285 research outputs found

    Proceedings of the Second International Mobile Satellite Conference (IMSC 1990)

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    Presented here are the proceedings of the Second International Mobile Satellite Conference (IMSC), held June 17-20, 1990 in Ottawa, Canada. Topics covered include future mobile satellite communications concepts, aeronautical applications, modulation and coding, propagation and experimental systems, mobile terminal equipment, network architecture and control, regulatory and policy considerations, vehicle antennas, and speech compression

    QoS in Telemedicine

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    Quality aspects of Internet telephony

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    Internet telephony has had a tremendous impact on how people communicate. Many now maintain contact using some form of Internet telephony. Therefore the motivation for this work has been to address the quality aspects of real-world Internet telephony for both fixed and wireless telecommunication. The focus has been on the quality aspects of voice communication, since poor quality leads often to user dissatisfaction. The scope of the work has been broad in order to address the main factors within IP-based voice communication. The first four chapters of this dissertation constitute the background material. The first chapter outlines where Internet telephony is deployed today. It also motivates the topics and techniques used in this research. The second chapter provides the background on Internet telephony including signalling, speech coding and voice Internetworking. The third chapter focuses solely on quality measures for packetised voice systems and finally the fourth chapter is devoted to the history of voice research. The appendix of this dissertation constitutes the research contributions. It includes an examination of the access network, focusing on how calls are multiplexed in wired and wireless systems. Subsequently in the wireless case, we consider how to handover calls from 802.11 networks to the cellular infrastructure. We then consider the Internet backbone where most of our work is devoted to measurements specifically for Internet telephony. The applications of these measurements have been estimating telephony arrival processes, measuring call quality, and quantifying the trend in Internet telephony quality over several years. We also consider the end systems, since they are responsible for reconstructing a voice stream given loss and delay constraints. Finally we estimate voice quality using the ITU proposal PESQ and the packet loss process. The main contribution of this work is a systematic examination of Internet telephony. We describe several methods to enable adaptable solutions for maintaining consistent voice quality. We have also found that relatively small technical changes can lead to substantial user quality improvements. A second contribution of this work is a suite of software tools designed to ascertain voice quality in IP networks. Some of these tools are in use within commercial systems today

    LTE Optimization and Resource Management in Wireless Heterogeneous Networks

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    Mobile communication technology is evolving with a great pace. The development of the Long Term Evolution (LTE) mobile system by 3GPP is one of the milestones in this direction. This work highlights a few areas in the LTE radio access network where the proposed innovative mechanisms can substantially improve overall LTE system performance. In order to further extend the capacity of LTE networks, an integration with the non-3GPP networks (e.g., WLAN, WiMAX etc.) is also proposed in this work. Moreover, it is discussed how bandwidth resources should be managed in such heterogeneous networks. The work has purposed a comprehensive system architecture as an overlay of the 3GPP defined SAE architecture, effective resource management mechanisms as well as a Linear Programming based analytical solution for the optimal network resource allocation problem. In addition, alternative computationally efficient heuristic based algorithms have also been designed to achieve near-optimal performance

    Secure covert communications over streaming media using dynamic steganography

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    Streaming technologies such as VoIP are widely embedded into commercial and industrial applications, so it is imperative to address data security issues before the problems get really serious. This thesis describes a theoretical and experimental investigation of secure covert communications over streaming media using dynamic steganography. A covert VoIP communications system was developed in C++ to enable the implementation of the work being carried out. A new information theoretical model of secure covert communications over streaming media was constructed to depict the security scenarios in streaming media-based steganographic systems with passive attacks. The model involves a stochastic process that models an information source for covert VoIP communications and the theory of hypothesis testing that analyses the adversary‘s detection performance. The potential of hardware-based true random key generation and chaotic interval selection for innovative applications in covert VoIP communications was explored. Using the read time stamp counter of CPU as an entropy source was designed to generate true random numbers as secret keys for streaming media steganography. A novel interval selection algorithm was devised to choose randomly data embedding locations in VoIP streams using random sequences generated from achaotic process. A dynamic key updating and transmission based steganographic algorithm that includes a one-way cryptographical accumulator integrated into dynamic key exchange for covert VoIP communications, was devised to provide secure key exchange for covert communications over streaming media. The discrete logarithm problem in mathematics and steganalysis using t-test revealed the algorithm has the advantage of being the most solid method of key distribution over a public channel. The effectiveness of the new steganographic algorithm for covert communications over streaming media was examined by means of security analysis, steganalysis using non parameter Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon statistical testing, and performance and robustness measurements. The algorithm achieved the average data embedding rate of 800 bps, comparable to other related algorithms. The results indicated that the algorithm has no or little impact on real-time VoIP communications in terms of speech quality (< 5% change in PESQ with hidden data), signal distortion (6% change in SNR after steganography) and imperceptibility, and it is more secure and effective in addressing the security problems than other related algorithms

    Apprentissage automatique pour le codage cognitif de la parole

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    Depuis les années 80, les codecs vocaux reposent sur des stratégies de codage à court terme qui fonctionnent au niveau de la sous-trame ou de la trame (généralement 5 à 20 ms). Les chercheurs ont essentiellement ajusté et combiné un nombre limité de technologies disponibles (transformation, prédiction linéaire, quantification) et de stratégies (suivi de forme d'onde, mise en forme du bruit) pour construire des architectures de codage de plus en plus complexes. Dans cette thèse, plutôt que de s'appuyer sur des stratégies de codage à court terme, nous développons un cadre alternatif pour la compression de la parole en codant les attributs de la parole qui sont des caractéristiques perceptuellement importantes des signaux vocaux. Afin d'atteindre cet objectif, nous résolvons trois problèmes de complexité croissante, à savoir la classification, la prédiction et l'apprentissage des représentations. La classification est un élément courant dans les conceptions de codecs modernes. Dans un premier temps, nous concevons un classifieur pour identifier les émotions, qui sont parmi les attributs à long terme les plus complexes de la parole. Dans une deuxième étape, nous concevons un prédicteur d'échantillon de parole, qui est un autre élément commun dans les conceptions de codecs modernes, pour mettre en évidence les avantages du traitement du signal de parole à long terme et non linéaire. Ensuite, nous explorons les variables latentes, un espace de représentations de la parole, pour coder les attributs de la parole à court et à long terme. Enfin, nous proposons un réseau décodeur pour synthétiser les signaux de parole à partir de ces représentations, ce qui constitue notre dernière étape vers la construction d'une méthode complète de compression de la parole basée sur l'apprentissage automatique de bout en bout. Bien que chaque étape de développement proposée dans cette thèse puisse faire partie d'un codec à elle seule, chaque étape fournit également des informations et une base pour la prochaine étape de développement jusqu'à ce qu'un codec entièrement basé sur l'apprentissage automatique soit atteint. Les deux premières étapes, la classification et la prédiction, fournissent de nouveaux outils qui pourraient remplacer et améliorer des éléments des codecs existants. Dans la première étape, nous utilisons une combinaison de modèle source-filtre et de machine à état liquide (LSM), pour démontrer que les caractéristiques liées aux émotions peuvent être facilement extraites et classées à l'aide d'un simple classificateur. Dans la deuxième étape, un seul réseau de bout en bout utilisant une longue mémoire à court terme (LSTM) est utilisé pour produire des trames vocales avec une qualité subjective élevée pour les applications de masquage de perte de paquets (PLC). Dans les dernières étapes, nous nous appuyons sur les résultats des étapes précédentes pour concevoir un codec entièrement basé sur l'apprentissage automatique. un réseau d'encodage, formulé à l'aide d'un réseau neuronal profond (DNN) et entraîné sur plusieurs bases de données publiques, extrait et encode les représentations de la parole en utilisant la prédiction dans un espace latent. Une approche d'apprentissage non supervisé basée sur plusieurs principes de cognition est proposée pour extraire des représentations à partir de trames de parole courtes et longues en utilisant l'information mutuelle et la perte contrastive. La capacité de ces représentations apprises à capturer divers attributs de la parole à court et à long terme est démontrée. Enfin, une structure de décodage est proposée pour synthétiser des signaux de parole à partir de ces représentations. L'entraînement contradictoire est utilisé comme une approximation des mesures subjectives de la qualité de la parole afin de synthétiser des échantillons de parole à consonance naturelle. La haute qualité perceptuelle de la parole synthétisée ainsi obtenue prouve que les représentations extraites sont efficaces pour préserver toutes sortes d'attributs de la parole et donc qu'une méthode de compression complète est démontrée avec l'approche proposée.Abstract: Since the 80s, speech codecs have relied on short-term coding strategies that operate at the subframe or frame level (typically 5 to 20ms). Researchers essentially adjusted and combined a limited number of available technologies (transform, linear prediction, quantization) and strategies (waveform matching, noise shaping) to build increasingly complex coding architectures. In this thesis, rather than relying on short-term coding strategies, we develop an alternative framework for speech compression by encoding speech attributes that are perceptually important characteristics of speech signals. In order to achieve this objective, we solve three problems of increasing complexity, namely classification, prediction and representation learning. Classification is a common element in modern codec designs. In a first step, we design a classifier to identify emotions, which are among the most complex long-term speech attributes. In a second step, we design a speech sample predictor, which is another common element in modern codec designs, to highlight the benefits of long-term and non-linear speech signal processing. Then, we explore latent variables, a space of speech representations, to encode both short-term and long-term speech attributes. Lastly, we propose a decoder network to synthesize speech signals from these representations, which constitutes our final step towards building a complete, end-to-end machine-learning based speech compression method. The first two steps, classification and prediction, provide new tools that could replace and improve elements of existing codecs. In the first step, we use a combination of source-filter model and liquid state machine (LSM), to demonstrate that features related to emotions can be easily extracted and classified using a simple classifier. In the second step, a single end-to-end network using long short-term memory (LSTM) is shown to produce speech frames with high subjective quality for packet loss concealment (PLC) applications. In the last steps, we build upon the results of previous steps to design a fully machine learning-based codec. An encoder network, formulated using a deep neural network (DNN) and trained on multiple public databases, extracts and encodes speech representations using prediction in a latent space. An unsupervised learning approach based on several principles of cognition is proposed to extract representations from both short and long frames of data using mutual information and contrastive loss. The ability of these learned representations to capture various short- and long-term speech attributes is demonstrated. Finally, a decoder structure is proposed to synthesize speech signals from these representations. Adversarial training is used as an approximation to subjective speech quality measures in order to synthesize natural-sounding speech samples. The high perceptual quality of synthesized speech thus achieved proves that the extracted representations are efficient at preserving all sorts of speech attributes and therefore that a complete compression method is demonstrated with the proposed approach

    Enhanced transport protocols for real time and streaming applications on wireless links

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    Real time communications have, in the last decade, become a highly relevant component of Internet applications and services, with both interactive communications and streamed content being used in developed and developing countries alike. Due to the proliferation of mobile devices, wireless media is becoming the means of transmitting a large part of this increasingly important real time communications traffic. Wireless has also become an important technology in developing countries, with satellite communications being increasingly deployed for traffic backhaul and ubiquitous connection to the Internet. A number of issues need to be addressed in order to have an acceptable service quality for real time communications in wireless environments. In addition to this, the availability of multiple wireless interfaces on mobile devices presents an opportunity to improve and further exacerbates the issues already present on single wireless links. Therefore in this thesis, we consider improvements to transport protocols for real time communications and streaming services to address these problems and we provide the following contributions. To deal with wireless link issues of errors and delay, we propose two enhancements. First, an improvement technique for Datagram Congestion Control Protocol CCID4 for long delay wireless (e.g. satellite) links, demonstrating significant performance improvements for Voice over IP applications. To deal with link errors, we have proposed, implemented and evaluated an erasure coding based packet error correction approach for Concurrent Multipath Transfer extension of Stream Control Transport Protocol data transport over multiple wireless paths. We have identified packet reordering as a major cause of performance degradation in both single and multi-path transport protocols for real time communications and media streaming. We have proposed a dynamically resizable buffer based solution to mitigate this problem within the DCCP protocol. For improving the performance of multi-path transport protocols over dissimilar network paths, we have proposed a delay aware packet scheduling scheme, which significantly improves the performance of multimedia and bulk data transfer with CMT-SCTP in heterogeneous multi-path network scenarios. Finally, we have developed a tool for online streaming video quality evaluation experiments, comprising a real-time cross-layer video streaming technique implemented within an open-source H.264 video encoder tool called x264

    Analyzing Voice And Video Call Service Performance Over A Local Area Network

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2010Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2010Bu çalışmada, VOIP teknolojisinden ve bu teknolojiyi kablolu ve kablosuz ortamda gerçeklemenin en önemli darboğazları anlatılacaktır. Ayrıca H.323, SIP (Session Initiation Protocol), Megaco ve MGCP gibi yaygın olarak kullanılan ses iletim protokolleri ve H.261, H.263 ve H.264 gibi görüntü iletim protokollerinden bahsedilmiştir. Ses kodek seçimi ve VOIP servis kalitesine etki eden faktörleri anlatılmaktadır. Bu tezde, ses, görüntü ve veri iletişimini aynı anda bünyesinde barındıran gerçek şebekeler simüle edilecektir. Kullanıcılara rastlantısal olarak ses, görüntü ve FTP gibi birtakım uygulamalar atanmıştır. Ayrıca önerilen kablolu şebekeye, kablosuz bir şebeke ilave edilerek sonuçlar incelenecektir. Optimal servis kalitesini sağlamak için seçilen uygun kuyruklama mekanizmaları ve kodek seçimlerini içeren senaryolar incelenecek ve OPNET ile elde edilmiş simülasyon sonuçları tartışılacaktır.In this study, we present a detailed description of the VoIP and also the most common challenges of implementing voice communication into wireline or wireless networks are discussed. Common voice protocols, such as H.323, Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), Megaco, MGCP and video protocols such as H.261, H.263, H.264 are described as well. CODEC selection and factors affecting VoIP Quality of Service are analyzed. We simulate a real network which includes both voice, video and data communication simultaneously. Workstations are randomly assigned to different applications, such as voice, video and FTP. We will also implement a wireless network to our proposed system. The scenarios including selecting appropriate queuing scheme and codec selection are presented and the simulation results with OPNET are drawn.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    Error resilient packet switched H.264 video telephony over third generation networks.

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    Real-time video communication over wireless networks is a challenging problem because wireless channels suffer from fading, additive noise and interference, which translate into packet loss and delay. Since modern video encoders deliver video packets with decoding dependencies, packet loss and delay can significantly degrade the video quality at the receiver. Many error resilience mechanisms have been proposed to combat packet loss in wireless networks, but only a few were specifically designed for packet switched video telephony over Third Generation (3G) networks. The first part of the thesis presents an error resilience technique for packet switched video telephony that combines application layer Forward Error Correction (FEC) with rateless codes, Reference Picture Selection (RPS) and cross layer optimization. Rateless codes have lower encoding and decoding computational complexity compared to traditional error correcting codes. One can use them on complexity constrained hand-held devices. Also, their redundancy does not need to be fixed in advance and any number of encoded symbols can be generated on the fly. Reference picture selection is used to limit the effect of spatio-temporal error propagation. Limiting the effect of spatio-temporal error propagation results in better video quality. Cross layer optimization is used to minimize the data loss at the application layer when data is lost at the data link layer. Experimental results on a High Speed Packet Access (HSPA) network simulator for H.264 compressed standard video sequences show that the proposed technique achieves significant Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Percentage Degraded Video Duration (PDVD) improvements over a state of the art error resilience technique known as Interactive Error Control (IEC), which is a combination of Error Tracking and feedback based Reference Picture Selection. The improvement is obtained at a cost of higher end-to-end delay. The proposed technique is improved by making the FEC (Rateless code) redundancy channel adaptive. Automatic Repeat Request (ARQ) is used to adjust the redundancy of the Rateless codes according to the channel conditions. Experimental results show that the channel adaptive scheme achieves significant PSNR and PDVD improvements over the static scheme for a simulated Long Term Evolution (LTE) network. In the third part of the thesis, the performance of the previous two schemes is improved by making the transmitter predict when rateless decoding will fail. In this case, reference picture selection is invoked early and transmission of encoded symbols for that source block is aborted. Simulations for an LTE network show that this results in video quality improvement and bandwidth savings. In the last part of the thesis, the performance of the adaptive technique is improved by exploiting the history of the wireless channel. In a Rayleigh fading wireless channel, the RLC-PDU losses are correlated under certain conditions. This correlation is exploited to adjust the redundancy of the Rateless code and results in higher Rateless code decoding success rate and higher video quality. Simulations for an LTE network show that the improvement was significant when the packet loss rate in the two wireless links was 10%. To facilitate the implementation of the proposed error resilience techniques in practical scenarios, RTP/UDP/IP level packetization schemes are also proposed for each error resilience technique. Compared to existing work, the proposed error resilience techniques provide better video quality. Also, more emphasis is given to implementation issues in 3G networks