12 research outputs found

    A theoretical foundation for program transformations to reduce cache thrashing due to true data sharing

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    AbstractCache thrashing due to true data sharing can degrade the performance of parallel programs significantly. Our previous work showed that parallel task alignment via program transformations can be quite effective for the reduction of such cache thrashing. In this paper, we present a theoretical foundation for such program transformations. Based on linear algebra and the theory of numbers, our work analyzes the data dependences among the tasks created by a fork-join parallel program and determines at compile time how these tasks should be assigned to processors in order to reduce cache thrashing due to true data sharing. Our analysis and program transformations can be easily performed by compilers for parallel computers

    Reducing False Sharing on Shared Memory Multiprocessors through Compile Time Data Transformations.

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    We have developed compiler algorithms that analyze coarse-grained, explicitly parallel programs and restructure their shared data to minimize the number of false sharing misses. The algorithms analyze the per-process data accesses to shared data, use this information to pinpoint the data structures that are prone to false sharing and choose an appropriate transformation to reduce it. The algorithms eliminated an average (across the entire workload) of 64% of false sharing misses, and in two programs more than 90%. However, how well the reduction in false sharing misses translated into improved execution time depended heavily on the memory subsystem architecture and previous programmer efforts to optimize for locality. On a multiprocessor with a large cache configuration and high cache miss penalty, the transformations improved the execution time of programmer-unoptimized applications by as much as 60%. However, on programs where previous programmer efforts to improve data locality had ..

    Improving Fine-Grained Irregular Shared-Memory Benchmarks by Data Reordering

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    We demonstrate that data reordering can substantially improve the performance of fine-grained irregular sharedmemory benchmarks, on both hardware and software shared-memory systems. In particular, we evaluate two distinct data reordering techniques that seek to co-locate in memory objects that are in close proximity in the physical system modeled by the computation. The effects of these techniques are increased spatial locality and reduced false sharing. We evaluate the effectiveness of the data reordering techniques on a set of five irregular applications from SPLASH-2 and Chaos. We implement both techniques in a small library, allowing us to enable them in an application by adding less than 10 lines of code. Our results on one hardware and two software shared-memory systems show that, with data reordering during initialization, the performance of these applications is improved by 12%–99% on the Origin 2000, 30%–366% on TreadMarks, and 14%–269% on HLRC

    Analysis of False Cache Line Sharing Effects on Multicore CPUs

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    False sharing (FS) is a well-known problem occurring in multiprocessor systems. It results in performance degradation on multi-threaded programs running on multiprocessor environments. With the evolution of processor architecture over time, the multicore processor is a recent direction used by hardware designers to increase performance while avoiding heat and power walls. To fully exploit the processing power from these multicore hardware architectures, the software programmer needs to build applications using parallel programming concepts, which are based upon multi-threaded programming principles. Since the architecture of a multicore processor is very similar to a multiprocessor system, the presence of the false sharing problem is speculated. Its effects should be measurable in terms of efficiency degradation in a concurrent environment on multicore systems. This project discusses the causes of the false sharing problem in dual-core CPUs, and demonstrates how it lessens the system performance by measuring efficiency of a test program in sequential compared to parallel versions. Thus, demonstration programs are developed to read a CPU cache line size, and collect the execution results of the test program with and without false sharing on the specific system hardware. Certain techniques are implemented to eliminate false sharing. These techniques are described, and their effectiveness in mitigating the speed-up and efficiency lost from false sharing is analyzed.False sharing (FS) is a well-known problem occurring in multiprocessor systems. It results in performance degradation on multi-threaded programs running on multiprocessor environments. With the evolution of processor architecture over time, the multicore processor is a recent direction used by hardware designers to increase performance while avoiding heat and power walls. To fully exploit the processing power from these multicore hardware architectures, the software programmer needs to build applications using parallel programming concepts, which are based upon multi-threaded programming principles. Since the architecture of a multicore processor is very similar to a multiprocessor system, the presence of the false sharing problem is speculated. Its effects should be measurable in terms of efficiency degradation in a concurrent environment on multicore systems. This project discusses the causes of the false sharing problem in dual-core CPUs, and demonstrates how it lessens the system performance by measuring efficiency of a test program in sequential compared to parallel versions. Thus, demonstration programs are developed to read a CPU cache line size, and collect the execution results of the test program with and without false sharing on the specific system hardware. Certain techniques are implemented to eliminate false sharing. These techniques are described, and their effectiveness in mitigating the speed-up and efficiency lost from false sharing is analyzed

    An integrated compile-time/run-time software distributed shared memory system

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    On a distributed memory machine, hand-coded message passing leads to the most efficient execution, but it is difficult to use. Parallelizing compilers can approach the performance of hand-coded message passing by translating data-parallel programs into message passing programs, but efficient execution is limited to those programs for which precise analysis can be carried out. Shared memory is easier to program than message passing and its domain is not constrained by the limitations of parallelizing compilers, but it lags in performance. Our goal is to close that performance gap while retaining the benefits of shared memory. In other words, our goal is (1) to make shared memory as efficient as message passing, whether hand-coded or compiler-generated, (2) to retain its ease of programming, and (3) to retain the broader class of applications it supports.To this end we have designed and implemented an integrated compile-time and run-time software DSM system. The programming model remains identical to the original pure run-time DSM system. No user intervention is required to obtain the benefits of our system. The compiler computes data access patterns for the individual processors. It then performs a source-to-source transformation, inserting in the program calls to inform the run-time system of the computed data access patterns. The run-time system uses this information to aggregate communication, to aggregate data and synchronization into a single message, to eliminate consistency overhead, and to replace global synchronization with point-to-point synchronization wherever possible.We extended the Parascope programming environment to perform the required analysis, and we augmented the TreadMarks run-time DSM library to take advantage of the analysis. We used six Fortran programs to assess the performance benefits: Jacobi, 3D-FFT, Integer Sort, Shallow, Gauss, and Modified Gramm-Schmidt, each with two different data set sizes. The experiments were run on an 8-node IBM SP/2 using user-space communication. Compiler optimization in conjunction with the augmented run-time system achieves substantial execution time improvements in comparison to the base TreadMarks, ranging from 4% to 59% on 8 processors. Relative to message passing implementations of the same applications, the compile-time run-time system is 0-29% slower than message passing, while the base run-time system is 5-212% slower. For the five programs that XHPF could parallelize (all except IS), the execution times achieved by the compiler optimized shared memory programs are within 9% of XHPF

    Improving GPU Shared Memory Access Efficiency

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    Graphic Processing Units (GPUs) often employ shared memory to provide efficient storage for threads within a computational block. This shared memory includes multiple banks to improve performance by enabling concurrent accesses across the memory banks. Conflicts occur when multiple memory accesses attempt to simultaneously access a particular bank, resulting in serialized access and concomitant performance reduction. Identifying and eliminating these memory bank access conflicts becomes critical for achieving high performance on GPUs; however, for common 1D and 2D access patterns, understanding the potential bank conflicts can prove difficult. Current GPUs support memory bank accesses with configurable bit-widths; optimizing these bitwidths could result in data layouts with fewer conflicts and better performance. This dissertation presents a framework for bank conflict analysis and automatic optimization. Given static access pattern information for a kernel, this tool analyzes the conflict number of each pattern, and then searches for an optimized solution for all shared memory buffers. This data layout solution is based on parameters for inter-padding, intrapadding, and the bank access bit-width. The experimental results show that static bank conflict analysis is a practical solution and independent of the workload size of a given access pattern. For 13 kernels from 6 benchmarks suites (RODINIA and NVIDIA CUDA SDK) facing shared memory bank conflicts, tests indicated this approach can gain 5%- 35% improvement in runtime

    Asynchronous Validity Resolution in Sequentially Consistent Shared Virtual Memory

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    Shared Virtual Memory (SVM) is an effort to provide a mechanism for a distributed system, such as a cluster, to execute shared memory parallel programs. Unfortunately, SVM has performance problems due to its underlying distributed architecture. Recent developments have increased performance of SVM by reducing communication. Unfortunately this performance gain was only possible by increasing programming complexity and by restricting the types of programs allowed to execute in the system. Validity resolution is the process of resolving the validity of a memory object such as a page. Current SVM systems use synchronous or deferred validity resolution techniques in which user processing is blocked during the validity resolution process. This is the case even when resolving validity of false shared variables. False-sharing occurs when two or more processes access unrelated variables stored within the same shared block of memory and at least one of the processes is writing. False sharing unnecessarily reduces overall performance of SVM systems?because user processing is blocked during validity resolution although no actual data dependencies exist. This thesis presents Asynchronous Validity Resolution (AVR), a new approach to SVM which reduces the performance losses associated with false sharing while maintaining the ease of programming found with regular shared memory parallel programming methodology. Asynchronous validity resolution allows concurrent user process execution and data validity resolution. AVR is evaluated by com-paring performance of an application suite using both an AVR sequentially con-sistent SVM system and a traditional sequentially consistent (SC) SVM system. The results show that AVR can increase performance over traditional sequentially consistent SVM for programs which exhibit false sharing. Although AVR outperforms regular SC by as much as 26%, performance of AVR is dependent on the number of false-sharing vs. true-sharing accesses, the number of pages in the program’s working set, the amount of user computation that completes per page request, and the internodal round-trip message time in the system. Overall, the results show that AVR could be an important member of the arsenal of tools available to parallel programmers

    Software and hardware methods for memory access latency reduction on ILP processors

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    While microprocessors have doubled their speed every 18 months, performance improvement of memory systems has continued to lag behind. to address the speed gap between CPU and memory, a standard multi-level caching organization has been built for fast data accesses before the data have to be accessed in DRAM core. The existence of these caches in a computer system, such as L1, L2, L3, and DRAM row buffers, does not mean that data locality will be automatically exploited. The effective use of the memory hierarchy mainly depends on how data are allocated and how memory accesses are scheduled. In this dissertation, we propose several novel software and hardware techniques to effectively exploit the data locality and to significantly reduce memory access latency.;We first presented a case study at the application level that reconstructs memory-intensive programs by utilizing program-specific knowledge. The problem of bit-reversals, a set of data reordering operations extensively used in scientific computing program such as FFT, and an application with a special data access pattern that can cause severe cache conflicts, is identified in this study. We have proposed several software methods, including padding and blocking, to restructure the program to reduce those conflicts. Our methods outperform existing ones on both uniprocessor and multiprocessor systems.;The access latency to DRAM core has become increasingly long relative to CPU speed, causing memory accesses to be an execution bottleneck. In order to reduce the frequency of DRAM core accesses to effectively shorten the overall memory access latency, we have conducted three studies at this level of memory hierarchy. First, motivated by our evaluation of DRAM row buffer\u27s performance roles and our findings of the reasons of its access conflicts, we propose a simple and effective memory interleaving scheme to reduce or even eliminate row buffer conflicts. Second, we propose a fine-grain priority scheduling scheme to reorder the sequence of data accesses on multi-channel memory systems, effectively exploiting the available bus bandwidth and access concurrency. In the final part of the dissertation, we first evaluate the design of cached DRAM and its organization alternatives associated with ILP processors. We then propose a new memory hierarchy integration that uses cached DRAM to construct a very large off-chip cache. We show that this structure outperforms a standard memory system with an off-level L3 cache for memory-intensive applications.;Memory access latency has become a major performance bottleneck for memory-intensive applications. as long as DRAM technology remains its most cost-effective position for making main memory, the memory performance problem will continue to exist. The studies conducted in this dissertation attempt to address this important issue. Our proposed software and hardware schemes are effective and applicable, which can be directly used in real-world memory system designs and implementations. Our studies also provide guidance for application programmers to understand memory performance implications, and for system architects to optimize memory hierarchies