10 research outputs found

    A Multicriteria Analysis for the Green VRP: A Case Discussion for the Distribution Problem of a Spanish Retailer

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    [EN] This research presents the group of green vehicle routing problems with environmental costs translated into money versus production of noise, pollution and fuel consumption. This research is focused on multi-objective green logistics optimization. Optimality criteria are environmental costs: minimization of amount of money paid as externality cost for noise, pollution and costs of fuel versus minimization of noise, pollution and fuel consumption themselves. Some mixed integer programming formulations of multi-criteria vehicle routing problems have been considered. Mathematical models were formulated under assumption of existence of asymmetric distance-based costs and use of homogeneous fleet. The exact solution methods are applied for finding optimal solutions. The software used to solve these models is the CPLEX solver with AMPL programming language. The researchers were able to use real data from a Spanish company of groceries. Problems deal with green logistics for routes crossing the Spanish regions of Navarre, Basque Country and La Rioja. Analyses of obtained results could help logistics managers to lead the initiative in area of green logistics by saving money paid for environmental costs as well as direct cost of fuel and minimization of pollution and noise.This work has been partially supported by the National Research Center (NCN), Poland (DEC-2013/11/B/ST8/04458), by AGH, and by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (TRA2013-48180-C3-P and TRA2015-71883-REDT), and the Ibero-American Program for Science and Technology for Development (CYTED2014-515RT0489). Likewise, we want to acknowledge the support received by the CAN Foundation in Navarre, Spain (Grants CAN2014-3758 and CAN2015-70473)Sawik, B.; Faulin, J.; Pérez Bernabeu, E. (2017). A Multicriteria Analysis for the Green VRP: A Case Discussion for the Distribution Problem of a Spanish Retailer. Transportation Research Procedia. 22:305-313. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trpro.2017.03.037S3053132

    The Development of a Smart Map for Minimum Exertion Routing Applications

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    The problem of minimum cost routing has been extensively explored in a variety of contexts. While there is a prevalence of routing applications based on least distance, time, and related attributes, exertion-based routing has remained relatively unexplored. In particular, the network structures traditionally used to construct minimum cost paths are not suited to representing exertion or finding paths of least exertion based on road gradient. In this paper, we introduce a topographical network or “topograph” that enables minimum cost routing based on the exertion metric on each arc in a given road network as it is related to changes in road gradient. We describe an algorithm for topograph construction and present the implementation of the topograph on a road network of the state of California with ~22 million nodes

    Multi-Criteria Optimization for Fleet Size with Environmental Aspects

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    [EN] This research concerns multi-criteria vehicle routing problems. Mathematical models are formulated with mixed-integer programming. We consider maximization of capacity of truck vs. minimization of utilization of fuel, carbon emission and production of noise. The problems deal with green logistics for routes crossing the Western Pyrenees in Navarre, Basque Country and La Rioja, Spain. We consider heterogeneous fleet of trucks. Different types of trucks have not only different capacities, but also require different amounts of fuel for operations. Consequently, the amount of carbon emission and noise vary as well. Companies planning delivery routes must consider the trade-off between the financial and environmental aspects of transportation. Efficiency of delivery routes is impacted by truck size and the possibility of dividing long delivery routes into smaller ones. The results of computational experiments modeled after real data from a Spanish food distribution company are reported. Computational results based on formulated optimization models show some balance between fleet size, truck types, utilization of fuel, carbon emission and production of noise. As a result, the company could consider a mixture of trucks sizes and divided routes for smaller trucks. Analyses of obtained results could help logistics managers lead the initiative in environmental conservation by saving fuel and consequently minimizing pollution.This work has been partially supported by the National Research Center (NCN), Poland (DEC2013/11/B/ST8/04458), by AGH, and by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (TRA2013-48180- C3-P and TRA2015-71883-REDT), and the Ibero-American Program for Science and Technology for Development (CYTED2014-515RT0489). Likewise, we want to acknowledge the support received by the CAN Foundation in Navarre, Spain (Grants CAN2014-3758 and CAN2015-70473). The authors are grateful to anonymous reviewers for their comments.Sawik, B.; Faulin, J.; Pérez-Bernabeu, E. (2017). Multi-Criteria Optimization for Fleet Size with Environmental Aspects. Transportation Research Procedia. 27:61-68. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trpro.2017.12.05661682

    Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm to Solve Vehicle Routing Problem with Fuel Consumption Minimization

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    The Conventional Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) has the objective function of minimizing the total vehicles’ traveling distance. Since the fuel cost is a relatively high component of transportation costs, in this study, the objective function of VRP has been extended by considering fuel consumption minimization in the situation wherein the loading weight and traveling time are restricted. Based on these assumptions, we proposed to extend the route division procedure proposed by Kuo and Wang [4] such that when one of the restrictions can not be met the routing division continues to create a new sub-route to find an acceptable solution. To solve the formulated problem, the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm is proposed to optimize the vehicle routing plan. The proposed methodology is validated by solving the problem by taking a particular day data from a bottled drinking water distribution company. It was revealed that the saving of at best 13% can be obtained from the actual routes applied by the company

    Hybrid Henry Gas Solubility Optimization: An Effective Algorithm for Fuel Consumption Vehicle Routing Problem

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    The depletion of non-renewable fuel reserves is the biggest problem in the logistics sector. This problem encourages the transportation sector to increase fuel efficiency in distribution activities. The fuel optimization problem in distribution routing problems is called the Fuel Consumption Vehicle Routing Problem (FCVRP). This study proposes a novel Hybrid Henry Gas Solubility Optimization (HHGSO) to solve FCVRP problems. Experiments with several parameter variants were carried out to determine the performance of HHGSO in optimizing fuel consumption. The results show that the parameters of the HHGSO algorithm affect fuel consumption and computation time. In addition, the higher the KPL, the smaller the resulting fuel consumption. The proposed algorithm is also compared with several algorithms. The comparison results show that the proposed algorithm produces better computational time and fuel consumption than the Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization and Tabu Search algorithms

    The continuous pollution routing problem

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    In this paper, we presented an ε-accurate approach to conduct a continuous optimization on the pollution routing problem (PRP). First, we developed an ε-accurate inner polyhedral approximation method for the nonlinear relation between the travel time and travel speed. The approximation error was controlled within the limit of a given parameter ε, which could be as low as 0.01% in our experiments. Second, we developed two ε-accurate methods for the nonlinear fuel consumption rate (FCR) function of a fossil fuel-powered vehicle while ensuring the approximation error to be within the same parameter ε. Based on these linearization methods, we proposed an ε-accurate mathematical linear programming model for the continuous PRP (ε-CPRP for short), in which decision variables such as driving speeds, travel times, arrival/departure/waiting times, vehicle loads, and FCRs were all optimized concurrently on their continuous domains. A theoretical analysis is provided to confirm that the solutions of ε-CPRP are feasible and controlled within the predefined limit. The proposed ε-CPRP model is rigorously tested on well-known benchmark PRP instances in the literature, and has solved PRP instances optimally with up to 25 customers within reasonable CPU times. New optimal solutions of many PRP instances were reported for the first time in the experiments

    Planning the delivery of home social services: a mathematical programming-based approach to support routing and scheduling assignments

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    The increased average lifespan, together with low birth rates, are transforming the European Union's age pyramid. Currently, we are experiencing a transition towards a much older population structure. Given that the institutions that provide care to these population groups are limited by budgetary constraints, it is imperative to optimize several processes, among which route planning and staff scheduling stand out. This dissertation aims to develop a mathematical programming model to support the planning of routes and human resources for providers of Home Social Services. Beyond general Vehicle Routing Problems assumptions, the proposed model also considers the following features: i) working time regulations, ii) mandatory breaks, iii) users' autonomy, and iii) meals' distribution. The present model, implemented using GAMS software, focuses simultaneously on two objective functions: minimization of operating costs, and maximization of equity through the minimization of differences in teams' working times. Chebyshev's method was chosen to solve the developed multiobjective model. The model was built based on a Portuguese Private Institution of Social Solidarity. Through the application of the model, significant improvements are obtained when compared to the current planning of the partner institution, such as it is the case of an improved workload distribution between caregivers and routes that will result in lower costs for the institution. This model is fully enforceable to other institutions that provide services similar or equal to the institution used as a reference.O aumento da esperança média de vida, juntamente com baixas taxas de natalidade, estão a transformar a pirâmide etária da União Europeia. Atualmente, estamos a vivenciar uma transição direcionada para uma estrutura populacional muito mais envelhecida. Dado que as instituições que prestam cuidados a esta fração se encontram limitadas por restrições orçamentais, torna-se imperativo otimizar vários processos, dos quais se destacam planeamento de rotas e escalonamento de funcionárias. Esta dissertação visa introduzir um modelo de programação matemática com a finalidade de apoiar o planeamento de rotas e recursos humanos para prestadores de Serviços de Apoio Domiciliário. O modelo assenta, além dos pressupostos de um "Vehicle Routing Problem", nos seguintes: i) regulações de tempo de trabalho, ii) pausas obrigatórias, iii) autonomia dos utentes, e iv) distribuição de refeições. O modelo, desenvolvido através de software GAMS, foca-se em duas funções objetivo, simultaneamente: minimização dos custos operacionais, e maximização da equidade, através da minimização das diferenças nos tempos de trabalho das equipas. O método de Chebyshev foi o escolhido para desenvolver o modelo multiobjetivo. O modelo foi construído tendo por base uma Instituição Particular de Solidariedade Social em Portugal. Através da aplicação do modelo, obtêm-se melhorias significativas, quando comparado com o atual planeamento da instituição parceira, como é o caso de uma melhor distribuição da carga de trabalho entre as funcionárias e das rotas que resultam da redução dos custos operacionais da instituição. Este modelo é totalmente extensível a outras instituições que prestem serviços semelhantes ou iguais à instituição utilizada como referência

    Analysis of operational data from the Lethbridge Transit System with respect to the environment, population, and spatial context

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    I completed two research projects for this thesis. The first research project examined fuel efficiency and vehicle emission differences between Lethbridge Transit’s hybrid and diesel buses. The second research project examined the actual vs potential utilization of the Lethbridge Transit system. I compared the City of Lethbridge hybrid buses against their diesel counterparts, as well as to the STURAA standards to assess fuel efficiency and vehicle emissions. The results were comparable with STURAA and the hybrid did perform better than the diesel. The key factors affecting utilization of the transit system are identifying the users, their location, and improving transit efficiency across large areas with low density. Lethbridge user qualities and quantities were not well known until the implementation of the Breeze Card data system. By conducting a hot spot analysis using the Breeze Card data, along with city age demographics, areas of high or low efficiency were identifie

    Routing vehicles to minimize fuel consumption

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