2 research outputs found

    Robotic workcell analysis and object level programming

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    For many years robots have been programmed at manipulator or joint level without any real thought to the implementation of sensing until errors occur during program execution. For the control of complex, or multiple robot workcells, programming must be carried out at a higher level, taking into account the possibility of error occurrence. This requires the integration of decision information based on sensory data.Aspects of robotic workcell control are explored during this work with the object of integrating the results of sensor outputs to facilitate error recovery for the purposes of achieving completely autonomous operation.Network theory is used for the development of analysis techniques based on stochastic data. Object level programming is implemented using Markov chain theory to provide fully sensor integrated robot workcell control

    Decomposition and Descriptional Complexity of Shuffle on Words and Finite Languages

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    We investigate various questions related to the shuffle operation on words and finite languages. First we investigate a special variant of the shuffle decomposition problem for regular languages, namely, when the given regular language is the shuffle of finite languages. The shuffle decomposition into finite languages is, in general not unique. Thatis,therearelanguagesL^,L2,L3,L4withLiluL2= £3luT4but{L\,L2}^ {I/3, L4}. However, if all four languages are singletons (with at least two combined letters), it follows by a result of Berstel and Boasson [6], that the solution is unique; that is {L\,L2} = {L3,L4}. We extend this result to show that if L\ and L2 are arbitrary finite sets and Lz and Z-4 are singletons (with at least two letters in each), the solution is unique. This is as strong as it can be, since we provide examples showing that the solution can be non-unique already when (1) both L\ and L2 are singleton sets over different unary alphabets; or (2) L\ contains two words and L2 is singleton. We furthermore investigate the size of shuffle automata for words. It was shown by Campeanu, K. Salomaa and Yu in [11] that the minimal shuffle automaton of two regular languages requires 2mn states in the worst case (where the minimal automata of the two component languages had m and n states, respectively). It was also recently shown that there exist words u and v such that the minimal shuffle iii DFA for u and v requires an exponential number of states. We study the size of shuffle DFAs for restricted cases of words, namely when the words u and v are both periods of a common underlying word. We show that, when the underlying word obeys certain conditions, then the size of the minimal shuffle DFA for u and v is at most quadratic. Moreover we provide an efficient algorithm, which decides for a given DFA A and two words u and v, whether u lu u C L(A)