57,766 research outputs found

    Achieving the Way for Automated Segmentation of Nuclei in Cancer Tissue Images through Morphology-Based Approach: a Quantitative Evaluation

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    In this paper we address the problem of nuclear segmentation in cancer tissue images, that is critical for specific protein activity quantification and for cancer diagnosis and therapy. We present a fully automated morphology-based technique able to perform accurate nuclear segmentations in images with heterogeneous staining and multiple tissue layers and we compare it with an alternate semi-automated method based on a well established segmentation approach, namely active contours. We discuss active contours’ limitations in the segmentation of immunohistochemical images and we demonstrate and motivate through extensive experiments the better accuracy of our fully automated approach compared to various active contours implementations

    Localizing Region-Based Active Contours

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    ©2008 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or distribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE. This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.DOI: 10.1109/TIP.2008.2004611In this paper, we propose a natural framework that allows any region-based segmentation energy to be re-formulated in a local way. We consider local rather than global image statistics and evolve a contour based on local information. Localized contours are capable of segmenting objects with heterogeneous feature profiles that would be difficult to capture correctly using a standard global method. The presented technique is versatile enough to be used with any global region-based active contour energy and instill in it the benefits of localization. We describe this framework and demonstrate the localization of three well-known energies in order to illustrate how our framework can be applied to any energy. We then compare each localized energy to its global counterpart to show the improvements that can be achieved. Next, an in-depth study of the behaviors of these energies in response to the degree of localization is given. Finally, we show results on challenging images to illustrate the robust and accurate segmentations that are possible with this new class of active contour models

    Medical Image Segmentation by Water Flow

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    We present a new image segmentation technique based on the paradigm of water flow and apply it to medical images. The force field analogy is used to implement the major water flow attributes like water pressure, surface tension and adhesion so that the model achieves topological adaptability and geometrical flexibility. A new snake-like force functional combining edge- and region-based forces is introduced to produce capability for both range and accuracy. The method has been assessed qualitatively and quantitatively, and shows decent detection performance as well as ability to handle noise

    Visual Quality Enhancement in Optoacoustic Tomography using Active Contour Segmentation Priors

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    Segmentation of biomedical images is essential for studying and characterizing anatomical structures, detection and evaluation of pathological tissues. Segmentation has been further shown to enhance the reconstruction performance in many tomographic imaging modalities by accounting for heterogeneities of the excitation field and tissue properties in the imaged region. This is particularly relevant in optoacoustic tomography, where discontinuities in the optical and acoustic tissue properties, if not properly accounted for, may result in deterioration of the imaging performance. Efficient segmentation of optoacoustic images is often hampered by the relatively low intrinsic contrast of large anatomical structures, which is further impaired by the limited angular coverage of some commonly employed tomographic imaging configurations. Herein, we analyze the performance of active contour models for boundary segmentation in cross-sectional optoacoustic tomography. The segmented mask is employed to construct a two compartment model for the acoustic and optical parameters of the imaged tissues, which is subsequently used to improve accuracy of the image reconstruction routines. The performance of the suggested segmentation and modeling approach are showcased in tissue-mimicking phantoms and small animal imaging experiments.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Medical Imagin

    Image and Volume Segmentation by Water Flow

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    A general framework for image segmentation is presented in this paper, based on the paradigm of water flow. The major water flow attributes like water pressure, surface tension and capillary force are defined in the context of force field generation and make the model adaptable to topological and geometrical changes. A flow-stopping image functional combining edge- and region-based forces is introduced to produce capability for both range and accuracy. The method is assessed qualitatively and quantitatively on synthetic and natural images. It is shown that the new approach can segment objects with complex shapes or weak-contrasted boundaries, and has good immunity to noise. The operator is also extended to 3-D, and is successfully applied to medical volume segmentation

    Decreasing time consumption of microscopy image segmentation through parallel processing on the GPU

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    The computational performance of graphical processing units (GPUs) has improved significantly. Achieving speedup factors of more than 50x compared to single-threaded CPU execution are not uncommon due to parallel processing. This makes their use for high throughput microscopy image analysis very appealing. Unfortunately, GPU programming is not straightforward and requires a lot of programming skills and effort. Additionally, the attainable speedup factor is hard to predict, since it depends on the type of algorithm, input data and the way in which the algorithm is implemented. In this paper, we identify the characteristic algorithm and data-dependent properties that significantly relate to the achievable GPU speedup. We find that the overall GPU speedup depends on three major factors: (1) the coarse-grained parallelism of the algorithm, (2) the size of the data and (3) the computation/memory transfer ratio. This is illustrated on two types of well-known segmentation methods that are extensively used in microscopy image analysis: SLIC superpixels and high-level geometric active contours. In particular, we find that our used geometric active contour segmentation algorithm is very suitable for parallel processing, resulting in acceleration factors of 50x for 0.1 megapixel images and 100x for 10 megapixel images

    On the kinematics of massive star forming regions: the case of IRAS 17233-3606

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    Direct observations of accretion disks around high-mass young stellar objects would help to discriminate between different models of formation of massive stars. However, given the complexity of massive star forming regions, such studies are still limited in number. Additionally, there is still no general consensus on the molecular tracers to be used for such investigations. Because of its close distance and high luminosity, IRAS 17233-3606 is a potential good laboratory to search for traces of rotation in the inner gas around the protostar(s). Therefore, we selected the source for a detailed analysis of its molecular emission at 230 GHz with the SMA. We systematically investigated the velocity fields of transitions in the SMA spectra which are not affected by overlap with other transitions, and searched for coherent velocity gradients to compare them to the distribution of outflows in the region. Beside CO emission we also used high-angular H2 images to trace the outflow motions driven by the IRAS 17233-3606 cluster. We find linear velocity gradients in many transitions of the same molecular species and in several molecules. We report the first detection of HNCO in molecular outflows from massive YSOs. We discuss the CH3CN velocity gradient taking into account various scenarios: rotation, presence of multiple unresolved sources with different velocities, and outflow(s). Although other interpretations cannot be ruled out, we propose that the CH3CN emission might be affected by the outflows of the region. Higher angular observations are needed to discriminate between the different scenarios. The present observations, with the possible association of CH3CN with outflows in a few thousands AU around the YSOs' cluster, (i) question the choice of the tracer to probe rotating structures, and (ii) show the importance of the use of H2 images for detailed studies of kinematics.Comment: accepted for publication in A&

    Tracking multiple objects using intensity-GVF snakes

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    Active contours or snakes are widely used for segmentation and tracking. Multiple object tracking remains a difficult task, characterised by a trade off between increasing the capturing range of edges of the object of interest, and decreasing the capturing range of other edges. We propose a new external force field which is calculated for every object independently. This new force field uses prior knowledge about the intensity of the object of interest. Using this extra information, this new force field helps in discriminating between edges of interest and other objects. For this new force field, the expected intensity of an object must be estimated. We propose a technique which calculates this estimation out of the image