116 research outputs found

    Cytological study of Allium cepa and Allium sativum

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    The large number of species in the Allium genus has necessitated comparative analysis of related species which has always been used in many cases to describe patterns and directions of chromosomal evolution within a group. This study was carried out to cytologically analyse two species of Allium- Allium cepa and Allium sativum. All the four stages of cell division were observed in both species, although well spread metaphase chromosomes could not be observed in A. sativum which limited the extent to which we could cytologically evaluate the species. Allium cepa in this study show cell with a complement of sixteen chromosomes. A total chromosome length of 577.5 µm was observed in the best c-metaphase spread with the longest chromosome being 43.4µm and the shortest 27.9 µm. Further studies are still required in the karyotype analysis of A. sativum from Nigeri

    Findings to the flora of Russia and adjacent countries: New national and regional vascular plant records, 4

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    With this paper we continue a new annual series, the main purpose of which is to make significant floristic findings from Russia and neighboring countries more visible in Russia and abroad. In total, this paper presents new records for 48 vascular plant species from 6 Eurasian countries, obtained during field explorations, as well as during taxonomic revisions of herbarium materials. For the first time, a new locality of Leontopodium leiolepis is recorded for Russia, Rheum uzengukuushi for China, Rorippa prolifera for Lithuania, Lappula marginata for Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, Anthriscus caucalis, Chenopodium ficifolium, Euphorbia prostrata for Uzbekistan, Adonis × hybrida, Potamogeton × franconicus, Solidago × niederederi for the Asian part of Russia, Echinochloa esculenta, Poa jamalinensis, Puccinellia poecilantha for Siberia, Potentilla intermedia for the Caucasus, Rhynchospora alba for the Russian part of Altai, Poa sphondylodes, Veronica beccabunga for Eastern Siberia, Asclepias syriaca for the Republic of Altai, Chimaphila umbellata, Orobanche korshinskyi, Veronica scutellata for the Republic of Buryatia, Cirsium alatum, Thalictrum simplex for the Republic of Crimea, Thymus rariflorus, Th. terekensis for the Republic of Ingushetia, Berberis thunbergii, Crataegus maximowiczii, Prunus serotina for the Republic of Mordovia, Oenothera villosa for the Republic of Tatarstan, Astragalus sulcatus, Galium mollugo for the Republic of Tyva, Phragmites altissimus for the Chelyabinsk Region, Senecio dubitabilis for the Magadan Region, Asclepias syriaca, Galatella villosa, Potentilla recta for the Novosibirsk Region, Dodartia orientalis for the Omsk Region, Viola hultenii for the Sakhalin Region, Phragmites tzvelevii for the Samara Region and the Middle Volga, Jacobaea ferganensis for the Samara Region, Carex media, Impatiens parviflora for the Tyumen Region. There are some more findings which are not new for the region but they contribute significantly to the understanding of species distribution

    Estudo taxonômico e filogenético de Rhynchospora vahl (CYPERACEAE) sect. tenues

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    O gênero Rhynchospora Vahl apresenta atualmente cerca de 400 espécies com concentração na América tropical. As espécies de Rhynchospora caracterizam-se principalmente pelas espiguetas com glumas dispostas espiraladamente, frutos do tipo aquênio, o qual é geralmente obovado e dorsiventralmente lenticular, com estilopódio persistente, e geralmente apresentam cerdas hipóginas. Quanto à classificação infragenérica, o trabalho mais completo e utilizado até hoje é o de Kükenthal, que divide Rhynchospora em dois subgêneros, cinco partes e 28 seções. Thomas et al. e Buddenhagen et al. realizaram estudos moleculares preliminares para testar a classificação infragenérica de Kükenthal. Os resultados mostram que, com algumas exceções, as seções testadas parecem ser monofiléticas. Como as seções Laevinuces, Luzuliformes, Spermodontes e Tenues, que fazem parte do grupo Psilocaryae, e ainda não foram mais profundamente estudadas e também foram subamostradas nos estudos moleculares anteriores, resolveu-se fazer uma análise taxonômica clássica, juntamente com uma análise filogenética combinada utilizando os marcadores nucleares ETS e ITS, e o marcador plastidial trnL-F para tentar resolver a classificação deste grupo. Os resultados mostraram que as seções Laevinuces, Spermodontes e Tenues não são monofiléticas, mas juntas formam um clado muito bem suportado, desta forma todas foram sinonimizadas em seção Tenues. Essa seção agora envolve 43 espécies no total, sendo 24 espécies aceitas mais 19 espécies novas. Através do conhecimento adquirido em campo, de referências bibliográficas, uma vasta revisão de herbário, esta tese apresenta uma nova chave para a seção Tenues, descrições e fotos de material de herbário, fotos de aquênios, e informação sobre hábitat e distribuição de todas as espécies. Cinco neótipos e quatorze lectótipos foram designados, bem como nove novas sinonimizações também foram feitas.The genus Rhynchospora Vahl comprises nearly 400 species with highest diversity in tropical America. Rhynchospora species are mainly characterized by having spikelets with spirally arranged glumes, fruits of the achene type, which is generally obovate and dorsiventrally lenticular, with persistent stylopodium, and with hypogynous bristles generally present. Regarding the infrageneric classification, the most complete and cited work is that of Kükenthal, which divides Rhynchospora into two subgenres, five parts and 28 sections. Thomas et al. and Buddenhagen et al. carried out preliminary studies to test Kükenthal’s classification. The results showed that, with some exceptions, the sections appear to be monophyletic. Since sections Laevinuces, Luzuliformes, Spermodontes and Tenues are part of the Psilocaryas group, and have not yet been further studied and also subsampled in the former molecular studies, we decided to perform a classical taxonomic analysis, along with a combined phylogenetic analysis using the nuclear markers ETS and ITS, and the plastidial marker trnL-F to try to solve the issues of this group. Results showed that Laevinuces, Spermodontes and Tenues are not monophyletic but, grouped together, forming a well-supported clade, Rhynchospora sect. Tenues. Sect. Luzuliformes is monophyletic but not a sister clade of Tenues. Rhynchospora sect. Tenues now includes 43 species, 24 accepted species plus 19 new ones. With knowledge obtained in the field, from the literature and vast herbaria reviewed, this paper presents a new key for sect. Tenues, full descriptions along with pictures of herbarium collections, photos of achenes, and information about habitat and distribution. Five neotypes and fourteen lectotypes were designated, and nine new synonymizations were also done

    Diversity of cyperaceae in Brazil

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    The purpose of this catalogue was to combine the available data from publications, theses, databases, and herbarium specimens from around 120 Herbaria, and colections sampled in Brazilian vegetation during the last 15 years to produce the most complete list, as possible as, of Cyperaceae species for Brazil. We catalogued ca. 1,700 names for 678 species in 42 genera occurring in Brazil. These values represent ca. 15 percent of the species and 40 percent of the genera found in the world. Both subfamilies of Cyperaceae are found in Brazil with Cyperoideae being the most diverse at both generic and specific levels. Although lower species were recorded for the tribes Cryptangieae, Sclerieae, and Trilepideae, these tribes represent a much higher percentage of the world’s totals for genera and species. The most diverse genera are Rhynchospora (157 spp.), Cyperus (101 spp.), Scleria (82 spp.) and Eleocharis (69 spp.). Fifteen genera have one species in Brazil, although five of them are monospecific. The most species-rich regions in Brazil are the North and Southeast. There are no genera endemic to Brazil. There are, however, around 200 endemic species, of which 40 are in the genus Rhynchospora. Taxonomic and nomenclatural problems found are pointed under the species. For each catalogued species, the principal synonyms, bibliographic references, distribution within Brazil’s five regions, vegetation type, and citation of selected material examined are provided

    Revisão taxonômica de Rhynchospora Vahl seção Glaucae C.B. Clarke (Cyperaceae) para a América do Sul

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia de Fungos, Algas e Plantas, Florianópolis, 2014.Rhynchospora Vahl (Cyperaceae) é um gênero cosmopolita, com cerca de 270 espécies e tem seu centro de distribuição nas Américas, principalmente nas zonas tropicais. O gênero é caracterizado pelas espiguetas com glumas de arranjo espiralado, as superiores floríferas, com flores bissexuadas ou então uma flor bissexuada inferior e as superiores estaminadas; apresentam ainda estilopódio persistente sobre o fruto e aquênio geralmente com cerdas perigonais. O presente estudo trata da revisão de Rhynchospora seção Glaucae para a América do Sul e foi desenvolvido através de métodos tradicionais de taxonomia. Os resultados obtidos são apresentados em dois artigos: o primeiro apresenta a revisão taxonômica da seção para a América do Sul com 14 espécies registradas; o segundo traz a descrição de uma nova espécie, Rhynchospora sp1 e discussões acerca da distribuição disjunta de R. gollmeri.Abstract : Rhynchospora Vahl (Cyperaceae) is a worldwide genus with about 270 species and has its distribution center in the Americas, especially in the tropics. The genus is characterized by spikelets with spiral scales arrangement, the upper scales fertile, with bisexual flowers or one lower bisexual flower and the upper ones staminate; still have persistent stylobase on the fruit and achene usually with perigonial bristles. The present study is a revision of Rhynchospora section Glaucae for South America and has been developed through traditional methods of taxonomy. The results are presented in two papers: the first presents the taxonomic revision of the section for South America with 14 species recorded; the second one brings the description of a new species, Rhynchospora sp1 and discussions on the disjunct distribution of R. gollmeri

    Flora do Patrimônio Natural Lagoa Pequena: Cyperaceae

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências Biológicas. Biologia.Cyperaceae é uma grande família cosmopolita de monocotiledôneas da ordem Poales, ocorrendo em diferentes hábitats, preferencialmente pouco drenados como brejos, pântanos, margem de rios e restinga. Esta família é composta por aproximadamente 91 gêneros e cerca de 5.500 espécies. Em Santa Catarina ocorrem 29 gêneros e 223 espécies. Este trabalho foi realizado no Patrimônio Natural Lagoa Pequena, que se encontra entre os bairros Rio Tavares e Campeche, no município de Florianópolis, Santa Catarina e teve como objetivo levantar as espécies de Cyperaceae ocorrentes no local de estudo e contribuir para o conhecimento da flora de Santa Catarina. A metodologia básica utilizou da análise tradicional em taxonomia que consiste na coleta e comparação morfológica de exemplares, acrescida de dados obtidos através de uma ampla revisão de exemplares herborizados e de bibliografia adequada. Foram reconhecidas 39 espécies e além destas outros 3 táxons são considerados possíveis ocorrências para o local de estudo. Os gêneros mais representativos em número de espécies foram Cyperus (18 spp.), Eleocharis (10 spp.) e Rhynchospora (6 spp.). São fornecidas chaves para a identificação de gêneros e espécies, fotografias, além de informações sobre o hábitat e comentários complementares

    A família Cyperaceae no Parque Estadual de Itapuã, Viamão, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

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    Cyperaceae is a cosmopolitan monocot family that is composed by more than 5,000 species distributed in 104 genera. In Brazil occur about 700 species distributed in approximately 44 genera. The present paper consists in the floristic survey of Cyperaceae species occurring in the Parque Estadual de Itapuã, Viamão, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The study area presents forest, grassland and sandbank environments. Those physiognomies originally formed mosaics all over Patos Lagoon and Guaíba Lake regions. The survey was carried out through field collections and herbaria revision. The Cyperaceae family is represented by 60 species and one variety distributed in 14 genera. Cyperus (14 spp. and one variety), Rhynchospora (10 spp.) and Eleocharis (9 spp.) presented greater species number. Illustrated keys for the identification of genera and species are presented, moreover, complementary information concerning habitat, status and comments are also presented for each species.Cyperaceae é uma família cosmopolita de monocotiledôneas composta por mais de 5.000 espécies, distribuídas em 104 gêneros. No Brasil ocorrem cerca de 700 espécies, distribuídas em aproximadamente 44 gêneros. O presente trabalho consiste no levantamento florístico das espécies de Cyperaceae presentes no Parque Estadual de Itapuã, Viamão, Rio Grande do Sul. A área de estudo apresenta formações florestais, campestres e de restinga, sendo que essas fisionomias originalmente formavam mosaicos em toda a região das orlas da Laguna dos Patos e do Lago Guaíba. O levantamento foi realizado com base em coletas a campo e revisão de herbários. A família Cyperaceae está representada por 60 espécies e uma variedade distribuídas em 14 gêneros, sendo que os gêneros Cyperus (14 spp. e uma variedade), Rhynchospora (10 spp.) e Eleocharis (9 spp.) apresentaram o maior número de espécies. Apresentam-se chaves dicotômicas ilustradas para a identificação de gêneros e espécies, além de informações acerca do hábitat, status e observações complementares

    A new classification of Cyperaceae (Poales) supported by phylogenomic data

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    Cyperaceae (sedges) are the third largest monocot family and are of considerable economic and ecological importance. Sedges represent an ideal model family to study evolutionary biology because of their species richness, global distribution, large discrepancies in lineage diversity, broad range of ecological preferences, and adaptations including multiple origins of C4 photosynthesis and holocentric chromosomes. Goetghebeur’s seminal work on Cyperaceae published in 1998 provided the most recent complete classification at tribal and generic level, based on a morphological study of Cyperaceae inflorescence, spikelet, flower and embryo characters plus anatomical and other information. Since then, several family‐level molecular phylogenetic studies using Sanger sequence data have been published. Here, more than 20 years after the last comprehensive classification of the family, we present the first family‐wide phylogenomic study of Cyperaceae based on targeted sequencing using the Angiosperms353 probe kit sampling 311 accessions. Additionally, 62 accessions available from GenBank were mined for overlapping reads and included in the phylogenomic analyses. Informed by this backbone phylogeny, a new classification for the family at the tribal, subtribal and generic levels is proposed. The majority of previously recognized suprageneric groups are supported, and for the first time we establish support for tribe Cryptangieae as a clade including the genus Koyamaea. We provide a taxonomic treatment including identification keys and diagnoses for the 2 subfamilies, 24 tribes and 10 subtribes and basic information on the 95 genera. The classification includes five new subtribes in tribe Schoeneae: Anthelepidinae, Caustiinae, Gymnoschoeninae, Lepidospermatinae and Oreobolinae. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    On the taxonomic identity and nomenclature of Cyperus megapotamicus (Cyperaceae)

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    Cyperus megapotamicus (A. Spreng.) Kunth is a nomenclatural synonym of Rhynchospora megapotamica (A. Spreng.) H. Pfeiff. but was originally misapplied to a species of Cyperus. Contrary to the rules, both species names are in current use in different genera. We here clarify the perpetuated taxonomic and nomenclatural confusion regarding the identity of C. megapotamicus sensu Kunth and related names and conclude that Cyperus jaeggii Boeckeler is the correct name to be adopted. We provide an amended circumscription of this species, with Cyperus mauryi Kuntze and Pycreus nematodes Schrad. ex C. B. Clarke as its newly proposed heterotypic synonyms. Additionally, lectotypes are designated for the names Scirpus megapotamicus A. Spreng., Rhynchospora maculata Maury, Rhynchospora luzuliformis var. elongata Kuntze, Rhynchospora luzuliformis var. subcapitata Kuntze, Cyperus jaeggii, Cyperus mauryi and Pycreus nematodes.Peer reviewe