197 research outputs found

    Sensor capability and atmospheric correction in ocean colour remote sensing

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    © 2015 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Accurate correction of the corrupting effects of the atmosphere and the water's surface are essential in order to obtain the optical, biological and biogeochemical properties of the water from satellite-based multi-and hyper-spectral sensors. The major challenges now for atmospheric correction are the conditions of turbid coastal and inland waters and areas in which there are strongly-absorbing aerosols. Here, we outline how these issues can be addressed, with a focus on the potential of new sensor technologies and the opportunities for the development of novel algorithms and aerosol models. We review hardware developments, which will provide qualitative and quantitative increases in spectral, spatial, radiometric and temporal data of the Earth, as well as measurements from other sources, such as the Aerosol Robotic Network for Ocean Color (AERONET-OC) stations, bio-optical sensors on Argo (Bio-Argo) floats and polarimeters. We provide an overview of the state of the art in atmospheric correction algorithms, highlight recent advances and discuss the possible potential for hyperspectral data to address the current challenges

    Challenges and New Advances in Ocean Color Remote Sensing of Coastal Waters

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    Knowing that coastal areas concentrate about 60% of the world's population (within 100 km from the coast), that 75-90% of the global sink of suspended river load takes place in coastal waters in which about 15% of the primary production occurs, the ecological, societal and economical value of these areas are obvious (fish resources, aquaculture, water quality information, recreation areas management, global carbon budget, etc). In that context, precise assessment of suspended particulate matter (SPM) concentrations and of the phenomena controlling its temporal variability is a key objective for many research fields in coastal areas. SPM which encompasses organic (living and non-living) and inorganic matter controls the penetration of light into the water and brings new nutrients into the system, both key parameters influencing phytoplankton primary production. Concentrations and availability of SPM are also known to control rates of food intake, growth and reproduction for various filter feeder organisms. Phytoplankton is highly sensitive to environmental perturbations (such as nutrient inputs, light, and turbulence). The abundance, biomass and dynamics of phytoplankton in coastal areas therefore reflect the prevailing environmental conditions and represent key parameters for assessing information on the ecological conditions, as well as on the coastal water quality. Because phytoplankton is highly sensitive to environmental perturbations [1], its distribution patterns and temporal variability represent good indicators of the ecological conditions of a defined region [2, 3]. Coastal waters also host complex ecosystems and represent important fishery areas that support industry and provide livelihood to coastal settlements. The food chain in the coastal ocean is generally short (especially in upwelling systems, having as low as three trophic levels) whereas the open ocean food web presents up to six trophic levels [4]. As a result, when compared to the open ocean, a relative lower fraction of the primary production gets respired in the coastal ocean while a higher fraction reaches the uppermost trophic level (fish) [5] or is exported to adjacent areas (coastal or open sea)..

    A new algorithm for simultaneous retrieval of aerosols and marine parameters

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    We present an algorithm for simultaneous retrieval of aerosol and marine parameters in coastal waters. The algorithm is based on a radiative transfer forward model for a coupled atmosphere-ocean system, which is used to train a radial basis function neural network (RBF-NN) to obtain a fast and accurate method to compute radiances at the top of the atmosphere (TOA) for given aerosol and marine input parameters. The inverse modelling algorithm employs multidimensional unconstrained non-linear optimization to retrieve three marine parameters (concentrations of chlorophyll and mineral particles, as well as absorption by coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM)), and two aerosol parameters (aerosol fine-mode fraction and aerosol volume fraction). We validated the retrieval algorithm using synthetic data and found it, for both low and high sun, to predict each of the five parameters accurately, both with and without white noise added to the top of the atmosphere (TOA) radiances. When varying the solar zenith angle (SZA) and retraining the RBF-NN without noise added to the TOA radiance, we found the algorithm to predict the CDOM absorption, chlorophyll concentration, mineral concentration, aerosol fine-mode fraction, and aerosol volume fraction with correlation coefficients greater than 0.72, 0.73, 0.93, 0.67, and 0.87, respectively, for 45∘≤∘≤ SZA ≤ 75∘∘. By adding white Gaussian noise to the TOA radiances with varying values of the signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR), we found the retrieval algorithm to predict CDOM absorption, chlorophyll concentration, mineral concentration, aerosol fine-mode fraction, and aerosol volume fraction well with correlation coefficients greater than 0.77, 0.75, 0.91, 0.81, and 0.86, respectively, for high sun and SNR ≥ 95.publishedVersio

    Estimation of Aerosol Layer Height from OLCI Measurements in the O2A-Absorption Band over Oceans

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    The aerosol layer height (ALH) is an important parameter that characterizes aerosol interaction with the environment. An estimation of the vertical distribution of aerosol is necessary for studies of those interactions, their effect on radiance and for aerosol transport models. ALH can be retrieved from satellite-based radiance measurements within the oxygen absorption band between 760 and 770 nm (2A band). The oxygen absorption is reduced when light is scattered by an elevated aerosol layer. The Ocean and Land Colour Imager (OLCI) has three bands within the oxygen absorption band. We show a congruent sensitivity study with respect to ALH for dust and smoke cases over oceans. Furthermore, we developed a retrieval of the ALH for those cases and an uncertainty estimation by applying linear uncertainty propagation and a bootstrap method. The sensitivity study and the uncertainty estimation are based on radiative transfer simulations. The impact of ALH, aerosol optical thickness (AOT), the surface roughness (wind speed) and the central wavelength on the top of atmosphere (TOA) radiance is discussed. The OLCI bands are sufficiently sensitive to ALH for cases with AOTs larger than 0.5 under the assumption of a known aerosol type. With an accurate spectral characterization of the OLCI 2A bands better than 0.1 nm, ALH can be retrieved with an uncertainty of a few hundred meters. The retrieval of ALH was applied successfully on an OLCI dust and smoke scene. The found ALH is similar to parallel measurements by the Tropospheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI). OLCI’s high spatial resolution and coverage allow a detailed overview of the vertical aerosol distribution over oceans

    A Machine Learning Algorithm for Himawari-8 Total Suspended Solids Retrievals in the Great Barrier Reef

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    Remote sensing of ocean colour has been fundamental to the synoptic-scale monitoring of marine water quality in the Great Barrier Reef (GBR). However, ocean colour sensors onboard low orbit satellites, such as the Sentinel-3 constellation, have insufficient revisit capability to fully resolve diurnal variability in highly dynamic coastal environments. To overcome this limitation, this work presents a physics-based coastal ocean colour algorithm for the Advanced Himawari Imager onboard the Himawari-8 geostationary satellite. Despite being designed for meteorological applications, Himawari-8 offers the opportunity to estimate ocean colour features every 10 min, in four broad visible and near-infrared spectral bands, and at 1 km2 spatial resolution. Coupled ocean–atmosphere radiative transfer simulations of the Himawari-8 bands were carried out for a realistic range of in-water and atmospheric optical properties of the GBR and for a wide range of solar and observation geometries. The simulated data were used to develop an inverse model based on artificial neural network techniques to estimate total suspended solids (TSS) concentrations directly from the Himawari-8 top-of-atmosphere spectral reflectance observations. The algorithm was validated with concurrent in situ data across the coastal GBR and its detection limits were assessed. TSS retrievals presented relative errors up to 75% and absolute errors of 2 mg L−1 within the validation range of 0.14 to 24 mg L−1, with a detection limit of 0.25 mg L−1. We discuss potential applications of Himawari-8 diurnal TSS products for improved monitoring and management of water quality in the GBR

    Exploring Himawari-8 geostationary observations for the advanced coastal monitoring of the Great Barrier Reef

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    Larissa developed an algorithm to enable water-quality assessment within the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) using weather satellite observations collected every 10 minutes. This unprecedented temporal resolution records the dynamic nature of water quality fluctuations for the entire GBR, with applications for improved monitoring and management

    Multiband Atmospheric Correction Algorithm for Ocean Color Retrievals

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    National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA's) current atmospheric correction (AC) algorithm for ocean color utilizes two bands and their ratio in the near infrared (NIR) to estimate aerosol reflectance and aerosol type. The algorithm then extrapolates the spectral dependence of aerosol reflectance to the visible wavelengths based on modeled spectral dependence of the identified aerosol type. Future advanced ocean color sensors, such as the Ocean Color Instrument (OCI) that will be carried on the Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, and ocean Ecosystem (PACE) satellite, will be capable of measuring the hyperspectral radiance from 340 to 890 nm at 5-nm spectral resolution and at seven discrete short-wave infrared (SWIR) channels: 940, 1,038, 1,250, 1,378, 1,615, 2,130, and 2,260 nm. To optimally employ this unprecedented instrument capability, we propose an improved AC algorithm that utilizes all atmospheric-window channels in the NIR to SWIR spectral range to reduce the uncertainty in the AC process. A theoretical uncertainty analysis of this, namely, multiband AC (MBAC), indicates that the algorithm can reduce the uncertainty in remote sensing reflectance (Rrs) retrievals of the ocean caused by sensor random noise. Furthermore, in optically complex waters, where the NIR signal is affected by contributions from highly reflective turbid waters, the MBAC algorithm can be adaptively weighted to the strongly absorbing SWIR channels to enable improved ocean color retrievals in coastal waters. We provide here a description of the algorithm and demonstrate the improved performance in ocean color retrievals, relative to the current NASA standard AC algorithm, through comparison with field measurements and assessment of propagated uncertainties in applying the MBAC algorithm to MODIS and simulated PACE OCI data

    An ensemble neural network atmospheric correction for Sentinel-3 OLCI over coastal waters providing inherent model uncertainty estimation and sensor noise propagation

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    Accurate atmospheric correction (AC) is a prerequisite for quantitative ocean colour remote sensing and remains a challenge in particular over coastal waters. Commonly AC algorithms are validated by establishing a mean retrieval error from match-up analysis, which compares the satellite-derived surface reflectance with concurrent ground radiometric observations. Pixel-based reflectance uncertainties however, are rarely provided by AC algorithms and those for the operational Ocean and Land Colour Instrument (OLCI) marine reflectance product are not yet recommended for use. AC retrieval errors and uncertainties directly determine the quality with which ocean colour products can be estimated from the marine surface reflectance. Increasingly there is also the need for reflectance uncertainty products to be used as data assimilation inputs into biogeochemical models. This paper describes the development of a new coastal AC algorithm for Sentinel-3 OLCI that provides pixel-based estimation of the inherent model inversion uncertainty and sensor noise propagation. The algorithm is a full-spectral model-based inversion of radiative transfer (RT) simulations in a coupled atmosphere–ocean system using an ensemble of artificial neural networks (ANN) that were initialized differently during the training process, but composed of the same network architecture. The algorithm has been validated against in-situ radiometric observations across a wide range of optical water types, and has been compared with the latest EUMETSAT operational Level 2 processor IPF-OL-2 v7.01. In this analysis we found that the ensemble ANN showed improved performance over the operational Level 2 processor with a band-averaged (412–708 nm) mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) of 16% compared to 37% and a four-times lower band-averaged bias of -0.00045 sr-1. In the ensemble inversion process we account for three uncertainty components: (1) the total model variance that describes the variance of the data from the different ANNs, (2) the prediction variance of the mean, which is based on calculations of the RT simulations and (3) the instrument noise variance of the mean by propagating the OLCI spectral signal-to-noise ratios (SNR). To study algorithm performance and to quantify the contribution of the different uncertainty components to the total uncertainty, we applied the algorithm to an optically complex full resolution (FR) test scene covering coastal waters of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. The uncertainties associated with the instrument noise variance were found to be two orders of magnitude lower than the uncertainty components of the prediction and total model variances. The overall largest uncertainty component in our uncertainty framework is attributed to the total model inversion error from averaging the responses of the slightly different adapted networks in the ensemble. The algorithm is made publicly available as a Python/C plugin for the Sentinel Application Platform (SNAP)

    Statistical and Machine Learning Models for Remote Sensing Data Mining - Recent Advancements

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    This book is a reprint of the Special Issue entitled "Statistical and Machine Learning Models for Remote Sensing Data Mining - Recent Advancements" that was published in Remote Sensing, MDPI. It provides insights into both core technical challenges and some selected critical applications of satellite remote sensing image analytics
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