9 research outputs found

    Virtual manufacturing: prediction of work piece geometric quality by considering machine and set-up

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    Lien vers la version éditeur: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/0951192X.2011.569952#.U4yZIHeqP3UIn the context of concurrent engineering, the design of the parts, the production planning and the manufacturing facility must be considered simultaneously. The design and development cycle can thus be reduced as manufacturing constraints are taken into account as early as possible. Thus, the design phase takes into account the manufacturing constraints as the customer requirements; more these constraints must not restrict the creativity of design. Also to facilitate the choice of the most suitable system for a specific process, Virtual Manufacturing is supplemented with developments of numerical computations (Altintas et al. 2005, Bianchi et al. 1996) in order to compare at low cost several solutions developed with several hypothesis without manufacturing of prototypes. In this context, the authors want to predict the work piece geometric more accurately by considering machine defects and work piece set-up, through the use of process simulation. A particular case study based on a 3 axis milling machine will be used here to illustrate the authors’ point of view. This study focuses on the following geometric defects: machine geometric errors, work piece positioning errors due to fixture system and part accuracy

    Virtual manufacturing: prediction of work piece geometric quality by considering machine and set-up

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    Lien vers la version éditeur: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/0951192X.2011.569952#.U4yZIHeqP3UIn the context of concurrent engineering, the design of the parts, the production planning and the manufacturing facility must be considered simultaneously. The design and development cycle can thus be reduced as manufacturing constraints are taken into account as early as possible. Thus, the design phase takes into account the manufacturing constraints as the customer requirements; more these constraints must not restrict the creativity of design. Also to facilitate the choice of the most suitable system for a specific process, Virtual Manufacturing is supplemented with developments of numerical computations (Altintas et al. 2005, Bianchi et al. 1996) in order to compare at low cost several solutions developed with several hypothesis without manufacturing of prototypes. In this context, the authors want to predict the work piece geometric more accurately by considering machine defects and work piece set-up, through the use of process simulation. A particular case study based on a 3 axis milling machine will be used here to illustrate the authors’ point of view. This study focuses on the following geometric defects: machine geometric errors, work piece positioning errors due to fixture system and part accuracy

    Assessment of parametric assembly models based on CAD quality dimensions

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    [EN] An approach to convey CAD quality-oriented strategies to beginning users to create bottom-up assemblies is described. The work builds on previous efforts in the area of single part history-based, feature-based parametric modeling evaluation by defining, testing, and validating a set of quality dimensions that can be applied to MCAD assembly assessment. The process of redefining and adapting dimension descriptors and achievement levels of parts rubrics to make them applicable to assemblies is addressed, then the results of two experimental studies designed to analyze the inter-rater reliability of this approach to assembly evaluation are reported. Results suggest the mechanism is reliable to provide an objective assessment of assembly models. Limitations for the formative selfevaluation of CAD assembly skills are also identified.This work was partially supported by the Spanish grant DPI2017-84526-R (MINECO/AEI/FEDER, UE), project CAL-MBE, Implementation and validation of a theoretical CAD quality model in a Model-Based Enterprise (MBE) context. , and the ANNOTA2 project funded by Universitat Politècnica de València.Otey, J.; Company, P.; Contero, M.; Camba, JD. (2019). Assessment of parametric assembly models based on CAD quality dimensions. Computer-Aided Design and Applications. 16(4):628-653. https://doi.org/10.14733/cadaps.2019.628-653S62865316

    A survey on 3D CAD model quality assurance and testing

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    [EN] A new taxonomy of issues related to CAD model quality is presented, which distinguishes between explicit and procedural models. For each type of model, morphologic, syntactic, and semantic errors are characterized. The taxonomy was validated successfully when used to classify quality testing tools, which are aimed at detecting and repairing data errors that may affect the simplification, interoperability, and reusability of CAD models. The study shows that low semantic level errors that hamper simplification are reasonably covered in explicit representations, although many CAD quality testers are still unaffordable for Small and Medium Enterprises, both in terms of cost and training time. Interoperability has been reasonably solved by standards like STEP AP 203 and AP214, but model reusability is not feasible in explicit representations. Procedural representations are promising, as interactive modeling editors automatically prevent most morphologic errors derived from unsuitable modeling strategies. Interoperability problems between procedural representations are expected to decrease dramatically with STEP AP242. Higher semantic aspects of quality such as assurance of design intent, however, are hardly supported by current CAD quality testers. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the European Regional Development Fund, through the ANNOTA project (Ref. TIN2013-46036-C3-1-R).González-Lluch, C.; Company, P.; Contero, M.; Camba, J.; Plumed, R. (2017). A survey on 3D CAD model quality assurance and testing. Computer-Aided Design. 83:64-79. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cad.2016.10.003S64798

    Direct modeling techniques in the conceptual design stage in immersive environments for DfA&D

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    Due to the fast – growing competition of the mass – products markets, companies are looking for new technologies to maximize productivity and minimize time and costs. In the perspective of Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP), companies want to optimize fixture design and assembly planning for different goals. To meet these demands, the designers' interest in Design for Assembly and Disassembly is growing considerably and is increasingly being integrated into the CAPP. The work described in this thesis aims to exploit immersive technologies to support the design of mating elements and assembly / disassembly, by developing a data exchange flow between the immersive environment and the modeling environment that provides the high – level modeling rules, both for modeling features and for assembly relationships. The main objective of the research is to develop the capability to model and execute simple coupling commands in a virtual environment by using fast direct modeling commands. With this tool the designer can model the coupling elements, position them and modify their layout. Thanks to the physical engine embedded in the scene editor software, it is possible to take into consideration physical laws such as gravity and collision between elements. A library of predefined assembly features has been developed through the use of an external modeling engine and put into communication with the immersive interaction environment. Subsequently, the research involved the study of immersive technologies for workforce development and training of workers. The research on immersive training involved industrial case studies, such as the projection of the disassembly sequence of an industrial product on a head mounted display, and less industrial case studies, such as the manual skills development of carpenters for AEC sectors and the surgeon training in the pre – operative planning in medical field

    Tuotemallien tarkistuksen metriikan kehitys ja automaatio

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    A lot of interest and research has been focused on product quality and it is recognized as a crucial aspect of engineering. The quality of product models can also be seen as essential in engineering workflow especially in systems based on downstream data. Model quality effects not only the models accuracy and modifiability but also the agility of the whole engineering systems. Careful and thorough verification plays an important part in effecting product model quality. Verifying product models and designs manually can be laborious and time-consuming process. By automating parts of the verification process, benefits can be seen in the time frame and end results of the verification. The goal of the thesis is to develop metrics and automation for product model verification. Development of metrics is executed by researching literature for model quality metrics and construct a set of metrics for the company. Furthermore, the possibilities of product model verification automation are studied and a working automated model verification tool shall be created based on the metrics. The tool is intended be used in the current modeling environment. The outcomes of this thesis are a list of product quality dimensions with their corresponding metrics and a customized PTC ModelCHECK check that can automatically identify issues in product models. Quality dimensions were identified based on company needs and literature research. ModelCHECK platform was chosen for verification tool development as the software is readily available for the company which means it is a cost-effective way of utilizing automated product model verification in current design environment.Tuotteiden laatuun on jo pidemmän aikaa kiinnitetty paljon huomiota insinööriprosesseissa ja tutkimuksessa. Myös tuotemallien laatu voidaan nähdä insinöörityön kannalta elintärkeässä asemassa, erityisesti systeemeissä jotka perustuvat alaspäin virtaavaan tietoon. Mallien laatu vaikuttaa muun muassa sen tarkkuuteen ja muokattavuuteen sekä koko mallinnus- ja suunnittelujärjestelmän ketteryyteen. Huolellinen ja läpikotainen tarkistus on tärkeä osa tuotemallien laadun kehittämistä. Mallien manuaalinen tarkastaminen voi olla työlästä ja aikaavievää. Käyttämällä automaatiota tarkistuksen apuna, voidaan saavuttaa etuja tarkistuksen nopeudessa ja lopputuloksessa. Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena on kehittää tuotemallien tarkastuksen metriikkaa ja automaatiota. Metriikan kehitys perustuu kirjallisuustutkimukseen sekä muun muassa haastatteluissa kartoitettuihin yrityksen tarpeisiin. Tavoitteena on luoda tuotemalleille metriikkaa, joita vasten niiden ominaisuuksia voidaan arvioida. Myös tarkistuksen automaatiota tutkitaan ja tavoitteena on luoda automaattinen työkalu, jota voidaan käyttää yrityksen tämän hetkisessä suunnittelujärjestelmässä. Tutkimuksen lopputuloksena syntyi lista tuotemallien laadun ulottuvuuksista niihin liitetyillä metriikoilla ja metriikan mukainen PTC ModelCHECK tarkistuspohja 3D-malleille, joka löytyy automaattisesti virheitä malleista. ModelCHECK valittiin työkaluksi, koska se on valmiiksi saatavilla yrityksen nykyisessä mallinnusjärjestelmässä, joilloin automatisointi on erittäin kustannustehokasta

    Quality management approach of product data models for shipbuilding

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    A quality management approach to manage the quality of ship product model data is discussed. It aims to improve and to automate product data model control to make the design and production processes more reliable. This approach is supporting an efficient correction of decient structural designs under visual guidance towards the identied problems. Two international standards ISO STEP-59 and ISO/PAS 26183:2006 are utilized in this thesis

    A Contribution to Conveying Quality Criteria in Mechanical CAD Models and Assemblies through Rubrics and Comprehensive Design Intent Quantification

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    Esta investigación examinó el uso de rúbricas de ensamblaje, describiendo su evolución a partir de rúbricas de piezas, y estudió cómo afectan a la autoevaluación de los estudiantes. También se valoró la evaluación de los estudiantes por los instructores, encontrando que, mientras que las rúbricas de ensamblaje fueron parcialmente comprendidas y utilizadas de manera eficiente por los estudiantes, éstas fueron usadas con más éxito por los instructores. En esta investigación se han abordado estrategias diseñadas para mejorar la comunicación de la intención de diseño en modelos CAD, acrecentando así su calidad, con directrices dirigidas a evaluar su eficiencia. Es evidente que se necesitan métricas dirigidas hacia la instrucción de la intención de diseño, ya que la intención de diseño transferida a través de modelos CAD puede realizarse en tres etapas con criterios contradictorios que deben ser equilibrados para llegar a la mejor estrategia de modelado. La investigación ha incluido el desarrollo de un método de validación que demuestra que las rúbricas son dispositivos útiles para garantizar una comunicación consistente de la intención de diseño, y son fundamentales no sólo para evaluar, sino también para comunicar las expectativas del instructor. En esta investigación se examinó cómo definir claramente las cualidades de la intención de diseño para permitir una más fácil evaluación de un ensamblaje CAD. Para todas las dimensiones de la rúbrica, se encontró más concordancia y correlación entre instructores que entre instructores y estudiantes. Existe una correlación moderada/fuerte entre los instructores para las dimensiones de la validez, completitud, concisión y claridad, mientras que existe una ligera correlación para las dimensiones de consistencia e intención del diseño. En segundo lugar, las rúbricas también pueden ser descritas como estáticas o dinámicas. Las rúbricas estáticas, existen sólo en papel, no proporcionan retroalimentación inmediata al educando. Las rúbricas dinámicas realizan cálculos que proporcionan observaciones de evaluación inmediatas al usuario. Además, pueden adaptarse a situaciones específicas dependiendo de la capacidad del usuario. Las rúbricas electrónicas son ideales para rúbricas dinámicas, y permiten el uso y desarrollo de rúbricas adaptativas y adaptables, como se describe a continuación. En tercer lugar, las rúbricas deben ser adaptables lo que debería hacerlas fácilmente comprensibles y fáciles de usar, y adaptativas. Las rúbricas de evaluación se usan cuando un experto determina el progreso pedagógico de un educando, mientras que las rúbricas formativas son empleadas por los propios estudiantes, para trazar su progreso e identificar las deficiencias escolares para las que necesitan apoyo. Las rúbricas se deben refinar y mejorar de forma continuada, en un proceso iterativo y colaborativo, hasta que se alcance un acuerdo satisfactorio, tanto entre evaluadores como entre evaluadores y alumnos. Por ello, se desarrollaron mapas de aserciones que ilustran el modo en que la estrategia de expansión-contracción adapta las rúbricas al progreso del aprendiz de CAD, a la vez que ayudan a comprender las diferentes dimensiones de la rúbrica. Basándose en los experimentos con las rúbricas de ensamblajes, es evidente que las pequeñas diferencias entre los instructores sugieren que la rúbrica de ensamblajes propuesta es lo suficientemente sofisticada como para proporcionar una evaluación acumulativa imparcial del desempeño del alumno. En consecuencia, se puede afirmar con confianza que los evaluadores pueden usarse indistintamente sin sacrificar la precisión. Sin embargo, la rúbrica de ensamblaje posee una eficacia finita para producir una autoevaluación formativa de las habilidades de ensamblaje CAD para nuevos alumnos.This research examined the use of assembly rubrics, described how they evolved from parts rubrics, and studied how they affect student self-evaluation. Instructor assessment of students was also evaluated, finding that while the assembly rubrics were partially understood and effectively used by the students, they were more successfully utilized by the instructors. Strategies designed to improve design intent communication in CAD models, in order to enhance their quality, with guidelines targeted to evaluate efficiency, have been addressed with this research. It is apparent that metrics directed toward the instruction of design intent are needed, since design intent transferred through CAD models can be performed at three stages with competing tradeoffs that must be balanced to arrive at the best modeling strategy. Research included the development of a validation approach that reflects that rubrics are valuable devices to expedite consistent design intent communication, and are vital not only for evaluation, but also for the communication of instructor expectations. This research examined how to clearly define qualities of design intent to enable easier CAD assembly assessment. It has been found that there is more inter-rater agreement and correlation between instructors than between instructors and students, for all rubric dimensions. There is strong to moderate correlation between instructors for the dimensions of validity, completeness, conciseness, and clarity, while slight correlation exists for the dimensions of consistency and design intent. Secondly, rubrics can also be described as being either static or dynamic. Static rubrics, existing in paper form only, do not provide immediate feedback to the learner. Dynamic rubrics perform calculations that provide immediate evaluative observations to the user. Besides, they can be independently adapted to specific situations depending on the capability of the user. Electronic rubrics are ideally suited for dynamic rubrics, and permit the use and development of both adaptable and adaptive rubrics, as described next. Thirdly, rubrics need to be adaptable which should make them easily understood and user-friendly, and adaptive (rubric can change itself, depending on the usage pattern). Evaluative rubrics are used when an expert determines the pedagogical progress of a learner, while formative rubrics are employed by the learners themselves, in order to chart their progress and identify scholastic deficiencies that are in need of remediation. Rubrics must be continually refined and improved, in an iterative, collaborative process, until satisfactory agreement is attained, both between raters, but also between raters and learners. Thus, assertions maps were developed, illustrating how the expand-contract strategy adapts the rubrics to CAD trainee progress, while assisting the understanding of the different rubric dimensions. Based on the assembly rubric experiments, it is apparent that the small differences between instructors suggests that the proposed assemblies rubric is sufficiently sophisticated to furnish an unbiased accumulative assessment of student performance. Accordingly, it can be confidently stated that raters can be used interchangeably without sacrificing accuracy. However, the assembly rubric possesses finite efficacy to produce formative self-evaluation of CAD assembly skills for new learners.Aquesta investigació examinà l'ús de rúbriques de acoblament, descrivint la seua evolució a partir de rúbriques de peces, i estudià cóm afecten a la autoavaluació dels estudiants. També es va valorar la avaluació dels estudiants per els instructors, trobant que, mentre que les rúbriques de acoblament van ser parcialment compreses i fetes servir de manera eficient per els estudiants, van ser usades amb mes èxit per els instructors. En aquesta investigació s'han abordat estrategues dissenyades per a millorar la comunicació de la intenció de disseny en models CAD, creixentat així la seua qualitat, amb directrius dirigides a avaluar la seua eficiència. Es evident que es necessiten mètriques dirigides cap a la instrucció de la intenció de disseny, ja que la intenció de disseny transferida a través de models CAD pot realitzar-se en tres etapes amb criteris contradictoris que deuen ser equilibrats per a arribar a la millor estratègia de modelatge. La investigació ha inclòs el desenvolupament de un mètode de validació que demostra que las rúbriques son dispositius útils per a garantir una comunicació consistent de la intenció de disseny, i son fonamentals no només per a avaluar, però també per a comunicar les expectatives de l'instructor. En aquesta investigació s'examinà com definir clarament les qualitats de la intenció de disseny per a permetre una mes fàcil avaluació de un acoblament CAD. Per a totes les dimensions de la rúbrica, es va trobar mes concordança i correlació entre instructors que no pas entre instructors i estudiants. Existeix una correlació moderada/fort entre els instructors per a les dimensions de la validesa, completesa, concisió i claredat, mentre que existeix una lleugera correlació per a les dimensions de consistència i intenció del disseny. En segon lloc, les rúbriques també poden ser descrites com estàtiques o dinàmiques. Les rúbriques estàtiques, existeixen sòls en paper, no proporcionen retroalimentació immediata a l'educand. Les rúbriques dinàmiques realitzen càlculs que proporcionen observacions de avaluació immediates al usuari. A mes, poden adaptar-se a situacions específiques dependent de la capacitat de l'usuari. Les rúbriques electròniques son ideals per a rúbriques dinàmiques, i permeten l'ús i desenvolupament de rúbriques adaptatives i adaptables, como es descriu a continuació. En tercer lloc, les rúbriques deuen ser adaptables, el que deuria ferles fàcilment comprensibles i fàcils d'usar, i adaptatives. Les rúbriques d'avaluació se usen quant un expert determina el progrés pedagògic de un educand, mentre que les rúbriques formatives son fetes servir per els propis estudiants, per a traçar el seu progrés i identificar les deficiències escolars para a les que necessiten suport. Les rúbriques es deuen refinar i millorar de forma continuada, en un procés iteratiu i col·laboratori, fins que se arriba a un acord satisfactori, tant entre avaluadors como entre avaluadors i alumnes. Por això, es desenvoluparen mapes de assercions que il·lustren el mode en que la estratègia de expansió-contracció adapta les rúbriques al progres del aprenent de CAD, a la vegada que ajuden a comprendre les diferents dimensions de la rúbrica. Basant-se en els experiments amb les rúbriques de acoblaments, es evident que les xicotetes diferencies entre els instructors suggereixen que la rúbrica de acoblaments proposta es lo suficientment sofisticada com per a proporcionar una avaluació acumulativa imparcial del acompliment de l'alumne. En conseqüència, es pot afirmar amb confiança que els avaluadors poden usar-se indistintament sense sacrificar la precisió. No obstant, la rúbrica de acoblaments posseeix una eficàcia finita per a produir una autoavaluació formativa de les habilitats de acoblament CAD per a nous alumnes.Otey, JM. (2017). A Contribution to Conveying Quality Criteria in Mechanical CAD Models and Assemblies through Rubrics and Comprehensive Design Intent Quantification [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/94627TESI