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    Lithium-sulfur batteries are now commercially available, offering high specific energy density, low production costs and high safety. However, there is no commercially-available battery management system for them, and there are no published methods for determining state of charge in situ. This paper describes a study to address this gap. The properties and behaviours of lithium-sulfur are briefly introduced, and the applicability of ‘standard’ lithium-ion state-of-charge estimation methods is explored. Open-circuit voltage methods and ‘Coulomb counting’ are found to have a poor fit for lithium-sulfur, and model-based methods, particularly recursive Bayesian filters, are identified as showing strong promise. Three recursive Bayesian filters are implemented: an extended Kalman filter (EKF), an unscented Kalman filter (UKF) and a particle filter (PF). These estimators are tested through practical experimentation, considering both a pulse-discharge test and a test based on the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC). Experimentation is carried out at a constant temperature, mirroring the environment expected in the authors' target automotive application. It is shown that the estimators, which are based on a relatively simple equivalent-circuit–network model, can deliver useful results. If the three estimators implemented, the unscented Kalman filter gives the most robust and accurate performance, with an acceptable computational effort

    Comparison of one and two time constant models for lithium ion battery

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    The fast and accurate modeling topologies are very much essential for power train electrification. The importance of thermal effect is very important in any electrochemical systems and must be considered in battery models because temperature factor has highest importance in transport phenomena and chemical kinetics. The dynamic performance of the lithium ion battery is discussed here and a suitable electrical equivalent circuit is developed to study its response for sudden changes in the output. An effective lithium cell simulation model with thermal dependence is presented in this paper. One series resistor, one voltage source and a single RC block form the proposed equivalent circuit model. The 1 RC and 2 RC Lithium ion battery models are commonly used in the literature are studied and compared. The simulation of Lithium-ion battery 1RC and 2 RC Models are performed by using Matlab/Simulink Software. The simulation results in his paper shows that Lithium-ion battery 1 RC model has more maximum output error of 0.42% than 2 RC Lithium-ion battery model in constant current condition and the maximum output error of 1 RC Lithium-ion battery model is 0.18% more than 2 RC Lithium-ion battery model in UDDS Cycle condition. The simulation results also show that in both simple and complex discharging modes, the error in output is much improved in 2 RC lithium ion battery model when compared to 1 RC Lithium-ion battery model. Thus the paper shows for general applications like in portable electronic design like laptops, Lithium-ion battery 1 RC model is the preferred choice and for automotive and space design applications, Lithium-ion 2 RC model is the preferred choice. In this paper, these simulation results for 1 RC and 2 RC Lithium-ion battery models will be very much useful in the application of practical Lithium-ion battery management systems for electric vehicle applications

    Powertrain Fuel Consumption Modeling and Benchmark Analysis of a Parallel P4 Hybrid Electric Vehicle Using Dynamic Programming

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    As regulations on the emission of greenhouse gasses continue to tighten on the automotive industry, the production of hybrid electric vehicles has gained significant popularity in recent years. With the increase in production, there has been a parallel demand in the advancement of both mechanical hardware and control system implementation used in these vehicles. A critical factor in the efficient operation of a hybrid electric vehicle is the energy management strategy where the goal is to maximize the efficient use of fuel energy to propel the vehicle. Designing a fuel-efficient control system is a complex challenge due to the degrees of freedom that exist in the control of a hybrid electric vehicle. Several methods exist for the real-time implementation of control strategies that employ heuristic or optimization-based algorithms; however, these control strategies typically rely on the results of offline optimization as a benchmark against which the control strategies are evaluated. Offline energy management optimization strategies require a pre-defined driving schedule for which the operation of the powertrain can be evaluated to determine the globally optimal control policy. The goal of this work is to develop a hybrid electric vehicle model that is suitable for use in a dynamic programming algorithm that provides the benchmark for optimal control of the hybrid powertrain. The benchmark analysis employs dynamic programming by backward induction to determine the globally optimal solution by solving the energy management problem starting at the final timestep and proceeding backwards in time. This method requires the development of a backwards facing model that propagates the wheel speed of the vehicle for the given drive cycle through the driveline components to determine the operating points of the powertrain. Although dynamic programming only searches the solution space within the feasible regions of operation, the benchmarking model must be solved for every admissible state at every timestep leading to strict requirements for runtime and memory. The backward facing model employs the quasi-static assumption of powertrain operation to reduce the fidelity of the model to accommodate these requirements. Verification and validation testing of the dynamic programming algorithm is conducted to ensure successful operation of the algorithm and to assess the validity of the determined control policy against a high-fidelity forward-facing vehicle model with a percent difference of fuel consumption of 1.2%. The benchmark analysis is conducted over multiple drive cycles to determine the optimal control policy that provides a benchmark for real-time algorithm development and determine control trends that can be used to improve existing algorithms. The optimal combined CS fuel economy of the vehicle is determined by the dynamic programming algorithm to be 32.99 MPG, a 52.6% increase over the stock 3.6L 2019 Chevrolet Blazer

    Performance Optimization of Onboard Lithium Ion Batteries for Electric Vehicles

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    Next generation of transportation in the form of electric vehicles relies on better operation and control of large battery packs. The individual modules in large battery packs generally do not have identical characteristics and may degrade differently due to manufacturing variability and other factors. Degraded battery modules waste more power, affecting the performance and economy for the whole battery pack. Also, such impact varies with different trip patterns. It will be cost effective if we evaluate the performance of the battery modules prior to replacing the complete battery pack. The knowledge of the driving cycle and battery internal resistance will help to make decision to replace the worst battery modules and directly cut down on user expenditure to replace the battery. Also, optimizing the performance of battery during the driving trip is the challenging task to achieve. The knowledge of energy prices of the grid, internal resistance of the lithium ion battery pack on the electric vehicle, the age of the battery and distance travelled by the electric vehicle are very important factors on which the cost of daily driving cycle is dependent. In near future, the energy consumed by the electric vehicles will create a major consumer market for the smart grids. The smart grid system is complemented by the renewable energy sources that contribute and support the grid. The electric vehicles are not only predicted as energy consumers but also as dynamic sources of energy. These vehicles can now travel more than 100 miles with a single charging cycle whereas average day to day commute is well below the maximum capacity of these vehicles. This leaves the driver with the extra energy on the battery pack which can be used later for supporting energy requirement from the grid. As we know that cells/modules in large battery packs do not have identical properties and these degrade at different rates during the course of their lifespan. It is beneficial for the user to quantify the amount of energy that can be used to support the grid. The improvement of the electric grid to the next generation infrastructure ie ‘Smart Grid’ will enable diverse opportunities to contribute the energy and balance the load on the grid. The information about the grid like price quality, load etc will be available to the people very easily. This information can be useful to make the energy grid more economical and environment friendly. We have used the information for price of energy on the grid to optimize the cost of daily driving cycle. The goal of this research is to accurately predict the battery behavior for the daily driving cycle. The prediction of battery behavior will help the driver to decide the optimum charging patterns, energy consumed during driving and the surplus energy available in the batteries. The prior knowledge of the battery behavior, price of the energy on the grid and the trip travel will help the driver to minimize the cost of travel on daily basis as well as throughout the life of the battery

    Development of a comprehensive energy model to simulate the energy efficiency of a battery electric vehicle to allow for prototype design optimisation and validation.

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    Masters Degree in mechanical Engineering. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.This dissertation describes the development of an energy model of a battery electric vehicle (BEV) to assist designers in evaluating the impact of overall energy efficiency on vehicle performance. Energy efficiency is a crucial metric for BEVs as it defines the driving range of the vehicle and optimises the limited amount of energy available from the on-board battery pack, typically the most expensive component of the vehicle. Energy modelling also provides other useful information to the designer, such as the range of the vehicle according to legislative drive cycles and the maximum torque required from the motor. An accurate, fast and efficient model is therefore required to simulate BEVs in the early stages of design and for prototype validation. An extensive investigation into BEV modelling and the mechanisms of energy losses within BEVs was conducted. Existing literature was studied to characterise the effect of operating conditions on the efficiency of each mechanism, as well as investigating existing modelling techniques used to simulate each energy loss. A complete vehicle model was built by considering multiple domain modelling methods and the flow of energy between components in both mechanical and electrical domains. Simscapeℱ, a MathWorks MATLABℱ tool, was used to build a physics based, forward facing model comprising a combination of custom coded blocks representing the flow of energy from the battery pack to the wheels. The acceleration and speed response of the vehicle was determined over a selected drive cycle, based on vehicle parameters. The model is applicable to normal driving conditions where the power of the motor does not exceed its continuous rating. The model relies on datasheet or non-proprietary parameters. These parameters can be changed depending on the architecture of the BEV and the exact components used, providing model flexibility. The primary model input is a drive cycle and the primary model output is range as well as the dynamic response of other metrics such as battery voltage and motor torque. The energy loss mechanisms are then assessed qualitatively and quantitatively to allow vehicle designers to determine effective strategies to increase the overall energy efficiency of the vehicle. The Mamba BEV, a small, high-power, commercially viable electric vehicle with a 21 kWh lithium-ion battery was simulated using the developed model. As the author was involved in the design and development of the vehicle, required vehicle parameters were easily obtained from manufacturers. The range of the vehicle was determined using the World-Harmonised Light Duty Vehicles Test Procedure and provided an estimated range of 285.3 km for the standard cycle and 420.8 km for the city cycle

    Energy management in electric vehicles: Development and validation of an optimal driving strategy

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    Electric vehicles (EVs) are a promising alternative energy mode of transportation for the future. However, due to the limited range and relatively long charging time, it is important to use the stored battery energy in the most optimal manner possible. Existing research has focused on improvements to the hardware or improvements to the energy management strategy (EMS). However, EV drivers may adopt a driving strategy that causes the EMS to operate the EV hardware in inefficient regimes just to fulfil the driver demand. The present study develops an optimal driving strategy to help an EV driver choose a driving strategy that uses the stored battery energy in the most optimal manner. First, a strategy to inform the driver about his/her current driving situation is developed. Then, two separate multi-objective strategies, one to choose an optimal trip speed and another to choose an optimal acceleration strategy, are presented. Finally, validation of the optimal driving strategy is presented for a fleet-style electric bus. The results indicated that adopting the proposed approach could reduce the electric bus’ energy consumption from about 1 kWh/mile to 0.6-0.7 kWh/mile. Optimization results for a fixed route around the Missouri S&T campus indicated that the energy consumption of the electric bus could be reduced by about 5.6% for a 13.9% increase in the trip time. The main advantage of the proposed strategy is that it reduces the energy consumption while minimally increasing the trip time. Other advantages are that it allows the driver flexibility in choosing trip parameters and it is fairly easy to implement without significant changes to existing EV designs. --Abstract, page iii

    Electrified Powertrains for a Sustainable Mobility: Topologies, Design and Integrated Energy Management Strategies

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    This Special Issue was intended to contribute to the sustainable mobility agenda through enhanced scientific and multi-disciplinary knowledge to investigate concerns and real possibilities in the achievement of a greener mobility and to support the debate between industry and academic researchers, providing an interesting overview on new needs and investigation topics required for future developments

    Electromobility in Public Transport: Scheduling of Electric Vehicles and Location Planning of the Charging Infrastructure

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    In recent years, considerable efforts have been made to make public transport more environmentally friendly. This should primarily be achieved by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Electromobility is considered to be a key technology as electric vehicles create a variety of benefits. However, the use of electric vehicles involves a number of challenges. Modern battery electric vehicles have only a fractional part of the ranges of combustion engine vehicles. Thus, a major challenge is charging the vehicles at specific charging stations to compensate for this disadvantage. Technological aspects of electric vehicles are also of importance and have to be considered. Planning tasks of public transport companies are affected by these challanges, especially vehicle scheduling. Vehicle scheduling is a well-studied optimization problem. The objective is to cover a given set of timetabled service trips by a set of vehicles at minimum costs. An issue strongly related to vehicle scheduling is location planning of the charging infrastructure. For an effcient use of electric vehicles, charging stations must be located at suitable locations in order to minimize operational costs. Location planning of charging stations is a long-term planning task whereas vehicle scheduling is a more short-term planning task in public transport. This thesis examines optimization methods for scheduling electric vehicles in public transport and location planning of the charging infrastructure. Electric vehicles' technological aspects are particularly considered. Case studies based on real-world data are used for evaluation of the artifacts developed. An exact optimization method addresses scheduling of mixed vehicles fleets consisting of electric vehicles and vehicles without range limitations. It is examined whether traditional solution methods for vehicle scheduling are able to cope with the challenges imposed by electric vehicles. The results show, that solution methods for vehicle scheduling are able to deal with the additional challenges to a certain degree. However, novel methods are required to fully deal with the requirements of electric vehicles. A heuristic solution method for scheduling electric vehicles and models for the charging process of batteries are developed. The impact of the detail level of electric vehicles' technological aspects on resulting solutions is analyzed. A computational study reveales major discrepancies between model assumptions and real charging behaviours. A metaheuristic solution method for the simultaneous optimization of location planning of charging stations and scheduling electric vehicles is designed to connect the optimization problems and to open up synergy effects. In comparison to a sequential planning, the simultaneous problem solving is necessary because a sequential planning generally leads to either infeasible solutions or to significant increases in costs.In den letzten Jahren wurden erhebliche Anstrengungen unternommen, um den öffentlichen Personennahverkehr (ÖPNV) umweltfreundlicher zu gestalten. Dabei sollen insbesondere Treibhausgasemissionen reduziert werden. ElektromobilitĂ€t wird dabei auf Grund der zahlreichen Vorteile von Elektrofahrzeugen als SchlĂŒsseltechnologie angesehen. Der Einsatz von Elektrofahrzeugen ist jedoch mit Herausforderungen verbunden, da diese ĂŒber weitaus geringere Reichweiten im Vergleich zu Fahrzeugen mit Verbrennungsmotoren verfĂŒgen, weshalb ein Nachladen der Fahrzeugbatterien wĂ€hrend des Betriebs notwendig ist. Zudem mĂŒssen technische Aspekte von Elektrofahrzeugen, wie beispielsweise Batteriealterungsprozesse, berĂŒcksichtigt werden. Die Fahrzeugeinsatzplanung als Teil des Planungsprozesses von Verkehrsunternehmen im ÖPNV ist besonders von diesen Herausforderungen betroffen. Diese legt den Fahrzeugeinsatz fĂŒr die Bedienung der angebotenen Fahrplanfahrten bei Minimierung der Gesamtkosten fest. Die Standortplanung der Ladeinfrastruktur ist eng mit dieser Aufgabe verbunden, da fĂŒr einen effizienten Einsatz der Fahrzeuge Ladestationen an geeigneten Orten errichtet werden mĂŒssen, um Betriebskosten zu minimieren. Die Planung der Ladeinfrastruktur ist ein langfristiges Planungsproblem, wohingegen die Fahrzeugeinsatzplanung eine eher kurzfristige Planungsaufgabe darstellt. Diese Dissertation befasst sich mit Optimierungsmethoden fĂŒr die Fahrzeugeinsatzplanung mit Elektrofahrzeugen und mit der Standortplanung der Ladeinfrastruktur. Technische Aspekte von Elektrofahrzeugen werden dabei berĂŒcksichtigt. Die entwickelten Artefakte werden mit Hilfe von realen DatensĂ€tzen evaluiert. Durch eine exakte Optimierungsmethode fĂŒr die Fahrzeugeinsatzplanung mit gemischten Fahrzeugflotten bestehend aus Fahrzeugen mit und ohne Reichweiterestriktionen wird die Anwendbarkeit von Optimierungsmethoden ohne BerĂŒcksichtigung von ReichweitebeschrĂ€nkungen auf die Herausforderungen von Elektrofahrzeugen untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass herkömmliche Optimierungsmethoden fĂŒr die neuen Herausforderungen bis zu einem gewissen Grad geeignet sind, es jedoch neuartige Lösungsmethoden erfordert, um den Anforderungen von Elektrofahrzeugen vollstĂ€ndig gerecht zu werden. Mit Hilfe einer heuristischen Lösungsmethode fĂŒr die Fahrzeugeinsatzplanung mit Elektrofahrzeugen und Modellen fĂŒr den Ladeprozess von Batterien wird untersucht, inwiefern sich der Detailgrad bei der Abbildung von Ladeprozessen auf resultierende Lösungen auswirkt. Erhebliche Unterschiede zwischen Modellannahmen und realen Gegebenheiten von Ladeprozessen werden herausgearbeitet. Durch ein metaheuristisches Lösungsverfahren fĂŒr die simultane Optimierung der Standortplanung der Ladeinfrastruktur und der Fahrzeugeinsatzplanung werden beide Problemstellungen miteinander verbunden, um Synergieeffekte offenzulegen. Im Vergleich zu einer sequentiellen Planung ist ein simultanes Lösen notwendig, da ein sequentielles Lösen entweder zu unzulĂ€ssigen Ergebnissen oder zu erheblichen Kostensteigerungen fĂŒhrt
