102 research outputs found

    A 2020 view of tension-based cortical morphogenesis

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    Enabling Technologies for Co-Robotic Translational Ultrasound and Photoacoustic Imaging

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    Among many medical imaging modalities, medical ultrasound possesses its unique advantages of non-ionizing, real-time, and non-invasive properties. With its safeness, ease of use, and cost-effectiveness, ultrasound imaging has been used in a wide variety of diagnostic applications. Photoacoustic imaging is a hybrid imaging modality merging light and ultrasound, and reveals the tissue metabolism and molecular distribution with the utilization of endo- and exogenous contrast agents. With the emergence of photoacoustic imaging, ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging can comprehensively depict not only anatomical but also functional information of biological tissue. To broaden the impact of translational ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging, this dissertation focuses on the development of enabling technologies and the exploration of associated applications. The goals of these technologies are; (1) Enabling Technologies for Translational Photoacoustic Imaging. We investigated the potential of maximizing the access to translational photoacoustic imaging using a clinical ultrasound scanner and a low-cost light source, instead of widely used customized data acquisition system and expensive high power laser. (2) Co-robotic Ultrasound and Photoacoustic Imaging. We introduced a co-robotic paradigm to make ultrasound/photoacoustic imaging more comprehensive and capable of imaging deeper with higher resolution and wider field-of-view.(3) Advancements on Translational Photoacoustic Imaging. We explored the new use of translational photoacoustic imaging for molecular-based cancer detection and the sensing of neurotransmitter activity in the brain. Together, these parts explore the feasibility of co-robotic translational ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging

    Hyperpolarized Xenon-129 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Functional Lung Microstructure

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    Hyperpolarized 129Xe (HXe) is a non-invasive contrast agent for lung magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which upon inhalation follows the functional pathway of oxygen in the lung by dissolving into lung tissue structures and entering the blood stream. HXe MRI therefore provides unique opportunities for functional lung imaging of gas exchange which occurs from alveolar air spaces across the air-blood boundary into parenchymal tissue. However challenges in acquisition speed and signal-to-noise ratio have limited the development of a HXe imaging biomarker to diagnose lung disease. This thesis addresses these challenges by introducing parallel imaging to HXe MRI. Parallel imaging requires dedicated hardware. This work describes design, implementation, and characterization of a 32-channel phased-array chest receive coil with an integrated asymmetric birdcage transmit coil tuned to the HXe resonance on a 3 Tesla MRI system. Using the newly developed human chest coil, a functional HXe imaging method, multiple exchange time xenon magnetization transfer contrast (MXTC) is implemented. MXTC dynamically encodes HXe gas exchange into the image contrast. This permits two parameters to be derived regionally which are related to gas-exchange functionality by characterizing tissue-to-alveolar-volume ratio and alveolar wall thickness in the lung parenchyma. Initial results in healthy subjects demonstrate the sensitivity of MXTC by quantifying the subtle changes in lung microstructure in response to orientation and lung inflation. Our results in subjects with lung disease show that the MXTC-derived functional tissue density parameter exhibits excellent agreement with established imaging techniques. The newly developed dynamic parameter, which characterizes the alveolar wall, was elevated in subjects with lung disease, most likely indicating parenchymal inflammation. In light of these observations we believe that MXTC has potential as a biomarker for the regional quantification of 1) emphysematous tissue destruction in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (using the tissue density parameter) and 2) parenchymal inflammation or thickening (using the wall thickness parameter). By simultaneously quantifying two lung function parameters, MXTC provides a more comprehensive picture of lung microstructure than existing lung imaging techniques and could become an important non-invasive and quantitative tool to characterize pulmonary disease

    Magnetic Resonance Elastography of the Brain: from Phantom to Mouse to Man

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    The overall objective of this study is to develop magnetic resonance elastography: MRE) imaging to better understand brain deformation, brain tissue mechanical properties, and brain-skull interaction in vivo. The findings of this study provide parameters for numerical models of human head biomechanics, as well as data for validation of these models. Numerical simulations offer enormous potential to the study of traumatic brain injury: TBI) and may also contribute to the development of prophylactic devices for high-risk subjects: e.g., military personnel, first-responders, and athletes). Current numerical models have not been adequately parameterized or validated and their predictions remain controversial. This dissertation describes three kinds of MRE experiments, conducted in phantom: physical model), mouse, and man. Phantom studies provide a means to experimentally confirm the accuracy of MRE estimates of viscoelastic parameters in relatively simple materials and geometries. Studies in the mouse provide insight into the dispersive nature of brain tissue mechanical properties at frequencies beyond those that can be measured in humans. Studies in human subjects provide direct measurements of the human brain\u27s response to dynamic extracranial loads, including skull-brain energy transmission and viscoelastic properties

    Light Sheet Microscopy and Image Analysis of Neural Development and Programmed Cell Death in C. Elegans Embryos

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    The positioning of neuronal cell bodies and neurites is critical for intact functioning of the nervous system. Mapping the positions of the soma and neurites in the brains of developing embryos as important central nervous system structures are being created may yield novel insight into the role of distinct cell groups in creating these structures. New developments in microscopy have made this an excellent time to study neural development in the C. elegans embryo. In the past decade, implementations of highly light efficient methods such as single plane illumination microscopy have rendered it possible to follow development of embryonic structures in 3D with excellent temporal resolution (Huisken et al., 2004) and low phototoxicity. Recent work has resulted in quantitative characterization of the outgrowth of a single neurite in the late, rapidly moving three-fold stage of the C. elegans embryo for the first time (Christensen et al., 2015). In this thesis, I first describe the construction and programming of a single plane illumination microscope (SPIM) based on a design from Hari Shroff\u27s lab (Wu et al., 2011). The microscope is developed especially for use with C. elegans embryos and permits fast image acquisition without excessive photodamage, compared to other forms of microscopy. Second, I describe the use of the SPIM microscope to image the development of a subset of sublateral neurons, the earliest known entrants to the nerve ring (Rapti et al, in preparation), into which they grow in the 1.5-fold stage. I describe an algorithm for automatically aligning developing embryos onto one another until the beginning of the rapid embryonic movements known as twitching, which begin at the start of the twofold stage. I employ my algorithm to align a group of identically imaged embryos onto one another and deduce information about the positioning of the nerve ring in an approximately uniform coordinate system. I determine that nerve rings are precisely positioned in the embryo to within about a micrometer while the cell bodies that grow into the nerve ring are positioned over a much wider distance. My work suggests that the nerve ring grows out towards the ALA neuron as an anchor, and that twitching may begin when the developing nerve ring reaches the ALA. I additionally describe observation of new phenotypes related to the cam-1 mutation, which was previously identified as a regulator of anterior-posterior placement of the nerve ring (Kennerdell et al., 2009). Third, I describe an application of the SPIM microscope for imaging the death of the tail spike cell, a complex, multi-compartment differentiated cell which dies over a period of hours during the three-fold stage, when the animal is rapidly moving in its shell, and cannot be imaged otherwise than with a rapid, light efficient microscope such as the one described here. I determined the time course and confirmed the sequence of events of wild type tail spike cell death. Additionally, I report stronger phenotypes for some known tail spike cell death genes when imaged in the embryo, suggesting that eff-1 plays a stronger role than previously known in clearance of the distal part of the tail spike cell process, and additionally that ced-5 has a strong role in clearance of the same compartment (in addition to its known role in soma clearance). In an appendix I describe work beginning on an extension of the microscope, which will hopefully see the microscope used as a tool for selectively inducing fluorescence in individual cells and following the development of those cells in time. My results demonstrate the utility of single plane illumination microscopy for study of C. elegans embryogenesis and establish fundamental facts about the variability of the C. elegans central nervous system by making direct comparisons between animals. This work contributes to our understanding of the C. elegans nervous system by establishing fundamental bounds on the range of nerve ring positioning between individuals

    Investigating human neocortical architecture in 3D:new approaches for clearing, labelling and imaging large samples

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    By turning human brain tissue as transparent as glass, the brain’s complex structure can be studied in 3D. This is possible by imaging these very large, transparent samples with a special microscope that can quickly scan huge tissue volumes. By doing so, it was possible to visualise different components of the human neocortex, the most recent and most complex add-on to the brain during evolution

    Development of an image guidance system for laparoscopic liver surgery and evaluation of optical and computer vision techniques for the assessment of liver tissue

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    Introduction: Liver resection is increasingly being carried out via the laparoscopic approach (keyhole surgery) because there is mounting evidence that it benefits patients by reducing pain and length of hospitalisation. There are however ongoing concerns about oncological radicality (i.e. ability to completely remove cancer) and an inability to control massive haemorrhage. These issues can partially be attributed to a loss of sensation such as depth perception, tactile feedback and a reduced field of view. Utilisation of optical imaging and computer vision may be able to compensate for some of the lost sensory input because these modalities can facilitate visualisation of liver tissue and structural anatomy. Their use in laparoscopy is attractive because it is easy to adapt or integrate with existing technology. The aim of this thesis is to explore to what extent this technology can aid in the detection of normal and abnormal liver tissue and structures. / Methods: The current state of the art for optical imaging and computer vision in laparoscopic liver surgery is assessed in a systematic review. Evaluation of confocal laser endomicroscopy is carried out on a murine and porcine model of liver disease. Multispectral near infrared imaging is evaluated on ex-vivo liver specimen. Video magnification is assessed on a mechanical flow phantom and a porcine model of liver disease. The latter model was also employed to develop a computer vision based image guidance system for laparoscopic liver surgery. This image guidance system is further evaluated in a clinical feasibility study. Where appropriate, experimental findings are substantiated with statistical analysis. / Results: Use of confocal laser endomicroscopy enabled discrimination between cancer and normal liver tissue with a sub-millimetre precision. This technology also made it possible to verify the adequacy of thermal liver ablation. Multispectral imaging, at specific wavelengths was shown to have the potential to highlight the presence of colorectal and hepatocellular cancer. An image reprocessing algorithm is proposed to simplify visual interpretation of the resulting images. It is shown that video magnification can determine the presence of pulsatile motion but that it cannot reliably determine the extent of motion. Development and performance metrics of an image guidance system for laparoscopic liver surgery are outlined. The system was found to improve intraoperative orientation more development work is however required to enable reliable prediction of oncological margins. / Discussion: The results in this thesis indicate that confocal laser endomicroscopy and image guidance systems have reached a development stage where their intraoperative use may benefit surgeons by visualising features of liver anatomy and tissue characteristics. Video magnification and multispectral imaging require more development and suggestions are made to direct this work. It is also highlighted that it is crucial to standardise assessment methods for these technologies which will allow a more direct comparison between the outcomes of different groups. Limited imaging depth is a major restriction of these technologies but this may be overcome by combining them with preoperatively obtained imaging data. Just like laparoscopy, optical imaging and computer vision use functions of light, a shared characteristic that makes their combined use complementary

    Medical Robotics

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    The first generation of surgical robots are already being installed in a number of operating rooms around the world. Robotics is being introduced to medicine because it allows for unprecedented control and precision of surgical instruments in minimally invasive procedures. So far, robots have been used to position an endoscope, perform gallbladder surgery and correct gastroesophogeal reflux and heartburn. The ultimate goal of the robotic surgery field is to design a robot that can be used to perform closed-chest, beating-heart surgery. The use of robotics in surgery will expand over the next decades without any doubt. Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) is a revolutionary approach in surgery. In MIS, the operation is performed with instruments and viewing equipment inserted into the body through small incisions created by the surgeon, in contrast to open surgery with large incisions. This minimizes surgical trauma and damage to healthy tissue, resulting in shorter patient recovery time. The aim of this book is to provide an overview of the state-of-art, to present new ideas, original results and practical experiences in this expanding area. Nevertheless, many chapters in the book concern advanced research on this growing area. The book provides critical analysis of clinical trials, assessment of the benefits and risks of the application of these technologies. This book is certainly a small sample of the research activity on Medical Robotics going on around the globe as you read it, but it surely covers a good deal of what has been done in the field recently, and as such it works as a valuable source for researchers interested in the involved subjects, whether they are currently “medical roboticists” or not