1,310 research outputs found

    Automatic refocus and feature extraction of single-look complex SAR signatures of vessels

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    In recent years, spaceborne synthetic aperture radar ( SAR) technology has been considered as a complement to cooperative vessel surveillance systems thanks to its imaging capabilities. In this paper, a processing chain is presented to explore the potential of using basic stripmap single-look complex ( SLC) SAR images of vessels for the automatic extraction of their dimensions and heading. Local autofocus is applied to the vessels' SAR signatures to compensate blurring artefacts in the azimuth direction, improving both their image quality and their estimated dimensions. For the heading, the orientation ambiguities of the vessels' SAR signatures are solved using the direction of their ground-range velocity from the analysis of their Doppler spectra. Preliminary results are provided using five images of vessels from SLC RADARSAT-2 stripmap images. These results have shown good agreement with their respective ground-truth data from Automatic Identification System ( AIS) records at the time of the acquisitions.Postprint (published version

    On the remote sensing of oceanic and atmospheric convection in the Greenland Sea by synthetic aperture radar

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    In this paper we discuss characteristic properties of radar signatures of oceanic and atmospheric convection features in the Greenland Sea. If the water surface is clean (no surface films or ice coverage), oceanic and atmospheric features can become visible in radar images via a modulation of the surface roughness, and their radar signatures can be very similar. For an unambiguous interpretation and for the retrieval of quantitative information on current and wind variations from radar imagery with such signatures, theoretical models of current and wind phenomena and their radar imaging mechanisms must be utilized. We demonstrate this approach with the analysis of some synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images acquired by the satellites ERS-2 and RADARSAT-1. In once case, an ERS-2 SAR image an a RADARSAT-1 ScanSAR image exhibit pronounced cell-like signatures with length scales on the order of 10-20 km and modulation depths of about 5-6 dB and 9-10 dB, respectively. Simulations with a numerical SAR imagaing model and various input current and wind fields reveal that the signatures in both images can be expained consistently by wind variations on the order of±2.5 ms, but not by surface current variations on realistic orders of magnitude. Accordingly, the observed features must be atmospheric convection cells. This is confirmed by visible typical cloud patterns in a NOAA AVHRR image of the test scenario. In another case, the presence of an oceanic convective chimney is obvious from in situ data, but no signatures of it are visible in an ERS-2 SAR image. We show by numerical simulations with an oceanic convection model and our SAR imaging model that this is consistent with theoretical predictions, since the current gradients associated with the observed chimney are not sufficiently strong to give rise to significant signatures in an ERS-2 SAR image under the given conditions. Further model results indicate that it should be generally difficult to observe oceanic convection features in the Greenland Sea with ERS-2 or RADARSAT-1 SAR, since their signatures resulting from pure wave-current interaction will be too weak to become visible in the noisy SAR images in most cases. This situation will improve with the availability of future high-resolution SARs such as RADARSAT-2 SAR in fine resolution mode (2004) and TerraSAR-X (2005) which will offer significantly reduced speckle noise fluctuations at comparable spatial resolutions and thus a much better visibility of small image variations on spatial scales on the order of a few hundred meters

    Legal Challenges and Market Rewards to the Use and Acceptance of Remote Sensing and Digital Information as Evidence

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    Bakgrund I den nutida forskningen Ă€r det essentiellt att företag tar hĂ€nsyn till medarbetarnas motivation sĂ„ att de gynnas av det arbetssĂ€tt som tillĂ€mpas. En arbetsmetod som blivit allt vanligare Ă€r konceptet Lean som ursprungligen kommer frĂ„n den japanska bilindustrin. Lean har idag utvecklats till ett allmĂ€ngiltigt koncept som tillĂ€mpas i flertalet branscher vĂ€rlden över. Trots att konceptet innebĂ€r flertalet positiva aspekter har det fĂ„tt utstĂ„ stark kritik nĂ€r det kommer till de mĂ€nskliga aspekterna och forskare har stĂ€llt sig frĂ„gan om Lean Ă€r "Mean". Kritiken hĂ€rleds frĂ€mst till medarbetares arbetsmiljö i form av stress och brist pĂ„ variation, sjĂ€lvbestĂ€mmande, hĂ€lsa och vĂ€lmĂ„ende. FĂ„ empiriska studier har dĂ€remot genomförts som undersöker konsekvenserna som Lean fĂ„r pĂ„ medarbetares upplevda motivation. Syfte VĂ„rt syfte Ă€r att undersöka och öka förstĂ„elsen för medarbetares upplevelser av motivationen i företag som tillĂ€mpar Lean. Vidare har studien för avsikt att utreda om det föreligger en paradox mellan Lean och vad som motiverar medarbetare pĂ„ en arbetsplats. Metod Studien har utgĂ„tt frĂ„n en kvalitativ metod via intervjuer. För att göra en djupare undersökning och analysera hur vĂ„rt fenomen, motivation, upplevs i en kontext med Lean tillĂ€mpade vi SmĂ„-N-studier. Vi har Ă€ven haft en iterativ forskningsansats som förenat den deduktiva och induktiva ansatsen dĂ€r studien pendlat mellan teorier och empiriska observationer fram tills det slutgiltiga resultatet. Slutsatser Utefter medarbetarnas upplevelser har vi identifierat att det inte föreligger nĂ„gon paradox mellan Lean och motivation eftersom övervĂ€gande antal medarbetare upplevde att de Ă€r motiverade Ă€ven om företaget tillĂ€mpar Lean. Dock har studien kunnat urskilja bĂ„de stödjande och motverkande faktorer nĂ€r det kommer till medarbetarnas upplevda arbetsförhĂ„llanden som i sin tur inverkar pĂ„ motivationen. De motverkande faktorerna menar vi frĂ€mst beror pĂ„ att arbetsförhĂ„llandena i somliga fall innehĂ„ller höga prestationskrav, mĂ„lstyrning samt standardiseringar. Vidare upplevs motivationen överlag som mer positiv nĂ€r företagen anvĂ€nder en mjukare form av Lean dĂ€r samtliga medlemmars intressen beaktas.Background In modern research, it is essential that companies consider employees’ motivation so that they benefit from the applied practices. A working method that has become increasingly common is the concept Lean, which has its origin in the Japanese automotive industry. Today, Lean has evolved into a universal concept that is applied in many industries worldwide. Although the concept involves numerous positive aspects it has endured strong criticism when it comes to the human aspects and researchers have raised the question if Lean is "Mean". Criticism is derived primarily to employees’ working conditions in terms of stress and lack, variation, autonomy, health and wellbeing. However, few empirical studies have been carried out that examines the impact that Lean has on employees’ experienced motivation. Aim The aim is to increase the understanding of employees’ experienced motivation in companies that practice Lean. Further on the study has the intention to investigate if there is a paradox between Lean and what motivates employees on work. Methodology The study has been conducted through a qualitative method by interviews and to be able to do a deeper examination and analyze how our phenomenon, motivation, is experienced in a Lean context we applied small-N-studies. Our strategy has been iterative, combining both a deductive and inductive approach, where the study has varied between theories and empirical observations until the final result. Conclusions We have identified that there is no paradox between Lean and motivation since the majority of employees’ experienced that they are motivated even though the company practice Lean. Nevertheless the study shows that there are both supportive and counteractive factors when it comes to the employees’ experienced working conditions. The counteractive factors consists foremost of high performance standards, goal steering and standardizations, and have in some cases a negative influence on the working conditions. Furthermore the experienced motivation is more positive overall when the companies use a softer form of Lean where all the members’ interests are taken into account

    Assessment of high resolution SAR imagery for mapping floodplain water bodies: a comparison between Radarsat-2 and TerraSAR-X

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    Flooding is a world-wide problem that is considered as one of the most devastating natural hazards. New commercially available high spatial resolution Synthetic Aperture RADAR satellite imagery provides new potential for flood mapping. This research provides a quantitative assessment of high spatial resolution RADASAT-2 and TerraSAR-X products for mapping water bodies in order to help validate products that can be used to assist flood disaster management. An area near Dhaka in Bangladesh is used as a test site because of the large number of water bodies of different sizes and its history of frequent flooding associated with annual monsoon rainfall. Sample water bodies were delineated in the field using kinematic differential GPS to train and test automatic methods for water body mapping. SAR sensors products were acquired concurrently with the field visits; imagery were acquired with similar polarization, look direction and incidence angle in an experimental design to evaluate which has best accuracy for mapping flood water extent. A methodology for mapping water areas from non-water areas was developed based on radar backscatter texture analysis. Texture filters, based on Haralick occurrence and co-occurrence measures, were compared and images classified using supervised, unsupervised and contextual classifiers. The evaluation of image products is based on an accuracy assessment of error matrix method using randomly selected ground truth data. An accuracy comparison was performed between classified images of both TerraSAR-X and Radarsat-2 sensors in order to identify any differences in mapping floods. Results were validated using information from field inspections conducted in good conditions in February 2009, and applying a model-assisted difference estimator for estimating flood area to derive Confidence Interval (CI) statistics at the 95% Confidence Level (CL) for the area mapped as water. For Radarsat-2 Ultrafine, TerraSAR-X Stripmap and Spotlight imagery, overall classification accuracy was greater than 93%. Results demonstrate that small water bodies down to areas as small as 150mÂČ can be identified routinely from 3 metre resolution SAR imagery. The results further showed that TerraSAR-X stripmap and spotlight images have better overall accuracy than RADARSAT-2 ultrafine beam modes images. The expected benefits of the research will be to improve the provision of data to assess flood risk and vulnerability, thus assisting in disaster management and post-flood recovery

    Applications of Satellite Earth Observations section - NEODAAS: Providing satellite data for efficient research

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    The NERC Earth Observation Data Acquisition and Analysis Service (NEODAAS) provides a central point of Earth Observation (EO) satellite data access and expertise for UK researchers. The service is tailored to individual users’ requirements to ensure that researchers can focus effort on their science, rather than struggling with correct use of unfamiliar satellite data

    On Small Satellites for Oceanography: A Survey

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    The recent explosive growth of small satellite operations driven primarily from an academic or pedagogical need, has demonstrated the viability of commercial-off-the-shelf technologies in space. They have also leveraged and shown the need for development of compatible sensors primarily aimed for Earth observation tasks including monitoring terrestrial domains, communications and engineering tests. However, one domain that these platforms have not yet made substantial inroads into, is in the ocean sciences. Remote sensing has long been within the repertoire of tools for oceanographers to study dynamic large scale physical phenomena, such as gyres and fronts, bio-geochemical process transport, primary productivity and process studies in the coastal ocean. We argue that the time has come for micro and nano satellites (with mass smaller than 100 kg and 2 to 3 year development times) designed, built, tested and flown by academic departments, for coordinated observations with robotic assets in situ. We do so primarily by surveying SmallSat missions oriented towards ocean observations in the recent past, and in doing so, we update the current knowledge about what is feasible in the rapidly evolving field of platforms and sensors for this domain. We conclude by proposing a set of candidate ocean observing missions with an emphasis on radar-based observations, with a focus on Synthetic Aperture Radar.Comment: 63 pages, 4 figures, 8 table

    Wetland Monitoring and Mapping Using Synthetic Aperture Radar

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    Wetlands are critical for ensuring healthy aquatic systems, preventing soil erosion, and securing groundwater reservoirs. Also, they provide habitat for many animal and plant species. Thus, the continuous monitoring and mapping of wetlands is necessary for observing effects of climate change and ensuring a healthy environment. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) remote sensing satellites are active remote sensing instruments essential for monitoring wetlands, given the possibility to bypass the cloud-sensitive optical instruments and obtain satellite imagery day and night. Therefore, the purpose of this chapter is to provide an overview of the basic concepts of SAR remote sensing technology and its applications for wetland monitoring and mapping. Emphasis is given to SAR systems with full and compact polarimetric SAR capabilities. Brief discussions on the latest state-of-the-art wetland applications using SAR imagery are presented. Also, we summarize the current trends in wetland monitoring and mapping using SAR imagery. This chapter provides a good introduction to interested readers with limited background in SAR technology and its possible wetland applications
