1,081 research outputs found

    A comparative analysis of a mobile app to practise oral skills : in classroom or self-directed use?

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    In this paper we present our findings on analyzing two different uses of a mobile application, VISP (VIdeos-for-SPeaking), designed to promote oral skills based on audio description: one use is integrated in the classroom and the other one is self-directed. Participants were divided in two groups: one group received an introduction on audio description and an explanation of how to use the app. They were also informed about what was expected from them. The other group was just asked to download the app and try it out, that is, they were supposed to direct their own learning autonomously. The results show that, regarding language practice, VISP is equally effective as a support tool in the classroom and as an independent app, used outside the classroom. However, when it comes to attitudinal issues, the group of students who used the app as part of the classroom activities were more positive towards the app than the ones who used the app in a self-directed way, who were less motivated about the app uses and benefits. This shows the effectivity and potential of mobile apps as support resources in the foreign language classroom and the need to design strategies to improve VISP towards learners’ autonomy and self regulated learning

    Smartphones and language learning

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    Audio description for all : a literature review of its pedagogical values in foreign language teaching and learning

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    In 2003, the European Union identified access to information as a human right. Ever since, specific efforts have been made to ensure the accessibility of all kinds of products to all kinds of people. Initially, audio description (AD) was added to cultural events (theatre, opera, film, television, museums, etc.) to meet the needs of the blind and visually impaired people. In this contribution, we reflect on the status of AD as a translation mode in its own right, and also on its flexibility in, and applicability to different contexts and for different purposes. We base our arguments on the analysis of current audiovisual translation (AVT) research, mainly focused on AD studies conducted in recent years. We argue that, as a new, but legitimate translation practice, it can be very useful not only to enhance accessibility to cultural events for visually challenged people, but also for people who are cognitively challenged or for audiences of different ages, different social backgrounds, different cultures and even for those who those who study a foreign language (FL), by helping them develop their linguistic and intercultural competences in several ways

    Audiodescripción para todos: revisión bibliográfica de sus valores pedagógicos en la enseñanza y aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras

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    En 2003, la Unión Europea identificó el acceso a la información como un derecho humano. Desde entonces, se han realizado esfuerzos específicos para garantizar la accesibilidad de todo tipo de productos a todo tipo de personas. Inicialmente, la audiodescripción (AD) se agregó a los eventos culturales (teatro, ópera, cine, televisión, museos, etc.) para satisfacer las necesidades de los discapacitados visuales. En esta contribución, reflexionamos sobre el estatus de la AD como un modo de traducción por derecho propio, y sobre su flexibilidad y aplicabilidad en diferentes contextos y para diferentes propósitos. Basamos nuestros argumentos en el análisis de la investigación actual sobre la traducción audiovisual (AVT), centrada principalmente en estudios de AD realizados en los últimos años. Sostenemos que, como práctica de traducción nueva pero legítima, la AD puede ser muy útil no sólo para mejorar la accesibilidad a los eventos culturales para las personas con discapacidad visual, sino también para las personas con problemas cognitivos, o audiencias de diferentes edades, diferentes orígenes sociales, diferentes culturas e incluso para aquellos que estudian una lengua extranjera, ayudándoles a desarrollar sus competencias lingüísticas e interculturales de varias maneras.In 2003, the European Union identified access to information as a human right. Ever since, specific efforts have been made to ensure the accessibility of all kinds of products to all kinds of people. Initially, audio description (AD) was added to cultural events (theatre, opera, film, television, museums, etc.) to meet the needs of the blind and visually impaired people. In this contribution, we reflect on the status of AD as a translation mode in its own right, and also on its flexibility in, and applicability to different contexts and for different purposes. We base our arguments on the analysis of current audiovisual translation (AVT) research, mainly focused on AD studies conducted in recent years. We argue that, as a new, but legitimate translation practice, it can be very useful not only to enhance accessibility to cultural events for visually challenged people,but also for people who are cognitively challenged or for audiences of different ages, different social backgrounds, different cultures and even for those who those who study a foreign language (FL), by helping them develop their linguistic and intercultural competences in several ways

    Mobile collaborative language learning: State of the art

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    This paper presents a review of mobile collaborative language learning studies published in 2012–16 with the aim to improve understanding of how mobile technologies have been used to support collaborative learning among second and foreign language students. We identify affordances, general pedagogical approaches, second- and foreign-language pedagogical approaches, second language acquisition (SLA) principles and affective designs. The results indicate that affordances such as flexible use, continuity of use, timely feedback, personalisation, socialisation, self-evaluation, active participation, peer coaching, sources of inspiration outdoors and cultural authenticity have been emphasised. These affordances were found to be particularly suited to promote social constructivism, which is often sustained by game-based, task based and seamless learning. In terms of second and foreign language pedagogical approaches, the combination of individualised and collaborative learning prevails, along with task based, situated and communicative language learning, and raising orthographic awareness. Among SLA principles, negotiation of meaning and opportunities for feedback are highlighted. Affective aspects include increases in motivation, engagement and enjoyment, mutual encouragement, reduction in nervousness and embarrassment, and a few negative reports of risk of distraction, safety concerns, feelings of uncertainty and technical problems. The reviewed studies present a convincing case for the benefits of collaboration in mobile language learning

    La audiodescripción como herramienta didáctica en el aula de lengua extranjera: un estudio piloto en el marco del proyecto TRADILEX

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    [Resumen] Research on didactic audiovisual translation (AVT) has delivered fruitful results in the last decade and is gaining increasing attention in academia. The term “didactic AVT” was coined by Talaván (2020) to refer to the active application of different AVT modes in the foreign language classroom. Although subtitling and dubbing are the two AVT modes that have traditionally received more attention, research on other less popular modes, such as audio description (AD), subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing (SDH) or voice-over are gaining momentum. In this paper, the results of a pilot study for an AD didactic sequence for the B1 level will be presented. This pilot study has been carried out within the TRADILEX project, a R&D+i project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (2020-2023), which aims to perform quasi-experimental research to determine the degree of improvement in English as a foreign language (EFL) after the implementation of a methodological proposal that integrates different AVT modes. Using a mixed-method methodology that combines quantitative and qualitative data obtained from different data sources, the preliminary conclusions drawn bring to light that there are signs of improvement in the students’ production skills. This could confirm a possible relationship between the use of AD in the foreign language classroom.[Resumen] En la última década, la investigación en traducción audiovisual (TAV) didáctica ha arrojado resultados muy interesantes y este campo de estudio recibe cada vez más atención desde el mundo académico. El término “TAV didáctica” fue acuñado por Talaván (2020) para referirse a la aplicación de diferentes modos de TAV en el aula de lengua extranjera. Aunque el subtitulado y el doblaje son los dos modos de TAV que tradicionalmente han recibido más atención, la investigación sobre otros modos menos conocidos, como la audiodescripción (AD), el subtitulado para sordos o las voces superpuestas están cobrando cada vez más fuerza. En este artículo se presentan los resultados de un estudio piloto de una secuencia didáctica de AD para el nivel B1. Este estudio piloto se ha llevado a cabo en el marco del proyecto TRADILEX, un proyecto de I+D+i financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (2020-2023), que tiene como objetivo realizar una investigación cuasi-experimental para determinar el grado de mejora en inglés como lengua extranjera tras la implementación de una propuesta metodológica que integra diferentes modalidades de TAV. Partiendo de un diseño de investigación de método mixto que combina datos cuantitativos y cualitativos obtenidos de diferentes fuentes de información, las conclusiones preliminares extraídas ponen de manifiesto que existen indicios de mejora en las habilidades de producción de los alumnos. Esto podría confirmar una posible relación entre el uso de la AD en el aula de lenguas extranjeras.TRADILEX Projet. PID2019-107362GA-I00 AEI/10.13039/501100011033. Spanish Government, Science, and Innovation Ministry / Gobierno de España, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

    La audiodescripción como herramienta didáctica en el aula de lengua extranjera: un estudio piloto en el marco del proyecto TRADILEX

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    Research on didactic audiovisual translation (AVT) has delivered fruitful results in the last decade and is gaining increasing attention in academia. The term “didactic AVT” was coined by Talaván (2020) to refer to the active application of different AVT modes in the foreign language classroom. Although subtitling and dubbing are the two AVT modes that have traditionally received more attention, research on other less popular modes, such as audio description (AD), subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing (SDH) or voice-over are gaining momentum. In this paper, the results of a pilot study for an AD didactic sequence for the B1 level will be presented. This pilot study has been carried out within the TRADILEX project, a R&D+i project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (2020-2023), which aims to perform quasi-experimental research to determine the degree of improvement in English as a foreign language (EFL) after the implementation of a methodological proposal that integrates different AVT modes. Using a mixed-method methodology that combines quantitative and qualitative data obtained from different data sources, the preliminary conclusions drawn bring to light that there are signs of improvement in the students’ production skills. This could confirm a possible relationship between the use of AD in the foreign language classroom.En la última década, la investigación en traducción audiovisual (TAV) didáctica ha arrojado resultados muy interesantes y este campo de estudio recibe cada vez más atención desde el mundo académico. El término “TAV didáctica” fue acuñado por Talaván (2020) para referirse a la aplicación de diferentes modos de TAV en el aula de lengua extranjera. Aunque el subtitulado y el doblaje son los dos modos de TAV que tradicionalmente han recibido más atención, la investigación sobre otros modos menos conocidos, como la audiodescripción (AD), el subtitulado para sordos o las voces superpuestas están cobrando cada vez más fuerza. En este artículo se presentan los resultados de un estudio piloto de una secuencia didáctica de AD para el nivel B1. Este estudio piloto se ha llevado a cabo en el marco del proyecto TRADILEX, un proyecto de I+D+i financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (2020-2023), que tiene como objetivo realizar una investigación cuasi-experimental para determinar el grado de mejora en inglés como lengua extranjera tras la implementación de una propuesta metodológica que integra diferentes modalidades de TAV. Partiendo de un diseño de investigación de método mixto que combina datos cuantitativos y cualitativos obtenidos de diferentes fuentes de información, las conclusiones preliminares extraídas ponen de manifiesto que existen indicios de mejora en las habilidades de producción de los alumnos. Esto podría confirmar una posible relación entre el uso de la AD en el aula de lenguas extranjeras

    MOOC basados en tecnología móviles para profesores de lenguas: desafíos y oportunidades

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    The present paper explores pedagogical, technical, and institutional responses to the current challenges and opportunities that MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) present, specifically in the area of language teaching and learning. It does so through a review of the current state of the art in the field. Besides reporting on this, the aim of the present paper is ultimately to propose the factors to be taken into account in the design of a MOOC on MALL (Mobile Assisted Language Learning) for language teachers within CPD (Continuous Professional Development), which include technical, pedagogical and linguistic standards.El presente artículo explora las respuestas pedagógicas, técnicas e institucionales al actual desafío que los cursos masivos en abierto (en inglés MOOCs, Massive Open Online Courses) presentan, especialmente en el área de aprendizaje y enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras. Esto se hace por medio de una revisión del estado de la cuestión en la actualidad. Además, el objetivo de este trabajo es proponer una serie de factores a tener en cuenta para el diseño de un curso MOOC sobre aprendizaje de lenguas móvil (en inglés MALL, Mobile Assisted Language Learning) para profesores de lenguas extranjeras, que incluya estándares técnicos, pedagógicos y lingüísticos