1,484 research outputs found

    Multi-Strategy <em>MAX-MIN</em> Ant System for Solving Quota Traveling Salesman Problem with Passengers, Incomplete Ride and Collection Time

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    This study proposes a novel adaptation of MAX-MIN Ant System algorithm for the Quota Traveling Salesman Problem with Passengers, Incomplete Ride, and Collection Time. There are different types of decisions to solve this problem: satisfaction of the minimum quota, acceptance of ride requests, and minimization of travel costs under the viewpoint of the salesman. The Algorithmic components proposed regards vehicle capacity, travel time, passenger limitations, and a penalty for delivering a passenger deliverance out of the required destination. The ant-based algorithm incorporates different sources of heuristic information for the ants and memory-based principles. Computational results are reported, showing the effectiveness of this ant-based algorithm

    O problema do caixeiro viajante com vários passageiros, cota de bônus opcional e tempo / The Traveling Salesman Problem with Multiple Passengers Optional Bonus Quota and Time

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    Este artigo apresenta o Problema do Caixeiro Viajante com Múltiplos Passageiros Bônus Optativos Quota e Tempo. O problema consiste em maximizar o lucro de um caixeiro viajante que realiza serviço de transporte de mercadorias, considerando a possibilidade de rateio das despesas da rota com eventuais passageiros embarcados em seu veículo. As mercadorias devem ser transportadas obrigatoriamente das suas origens até os seus destinos e devem contabilizar uma quota mínima definida a priori. Nesta variante, ao passar em uma cidade, o caixeiro decide se coleta ou não a mercadoria a ser transportada. A coleta da mercadoria requer tempo de carregamento e de descarregamento. É proposto um modelo de programação matemática que é resolvido por um solver. São propostas, também, três heurísticas, sendo duas desenvolvidas segundo as meta-heurísticas Colônia de Formigas e GRASP. Os resultados e análises de um experimento computacional são apresentados

    Operations Management

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    Global competition has caused fundamental changes in the competitive environment of the manufacturing and service industries. Firms should develop strategic objectives that, upon achievement, result in a competitive advantage in the market place. The forces of globalization on one hand and rapidly growing marketing opportunities overseas, especially in emerging economies on the other, have led to the expansion of operations on a global scale. The book aims to cover the main topics characterizing operations management including both strategic issues and practical applications. A global environmental business including both manufacturing and services is analyzed. The book contains original research and application chapters from different perspectives. It is enriched through the analyses of case studies

    Algoritmos de aproximação para problemas de roteamento e conectividade com múltiplas funções de distância

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    Orientador: Lehilton Lelis Chaves PedrosaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Nesta dissertação, estudamos algumas generalizações de problemas clássicos de roteamento e conectividade cujas instâncias são compostas por um grafo completo e múltiplas funções de distância. Por exemplo, existe o Problema do Caixeiro Alugador (CaRS), no qual um viajante deseja visitar um conjunto de cidades alugando um ou mais carros disponíveis. Cada carro tem uma função de distância e uma taxa de retorno ao local do aluguel. CaRS é uma generalização do Problema do Caixeiro Viajante (TSP). Nós lidamos com esses problemas usando algoritmos de aproximação, que são algoritmos eficientes que produzem soluções com garantia de qualidade. Neste trabalho, são apresentadas duas abordagens, uma baseada em uma redução linear que preserva o fator de aproximação e outra baseada na construção de instâncias de dois problemas distintos. Os problemas considerados são o Steiner TSP, o Problema do Passeio com Coleta de Prêmios e o Problema da Floresta Restrita. Generalizamos cada um desses problemas considerando múltiplas funções de distância e, para cada um deles, apresentamos um algoritmo de aproximação com fator O(logn), onde n é o número de vértices (cidades). Essas aproximações são assintoticamente ótimas, já que não há algoritmos com fator o(log n), a não ser que P = NPAbstract: In this dissertation, we study some generalizations of classical routing and connectivity problems whose instances are composed of a complete graph and multiple distance functions. As an example, there is the Traveling Car Renter Problem (CaRS) in which a traveler wants to visit a set of cities by renting one or more available cars. Each car is associated to a distance function and a service fee to return to the rental location. CaRS is a generalization of the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). We deal with these problems using approximation algorithms which are efficient algorithms that produce solutions with quality guarantee. In this work, two approaches are presented, one based on a linear reduction that preserves the approximation factor and the other based on the construction of instances of two distinct problems. The studied problems are the Steiner TSP, the Profitable Tour Problem, and the Constrained Forest Problem. We generalize these problems by considering multiple distance functions and, for each of them, we present an O(log n)-approximation algorithm, where n is the number of vertices (cities). The factor is asymptotically optimal, since there is no approximation algorithm with factor o(log n) unless P = NPMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestra em Ciência da Computação001CAPE

    Traveling Salesman Problem with Optional Bonus Collection, Pickup Time and Passengers

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    This study introduces a variant of the Traveling Salesman Problem, named Traveling Salesman Problem with Optional Bonus Collection, Pickup Time and Passengers (PCVP-BoTc). It is a variant that incorporates elements of the Prize Collecting Traveling Salesman Problem and Ridesharing into the PCV. The objective is to optimize the revenue of the driver, which selectively defines which delivery or collection tasks to perform along the route. The economic effect of the collection is modeled by a bonus. The model can be applied to the solution of hybrid routing systems with route tasks and solidary transport. The driver, while performing the selected tasks, can give rides to persons who share route costs with him. Passengers are protected by restrictions concerning the maximum value they agree to pay for a ride and maximum travel duration. The activity of collecting the bonus in each locality demands a specific amount of time, affects the route duration, and is interconnected with the embarkment of passengers. Two mathematical formulations are presented for the problem and validated by a computational experiment using a solver. We propose four heuristic algorithms; three of them are hybrid metaheuristics. We tested the mathematical formulation implementations for 24 instances and the heuristic algorithms for 48

    Estimating the efficacy of mass rescue operations in ocean areas with vehicle routing models and heuristics

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    Tese de doutoramento, Estatística e Investigação Operacional (Optimização), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2018Mass rescue operations (MRO) in maritime areas, particularly in ocean areas, are a major concern for the authorities responsible for conducting search and rescue (SAR) activities. A mass rescue operation can be defined as a search and rescue activity characterized by the need for immediate assistance to a large number of persons in distress, such that the capabilities normally available to search and rescue are inadequate. In this dissertation we deal with a mass rescue operation within ocean areas and we consider the problem of rescuing a set of survivors following a maritime incident (cruise ship, oil platform, ditched airplane) that are drifting in time. The recovery of survivors is performed by nearby ships and helicopters. We also consider the possibility of ships capable of refuelling helicopters while hovering which can extend the range to which survivors can be rescued. A linear binary integer formulation is presented along with an application that allows users to build instances of the problem. The formulation considers a discretization of time within a certain time step in order to assess the possibility of travelling along different locations. The problem considered in this work can be perceived as an extension of the generalized vehicle routing problem (GVRP) with a profit stance since we may not be able to recover all of the survivors. We also present a look ahead approach, based on the pilot method, to the problem along with some optimal results using state of the art Mixed-integer linear programming solvers. Finally, the efficacy of the solution from the GVRP is estimated for a set of scenarios that combine incident severity, location, traffic density for nearby ships and SAR assets availability and location. Using traffic density maps and the estimated MRO efficacy, one can produce a combined vulnerability map to ascertain the quality of response to each scenario.Marinha Portuguesa, Plano de Atividades de Formação Nacional (PAFN

    Boston Hospitality Review: Winter 2014

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    The Current State of the New England Lodging Market: New England Falls Short of the Nation in 2013 RevPAR Growth by Rachel Roginsky and Matthew Arrants -- The Fall and Rise of the Travel Agent by Stephen Jermanok -- Roman Ways: The Endurance of Patterns in Travel and Hospitality from Antiquity by Bradford Hudson -- A Conversation with Howard Schultz CEO of Starbucks by Christopher Muller -- Self-Confidence in the Hospitality Industry by Michael Oshin

    Bangor Hydro Electric News: October 1937: Volume 6, No.10: Carbarn Number

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    Covers the history of the carbarn [the garage for the street cars of the Bangor Street Railway] as well as featuring several pictures of the workers responsible for every aspect of the street cars, from the stockkeeper to the iron workers to the blacksmith to the electricians and the carpenters and the mechanics.https://digicom.bpl.lib.me.us/bangorhydro_news/1019/thumbnail.jp

    Spartan Daily, January 16, 1952

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    Volume 40, Issue 68https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/11660/thumbnail.jp

    The Northern, May, 1926

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    A magazine published by the Social Services Division of the Spruce Wood Department, Great Northern Paper Company