785 research outputs found

    Analysis of factors affecting wireless communication systems in underground coal mines

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    Since recent disasters in the mining industry in 2006 the push for a reliable communication system has became a high priority. This thesis will discuss each wireless communication system available and/or being developed for underground mines as well as the frequencies that will be used for each system\u27s operation.;The second part of the investigation will be on the factors affecting these frequencies as well as possible ways to model these factors analytically. It is important to understand these factors in order to make intelligent conclusions as to what communication systems will perform adequately in an underground mining environment.;The third area discussed will be an analysis of empirical studies completed by various agencies, companies, and schools (including West Virginia University). These studies were completed to judge the practicality and performance of each system. Practicality is important to the mining industry. The industry tends not to accept new technology quickly, so proof of performance is a key component to introducing the products into the market

    IEEE Antennas Propag Mag

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    An efficient procedure for modeling medium frequency (MF) communications in coal mines is introduced. In particular, a hybrid approach is formulated and demonstrated utilizing ideal transmission line equations to model MF propagation in combination with full-wave sections used for accurate simulation of local antenna-line coupling and other near-field effects. This work confirms that the hybrid method accurately models signal propagation from a source to a load for various system geometries and material compositions, while significantly reducing computation time. With such dramatic improvement to solution times, it becomes feasible to perform large-scale optimizations with the primary motivation of improving communications in coal mines both for daily operations and emergency response. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that the hybrid approach is suitable for modeling and optimizing large communication networks in coal mines that may otherwise be intractable to simulate using traditional full-wave techniques such as moment methods or finite-element analysis.YLH8/Intramural CDC HHS/United States2015-10-14T00:00:00Z26478686PMC460587

    Effective Visible Light Communication System for Underground Mining Industry

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    Adequate lightening and efficient communication technology have prime importance for safe underground mining communication system operations. Existing conventional light and communication systems used in underground mines are not very efficient solutions due to heavy power and maintenance requirements. Also, efficient communication technology is required for instantaneous reporting of any potential disaster event under hazardous underground environment. In this paper, we propose light fidelity (Li-Fi) as an efficient way of incident reporting as well as source of illumination for mines. Visible light communication (VLC) system is being used in mines operations, to support communication-blind areas. It exhibits superior performance over traditional radio frequency (RF) communication systems, in terms of low energy consumption, higher data rates achieved, and wide frequency band (430 − 790) T Hz. In this paper, we present VLC system for safe and reliable mining operations and analyze and discuss corresponding channel impulse response (CIR). We consider effect of shadowing and dust on our optical channel model. We compare the performance of our system with available methods in terms of bit error rate (BER), CIR, and prove the superiority of our proposed system

    Through-the-earth electromagnetic trapped miner location systems : a review

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    "In its role of providing technical assistance to the mining industry, the Bureau of Mines' Tuscaloosa Research Center has conducted research to develop trapped miner location systems which would aid in locating miners trapped by underground mining disasters. Efforts to produce electromagnetic systems for the location of trapped miners underground and to communicate with them were surveyed, from the 1920's to 1981. Theoretical studies of through-the-earth electromagnetic transmissions are described as well as studies of the electrical characteristics of various rocks, minerals, and soil. Several trapped miner location systems are reviewed including the Westinghouse systems, the DEVELCO system, and an automated three-dimensional location system, and the phase difference of arrival technique. Tangential research, relevant to trapped miner location systems is described. A comprehensive bibliography covering all aspects of trapped miner, through-the-earth electromagnetic location and communications systems is appended." - NIOSHTIC-2NIOSHTIC no. 1000482

    Very Low Frequency Propagation Characteristics Analysis in Coal Mines

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    Electromagnetic wave penetration coal-rock communication is a significant part for the smart mine communication technology, there are great challenges for electromagnetic wave is rapidly attenuated by factors such as geology and coal seam structure. In order to provide a theory basis for wireless communication technology development in coal rock, based on the Maxwell's equations, this paper establishes a physical model of wireless communication under the conditions of coal seam. To characterize the performance of the electromagnetic wave propagation, we use the Maxwell's equations to derive the exact expression of attenuation coefficient. Also, the parameters of coal and other factors affecting the electromagnetic wave propagation are analyzed and discussed. To further obtain more insights, the attenuation coefficient and skin depth of the very low-frequency (VLF) electromagnetic wave in coal medium with different degrees of metamorphism are studied, as well as the influence of resistivity. This provides scientific theoretical support for the application of VLF communication in coal mines. Finally, our theoretical analyses are verified by computer simulation, and the simulated numerical results show that: 1) The range of frequency of electromagnetic wave suitable for coal medium propagation is 3~3KHz (VLF); 2) The order of the electromagnetic waves attenuation coefficient in coal with different degrees of metamorphism is: anthracite> lignite > fat coal > coking coal > lean coal, and the order of skin depth is: lean coal > coking coal > fat coal> lignite > anthracite; 3) The resistivity of coal has little effect on the attenuation of electromagnetic wave when VLF is used for communication

    Internet of Things for Sustainable Mining

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    The sustainable mining Internet of Things deals with the applications of IoT technology to the coupled needs of sustainable recovery of metals and a healthy environment for a thriving planet. In this chapter, the IoT architecture and technology is presented to support development of a digital mining platform emphasizing the exploration of rock–fluid–environment interactions to develop extraction methods with maximum economic benefit, while maintaining and preserving both water quantity and quality, soil, and, ultimately, human health. New perspectives are provided for IoT applications in developing new mineral resources, improved management of tailings, monitoring and mitigating contamination from mining. Moreover, tools to assess the environmental and social impacts of mining including the demands on dwindling freshwater resources. The cutting-edge technologies that could be leveraged to develop the state-of-the-art sustainable mining IoT paradigm are also discussed

    IEEE Trans Ind Appl

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    The underground mining environment can greatly affect radio signal propagation. Understanding how the earth affects signal propagation is a key to evaluating communications systems used during a mine emergency. One type of communication system is through-the-earth, which can utilize extremely low frequencies (ELF). This paper presents the simulation and measurement results of recent National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) research aimed at investigating current injection at ELF, and in particular, ground contact impedance. Measurements were taken at an outside surface testing location. The results obtained from modeling and measurement are characterized by electrode impedance, and the voltage received between two distant electrodes. This paper concludes with a discussion of design considerations found to affect low-frequency communication systems utilizing ground rods to inject a current into the earth.CC999999/Intramural CDC HHS/United States2017-11-24T00:00:00Z29176916PMC5701283vault:2527

    Signals in the Soil: An Introduction to Wireless Underground Communications

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    In this chapter, wireless underground (UG) communications are introduced. A detailed overview of WUC is given. A comprehensive review of research challenges in WUC is presented. The evolution of underground wireless is also discussed. Moreover, different component of UG communications is wireless. The WUC system architecture is explained with a detailed discussion of the anatomy of an underground mote. The examples of UG wireless communication systems are explored. Furthermore, the differences of UG wireless and over-the-air wireless are debated. Different types of wireless underground channel (e.g., In-Soil, Soil-to-Air, and Air-to-Soil) are reported as well

    A comparison of different modulation techniques performances in an underground multiuser communications scenario

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    The potential use of typical commercial communication systems with ultra high frequencies for the underground emergency/military situations will be investigated, as commercial systems have already a fully developed market that makes them cheap and reliable. The possible usage of broadband techniques like CDMA in the direct sequence will be studied because most commercial communication systems have already been designed to support multiple users, as the underground propagation has many possible applications. The performances of both modulation techniques are evaluated from the point of view of the quality of the signals, power spectral density and the effect that the propagation medium has on the transmitted signals such that the best modulation technique is determined. The 16QAM and QPSK modulations (two of the most popular modulation techniques in the terrestrial wireless system) are compared in a scenario where a number of underground sources share the same physical channel (and antenna) - the receiver is placed at the ground level so the generated signals must propagate through the dielectric layer in order to reach it. The transmitted power, electric and magnetic fields as well as occupied bandwidth are also calculated
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