649 research outputs found

    Reachability for Branching Concurrent Stochastic Games

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    We give polynomial time algorithms for deciding almost-sure and limit-sure reachability in Branching Concurrent Stochastic Games (BCSGs). These are a class of infinite-state imperfect-information stochastic games that generalize both finite-state concurrent stochastic reachability games ([L. de Alfaro et al., 2007]) and branching simple stochastic reachability games ([K. Etessami et al., 2018])

    Reachability analysis of branching probabilistic processes

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    We study a fundamental class of infinite-state stochastic processes and stochastic games, namely Branching Processes, under the properties of (single-target) reachability and multi-objective reachability. In particular, we study Branching Concurrent Stochastic Games (BCSGs), which are an imperfect-information game extension to the classical Branching Processes, and show that these games are determined, i.e., have a value, under the fundamental objective of reachability, building on and generalizing prior work on Branching Simple Stochastic Games and finite-state Concurrent Stochastic Games. We show that, unlike in the turn-based branching games, in the concurrent setting the almost-sure and limitsure reachability problems do not coincide and we give polynomial time algorithms for deciding both almost-sure and limit-sure reachability. We also provide a discussion on the complexity of quantitative reachability questions for BCSGs. Furthermore, we introduce a new model, namely Ordered Branching Processes (OBPs), which is a hybrid model between classical Branching Processes and Stochastic Context-Free Grammars. Under the reachability objective, this model is equivalent to the classical Branching Processes. We study qualitative multi-objective reachability questions for Ordered Branching Markov Decision Processes (OBMDPs), or equivalently context-free MDPs with simultaneous derivation. We provide algorithmic results for efficiently checking certain Boolean combinations of qualitative reachability and non-reachability queries with respect to different given target non-terminals. Among the more interesting multi-objective reachability results, we provide two separate algorithms for almost-sure and limit-sure multi-target reachability for OBMDPs. Specifically, given an OBMDP, given a starting non-terminal, and given a set of target non-terminals, our first algorithm decides whether the supremum probability, of generating a tree that contains every target non-terminal in the set, is 1. Our second algorithm decides whether there is a strategy for the player to almost-surely (with probability 1) generate a tree that contains every target non-terminal in the set. The two separate algorithms are needed: we show that indeed, in this context, almost-sure and limit-sure multi-target reachability do not coincide. Both algorithms run in time polynomial in the size of the OBMDP and exponential in the number of targets. Hence, they run in polynomial time when the number of targets is fixed. The algorithms are fixed-parameter tractable with respect to this number. Moreover, we show that the qualitative almost-sure (and limit-sure) multi-target reachability decision problem is in general NP-hard, when the size of the set of target non-terminals is not fixed

    Recursive Concurrent Stochastic Games

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    We study Recursive Concurrent Stochastic Games (RCSGs), extending our recent analysis of recursive simple stochastic games to a concurrent setting where the two players choose moves simultaneously and independently at each state. For multi-exit games, our earlier work already showed undecidability for basic questions like termination, thus we focus on the important case of single-exit RCSGs (1-RCSGs). We first characterize the value of a 1-RCSG termination game as the least fixed point solution of a system of nonlinear minimax functional equations, and use it to show PSPACE decidability for the quantitative termination problem. We then give a strategy improvement technique, which we use to show that player 1 (maximizer) has \epsilon-optimal randomized Stackless & Memoryless (r-SM) strategies for all \epsilon > 0, while player 2 (minimizer) has optimal r-SM strategies. Thus, such games are r-SM-determined. These results mirror and generalize in a strong sense the randomized memoryless determinacy results for finite stochastic games, and extend the classic Hoffman-Karp strategy improvement approach from the finite to an infinite state setting. The proofs in our infinite-state setting are very different however, relying on subtle analytic properties of certain power series that arise from studying 1-RCSGs. We show that our upper bounds, even for qualitative (probability 1) termination, can not be improved, even to NP, without a major breakthrough, by giving two reductions: first a P-time reduction from the long-standing square-root sum problem to the quantitative termination decision problem for finite concurrent stochastic games, and then a P-time reduction from the latter problem to the qualitative termination problem for 1-RCSGs.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figure

    Optimal Strategies in Infinite-state Stochastic Reachability Games

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    We consider perfect-information reachability stochastic games for 2 players on infinite graphs. We identify a subclass of such games, and prove two interesting properties of it: first, Player Max always has optimal strategies in games from this subclass, and second, these games are strongly determined. The subclass is defined by the property that the set of all values can only have one accumulation point -- 0. Our results nicely mirror recent results for finitely-branching games, where, on the contrary, Player Min always has optimal strategies. However, our proof methods are substantially different, because the roles of the players are not symmetric. We also do not restrict the branching of the games. Finally, we apply our results in the context of recently studied One-Counter stochastic games

    Strategy Complexity of Reachability in Countable Stochastic 2-Player Games

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    We study countably infinite stochastic 2-player games with reachability objectives. Our results provide a complete picture of the memory requirements of Δ\varepsilon-optimal (resp. optimal) strategies. These results depend on the size of the players' action sets and on whether one requires strategies that are uniform (i.e., independent of the start state). Our main result is that Δ\varepsilon-optimal (resp. optimal) Maximizer strategies require infinite memory if Minimizer is allowed infinite action sets. This lower bound holds even under very strong restrictions. Even in the special case of infinitely branching turn-based reachability games, even if all states allow an almost surely winning Maximizer strategy, strategies with a step counter plus finite private memory are still useless. Regarding uniformity, we show that for Maximizer there need not exist positional (i.e., memoryless) uniformly Δ\varepsilon-optimal strategies even in the special case of finite action sets or in finitely branching turn-based games. On the other hand, in games with finite action sets, there always exists a uniformly Δ\varepsilon-optimal Maximizer strategy that uses just one bit of public memory

    Equilibria-based Probabilistic Model Checking for Concurrent Stochastic Games

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    Probabilistic model checking for stochastic games enables formal verification of systems that comprise competing or collaborating entities operating in a stochastic environment. Despite good progress in the area, existing approaches focus on zero-sum goals and cannot reason about scenarios where entities are endowed with different objectives. In this paper, we propose probabilistic model checking techniques for concurrent stochastic games based on Nash equilibria. We extend the temporal logic rPATL (probabilistic alternating-time temporal logic with rewards) to allow reasoning about players with distinct quantitative goals, which capture either the probability of an event occurring or a reward measure. We present algorithms to synthesise strategies that are subgame perfect social welfare optimal Nash equilibria, i.e., where there is no incentive for any players to unilaterally change their strategy in any state of the game, whilst the combined probabilities or rewards are maximised. We implement our techniques in the PRISM-games tool and apply them to several case studies, including network protocols and robot navigation, showing the benefits compared to existing approaches

    Memoryless Strategies in Stochastic Reachability Games

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    We study concurrent stochastic reachability games played on finite graphs. Two players, Max and Min, seek respectively to maximize and minimize the probability of reaching a set of target states. We prove that Max has a memoryless strategy that is optimal from all states that have an optimal strategy. Our construction provides an alternative proof of this result by Bordais, Bouyer and Le Roux, and strengthens it, as we allow Max's action sets to be countably infinite

    Memoryless strategies in stochastic reachability games

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    We study concurrent stochastic reachability games played on finite graphs. Two players, Max and Min, seek respectively to maximize and minimize the probability of reaching a set of target states. We prove that Max has a memoryless strategy that is optimal from all states that have an optimal strategy. Our construction provides an alternative proof of this result by Bordais, Bouyer and Le Roux [4], and strengthens it, as we allow Max’s action sets to be countably infinite.<br/

    Qualitative Reachability in Stochastic BPA Games

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    We consider a class of infinite-state stochastic games generated by stateless pushdown automata (or, equivalently, 1-exit recursive state machines), where the winning objective is specified by a regular set of target configurations and a qualitative probability constraint `>0' or `=1'. The goal of one player is to maximize the probability of reaching the target set so that the constraint is satisfied, while the other player aims at the opposite. We show that the winner in such games can be determined in PTIME for the `>0' constraint, and both in NP and coNP for the `=1' constraint. Further, we prove that the winning regions for both players are regular, and we design algorithms which compute the associated finite-state automata. Finally, we show that winning strategies can be synthesized effectively.Comment: Submitted to Information and Computation. 48 pages, 3 figure

    Liveness of Randomised Parameterised Systems under Arbitrary Schedulers (Technical Report)

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    We consider the problem of verifying liveness for systems with a finite, but unbounded, number of processes, commonly known as parameterised systems. Typical examples of such systems include distributed protocols (e.g. for the dining philosopher problem). Unlike the case of verifying safety, proving liveness is still considered extremely challenging, especially in the presence of randomness in the system. In this paper we consider liveness under arbitrary (including unfair) schedulers, which is often considered a desirable property in the literature of self-stabilising systems. We introduce an automatic method of proving liveness for randomised parameterised systems under arbitrary schedulers. Viewing liveness as a two-player reachability game (between Scheduler and Process), our method is a CEGAR approach that synthesises a progress relation for Process that can be symbolically represented as a finite-state automaton. The method is incremental and exploits both Angluin-style L*-learning and SAT-solvers. Our experiments show that our algorithm is able to prove liveness automatically for well-known randomised distributed protocols, including Lehmann-Rabin Randomised Dining Philosopher Protocol and randomised self-stabilising protocols (such as the Israeli-Jalfon Protocol). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first fully-automatic method that can prove liveness for randomised protocols.Comment: Full version of CAV'16 pape
