277 research outputs found

    Analytic Model of Beb Algorithm With Multiple Priorities in Mobile Information Systems

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    In this paper we propose analytic model for computing the delay of the slotted ALOHA protocol with Binary Exponential Backoff (BEB) with multiple priorities as a collision resolution algorithm in mobile information systems. If a packet which tries to reserve a channel collides times, it chooses one of the next 2n frames with equal probabilities and attempts the reservation again. We derive the expected access delay until an arbitrary packet reserves a channel in any cell. Then the expected transmission delays for packets of calls with multiple priorities are calculated analytically. Proposed analytic model is checked against simulation

    Collaborative Distributed Scheduling Approaches for Wireless Sensor Network

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    Energy constraints restrict the lifetime of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) with battery-powered nodes, which poses great challenges for their large scale application. In this paper, we propose a family of collaborative distributed scheduling approaches (CDSAs) based on the Markov process to reduce the energy consumption of a WSN. The family of CDSAs comprises of two approaches: a one-step collaborative distributed approach and a two-step collaborative distributed approach. The approaches enable nodes to learn the behavior information of its environment collaboratively and integrate sleep scheduling with transmission scheduling to reduce the energy consumption. We analyze the adaptability and practicality features of the CDSAs. The simulation results show that the two proposed approaches can effectively reduce nodes' energy consumption. Some other characteristics of the CDSAs like buffer occupation and packet delay are also analyzed in this paper. We evaluate CDSAs extensively on a 15-node WSN testbed. The test results show that the CDSAs conserve the energy effectively and are feasible for real WSNs

    Cross-layer design and optimization of medium access control protocols for wlans

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    This thesis provides a contribution to the field of Medium Access Control (MAC) layer protocol design for wireless networks by proposing and evaluating mechanisms that enhance different aspects of the network performance. These enhancements are achieved through the exchange of information between different layers of the traditional protocol stack, a concept known as Cross-Layer (CL) design. The main thesis contributions are divided into two parts. The first part of the thesis introduces a novel MAC layer protocol named Distributed Queuing Collision Avoidance (DQCA). DQCA behaves as a reservation scheme that ensures collision-free data transmissions at the majority of the time and switches automatically to an Aloha-like random access mechanism when the traffic load is low. DQCA can be enriched by more advanced scheduling algorithms based on a CL dialogue between the MAC and other protocol layers, to provide higher throughput and Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees. The second part of the thesis explores a different challenge in MAC layer design, related to the ability of multiple antenna systems to offer point-to-multipoint communications. Some modifications to the recently approved IEEE 802.11n standard are proposed in order to handle simultaneous multiuser downlink transmissions. A number of multiuser MAC schemes that handle channel access and scheduling issues and provide mechanisms for feedback acquisition have been presented and evaluated. The obtained performance enhancements have been demonstrated with the help of both theoretical analysis and simulation obtained results

    A Queueing Characterization of Information Transmission over Block Fading Rayleigh Channels in the Low SNR

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    Unlike the AWGN (additive white gaussian noise) channel, fading channels suffer from random channel gains besides the additive Gaussian noise. As a result, the instantaneous channel capacity varies randomly along time, which makes it insufficient to characterize the transmission capability of a fading channel using data rate only. In this paper, the transmission capability of a buffer-aided block Rayleigh fading channel is examined by a constant rate input data stream, and reflected by several parameters such as the average queue length, stationary queue length distribution, packet delay and overflow probability. Both infinite-buffer model and finite-buffer model are considered. Taking advantage of the memoryless property of the service provided by the channel in each block in the the low SNR (signal-to-noise ratio) regime, the information transmission over the channel is formulated as a \textit{discrete time discrete state} D/G/1D/G/1 queueing problem. The obtained results show that block fading channels are unable to support a data rate close to their ergodic capacity, no matter how long the buffer is, even seen from the application layer. For the finite-buffer model, the overflow probability is derived with explicit expression, and is shown to decrease exponentially when buffer size is increased, even when the buffer size is very small.Comment: 29 pages, 11 figures. More details on the proof of Theorem 1 and proposition 1 can be found in "Queueing analysis for block fading Rayleigh channels in the low SNR regime ", IEEE WCSP 2013.It has been published by IEEE Trans. on Veh. Technol. in Feb. 201

    Low-latency Networking: Where Latency Lurks and How to Tame It

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    While the current generation of mobile and fixed communication networks has been standardized for mobile broadband services, the next generation is driven by the vision of the Internet of Things and mission critical communication services requiring latency in the order of milliseconds or sub-milliseconds. However, these new stringent requirements have a large technical impact on the design of all layers of the communication protocol stack. The cross layer interactions are complex due to the multiple design principles and technologies that contribute to the layers' design and fundamental performance limitations. We will be able to develop low-latency networks only if we address the problem of these complex interactions from the new point of view of sub-milliseconds latency. In this article, we propose a holistic analysis and classification of the main design principles and enabling technologies that will make it possible to deploy low-latency wireless communication networks. We argue that these design principles and enabling technologies must be carefully orchestrated to meet the stringent requirements and to manage the inherent trade-offs between low latency and traditional performance metrics. We also review currently ongoing standardization activities in prominent standards associations, and discuss open problems for future research

    Quality of Service Provisioning with modified IEEE 802.11 MAC Protocol

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    There has been a phenomenal increase in the demand of quality-of-service (QoS) in wireless networks over the years due to rapid growth in the number of wireless and mobile devices. Such devices are in use to access Internet and QoS aware applications such as video conferencing, voice-over IP, interactive video-on-demand and many other multimedia applications. wireless local area networks (WLANs) confirming to the IEEE 802.11 standard have become extremely popular at an unprecedented rate. As a result, WLAN networks are gaining the momentum and making their way into residential, commercial, industrial and public areas. These trends are more and more accelerated in places like airports, hotels and coffee shop, this typically has many floating end users. The time stringent applications are delay sensitive that require throughput and delay bound creates an urgent need for QoS support in WLANs

    Advanced Radio Frequency Identification Design and Applications

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    Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a modern wireless data transmission and reception technique for applications including automatic identification, asset tracking and security surveillance. This book focuses on the advances in RFID tag antenna and ASIC design, novel chipless RFID tag design, security protocol enhancements along with some novel applications of RFID

    Multipacket reception in the presence of in-band full-duplex communication

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    In-Band Full-DupleX (IB-FDX) is defined as the ability for nodes to transmit and receive signals simultaneously on the same channel. Conventional digital wireless networks do not implement it, since a node’s own transmission signal causes interference to the signal it is trying to receive. However, recent studies attempt to overcome this obstacle, since it can potentially double the spectral efficiency of current wireless networks. Different mechanisms exist today that are able to reduce a significant part of the Self- Interference (SI), although specially tuned Medium Access Control (MAC) protocols are required to optimize its use. One of IB-FDX’s biggest problems is that the nodes’ interference range is extended, meaning the unusable space for other transmissions and receptions is broader. This dissertation proposes using MultiPacket Reception (MPR) to address this issue and adapts an already existing Single-Carrier with Frequency-Domain Equalization (SC-FDE) receiver to IB-FDX. The performance analysis suggests that MPR and IB-FDX have a strong synergy and are able to achieve higher data rates, when used together. Using analytical models, the optimal transmission patterns and transmission power were identified, which maximize the channel capacity with the minimal energy consumption. This was used to define a new MAC protocol, named Full-duplex Multipacket reception Medium Access Control (FM-MAC). FM-MAC was designed for a single-hop cellular infrastructure, where the Access Point (AP) and the terminals implement both IB-FDX and MPR. It divides the coverage range of the AP into a closer Full-DupleX (FDX) zone and a farther Half-DupleX (HDX) zone and adds a tunable fairness mechanism to avoid terminal starvation. Simulation results show that this protocol provides efficient support for both HDX and FDX terminals, maximizing its capacity when more FDX terminals are used