387 research outputs found

    Naval Mine Detection and Seabed Segmentation in Sonar Images with Deep Learning

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    Underwater mines are a cost-effective method in asymmetric warfare, and are commonly used to block shipping lanes and restrict naval operations. Consequently, they threaten commercial and military vessels, disrupt humanitarian aids, and damage sea environments. There is a strong international interest in using sonars and AI for mine countermeasures and undersea surveillance. High-resolution imaging sonars are well-suited for detecting underwater mines and other targets. Compared to other sensors, sonars are more effective for undersea environments with low visibility. This project aims to investigate deep learning algorithms for two important tasks in undersea surveillance: naval mine detection and seabed terrain segmentation. Our goal is to automatically classify the composition of the seabed and localise naval mines. This research utilises the real sonar data provided by the Defence Science and Technology Group (DSTG). To conduct the experiments, we annotated 150 sonar images for semantic segmentation; the annotation is guided by experts from the DSTG.We also used 152 sonar images with mine detection annotations prepared by members of Centre for Signal and Information Processing at the University of Wollongong. Our results show Faster-RCNN to achieve the highest performance in object detection. We evaluated transfer learning and data augmentation for object detection. Each method improved our detection models mAP by 11.9% and 16.9% and mAR by 17.8% and 21.1%, respectively. Furthermore, we developed a data augmentation algorithm called Evolutionary Cut-Paste which yielded a 20.2% increase in performance. For segmentation, we found highly-tuned DeepLabV3 and U-Nett++models perform best. We evaluate various configurations of optimisers, learning rate schedules and encoder networks for each model architecture. Additionally, model hyper-parameters are tuned prior to training using various tests. Finally, we apply Median Frequency Balancing to mitigate model bias towards frequently occurring classes. We favour DeepLabV3 due to its reliable detection of underrepresented classes as opposed to the accurate boundaries produced by U-Nett++. All of the models satisfied the constraint of real-time operation when running on an NVIDIA GTX 1070

    High-frequency side-scan sonar fish reconnaissance by autonomous underwater vehicles

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2016. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of NRC Research Press for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 74 (2017): 240-255, doi:10.1139/cjfas-2015-0301.A dichotomy between depth penetration and resolution as a function of sonar frequency, draw resolution, and beam spread challenges fish target classification from sonar. Moving high-frequency sources to depth using autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) mitigates this and also co-locates transducers with other AUV-mounted short-range sensors to allow a holistic approach to ecological surveys. This widely available tool with a pedigree for bottom mapping is not commonly applied to fish reconnaissance and requires the development of an interpretation of pelagic reflective features, revisitation of count methods, image-processing rather than wave-form recognition for automation, and an understanding of bias. In a series of AUV mission test cases, side-scan sonar (600 and 900 kHz) returns often resolved individual school members, spacing, size, behavior, and (infrequently) species from anatomical features and could be intuitively classified by ecologists — but also produced artifacts. Fish often followed the AUV and thus were videographed, but in doing so removed themselves from the sonar aperture. AUV-supported high-frequency side-scan holds particular promise for survey of scarce, large species or for synergistic investigation of predators and their prey because the spatial scale of observations may be similar to those of predators.AUV missions were funded by an Office of Naval Research grant to the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and Rutgers University. The field work was supported by the Office of Naval Research under grant N00014-11-1-0160

    Homotopy Based Reconstruction from Acoustic Images

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    Algorithms and Data Structures for Automated Change Detection and Classification of Sidescan Sonar Imagery

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    During Mine Warfare (MIW) operations, MIW analysts perform change detection by visually comparing historical sidescan sonar imagery (SSI) collected by a sidescan sonar with recently collected SSI in an attempt to identify objects (which might be explosive mines) placed at sea since the last time the area was surveyed. This dissertation presents a data structure and three algorithms, developed by the author, that are part of an automated change detection and classification (ACDC) system. MIW analysts at the Naval Oceanographic Office, to reduce the amount of time to perform change detection, are currently using ACDC. The dissertation introductory chapter gives background information on change detection, ACDC, and describes how SSI is produced from raw sonar data. Chapter 2 presents the author\u27s Geospatial Bitmap (GB) data structure, which is capable of storing information geographically and is utilized by the three algorithms. This chapter shows that a GB data structure used in a polygon-smoothing algorithm ran between 1.3 – 48.4x faster than a sparse matrix data structure. Chapter 3 describes the GB clustering algorithm, which is the author\u27s repeatable, order-independent method for clustering. Results from tests performed in this chapter show that the time to cluster a set of points is not affected by the distribution or the order of the points. In Chapter 4, the author presents his real-time computer-aided detection (CAD) algorithm that automatically detects mine-like objects on the seafloor in SSI. The author ran his GB-based CAD algorithm on real SSI data, and results of these tests indicate that his real-time CAD algorithm performs comparably to or better than other non-real-time CAD algorithms. The author presents his computer-aided search (CAS) algorithm in Chapter 5. CAS helps MIW analysts locate mine-like features that are geospatially close to previously detected features. A comparison between the CAS and a great circle distance algorithm shows that the CAS performs geospatial searching 1.75x faster on large data sets. Finally, the concluding chapter of this dissertation gives important details on how the completed ACDC system will function, and discusses the author\u27s future research to develop additional algorithms and data structures for ACDC

    Sonar image interpretation for sub-sea operations

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    Mine Counter-Measure (MCM) missions are conducted to neutralise underwater explosives. Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) assists operators by increasing the speed and accuracy of data review. ATR embedded on vehicles enables adaptive missions which increase the speed of data acquisition. This thesis addresses three challenges; the speed of data processing, robustness of ATR to environmental conditions and the large quantities of data required to train an algorithm. The main contribution of this thesis is a novel ATR algorithm. The algorithm uses features derived from the projection of 3D boxes to produce a set of 2D templates. The template responses are independent of grazing angle, range and target orientation. Integer skewed integral images, are derived to accelerate the calculation of the template responses. The algorithm is compared to the Haar cascade algorithm. For a single model of sonar and cylindrical targets the algorithm reduces the Probability of False Alarm (PFA) by 80% at a Probability of Detection (PD) of 85%. The algorithm is trained on target data from another model of sonar. The PD is only 6% lower even though no representative target data was used for training. The second major contribution is an adaptive ATR algorithm that uses local sea-floor characteristics to address the problem of ATR robustness with respect to the local environment. A dual-tree wavelet decomposition of the sea-floor and an Markov Random Field (MRF) based graph-cut algorithm is used to segment the terrain. A Neural Network (NN) is then trained to filter ATR results based on the local sea-floor context. It is shown, for the Haar Cascade algorithm, that the PFA can be reduced by 70% at a PD of 85%. Speed of data processing is addressed using novel pre-processing techniques. The standard three class MRF, for sonar image segmentation, is formulated using graph-cuts. Consequently, a 1.2 million pixel image is segmented in 1.2 seconds. Additionally, local estimation of class models is introduced to remove range dependent segmentation quality. Finally, an A* graph search is developed to remove the surface return, a line of saturated pixels often detected as false alarms by ATR. The A* search identifies the surface return in 199 of 220 images tested with a runtime of 2.1 seconds. The algorithm is robust to the presence of ripples and rocks

    Proceedings of the 2009 Joint Workshop of Fraunhofer IOSB and Institute for Anthropomatics, Vision and Fusion Laboratory

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    The joint workshop of the Fraunhofer Institute of Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation IOSB, Karlsruhe, and the Vision and Fusion Laboratory (Institute for Anthropomatics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)), is organized annually since 2005 with the aim to report on the latest research and development findings of the doctoral students of both institutions. This book provides a collection of 16 technical reports on the research results presented on the 2009 workshop

    Underwater Localization in Complex Environments

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    A capacidade de um veículo autónomo submarino (AUV) se localizar num ambiente complexo, bem como de extrair características relevantes do mesmo, é de grande importância para o sucesso da navegação. No entanto, esta tarefa é particularmente desafiante em ambientes subaquáticos devido à rápida atenuação sofrida pelos sinais de sistemas de posicionamento global ou outros sinais de radiofrequência, dispersão e reflexão, sendo assim necessário o uso de processos de filtragem. Ambiente complexo é definido aqui como um cenário com objetos destacados das paredes, por exemplo, o objeto pode ter uma certa variabilidade de orientação, portanto a sua posição nem sempre é conhecida. Exemplos de cenários podem ser um porto, um tanque ou mesmo uma barragem, onde existem paredes e dentro dessas paredes um AUV pode ter a necessidade de se localizar de acordo com os outros veículos na área e se posicionar em relação ao mesmo e analisá-lo. Os veículos autónomos empregam muitos tipos diferentes de sensores para localização e percepção dos seus ambientes e dependem dos computadores de bordo para realizar tarefas de direção autónoma. Para esta dissertação há um problema concreto a resolver, localizar um cabo suspenso numa coluna de água em uma região conhecida do mar e navegar de acordo com ela. Embora a posição do cabo no mundo seja bem conhecida, a dinâmica do cabo não permite saber exatamente onde ele está. Assim, para que o veículo se localize de acordo com este para que possa ser inspecionado, a localização deve ser baseada em sensores ópticos e acústicos. Este estudo explora o processamento e a análise de imagens óticas e acústicas, por meio dos dados adquiridos através de uma câmara e por um sonar de varrimento mecânico (MSIS),respetivamente, a fim de extrair características ambientais relevantes que possibilitem a estimação da localização do veículo. Os pontos de interesse extraídos de cada um dos sensores são utilizados para alimentar um estimador de posição, implementando um Filtro de Kalman Extendido (EKF), de modo a estimar a posição do cabo e através do feedback do filtro melhorar os processos de extração de pontos de interesse utilizados.The ability of an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) to locate itself in a complex environment as well as to detect relevant environmental features is of crucial importance for successful navigation. However, it's particularly challenging in underwater environments due to the rapid attenuation suffered by signals from global positioning systems or other radio frequency signals, dispersion and reflection thus needing a filtering process. Complex environment is defined here as a scenario with objects detached from the walls, for example the object can have a certain orientation variability therefore its position is not always known. Examples of scenarios can be a harbour, a tank or even a dam reservoir, where there are walls and within those walls an AUV may have the need to localize itself according to the other vehicles in the area and position itself relative to one to observe, analyse or scan it. Autonomous vehicles employ many different types of sensors for localization and perceiving their environments and they depend on the on-board computers to perform autonomous driving tasks. For this dissertation there is a concrete problem to solve, which is to locate a suspended cable in a water column in a known region in the sea and navigate according to it. Although the cable position in the world is well known, the cable dynamics does not allow knowing where it is exactly. So, in order to the vehicle localize itself according to it so it can be inspected, the localization has to be based on optical and acoustic sensors. This study explores the processing and analysis of optical and acoustic images, through the data acquired through a camera and by a mechanical scanning sonar (MSIS), respectively, in order to extract relevant environmental characteristics that allow the estimation of the location of the vehicle. The points of interest extracted from each of the sensors are used to feed a position estimator, by implementing an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF), in order to estimate the position of the cable and through the feedback of the filter improve the extraction processes of points of interest used

    Evolutionary Optimization Techniques for 3D Simultaneous Localization and Mapping

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorMobile robots are growing up in applications to move through indoors and outdoors environments, passing from teleoperated applications to autonomous applications like exploring or navigating. For a robot to move through a particular location, it needs to gather information about the scenario using sensors. These sensors allow the robot to observe, depending on the sensor data type. Cameras mostly give information in two dimensions, with colors and pixels representing an image. Range sensors give distances from the robot to obstacles. Depth Cameras mix both technologies to expand their information to three-dimensional information. Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) provides information about the distance to the sensor but expands its range to planes and three dimensions alongside precision. So, mobile robots use those sensors to scan the scenario while moving. If the robot already has a map, the sensors measure, and the robot finds features that correspond to features on the map to localize itself. Men have used Maps as a specialized form of representing the environment for more than 5000 years, becoming a piece of important information in today’s daily basics. Maps are used to navigate from one place to another, localize something inside some boundaries, or as a form of documentation of essential features. So naturally, an intuitive way of making an autonomous mobile robot is to implement geometrical information maps to represent the environment. On the other hand, if the robot does not have a previous map, it should build it while moving around. The robot computes the sensor information with the odometer sensor information to achieve this task. However, sensors have their own flaws due to precision, calibration, or accuracy. Furthermore, moving a robot has its physical constraints and faults that may occur randomly, like wheel drifting or mechanical miscalibration that may make the odometers fail in the measurement, causing misalignment during the map building. A novel technique was presented in the mid-90s to solve this problem and overpass the uncertainty of sensors while the robot is building the map, the Simultaneous Localization and Mapping algorithm (SLAM). Its goal is to build a map while the robot’s position is corrected based on the information of two or more consecutive scans matched together or find the rigid registration vector between them. This algorithm has been broadly studied and developed for almost 25 years. Nonetheless, it is highly relevant in innovations, modifications, and adaptations due to the advances in new sensors and the complexity of the scenarios in emerging mobile robotics applications. The scan matching algorithm aims to find a pose vector representing the transformation or movement between two robot observations by finding the best possible value after solving an equation representing a good transformation. It means searching for a solution in an optimum way. Typically this optimization process has been solved using classical optimization algorithms, like Newton’s algorithm or solving gradient and second derivatives formulations, yet this requires an initial guess or initial state that helps the algorithm point in the right direction, most of the time by getting this information from the odometers or inertial sensors. Although, it is not always possible to have or trust this information, as some scenarios are complex and reckon sensors fail. In order to solve this problem, this research presents the uses of evolutionary optimization algorithms, those with a meta-heuristics definition based on iterative evolution that mimics optimization processes that do not need previous information to search a limited range for solutions to solve a fitness function. The main goal of this dissertation is to study, develop and prove the benefits of evolutionary optimization algorithms in simultaneous localization and mapping for mobile robots in six degrees of freedom scenarios using LiDAR sensor information. This work introduces several evolutionary algorithms for scan matching, acknowledge a mixed fitness function for registration, solve simultaneous localization and matching in different scenarios, implements loop closure and error relaxation, and proves its performance at indoors, outdoors and underground mapping applications.Los robots móviles están creciendo en aplicaciones para moverse por entornos interiores y exteriores, pasando de aplicaciones teleoperadas a aplicaciones autónomas como explorar o navegar. Para que un robot se mueva a través de una ubicación en particular, necesita recopilar información sobre el escenario utilizando sensores. Estos sensores permiten que el robot observe, según el tipo de datos del sensor. Las cámaras en su mayoría brindan información en dos dimensiones, con colores y píxeles que representan una imagen. Los sensores de rango dan distancias desde el robot hasta los obstáculos. Las Cámaras de Profundidad mezclan ambas tecnologías para expandir su información a información tridimensional. Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) proporciona información sobre la distancia al sensor, pero amplía su rango a planos y tres dimensiones así como mejora la precisión. Por lo tanto, los robots móviles usan esos sensores para escanear el escenario mientras se mueven. Si el robot ya tiene un mapa, los sensores miden y el robot encuentra características que corresponden a características en dicho mapa para localizarse. La humanidad ha utilizado los mapas como una forma especializada de representar el medio ambiente durante más de 5000 años, convirtiéndose en una pieza de información importante en los usos básicos diarios de hoy en día. Los mapas se utilizan para navegar de un lugar a otro, localizar algo dentro de algunos límites o como una forma de documentación de características esenciales. Entonces, naturalmente, una forma intuitiva de hacer un robot móvil autónomo es implementar mapas de información geométrica para representar el entorno. Por otro lado, si el robot no tiene un mapa previo, deberá construirlo mientras se desplaza. El robot junta la información del sensor de distancias con la información del sensor del odómetro para lograr esta tarea de crear un mapa. Sin embargo, los sensores tienen sus propios defectos debido a la precisión, la calibración o la exactitud. Además, mover un robot tiene sus limitaciones físicas y fallas que pueden ocurrir aleatoriamente, como el desvío de las ruedas o una mala calibración mecánica que puede hacer que los contadores de desplazamiento fallen en la medición, lo que provoca una desalineación durante la construcción del mapa. A mediados de los años 90 se presentó una técnica novedosa para resolver este problema y superar la incertidumbre de los sensores mientras el robot construye el mapa, el algoritmo de localización y mapeo simultáneos (SLAM). Su objetivo es construir un mapa mientras se corrige la posición del robot en base a la información de dos o más escaneos consecutivos emparejados o encontrar el vector de correspondencia entre ellos. Este algoritmo ha sido ampliamente estudiado y desarrollado durante casi 25 años. No obstante, es muy relevante en innovaciones, modificaciones y adaptaciones debido a los avances en sensores y la complejidad de los escenarios en las aplicaciones emergentes de robótica móvil. El algoritmo de correspondencia de escaneo tiene como objetivo encontrar un vector de pose que represente la transformación o el movimiento entre dos observaciones del robot al encontrar el mejor valor posible después de resolver una ecuación que represente una buena transformación. Significa buscar una solución de forma óptima. Por lo general, este proceso de optimización se ha resuelto utilizando algoritmos de optimización clásicos, como el algoritmo de Newton o la resolución de formulaciones de gradientes y segundas derivadas, pero esto requiere una conjetura inicial o un estado inicial que ayude al algoritmo a apuntar en la dirección correcta, la mayoría de las veces obteniendo esta información de los sensores odometricos o sensores de inercia, aunque no siempre es posible tener o confiar en esta información, ya que algunos escenarios son complejos y los sensores fallan. Para resolver este problema, esta investigación presenta los usos de los algoritmos de optimización evolutiva, aquellos con una definición meta-heurística basada en la evolución iterativa que imita los procesos de optimización que no necesitan información previa para buscar dentro de un rango limitado el grupo de soluciones que resuelve una función de calidad. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es estudiar, desarrollar y probar los usos de algoritmos de optimización evolutiva en localización y mapeado simultáneos para robots móviles en escenarios de seis grados de libertad utilizando información de sensores LiDAR. Este trabajo introduce varios algoritmos evolutivos que resuelven la correspondencia entre medidas, soluciona el problema de SLAM, implementa una fusion de funciones objetivos y demuestra sus ventajas con pruebas en escenarios reales tanto en interiores, exteriores como mapeado de escenarios subterraneos.Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y Automática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Gerardo Fernández López.- Secretario: María Dolores Blanco Rojas.- Vocal: David Álvarez Sánche

    Mobile Robot Navigation for Person Following in Indoor Environments

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    Service robotics is a rapidly growing area of interest in robotics research. Service robots inhabit human-populated environments and carry out specific tasks. The goal of this dissertation is to develop a service robot capable of following a human leader around populated indoor environments. A classification system for person followers is proposed such that it clearly defines the expected interaction between the leader and the robotic follower. In populated environments, the robot needs to be able to detect and identify its leader and track the leader through occlusions, a common characteristic of populated spaces. An appearance-based person descriptor, which augments the Kinect skeletal tracker, is developed and its performance in detecting and overcoming short and long-term leader occlusions is demonstrated. While following its leader, the robot has to ensure that it does not collide with stationary and moving obstacles, including other humans, in the environment. This requirement necessitates the use of a systematic navigation algorithm. A modified version of navigation function path planning, called the predictive fields path planner, is developed. This path planner models the motion of obstacles, uses a simplified representation of practical workspaces, and generates bounded, stable control inputs which guide the robot to its desired position without collisions with obstacles. The predictive fields path planner is experimentally verified on a non-person follower system and then integrated into the robot navigation module of the person follower system. To navigate the robot, it is necessary to localize it within its environment. A mapping approach based on depth data from the Kinect RGB-D sensor is used in generating a local map of the environment. The map is generated by combining inter-frame rotation and translation estimates based on scan generation and dead reckoning respectively. Thus, a complete mobile robot navigation system for person following in indoor environments is presented

    Machine learning methods for discriminating natural targets in seabed imagery

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    The research in this thesis concerns feature-based machine learning processes and methods for discriminating qualitative natural targets in seabed imagery. The applications considered, typically involve time-consuming manual processing stages in an industrial setting. An aim of the research is to facilitate a means of assisting human analysts by expediting the tedious interpretative tasks, using machine methods. Some novel approaches are devised and investigated for solving the application problems. These investigations are compartmentalised in four coherent case studies linked by common underlying technical themes and methods. The first study addresses pockmark discrimination in a digital bathymetry model. Manual identification and mapping of even a relatively small number of these landform objects is an expensive process. A novel, supervised machine learning approach to automating the task is presented. The process maps the boundaries of ≈ 2000 pockmarks in seconds - a task that would take days for a human analyst to complete. The second case study investigates different feature creation methods for automatically discriminating sidescan sonar image textures characteristic of Sabellaria spinulosa colonisation. Results from a comparison of several textural feature creation methods on sonar waterfall imagery show that Gabor filter banks yield some of the best results. A further empirical investigation into the filter bank features created on sonar mosaic imagery leads to the identification of a useful configuration and filter parameter ranges for discriminating the target textures in the imagery. Feature saliency estimation is a vital stage in the machine process. Case study three concerns distance measures for the evaluation and ranking of features on sonar imagery. Two novel consensus methods for creating a more robust ranking are proposed. Experimental results show that the consensus methods can improve robustness over a range of feature parameterisations and various seabed texture classification tasks. The final case study is more qualitative in nature and brings together a number of ideas, applied to the classification of target regions in real-world sonar mosaic imagery. A number of technical challenges arose and these were surmounted by devising a novel, hybrid unsupervised method. This fully automated machine approach was compared with a supervised approach in an application to the problem of image-based sediment type discrimination. The hybrid unsupervised method produces a plausible class map in a few minutes of processing time. It is concluded that the versatile, novel process should be generalisable to the discrimination of other subjective natural targets in real-world seabed imagery, such as Sabellaria textures and pockmarks (with appropriate features and feature tuning.) Further, the full automation of pockmark and Sabellaria discrimination is feasible within this framework