173 research outputs found

    Sensitivity of bronchial receptors under the effect of tobacco smoke in the conditions of various activity of the thyroid gland in children.

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    The role of the initial hormonal profile disorders of the system “pituitary – thyroid” in the emergence of a bronchospasm in response to exogenic stimuli has not been finally determined. The aim of our research was to investigate the character and degree of the relationship between bronchial hypersensitivity in children exposed to smoking and the functional activity of the thyroid gland. The research involved 74 patients aged 10 to 17 years. Sixteen children were not exposed to tobacco smoke, 50 children were passive smokers, and 8 of the children surveyed smoked actively. To investigate the level of bronchial sensitivity, a bronchial provocation test with a non-specific stimulus – bronchoconstrictor acetylcholine was carried out. We assayed the functional state of the thyroid gland by the level of free triiodothyronine (FT3), free thyroxin 4 (FT4) and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), identified by Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) (Alkor Bio, Russia). Indicators of hormones of a thyroid gland in most of the examined children did not differ from standard values for healthy children. Analysis of the results of the inhaled bronchial provocation test with acetylcholin showed that the state of non-specific bronchial hypersensitivity was observed in 2 active smokers and in none of the passive smokers and non-smokers (χ2=15,4>χ201=9,21 або р<0,01). According to our data, in children with hypothyroidism, under the effect of tobacco smoke, changes in the functional state of sensitive bronchial receptors do not occur. Among 2 children who had an increased activity of the thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism), one child from the group of smokers had an increased bronchial sensitivity by the results of the acetylcholine test (p>0.05). According to our data,  changes in the functional status of sensitive bronchial receptors (cholinergic receptors) resulting from exposure to tobacco smoke in children exposed to tobacco smoke, active or passive, do not depend on the functional state of the thyroid gland (Рχ2>0,05)

    In-Vitro Pharmacological Profile f Partially Purified Leaves of Alseodaphne Perakensis

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    Alseodaphne perakensis (AP) is a moderately sized tree that is widely distributed throughout Peninsular Malaysia. There are no reports of this tree in traditional folk medicine although tests have shown its leaves are rich in alkaloids. Initial experimental work carried out on this species led to the isolation of a major compound N-methy1-2,3,6-trimethoxymorphinandien-7-onea,n alkaloid with a morphinandienone skeleton which is similar in structure with Omethylflavinanthine; and a minor trimethoxymorphinandien-7-one-N-oxide. Another compound 7-hydroxy-2,3,6- trimethoxy phenantherenel has also been isolated. All these three compounds isolated from AP have no reported biological activity. However, the alkaloid Omethylflavinanthine has been previously isolated from other plants and its analgesic properties has been reported by other researchers. polar alkaloid N-methyl-2,3,6- In this study, the crude methanol extract (CMLE) and semi-pure alkaloids were extracted by steeping the air-dried leaves of AP in methanol for 48hrs. The solvent methanol containing CMLE were evaporated using the rotary evaporator at 45OC leaving a blackish viscous CMLE. The alkaloid in CMLE were extracted using the sulphuric acid, sodium carbonate, and methylene chloride (DCM) to obtain DCM 'A' and DCM 'B' and de-alkaloid fractions (residue after alkaloid extraction). Alkaloid test (Meyer's reagent) done on these extracts CMLE and DCM 'A' and DCM 'B' fractions confirmed the presences of alkaloid;' the residue after alkaloid extraction tested negative for alkaloid. These extracts CMLE, DCM 'A' and DCM 'B' from the leaves of AP were tested on stimulated and unstimulated guinea pig ileum (GPI), rat vas deferentia (RVD) and mouse vas deferentia (MVD) preparations. The CMLE (100 p1,O. 1 g/ml) inhibited the electrically induced twitches on the GPI preparation. On its own, CMLE has no effect on the unstimulated GPI. Contractions induced by histamine and acetylcholine on the unstimulated GPI preparation were antagonised in a non-competitive manner by CMLE (100 p1 0.1 g/ml). DCM 'A' (100 pl0.1 glml) was also found to inhibit the electrically induced twitches on the GPI preparation. On its own, DCM 'A' had no effect on the unstimulated GPI. DCM 'A' also antagonised the contraction induced by histamine and acetylcholine on the unstimulated GPI in a non-competitive manner. The CMLE (1 00 p1 0.1 g/ml) inhibited the electrically induced twitches on the RVD preparation. On its own, CMLE had no effect on the unstimulated RVD. Contractions induced by phenylepherine on the unstimulated RVD preparation was antagonised in a competitive manner by CMLE (100 p1 0.1 glml). Like CMLE, DCM 'A' (100 yl 0.1 glml) inhibited the electrically induced twitches on the RVD preparation. On its own, DCM 'A' had no effect on the unstimulated RVD. DCM 'A' also antagonized contractions induced by phenylepherine on the unstimulated RVD. Like phenylepherine antagonist phentolamine, both CMLE and DCM 'A' competitively inhibited contraction induced by phenylepherine on RVD. CMLE and DCM'A' inhibited the electrically induced twitch on the stimulated MVD; they did not have any effect on the unstimulated MVD. The inhibition by CMLE and DCM'A' fraction on the stimulated MVD was reversed by naloxone. DCM 'B' fraction did not have any effect on the stimulated GPI, RVD and MVD preparation. It also did not have any effect on the unstimulated RVD and MVD, however, DCM 'B' fraction induced contractions in a dose dependent manner on the unstimulated GPI. These contractions were antagonised competitively by mepyramine. The dealkaloid (dAK) fractions did not show any physiological effect on the stimulated and unstimulated GPI, stimulated and unstimulated RVD and stimulated and unstimulated MVD. CMLE and DCM 'A' fractions from the leaves of AP seem to possess; antihistaminergic, antimuscarinic, antiadrenergic, morphine-like activity. DCM 'B' fraction exhibited histaminergic activity


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    The rates of sexual dysfunctions among patients with PTSD are much higher than in the general population. An increasing body of scientific research has confirmed clinically relevant sexual problems (Letourneau et al. 1997, Kotler et al. 2000, Hossain et al. 2013, Yehuda et al. 2015, Tran et al. 2015), among which erectile dysfunction (ED) and premature ejaculation (PE) were the most frequent (Letourneau et al. 1997). It is important to underline that patients, particularly military veterans with PTSD, have an increased risk of sexual dysfunction independent of the use of psychiatric medications (Benjamin et al. 2014). Considering the utilization of pharmacotherapy, data indicate that over 80% of the veterans treated for PTSD in the USA have been receiving at least one of the psychotropic medications (Bernardy et al. 2012). A drug utilization study conducted in Croatia revealed that the annual frequency of drug use among pharmacologically treated PTSD patients was the highest for anxiolytics (75.83% patients), antidepressants (61.36%), hypnotics (35.68%) and antipsychotics (30.21%) in 2012 (LeticaCrepulja et al. 2015). In this context, it is very important to highlight that a variety of psychotropic medications recommended for the treatment of PTSD can induce sexual function disorders (Clayton & Shen 1998, Labbate 2008). Most practice guidelines for the treatment of PTSD highlight antidepressants as the first-line pharmacotherapeutic agents, particularly selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) (Ballenger et al. 2000, American Psychiatric Association 2004, National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) 2005, Baldwin et al. 2005, Forbes et al. 2007) and serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) (Bandelow et al. 2008, Benedek et al. 2009, Stein et al. 2009, Department of Veterans Affairs 2010, World Health Organization 2013, Baldwin et al. 2014). Since the introduction of these medications, increasing attention has been given to the side effects, such as sexual dysfunction (Labbate 2008, Corona et al. 2009, Serretti & Chiesa 2011). SSRIs can negatively affect all domains of sexuality (desire-arousal-orgasm-resolution) (Corona et al. 2009). A study of sexual functioning in war veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder conducted in Croatia showed that these patients had less sexual activity, hypoactive sexual desire and more frequent ED compared with healthy volunteers. These problems might be associated with the antidepressant therapy (Antičević & Britvić 2008). Another Croatian study revealed that the population exposed to traumatic event(s) had the same level of sexual functioning (or the same incidence of sexual dysfunction) regardless of the absence or presence of PTSD symptoms and their severity (Arbanas 2010). The aim of this report was to present a patient with PTSD and comorbid sexual dysfunctions

    Expression profiling and Ingenuity biological function analyses of interleukin-6- versus nerve growth factor-stimulated PC12 cells

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    The major goal of the study was to compare the genetic programs utilized by the neuropoietic cytokine Interleukin-6 (IL-6) and the neurotrophin (NT) Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) for neuronal differentiation

    Donepezil and related cholinesterase inhibitors as mood and behavioral controlling agents.

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    Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (ChEIs) enhance neuronal transmission by increasing the availability of acetylcholine in muscarinic and nicotinic receptors. This effect is believed to be responsible for the beneficial and protective effects of ChEIs on cognition in patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD). Effects of ChEIs on mood and behavior have also been reported. Earlier observations were limited by the exclusive availability of intravenous forms of administration, the short half-life of the formulations, and the high frequency of peripheral side effects. The introduction, in recent years, of better tolerated and less invasive compounds has rekindled the interest in cholinergic central nervous system mechanisms and has given rise to studies in areas other than cognition. The ChEI donepezil has been involved in the largest number of studies and positive reports. Preliminary observations suggest the possible value of ChEIs in the management of behavioral dysregulation, apathy, irritability, psychosis, depression, mania, tics, and delirium and in the diagnosis of depression, panic, and personality disorders

    Assessing the Clinical Features and Blood Biochemistries of Acute Organophosphorus Chemical Warfare Agents in Iranian Veterans

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    Background: Nerve Agents (NAs) are a chemical weapons, and their use is prohibited. They were used for numerous-times in the warfare of Iraq against Iran. The present study aimed to assess the clinical features and laboratory findings of the acute poisoning manifestations of organophosphorus chemical warfare agents (NAs) in Iranian veterans early after exposure.Methods: A total of 25 male NAs-exposed cases were enrolled in the present study. We used the medical records of early combat in 1990 for data collection. The data of the exposed-victims were unavailable for a long time. Clinical features were evaluated and fasting blood glucose, sodium, potassium, insulin level, and protein electrophoresis were measured on the first day of exposure. Results: Potassium, sodium, fasting blood glucose, and protein electrophoresis were abnormally noticeable on the first day post-exposure. The clinical features of the studied cases were manifested in the muscarinic and nicotinic systems, and Central Nervous Systems (CNS). Miosis, cramp, restlessness, and respiratory symptoms were dominant features in the study subjects.Conclusion: The investigated exposed-victims of NAs indicated hypokalemia, hyperkalemia, hypoglycemia, normal insulin levels, and abnormal protein electrophoresis. The clinical features of the cholinergic crisis were markedly significant in three levels of the muscarinic, nicotinic, and CNS manifestations. Our findings suggested that the exposed cases were against a significant dose of NAs

    Sensitivity of bronchial receptors under the effect of tobacco smoke in the conditions of various activityof the thyroid gland in children

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    Остаточно не визначена роль вихідних порушень гормонального профілю системи «гіпофіз - щитоподібна залоза» у виникненні бронхоспазму у відповідь на екзогенні стимули. Метою нашого дослідження було вивчення характеру і вираженості взаємозв'язку між бронхіальною гіперчутливістю в дітей, які зазнають впливу куріння, і функціональною активністю щитоподібної залози. У дослідженні взяли участь 74 дитини у віці від 10 до 17 років. Серед обстежених дітей було 16 дітей, які не зазнавали впливу тютюнового диму, 50 дітей були пасивними курцями, і 8 обстежених дітей активно курили. Для дослідження рівня бронхіальної чутливості проводилися інгаляційні бронхопровокаційні тести з неспецифічним подразником – бронхоконстрикторами з ацетилхоліном. Функціональний стан щитоподібної залози оцінювали за рівнем у сироватці крові тиреотропного гормона (ТТГ), тироксину (Т4) і трийодтироніну (Т3). Для більшості обстежених дітей типовими були показники гормонів щитоподібної залози, які не відрізняються від нормативних показників для здорових дітей. Аналіз результатів інгаляційного бронхопровокаційного тесту з ацетилхоліном показав, що стан неспецифічної бронхіальної гіперчутливості мав місце в 2 активних курців, в одного пасивного курця і в одного, який не палить (χ2=15,4> χ201=9,21 або р0,05). Згідно з нашими даними, зміни у функціональному стані чутливих рецепторів бронхів (холінорецепторов) у дітей, які зазнають впливу тютюнового диму, активно або пасивно, не залежать від функціонального стану щитоподібної залози (Рχ2>0,05).The role of the initial hormonal profile disorders of the system “pituitary – thyroid” in the emergence of a bronchospasm in response to exogenic stimuli has not been finally determined. The aim of our research was to investigate the character and degree of the relationship between bronchial hypersensitivity in children exposed to smoking and the functional activity of the thyroid gland. The research involved 74 patients aged 10 to 17 years. Sixteen children were not exposed to tobacco smoke, 50 children were passive smokers, and 8 of the children surveyed smoked actively. To investigate the level of bronchial sensitivity, a bronchial provocation test with a non-specific stimulus – bronchoconstrictor acetylcholine was carried out. We assayed the functional state of the thyroid gland by the level of free triiodothyronine (FT3), free thyroxin 4 (FT4) and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), identified by Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) (Alkor Bio, Russia). Indicators of hormones of a thyroid gland in most of the examined children did not differ from standard values for healthy children. Analysis of the results of the inhaled bronchial provocation test with acetylcholin showed that the state of nonspecific bronchial hypersensitivity was observed in 2 active smokers and in none of the passive smokers and nonsmokers (χ2=15,4>χ201=9,21 або р0.05). According to our data, changes in the functional status of sensitive bronchial receptors (cholinergic receptors) resulting from exposure to tobacco smoke in children exposed to tobacco smoke, active or passive, do not depend on the functional state of the thyroid gland (Рχ2>0,05)