120 research outputs found

    Developing Efficient Discrete Simulations on Multicore and GPU Architectures

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    In this paper we show how to efficiently implement parallel discrete simulations on multicoreandGPUarchitecturesthrougharealexampleofanapplication: acellularautomatamodel of laser dynamics. We describe the techniques employed to build and optimize the implementations using OpenMP and CUDA frameworks. We have evaluated the performance on two different hardware platforms that represent different target market segments: high-end platforms for scientific computing, using an Intel Xeon Platinum 8259CL server with 48 cores, and also an NVIDIA Tesla V100GPU,bothrunningonAmazonWebServer(AWS)Cloud;and on a consumer-oriented platform, using an Intel Core i9 9900k CPU and an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 TI GPU. Performance results were compared and analyzed in detail. We show that excellent performance and scalability can be obtained in both platforms, and we extract some important issues that imply a performance degradation for them. We also found that current multicore CPUs with large core numbers can bring a performance very near to that of GPUs, and even identical in some cases.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, Gobierno de España (MINECO), and the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) of Spain, cofinanced by FEDER funds (EU) TIN2017-89842

    Merging Cellular Automata for Simulating Surface Effects

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    International audienceThis paper describes a model of three-dimensional cellular automata allowing to simulate different phenomena in the fields of com- puter graphics and image processing, and to combine them together in order to produce complex effects such as automatic multitexturing, sur- face imperfections, or biological retina multi-layer cellular behaviours. Our cellular automaton model is defined as a network of connected cells arranged in a natural and dynamic way, which affords multi-behavior ca- pabilities. Based on cheap and widespread computing systems, real-time performance can be reached for simulations involving up to a hundred thousand cells. Our approach efficiency is illustrated through a set of CA related to computer graphics –e.g. erosion, sedimentation, or vegetal growing processes– and image analysis –e.g. pipeline retina simulation

    GPU-based cellular automata simulations of laser dynamics

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    We present a parallel implementation for Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) of a model based on cellular automata (CA) to simulate laser dynamics. A cellular automaton is an inherent parallel type of algorithm that is very suitable to simulate complex systems formed by many individual components which give rise to emergent behaviours. We exploit the parallel character of this kind of algorithms to develop a fine-grained parallel implementation of the CA laser model on GPUs. A good speedup of up to 14.5 over a sequential implementation running on a single core CPU has been obtained, showing the feasibility of this model to run efficient parallel simulations on GPUs

    GPGPU Computing for Microscopic Simulations of Crowd Dynamics

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    We compare GPGPU implementations of two popular models of crowd dynamics. Specifically, we consider a continuous social force model, based on differential equations (molecular dynamics) and a discrete social distances model based on non-homogeneous cellular automata. For comparative purposes both models have been implemented in two versions: on the one hand using GPGPU technology, on the other hand using CPU only. We compare some significant characteristics of each model, for example: performance, memory consumption and issues of visualization. We also propose and test some possibilities for tuning the proposed algorithms for efficient GPU computations

    An investigation of the efficient implementation of Cellular Automata on multi-core CPU and GPU hardware

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    Copyright © 2015 Elsevier. NOTICE: this is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing . Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing Vol. 77 (2015), DOI: 10.1016/j.jpdc.2014.10.011Cellular automata (CA) have proven to be excellent tools for the simulation of a wide variety of phenomena in the natural world. They are ideal candidates for acceleration with modern general purpose-graphical processing units (GPU/GPGPU) hardware that consists of large numbers of small, tightly-coupled processors. In this study the potential for speeding up CA execution using multi-core CPUs and GPUs is investigated and the scalability of doing so with respect to standard CA parameters such as lattice and neighbourhood sizes, number of states and generations is determined. Additionally the impact of ‘Activity’ (the number of ‘alive’ cells) within a given CA simulation is investigated in terms of both varying the random initial distribution levels of ‘alive’ cells, and via the use of novel state transition rules; where a change in the dynamics of these rules (i.e. the number of states) allows for the investigation of the variable complexity within.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC

    Integrating a Non-Uniformly Sampled Software Retina with a Deep CNN Model

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    We present a biologically inspired method for pre-processing images applied to CNNs that reduces their memory requirements while increasing their invariance to scale and rotation changes. Our method is based on the mammalian retino-cortical transform: a mapping between a pseudo-randomly tessellated retina model (used to sample an input image) and a CNN. The aim of this first pilot study is to demonstrate a functional retinaintegrated CNN implementation and this produced the following results: a network using the full retino-cortical transform yielded an F1 score of 0.80 on a test set during a 4-way classification task, while an identical network not using the proposed method yielded an F1 score of 0.86 on the same task. The method reduced the visual data by e×7, the input data to the CNN by 40% and the number of CNN training epochs by 64%. These results demonstrate the viability of our method and hint at the potential of exploiting functional traits of natural vision systems in CNNs

    A space-variant visual pathway model for data efficient deep learning

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    We present an investigation into adopting a model of the retino-cortical mapping, found in biological visual systems, to improve the efficiency of image analysis using Deep Convolutional Neural Nets (DCNNs) in the context of robot vision and egocentric perception systems. This work has now enabled DCNNs to process input images approaching one million pixels in size, in real time, using only consumer grade graphics processor (GPU) hardware in a single pass of the DCNN

    Aspects of algorithms and dynamics of cellular paradigms

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    Els paradigmes cel·lulars, com les xarxes neuronals cel·lulars (CNN, en anglès) i els autòmats cel·lulars (CA, en anglès), són una eina excel·lent de càlcul, al ser equivalents a una màquina universal de Turing. La introducció de la màquina universal CNN (CNN-UM, en anglès) ha permès desenvolupar hardware, el nucli computacional del qual funciona segons la filosofia cel·lular; aquest hardware ha trobat aplicació en diversos camps al llarg de la darrera dècada. Malgrat això, encara hi ha moltes preguntes a obertes sobre com definir els algoritmes d'una CNN-UM i com estudiar la dinàmica dels autòmats cel·lulars. En aquesta tesis es tracten els dos problemes: primer, es demostra que es possible acotar l'espai dels algoritmes per a la CNN-UM i explorar-lo gràcies a les tècniques genètiques; i segon, s'expliquen els fonaments de l'estudi dels CA per mitjà de la dinàmica no lineal (segons la definició de Chua) i s'il·lustra com aquesta tècnica ha permès trobar resultats innovadors.Los paradigmas celulares, como las redes neuronales celulares (CNN, eninglés) y los autómatas celulares (CA, en inglés), son una excelenteherramienta de cálculo, al ser equivalentes a una maquina universal deTuring. La introducción de la maquina universal CNN (CNN-UM, eninglés) ha permitido desarrollar hardware cuyo núcleo computacionalfunciona según la filosofía celular; dicho hardware ha encontradoaplicación en varios campos a lo largo de la ultima década. Sinembargo, hay aun muchas preguntas abiertas sobre como definir losalgoritmos de una CNN-UM y como estudiar la dinámica de los autómatascelular. En esta tesis se tratan ambos problemas: primero se demuestraque es posible acotar el espacio de los algoritmos para la CNN-UM yexplorarlo gracias a técnicas genéticas; segundo, se explican losfundamentos del estudio de los CA por medio de la dinámica no lineal(según la definición de Chua) y se ilustra como esta técnica hapermitido encontrar resultados novedosos.Cellular paradigms, like Cellular Neural Networks (CNNs) and Cellular Automata (CA) are an excellent tool to perform computation, since they are equivalent to a Universal Turing machine. The introduction of the Cellular Neural Network - Universal Machine (CNN-UM) allowed us to develop hardware whose computational core works according to the principles of cellular paradigms; such a hardware has found application in a number of fields throughout the last decade. Nevertheless, there are still many open questions about how to define algorithms for a CNN-UM, and how to study the dynamics of Cellular Automata. In this dissertation both problems are tackled: first, we prove that it is possible to bound the space of all algorithms of CNN-UM and explore it through genetic techniques; second, we explain the fundamentals of the nonlinear perspective of CA (according to Chua's definition), and we illustrate how this technique has allowed us to find novel results

    A fast hybrid time-synchronous/event appraach to parallel discrete event simulation of queuing networks

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    The trend in computing architectures has been toward multicore central processing units (CPUs) and graphics processing units (GPUs). An affordable and highly parallelizable GPU is practical example of Single Instruction, Multiple Data (SIMD) architectures oriented toward stream processing. While the GPU architectures and languages are fairly easily employed for inherently time-synchronous based simulation models, it is less clear if or how one might employ them for queuing model simulation, which has an asynchronous behavior. We have derived a two-step process that allows SIMD-style simulation on queuing networks, by initially performing SIMD computation over a cluster and following this research with a GPU experiment. The two-step process simulates approximate time events synchronously and then reduces the error in output statistics by compensating for it based on error analysis trends. We present our findings to show that, while the outputs are approximate, one may obtain reasonably accurate summary statistics quickly.

    Genetic programming and cellular automata for fast flood modelling on multi-core CPU and many-core GPU computers

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    Many complex systems in nature are governed by simple local interactions, although a number are also described by global interactions. For example, within the field of hydraulics the Navier-Stokes equations describe free-surface water flow, through means of the global preservation of water volume, momentum and energy. However, solving such partial differential equations (PDEs) is computationally expensive when applied to large 2D flow problems. An alternative which reduces the computational complexity, is to use a local derivative to approximate the PDEs, such as finite difference methods, or Cellular Automata (CA). The high speed processing of such simulations is important to modern scientific investigation especially within urban flood modelling, as urban expansion continues to increase the number of impervious areas that need to be modelled. Large numbers of model runs or large spatial or temporal resolution simulations are required in order to investigate, for example, climate change, early warning systems, and sewer design optimisation. The recent introduction of the Graphics Processor Unit (GPU) as a general purpose computing device (General Purpose Graphical Processor Unit, GPGPU) allows this hardware to be used for the accelerated processing of such locally driven simulations. A novel CA transformation for use with GPUs is proposed here to make maximum use of the GPU hardware. CA models are defined by the local state transition rules, which are used in every cell in parallel, and provide an excellent platform for a comparative study of possible alternative state transition rules. Writing local state transition rules for CA systems is a difficult task for humans due to the number and complexity of possible interactions, and is known as the ‘inverse problem’ for CA. Therefore, the use of Genetic Programming (GP) algorithms for the automatic development of state transition rules from example data is also investigated in this thesis. GP is investigated as it is capable of searching the intractably large areas of possible state transition rules, and producing near optimal solutions. However, such population-based optimisation algorithms are limited by the cost of many repeated evaluations of the fitness function, which in this case requires the comparison of a CA simulation to given target data. Therefore, the use of GPGPU hardware for the accelerated learning of local rules is also developed. Speed-up factors of up to 50 times over serial Central Processing Unit (CPU) processing are achieved on simple CA, up to 5-10 times speedup over the fully parallel CPU for the learning of urban flood modelling rules. Furthermore, it is shown GP can generate rules which perform competitively when compared with human formulated rules. This is achieved with generalisation to unseen terrains using similar input conditions and different spatial/temporal resolutions in this important application domain