3,484 research outputs found

    A Trie-Structured Bayesian Model for Unsupervised Morphological Segmentation

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    In this paper, we introduce a trie-structured Bayesian model for unsupervised morphological segmentation. We adopt prior information from different sources in the model. We use neural word embeddings to discover words that are morphologically derived from each other and thereby that are semantically similar. We use letter successor variety counts obtained from tries that are built by neural word embeddings. Our results show that using different information sources such as neural word embeddings and letter successor variety as prior information improves morphological segmentation in a Bayesian model. Our model outperforms other unsupervised morphological segmentation models on Turkish and gives promising results on English and German for scarce resources.Comment: 12 pages, accepted and presented at the CICLING 2017 - 18th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistic

    MORSE: Semantic-ally Drive-n MORpheme SEgment-er

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    We present in this paper a novel framework for morpheme segmentation which uses the morpho-syntactic regularities preserved by word representations, in addition to orthographic features, to segment words into morphemes. This framework is the first to consider vocabulary-wide syntactico-semantic information for this task. We also analyze the deficiencies of available benchmarking datasets and introduce our own dataset that was created on the basis of compositionality. We validate our algorithm across datasets and present state-of-the-art results

    Minimally-Supervised Morphological Segmentation using Adaptor Grammars

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    This paper explores the use of Adaptor Grammars, a nonparametric Bayesian modelling framework, for minimally supervised morphological segmentation. We compare three training methods: unsupervised training, semi-supervised training, and a novel model selection method. In the model selection method, we train unsupervised Adaptor Grammars using an over-articulated metagrammar, then use a small labelled data set to select which potential morph boundaries identified by the metagrammar should be returned in the final output. We evaluate on five languages and show that semi-supervised training provides a boost over unsupervised training, while the model selection method yields the best average results over all languages and is competitive with state-of-the-art semi-supervised systems. Moreover, this method provides the potential to tune performance according to different evaluation metrics or downstream tasks.12 page(s

    Building Morphological Chains for Agglutinative Languages

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    In this paper, we build morphological chains for agglutinative languages by using a log-linear model for the morphological segmentation task. The model is based on the unsupervised morphological segmentation system called MorphoChains. We extend MorphoChains log linear model by expanding the candidate space recursively to cover more split points for agglutinative languages such as Turkish, whereas in the original model candidates are generated by considering only binary segmentation of each word. The results show that we improve the state-of-art Turkish scores by 12% having a F-measure of 72% and we improve the English scores by 3% having a F-measure of 74%. Eventually, the system outperforms both MorphoChains and other well-known unsupervised morphological segmentation systems. The results indicate that candidate generation plays an important role in such an unsupervised log-linear model that is learned using contrastive estimation with negative samples.Comment: 10 pages, accepted and presented at the CICLing 2017 (18th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics

    Proceedings of the Morpho Challenge 2010 Workshop

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    In natural language processing many practical tasks, such as speech recognition, information retrieval and machine translation depend on a large vocabulary and statistical language models. For morphologically rich languages, such as Finnish and Turkish, the construction of a vocabulary and language models that have a sufficient coverage is particularly difficult, because of the huge amount of different word forms. In Morpho Challenge 2010 unsupervised and semi-supervised algorithms are suggested to provide morpheme analyses for words in different languages and evaluated in various practical applications. As a research theme, unsupervised morphological analysis has received wide attention in conferences and scientific journals focused on computational linguistic and its applications. This is the proceedings of the Morpho Challenge 2010 Workshop that contains one introduction article with a description of the tasks, evaluation and results and six articles describing the participating unsupervised and supervised learning algorithms. The Morpho Challenge 2010 Workshop was held at Espoo, Finland in 2-3 September, 2010.reviewe

    The impact of morphological errors in phrase-based statistical machine translation from German and English into Swedish

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    We have investigated the potential for improvement in target language morphology when translating into Swedish from English and German, by measuring the errors made by a state of the art phrase-based statistical machine translation system. Our results show that there is indeed a performance gap to be filled by better modelling of inflectional morphology and compounding; and that the gap is not filled by simply feeding the translation system with more training data

    Tree Structured Dirichlet Processes for Hierarchical Morphological Segmentation

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    This article presents a probabilistic hierarchical clustering model for morphological segmentation In contrast to existing approaches to morphology learning, our method allows learning hierarchical organization of word morphology as a collection of tree structured paradigms. The model is fully unsupervised and based on the hierarchical Dirichlet process. Tree hierarchies are learned along with the corresponding morphological paradigms simultaneously. Our model is evaluated on Morpho Challenge and shows competitive performance when compared to state-of-the-art unsupervised morphological segmentation systems. Although we apply this model for morphological segmentation, the model itself can also be used for hierarchical clustering of other types of data