994,132 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the NLP Components of the OVIS2 Spoken Dialogue System

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    The NWO Priority Programme Language and Speech Technology is a 5-year research programme aiming at the development of spoken language information systems. In the Programme, two alternative natural language processing (NLP) modules are developed in parallel: a grammar-based (conventional, rule-based) module and a data-oriented (memory-based, stochastic, DOP) module. In order to compare the NLP modules, a formal evaluation has been carried out three years after the start of the Programme. This paper describes the evaluation procedure and the evaluation results. The grammar-based component performs much better than the data-oriented one in this comparison.Comment: Proceedings of CLIN 9

    An architecture and execution environment for component integration rules

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    The Integration Rules (IRules) project at Arizona State University (http://www.eas.asu.edu/~irules) is developing a declarative event-based approach to component integration. Integration rules are based on the concept of active database rules, providing an active approach for specifying event- driven activity in a distributed environment. The IRules project consists of a knowledge model that specifies the IRules Definition Language and an execution model that supports integration rule execution. This research focuses on the execution model and the architectural design parts of the IRules project. The main objective of this research is to develop a distributed execution environment for using integration rules in the integration of black-box components. In particular, this research will investigate the design of an architecture that supports the IRules semantic framework, the development of an execution model for rule and transaction processing, and the design of a rule processing algorithm for coordinating the execution of integration rules. This research will combine the distributed computing framework of Jini, the asynchronous event notification mechanism of the Java Message Service (JMS), and the distributed blocking access functionality of JavaSpaces to support active rule processing in a distributed environment. The limitations of the underlying Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) component model pose transaction processing challenges for the integration process. This research will develop a suitable transaction model and processing logic to overcome the limitations of the underlying EJB component model. Furthermore, the architectural design will allow an easy extension of the system to accommodate other component models. This research is expected to contribute to nested rule and transaction processing for active rules that have not been previously addressed in distributed rule processing environments. The development of the IRules execution environment will also contribute to the use of distributed rule- based techniques for eventdriven component integration

    A Rule-based Part-of-speech Tagger for Classical Tibetan

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    This paper reports on the development of a rule-based part-of-speech tagger for Classical Tibetan. Far from being an obscure tool of minor utility to scholars, the rule-based tagger is a key component of a larger initiative aimed at radically transforming the practice of Tibetan linguistics through the application of corpus and computational methods

    Rule of Law as Instrument for National Development

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    Abstract The thesis is aimed to conduct research on rule of law as instrument for national development and to investigate the relationship between rule of law and development in rights based approach. Rule of law in relation to development will be examined to what extent it functions in practical development course of action. The study also aims at highlighting rule of law and spark light how it can be instrument to govern inter-intra development actors. Furthermore, the absence of rule of law is part of the discussion to show how its absence affects the relationship between development actors in the development process. Thus, rule of law will be discussed as: a fair, impartial and accessible justice system with a representative government. Based on this the thesis will convey rule of law as instrument that governs development actors equally in the enforcement process of development policies. In this regard rule of law as instrument for national development will be presented as a binding and governing force of the interactions of different development actors. In such manner the study will investigate the relationships between rule of law and development to show the possibilities of establishing a comprehensive understanding on their relation. This is because rule of law and development are emerging as national and international concerns. Therefore the qualitative approach of this paper underpinned by modernization development theory will investigate their emerging connection. Furthermore, good governance that requires transparency and accountability and in turn fosters rule of law with other component parts of national development such as Democracy, Human Rights, combating Corruption, free press and institutions will be elaborated by using Rule of Law as a benchmark. Thus, rule of law as instrument for development will be conveyed as independent, efficient, accessible judicial and legal systems with a government that applies fair and equitable laws equally, consistently and coherently to all national development sectors

    Autonomous power expert system

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    The Autonomous Power Expert (APEX) system was designed to monitor and diagnose fault conditions that occur within the Space Station Freedom Electrical Power System (SSF/EPS) Testbed. APEX is designed to interface with SSF/EPS testbed power management controllers to provide enhanced autonomous operation and control capability. The APEX architecture consists of three components: (1) a rule-based expert system, (2) a testbed data acquisition interface, and (3) a power scheduler interface. Fault detection, fault isolation, justification of probable causes, recommended actions, and incipient fault analysis are the main functions of the expert system component. The data acquisition component requests and receives pertinent parametric values from the EPS testbed and asserts the values into a knowledge base. Power load profile information is obtained from a remote scheduler through the power scheduler interface component. The current APEX design and development work is discussed. Operation and use of APEX by way of the user interface screens is also covered

    Stochastic Language Generation in Dialogue using Recurrent Neural Networks with Convolutional Sentence Reranking

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    The natural language generation (NLG) component of a spoken dialogue system (SDS) usually needs a substantial amount of handcrafting or a well-labeled dataset to be trained on. These limitations add significantly to development costs and make cross-domain, multi-lingual dialogue systems intractable. Moreover, human languages are context-aware. The most natural response should be directly learned from data rather than depending on predefined syntaxes or rules. This paper presents a statistical language generator based on a joint recurrent and convolutional neural network structure which can be trained on dialogue act-utterance pairs without any semantic alignments or predefined grammar trees. Objective metrics suggest that this new model outperforms previous methods under the same experimental conditions. Results of an evaluation by human judges indicate that it produces not only high quality but linguistically varied utterances which are preferred compared to n-gram and rule-based systems.Comment: To be appear in SigDial 201

    Microservices and Machine Learning Algorithms for Adaptive Green Buildings

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    In recent years, the use of services for Open Systems development has consolidated and strengthened. Advances in the Service Science and Engineering (SSE) community, promoted by the reinforcement of Web Services and Semantic Web technologies and the presence of new Cloud computing techniques, such as the proliferation of microservices solutions, have allowed software architects to experiment and develop new ways of building open and adaptable computer systems at runtime. Home automation, intelligent buildings, robotics, graphical user interfaces are some of the social atmosphere environments suitable in which to apply certain innovative trends. This paper presents a schema for the adaptation of Dynamic Computer Systems (DCS) using interdisciplinary techniques on model-driven engineering, service engineering and soft computing. The proposal manages an orchestrated microservices schema for adapting component-based software architectural systems at runtime. This schema has been developed as a three-layer adaptive transformation process that is supported on a rule-based decision-making service implemented by means of Machine Learning (ML) algorithms. The experimental development was implemented in the Solar Energy Research Center (CIESOL) applying the proposed microservices schema for adapting home architectural atmosphere systems on Green Buildings

    Design and implementation of a multi-agent opportunistic grid computing platform

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    Opportunistic Grid Computing involves joining idle computing resources in enterprises into a converged high performance commodity infrastructure. The research described in this dissertation investigates the viability of public resource computing in offering a plethora of possibilities through seamless access to shared compute and storage resources. The research proposes and conceptualizes the Multi-Agent Opportunistic Grid (MAOG) solution in an Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICT4D) initiative to address some limitations prevalent in traditional distributed system implementations. Proof-of-concept software components based on JADE (Java Agent Development Framework) validated Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) as an important tool for provisioning of Opportunistic Grid Computing platforms. Exploration of agent technologies within the research context identified two key components which improve access to extended computer capabilities. The first component is a Mobile Agent (MA) compute component in which a group of agents interact to pool shared processor cycles. The compute component integrates dynamic resource identification and allocation strategies by incorporating the Contract Net Protocol (CNP) and rule based reasoning concepts. The second service is a MAS based storage component realized through disk mirroring and Google file-system’s chunking with atomic append storage techniques. This research provides a candidate Opportunistic Grid Computing platform design and implementation through the use of MAS. Experiments conducted validated the design and implementation of the compute and storage services. From results, support for processing user applications; resource identification and allocation; and rule based reasoning validated the MA compute component. A MAS based file-system that implements chunking optimizations was considered to be optimum based on evaluations. The findings from the undertaken experiments also validated the functional adequacy of the implementation, and show the suitability of MAS for provisioning of robust, autonomous, and intelligent platforms. The context of this research, ICT4D, provides a solution to optimizing and increasing the utilization of computing resources that are usually idle in these contexts

    An Architecture for Multi-User Software Development Environments

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    We present an architecture for multi-user software development environments, covering general, process-centered and rule-based MUSDEs. Our architecture is founded on componentization, with particular concern for the capability to replace the synchronization component - to allow experimentation with novel concurrency control mechanisms - with minimal effects on other components while still supporting integration. The architecture has been implemented in the MARVEL SD

    Testing for unit roots and the impact of quadratic trends, with an application to relative primary commodity prices

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    In practice a degree of uncertainty will always exist concerning what specification to adopt for the deterministic trend function when running unit root tests. While most macroeconomic time series appear to display an underlying trend, it is often far from clear whether this component is best modelled as a simple linear trend (so that long-run growth rates are constant) or by a more complicated non-linear trend function which may, for instance, allow the deterministic trend component to evolve gradually over time. In this paper we consider the effects on unit root testing of allowing for a local quadratic trend, a simple yet very flexible example of the latter. Where a local quadratic trend is present but not modelled we show that the quasi-differenced detrended Dickey-Fuller-type test of Elliott et al. (1996) has both size and power which tend to zero asymptotically. An extension of the Elliott et al. (1996) approach to allow for a quadratic trend resolves this problem but is shown to result in large power losses relative to the standard detrended test when no quadratic trend is present. We consequently propose a simple and practical approach to dealing with this form of uncertainty based on a union of rejections-based decision rule whereby the unit root null is rejected whenever either of the detrended or quadratic detrended unit root tests rejects. A modification of this basic strategy is also suggested which further improves on the properties of the procedure. An application to relative primary commodity price data highlights the empirical relevance of the methods outlined in this paper. A by-product of our analysis is the development of a test for the presence of a quadratic trend which is robust to whether or not the data admit a unit root.Unit root test; trend uncertainty; quadratic trends; asymptotic power; union of rejections decision rule