922 research outputs found

    COLAB:A Collaborative Multi-factor Scheduler for Asymmetric Multicore Processors

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    Funding: Partially funded by the UK EPSRC grants Discovery: Pattern Discovery and Program Shaping for Many-core Systems (EP/P020631/1) and ABC: Adaptive Brokerage for Cloud (EP/R010528/1); Royal Academy of Engineering under the Research Fellowship scheme.Increasingly prevalent asymmetric multicore processors (AMP) are necessary for delivering performance in the era of limited power budget and dark silicon. However, the software fails to use them efficiently. OS schedulers, in particular, handle asymmetry only under restricted scenarios. We have efficient symmetric schedulers, efficient asymmetric schedulers for single-threaded workloads, and efficient asymmetric schedulers for single program workloads. What we do not have is a scheduler that can handle all runtime factors affecting AMP for multi-threaded multi-programmed workloads. This paper introduces the first general purpose asymmetry-aware scheduler for multi-threaded multi-programmed workloads. It estimates the performance of each thread on each type of core and identifies communication patterns and bottleneck threads. The scheduler then makes coordinated core assignment and thread selection decisions that still provide each application its fair share of the processor's time. We evaluate our approach using the GEM5 simulator on four distinct big.LITTLE configurations and 26 mixed workloads composed of PARSEC and SPLASH2 benchmarks. Compared to the state-of-the art Linux CFS and AMP-aware schedulers, we demonstrate performance gains of up to 25% and 5% to 15% on average depending on the hardware setup.Postprin

    The Blacklisting Memory Scheduler: Balancing Performance, Fairness and Complexity

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    In a multicore system, applications running on different cores interfere at main memory. This inter-application interference degrades overall system performance and unfairly slows down applications. Prior works have developed application-aware memory schedulers to tackle this problem. State-of-the-art application-aware memory schedulers prioritize requests of applications that are vulnerable to interference, by ranking individual applications based on their memory access characteristics and enforcing a total rank order. In this paper, we observe that state-of-the-art application-aware memory schedulers have two major shortcomings. First, such schedulers trade off hardware complexity in order to achieve high performance or fairness, since ranking applications with a total order leads to high hardware complexity. Second, ranking can unfairly slow down applications that are at the bottom of the ranking stack. To overcome these shortcomings, we propose the Blacklisting Memory Scheduler (BLISS), which achieves high system performance and fairness while incurring low hardware complexity, based on two observations. First, we find that, to mitigate interference, it is sufficient to separate applications into only two groups. Second, we show that this grouping can be efficiently performed by simply counting the number of consecutive requests served from each application. We evaluate BLISS across a wide variety of workloads/system configurations and compare its performance and hardware complexity, with five state-of-the-art memory schedulers. Our evaluations show that BLISS achieves 5% better system performance and 25% better fairness than the best-performing previous scheduler while greatly reducing critical path latency and hardware area cost of the memory scheduler (by 79% and 43%, respectively), thereby achieving a good trade-off between performance, fairness and hardware complexity

    Real-time systems on multicore platforms: managing hardware resources for predictable execution

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    Shared hardware resources in commodity multicore processors are subject to contention from co-running threads. The resultant interference can lead to highly-variable performance for individual applications. This is particularly problematic for real-time applications, which require predictable timing guarantees. It also leads to a pessimistic estimate of the Worst Case Execution Time (WCET) for every real-time application. More CPU time needs to be reserved, thus less applications can enter the system. As the average execution time is usually far less than the WCET, a significant amount of reserved CPU resource would be wasted. Previous works have attempted partitioning the shared resources, amongst either CPUs or processes, to improve performance isolation. However, they have not proven to be both efficient and effective. In this thesis, we propose several mechanisms and frameworks that manage the shared caches and memory buses on multicore platforms. Firstly, we introduce a multicore real-time scheduling framework with the foreground/background scheduling model. Combining real-time load balancing with background scheduling, CPU utilization is greatly improved. Besides, a memory bus management mechanism is implemented on top of the background scheduling, making sure bus contention is under control while utilizing unused CPU cycles. Also, cache partitioning is thoroughly studied in this thesis, with a cache-aware load balancing algorithm and a dynamic cache partitioning framework proposed. Lastly, we describe a system architecture to integrate the above solutions all together. It tackles one of the toughest problems in OS innovation, legacy support, by converting existing OSes into libraries in a virtualized environment. Thus, within a single multicore platform, we benefit from the fine-grained resource control of a real-time OS and the richness of functionality of a general-purpose OS

    SQUASH: Simple QoS-Aware High-Performance Memory Scheduler for Heterogeneous Systems with Hardware Accelerators

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    Modern SoCs integrate multiple CPU cores and Hardware Accelerators (HWAs) that share the same main memory system, causing interference among memory requests from different agents. The result of this interference, if not controlled well, is missed deadlines for HWAs and low CPU performance. State-of-the-art mechanisms designed for CPU-GPU systems strive to meet a target frame rate for GPUs by prioritizing the GPU close to the time when it has to complete a frame. We observe two major problems when such an approach is adapted to a heterogeneous CPU-HWA system. First, HWAs miss deadlines because they are prioritized only close to their deadlines. Second, such an approach does not consider the diverse memory access characteristics of different applications running on CPUs and HWAs, leading to low performance for latency-sensitive CPU applications and deadline misses for some HWAs, including GPUs. In this paper, we propose a Simple Quality of service Aware memory Scheduler for Heterogeneous systems (SQUASH), that overcomes these problems using three key ideas, with the goal of meeting deadlines of HWAs while providing high CPU performance. First, SQUASH prioritizes a HWA when it is not on track to meet its deadline any time during a deadline period. Second, SQUASH prioritizes HWAs over memory-intensive CPU applications based on the observation that the performance of memory-intensive applications is not sensitive to memory latency. Third, SQUASH treats short-deadline HWAs differently as they are more likely to miss their deadlines and schedules their requests based on worst-case memory access time estimates. Extensive evaluations across a wide variety of different workloads and systems show that SQUASH achieves significantly better CPU performance than the best previous scheduler while always meeting the deadlines for all HWAs, including GPUs, thereby largely improving frame rates

    Contention-Aware Scheduling for SMT Multicore Processors

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    The recent multicore era and the incoming manycore/manythread era generate a lot of challenges for computer scientists going from productive parallel programming, over network congestion avoidance and intelligent power management, to circuit design issues. The ultimate goal is to squeeze out as much performance as possible while limiting power and energy consumption and guaranteeing a reliable execution. The increasing number of hardware contexts of current and future systems makes the scheduler an important component to achieve this goal, as there is often a combinatorial amount of different ways to schedule the distinct threads or applications, each with a different performance due to the inter-application interference. Picking an optimal schedule can result in substantial performance gains. This thesis deals with inter-application interference, covering the problems this fact causes on performance and fairness on actual machines. The study starts with single-threaded multicore processors (Intel Xeon X3320), follows with simultaneous multithreading (SMT) multicores supporting up to two threads per core (Intel Xeon E5645), and goes to the most highly threaded per-core processor that has ever been built (IBM POWER8). The dissertation analyzes the main contention points of each experimental platform and proposes scheduling algorithms that tackle the interference arising at each contention point to improve the system throughput and fairness. First we analyze contention through the memory hierarchy of current multicore processors. The performed studies reveal high performance degradation due to contention on main memory and any shared cache the processors implement. To mitigate such contention, we propose different bandwidth-aware scheduling algorithms with the key idea of balancing the memory accesses through the workload execution time and the cache requests among the different caches at each cache level. The high interference that different applications suffer when running simultaneously on the same SMT core, however, does not only affect performance, but can also compromise system fairness. In this dissertation, we also analyze fairness in current SMT multicores. To improve system fairness, we design progress-aware scheduling algorithms that estimate, at runtime, how the processes progress, which allows to improve system fairness by prioritizing the processes with lower accumulated progress. Finally, this dissertation tackles inter-application contention in the IBM POWER8 system with a symbiotic scheduler that addresses overall SMT interference. The symbiotic scheduler uses an SMT interference model, based on CPI stacks, that estimates the slowdown of any combination of applications if they are scheduled on the same SMT core. The number of possible schedules, however, grows too fast with the number of applications and makes unfeasible to explore all possible combinations. To overcome this issue, the symbiotic scheduler models the scheduling problem as a graph problem, which allows finding the optimal schedule in reasonable time. In summary, this thesis addresses contention in the shared resources of the memory hierarchy and SMT cores of multicore processors. We identify the main contention points of three systems with different architectures and propose scheduling algorithms to tackle contention at these points. The evaluation on the real systems shows the benefits of the proposed algorithms. The symbiotic scheduler improves system throughput by 6.7\% over Linux. Regarding fairness, the proposed progress-aware scheduler reduces Linux unfairness to a third. Besides, since the proposed algorithm are completely software-based, they could be incorporated as scheduling policies in Linux and used in small-scale servers to achieve the mentioned benefits.La actual era multinúcleo y la futura era manycore/manythread generan grandes retos en el área de la computación incluyendo, entre otros, la programación paralela productiva o la gestión eficiente de la energía. El último objetivo es alcanzar las mayores prestaciones limitando el consumo energético y garantizando una ejecución confiable. El incremento del número de contextos hardware de los sistemas hace que el planificador se convierta en un componente importante para lograr este objetivo debido a que existen múltiples formas diferentes de planificar las aplicaciones, cada una con distintas prestaciones debido a las interferencias que se producen entre las aplicaciones. Seleccionar la planificación óptima puede proporcionar importantes mejoras de prestaciones. Esta tesis se ocupa de las interferencias entre aplicaciones, cubriendo los problemas que causan en las prestaciones y equidad de los sistemas actuales. El estudio empieza con procesadores multinúcleo monohilo (Intel Xeon X3320), sigue con multinúcleos con soporte para la ejecución simultanea (SMT) de dos hilos (Intel Xeon E5645), y llega al procesador que actualmente soporta un mayor número de hilos por núcleo (IBM POWER8). La disertación analiza los principales puntos de contención en cada plataforma y propone algoritmos de planificación que mitigan las interferencias que se generan en cada uno de ellos para mejorar la productividad y equidad de los sistemas. En primer lugar, analizamos la contención a lo largo de la jerarquía de memoria. Los estudios realizados revelan la alta degradación de prestaciones provocada por la contención en memoria principal y en cualquier cache compartida. Para mitigar esta contención, proponemos diversos algoritmos de planificación cuya idea principal es distribuir los accesos a memoria a lo largo del tiempo de ejecución de la carga y las peticiones a las caches entre las diferentes caches compartidas en cada nivel. Las altas interferencias que sufren las aplicaciones que se ejecutan simultáneamente en un núcleo SMT, sin embargo, no solo afectan a las prestaciones, sino que también pueden comprometer la equidad del sistema. En esta tesis, también abordamos la equidad en los actuales multinúcleos SMT. Para mejorarla, diseñamos algoritmos de planificación que estiman el progreso de las aplicaciones en tiempo de ejecución, lo que permite priorizar los procesos con menor progreso acumulado para reducir la inequidad. Finalmente, la tesis se centra en la contención entre aplicaciones en el sistema IBM POWER8 con un planificador simbiótico que aborda la contención en todo el núcleo SMT. El planificador simbiótico utiliza un modelo de interferencia basado en pilas de CPI que predice las prestaciones para la ejecución de cualquier combinación de aplicaciones en un núcleo SMT. El número de posibles planificaciones, no obstante, crece muy rápido y hace inviable explorar todas las posibles combinaciones. Por ello, el problema de planificación se modela como un problema de teoría de grafos, lo que permite obtener la planificación óptima en un tiempo razonable. En resumen, esta tesis aborda la contención en los recursos compartidos en la jerarquía de memoria y el núcleo SMT de los procesadores multinúcleo. Identificamos los principales puntos de contención de tres sistemas con diferentes arquitecturas y proponemos algoritmos de planificación para mitigar esta contención. La evaluación en sistemas reales muestra las mejoras proporcionados por los algoritmos propuestos. Así, el planificador simbiótico mejora la productividad, en promedio, un 6.7% con respecto a Linux. En cuanto a la equidad, el planificador que considera el progreso consigue reducir la inequidad de Linux a una tercera parte. Además, dado que los algoritmos propuestos son completamente software, podrían incorporarse como políticas de planificación en Linux y usarse en servidores a pequeña escala para obtener los benefiL'actual era multinucli i la futura era manycore/manythread generen grans reptes en l'àrea de la computació incloent, entre d'altres, la programació paral·lela productiva o la gestió eficient de l'energia. L'últim objectiu és assolir les majors prestacions limitant el consum energètic i garantint una execució confiable. L'increment del número de contextos hardware dels sistemes fa que el planificador es convertisca en un component important per assolir aquest objectiu donat que existeixen múltiples formes distintes de planificar les aplicacions, cadascuna amb unes prestacions diferents degut a les interferències que es produeixen entre les aplicacions. Seleccionar la planificació òptima pot donar lloc a millores importants de les prestacions. Aquesta tesi s'ocupa de les interferències entre aplicacions, cobrint els problemes que provoquen en les prestacions i l'equitat dels sistemes actuals. L'estudi comença amb processadors multinucli monofil (Intel Xeon X3320), segueix amb multinuclis amb suport per a l'execució simultània (SMT) de dos fils (Intel Xeon E5645), i arriba al processador que actualment suporta un major nombre de fils per nucli (IBM POWER8). Aquesta dissertació analitza els principals punts de contenció en cada plataforma i proposa algoritmes de planificació que aborden les interferències que es generen en cadascun d'ells per a millorar la productivitat i l'equitat dels sistemes. En primer lloc, estudiem la contenció al llarg de la jerarquia de memòria en els processadors multinucli. Els estudis realitzats revelen l'alta degradació de prestacions provocada per la contenció en memòria principal i en qualsevol cache compartida. Per a mitigar la contenció, proposem diversos algoritmes de planificació amb la idea principal de distribuir els accessos a memòria al llarg del temps d'execució de la càrrega i les peticions a les caches entre les diferents caches compartides en cada nivell. Les altes interferències que sofreixen las aplicacions que s'executen simultàniament en un nucli SMT, no obstant, no sols afecten a las prestacions, sinó que també poden comprometre l'equitat del sistema. En aquesta tesi, també abordem l'equitat en els actuals multinuclis SMT. Per a millorar-la, dissenyem algoritmes de planificació que estimen el progrés de les aplicacions en temps d'execució, el que permet prioritzar els processos amb menor progrés acumulat para a reduir la inequitat. Finalment, la tesi es centra en la contenció entre aplicacions en el sistema IBM POWER8 amb un planificador simbiòtic que aborda la contenció en tot el nucli SMT. El planificador simbiòtic utilitza un model d'interferència basat en piles de CPI que prediu les prestacions per a l'execució de qualsevol combinació d'aplicacions en un nucli SMT. El nombre de possibles planificacions, no obstant, creix molt ràpid i fa inviable explorar totes les possibles combinacions. Per resoldre aquest contratemps, el problema de planificació es modela com un problema de teoria de grafs, la qual cosa permet obtenir la planificació òptima en un temps raonable. En resum, aquesta tesi aborda la contenció en els recursos compartits en la jerarquia de memòria i el nucli SMT dels processadors multinucli. Identifiquem els principals punts de contenció de tres sistemes amb diferents arquitectures i proposem algoritmes de planificació per a mitigar aquesta contenció. L'avaluació en sistemes reals mostra les millores proporcionades pels algoritmes proposats. Així, el planificador simbiòtic millora la productivitat una mitjana del 6.7% respecte a Linux. Pel que fa a l'equitat, el planificador que considera el progrés aconsegueix reduir la inequitat de Linux a una tercera part. A més, donat que els algoritmes proposats son completament software, podrien incorporar-se com a polítiques de planificació en Linux i emprar-se en servidors a petita escala per obtenir els avantatges mencionats.Feliu Pérez, J. (2017). Contention-Aware Scheduling for SMT Multicore Processors [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/79081TESISPremios Extraordinarios de tesis doctorale

    Resource Optimized Scheduling For Enhanced Power Efficiency And Throughput On Chip Multi Processor Platforms

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    The parallel nature of process execution on Chip Multi-Processors (CMPs) has boosted levels of application performance far beyond the capabilities of erstwhile single-core designs. Generally, CMPs offer improved performance by integrating multiple simpler cores onto a single die that share certain computing resources among them such as last-level caches, data buses, and main memory. This ensures architectural simplicity while also boosting performance for multi-threaded applications. However, a major trade-off associated with this approach is that concurrently executing applications incur performance degradation if their collective resource requirements exceed the total amount of resources available to the system. If dynamic resource allocation is not carefully considered, the potential performance gain from having multiple cores may be outweighed by the losses due to contention for allocation of shared resources. Additionally, CMPs with inbuilt dynamic voltage-frequency scaling (DVFS) mechanisms may try to compensate for the performance bottleneck by scaling to higher clock frequencies. For performance degradation due to shared-resource contention, this does not necessarily improve performance but does ensure a significant penalty on power consumption due to the quadratic relation of electrical power and voltage (P_dynamic ∝ V^2 * f).This dissertation presents novel methodologies for balancing the competing requirements of high performance, fairness of execution, and enforcement of priority, while also ensuring overall power efficiency of CMPs. Specifically, we (1) Analyze the problem of resource interference during concurrent process execution and propose two fine-grained scheduling methodologies for improving overall performance and fairness, (2) Develop an approach for enforcement of priority (i.e., minimum performance) for specific processes while avoiding resource starvation for others, and (3) Present a machine-learning approach for maximizing the power efficiency (performance-per-Watt) of CMPs through estimation of a workload\u27s performance and power consumption limits at different clock frequencies.As modern computing workloads become increasingly dynamic, and computers themselves become increasingly ubiquitous, the problem of finding the ideal balance between performance and power consumption of CMPs is of particular relevance today, especially given the unprecedented proliferation of embedded devices for use in Internet-of-Things, edge computing, smart wearables, and even exotic experiments such as space probes comprised entirely of a CMP, sensors, and an antenna ( space chips ). Additionally, reducing power consumption while maintaining constant performance can contribute to addressing the growing problem of dark silicon

    Planificación consciente de la contención y gestión de recursos en arquitecturas multicore emergentes

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Informática, Departamento de Arquitectura de Computadores y Automática, leída el 14-12-2021Chip multicore processors (CMPs) currently constitute the architecture of choice for mosto general-pùrpose computing systems, and they will likely continue to be dominant in the near future. Advances in technology have enabled to pack an increasing number of cores and bigger caches on the same chip. Nevertheless, contention on shared resources on CMPs -present since the advent of these architectures- still poses a big challenge. Cores in a CMP typically share a last-level cache (LLC) and other memory-related resources with the remaining cores, such as a DRAM controller and an interconnection network. This causes that co-running applications may intensively compete with each other for these shared resources, leading to substantial and uneven performance degradation...Los procesadores multinúcleo o CMPs (Chip Multicore Processors) son actualmente la arquitectura más usada por la mayoría de sistemas de computación de propósito general, y muy probablemente se mantendrían en esa posición dominante en el futuro cercano. Los avances tecnológicos han permitido integrar progresivamente en el mismo chip más cores y aumentar los tamaños de los distintos niveles de cache. No obstante, la contención de recursos compartidos en CMPs {presente desde la aparición de estas arquitecturas{ todavía representa un reto importante que afrontar. Los cores en un CMP comparten en la mayor parte de los diseños una cache de último nivel o LLC (Last-Level Cache) y otros recursos, como el controlador de DRAM o una red de interconexión. La existencia de dichos recursos compartidos provoca en ocasiones que cuando se ejecutan dos o más aplicaciones simultáneamente en el sistema, se produzca una degradación sustancial y potencialmente desigual del rendimiento entre aplicaciones...Fac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu