4,597 research outputs found

    Evaluating system utility and conceptual fit using CASSM

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    There is a wealth of user-centred evaluation methods (UEMs) to support the analyst in assessing interactive systems. Many of these support detailed aspects of use – for example: Is the feedback helpful? Are labels appropriate? Is the task structure optimal? Few UEMs encourage the analyst to step back and consider how well a system supports users’ conceptual understandings and system utility. In this paper, we present CASSM, a method which focuses on the quality of ‘fit’ between users and an interactive system. We describe the methodology of conducting a CASSM analysis and illustrate the approach with three contrasting worked examples (a robotic arm, a digital library system and a drawing tool) that demonstrate different depths of analysis. We show how CASSM can help identify re-design possibilities to improve system utility. CASSM complements established evaluation methods by focusing on conceptual structures rather than procedures. Prototype tool support for completing a CASSM analysis is provided by Cassata, an open source development

    A Developmental Neuro-Robotics Approach for Boosting the Recognition of Handwritten Digits

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    Developmental psychology and neuroimaging research identified a close link between numbers and fingers, which can boost the initial number knowledge in children. Recent evidence shows that a simulation of the children's embodied strategies can improve the machine intelligence too. This article explores the application of embodied strategies to convolutional neural network models in the context of developmental neurorobotics, where the training information is likely to be gradually acquired while operating rather than being abundant and fully available as the classical machine learning scenarios. The experimental analyses show that the proprioceptive information from the robot fingers can improve network accuracy in the recognition of handwritten Arabic digits when training examples and epochs are few. This result is comparable to brain imaging and longitudinal studies with young children. In conclusion, these findings also support the relevance of the embodiment in the case of artificial agents’ training and show a possible way for the humanization of the learning process, where the robotic body can express the internal processes of artificial intelligence making it more understandable for humans

    Modelling Learning to Count in Humanoid Robots

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    In reference to IEEE copyrighted material which is used with permission in this thesis, the IEEE does not endorse any of Plymouth University's products or services. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. If interested in reprinting/republishing IEEE copyrighted material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution, please go to http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/rights_link.html to learn how to obtain a License from RightsLink.This thesis concerns the formulation of novel developmental robotics models of embodied phenomena in number learning. Learning to count is believed to be of paramount importance for the acquisition of the remarkable fluency with which humans are able to manipulate numbers and other abstract concepts derived from them later in life. The ever-increasing amount of evidence for the embodied nature of human mathematical thinking suggests that the investigation of numerical cognition with the use of robotic cognitive models has a high potential of contributing toward the better understanding of the involved mechanisms. This thesis focuses on two particular groups of embodied effects tightly linked with learning to count. The first considered phenomenon is the contribution of the counting gestures to the counting accuracy of young children during the period of their acquisition of the skill. The second phenomenon, which arises over a longer time scale, is the human tendency to internally associate numbers with space that results, among others, in the widely-studied SNARC effect. The PhD research contributes to the knowledge in the subject by formulating novel neuro-robotic cognitive models of these phenomena, and by employing these in two series of simulation experiments. In the context of the counting gestures the simulations provide evidence for the importance of learning the number words prior to learning to count, for the usefulness of the proprioceptive information connected with gestures to improving counting accuracy, and for the significance of the spatial correspondence between the indicative acts and the objects being enumerated. In the context of the model of spatial-numerical associations the simulations demonstrate for the first time that these may arise as a consequence of the consistent spatial biases present when children are learning to count. Finally, based on the experience gathered throughout both modelling experiments, specific guidelines concerning future efforts in the application of robotic modelling in mathematical cognition are formulated.This research has been supported by the EU project RobotDoC (235065) from the FP7 Marie Curie Actions ITN

    A Deep Neural Network for Finger Counting and Numerosity Estimation

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    In this paper, we present neuro-robotics models with a deep artificial neural network capable of generating finger counting positions and number estimation. We first train the model in an unsupervised manner where each layer is treated as a Restricted Boltzmann Machine or an autoencoder. Such a model is further trained in a supervised way. This type of pretraining is tested on our baseline model and two methods of pre-training are compared. The network is extended to produce finger counting positions. The performance in number estimation of such an extended model is evaluated. We test the hypothesis if the subitizing process can be obtained by one single model used also for estimation of higher numerosities. The results confirm the importance of unsupervised training in our enumeration task and show some similarities to human behaviour in the case of subitizing

    A review of abstract concept learning in embodied agents and robots.

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    This paper reviews computational modelling approaches to the learning of abstract concepts and words in embodied agents such as humanoid robots. This will include a discussion of the learning of abstract words such as 'use' and 'make' in humanoid robot experiments, and the acquisition of numerical concepts via gesture and finger counting strategies. The current approaches share a strong emphasis on embodied cognition aspects for the grounding of abstract concepts, and a continuum, rather than dichotomy, view of concrete/abstract concepts differences.This article is part of the theme issue 'Varieties of abstract concepts: development, use and representation in the brain'

    On-chip Few-shot Learning with Surrogate Gradient Descent on a Neuromorphic Processor

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    Recent work suggests that synaptic plasticity dynamics in biological models of neurons and neuromorphic hardware are compatible with gradient-based learning (Neftci et al., 2019). Gradient-based learning requires iterating several times over a dataset, which is both time-consuming and constrains the training samples to be independently and identically distributed. This is incompatible with learning systems that do not have boundaries between training and inference, such as in neuromorphic hardware. One approach to overcome these constraints is transfer learning, where a portion of the network is pre-trained and mapped into hardware and the remaining portion is trained online. Transfer learning has the advantage that pre-training can be accelerated offline if the task domain is known, and few samples of each class are sufficient for learning the target task at reasonable accuracies. Here, we demonstrate on-line surrogate gradient few-shot learning on Intel's Loihi neuromorphic research processor using features pre-trained with spike-based gradient backpropagation-through-time. Our experimental results show that the Loihi chip can learn gestures online using a small number of shots and achieve results that are comparable to the models simulated on a conventional processor

    Collaborative robot control with hand gestures

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    Mestrado de dupla diplomação com a Université Libre de TunisThis thesis focuses on hand gesture recognition by proposing an architecture to control a collaborative robot in real-time vision based on hand detection, tracking, and gesture recognition for interaction with an application via hand gestures. The first stage of our system allows detecting and tracking a bar e hand in a cluttered background using skin detection and contour comparison. The second stage allows recognizing hand gestures using a Machine learning method algorithm. Finally an interface has been developed to control the robot over. Our hand gesture recognition system consists of two parts, in the first part for every frame captured from a camera we extract the keypoints for every training image using a machine learning algorithm, and we appoint the keypoints from every image into a keypoint map. This map is treated as an input for our processing algorithm which uses several methods to recognize the fingers in each hand. In the second part, we use a 3D camera with Infrared capabilities to get a 3D model of the hand to implement it in our system, after that we track the fingers in each hand and recognize them which made it possible to count the extended fingers and to distinguish each finger pattern. An interface to control the robot has been made that utilizes the previous steps that gives a real-time process and a dynamic 3D representation.Esta dissertação trata do reconhecimento de gestos realizados com a mão humana, propondo uma arquitetura para interagir com um robô colaborativo, baseado em visão computacional, rastreamento e reconhecimento de gestos. O primeiro estágio do sistema desenvolvido permite detectar e rastrear a presença de uma mão em um fundo desordenado usando detecção de pele e comparação de contornos. A segunda fase permite reconhecer os gestos das mãos usando um algoritmo do método de aprendizado de máquina. Finalmente, uma interface foi desenvolvida para interagir com robô. O sistema de reconhecimento de gestos manuais está dividido em duas partes. Na primeira parte, para cada quadro capturado de uma câmera, foi extraído os pontos-chave de cada imagem de treinamento usando um algoritmo de aprendizado de máquina e nomeamos os pontos-chave de cada imagem em um mapa de pontos-chave. Este mapa é tratado como uma entrada para o algoritmo de processamento que usa vários métodos para reconhecer os dedos em cada mão. Na segunda parte, foi utilizado uma câmera 3D com recursos de infravermelho para obter um modelo 3D da mão para implementá-lo em no sistema desenvolvido, e então, foi realizado os rastreio dos dedos de cada mão seguido pelo reconhecimento que possibilitou contabilizar os dedos estendidos e para distinguir cada padrão de dedo. Foi elaborado uma interface para interagir com o robô manipulador que utiliza as etapas anteriores que fornece um processo em tempo real e uma representação 3D dinâmica