35 research outputs found

    Social Computing for Software Engineering: a Mapping Study.

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    There is a continual growth in the use of social computing within a breadth of business domains; such as marketing, public engagement and innovation management. Software engineering research, like other similar disciplines, has re- cently started to harness the power of social computing throughout the various development phases; from requirements elicitation to validation and maintenance and for the various methods of development and structures of development teams. However, despite this increasing effort, we still lack a clear picture of the current status of this research. To address that lack of knowledge, we conduct a systematic mapping study on the utilisation of social computing for software engineering. This will inform researchers and practitioners about the current status and progress of the field including the areas of current focus and the geographical and chronological distribution of the research. We do the mapping across a diversity of dimensions including the activities of software engineering, the types of research, the characteristics of social computing and the demographic attributes of the published work. Our study results show a growing interest in the field, mainly in academia, and a general trend toward developing designated social com- puting platforms and utilising them in mainly four software engineering areas; management, coding, requirements engineering, and maintenance and enhancement

    A Data Warehouse system for Human resource Management in a Distributed Software Development

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    Abstract: The study proposed a new concept called as „Responsibility Index‟ (RIndex) that can administer all responsibilities of members involved in developing a team in a distributed team. This Index recorded and automatically updated roles changes. This research study uses the concept of a data warehouse system for data management. The objective of this study is to tracking and monitoring the performance of a developer using RIndex. A data warehousing system implemented to store the data require for the management of all the roles require of a project. The usages of this warehouse support the higher management team to manage the team without much technical knowledge because most of the analytical facilities are integrated with this system itself. Several interesting reports are a generatedallocated hour for each task, the status of the percentage of hours utilized so far. From such report, a development team can get some information about the progress of the project per task wise-Analysis, testing, etc. A report shows the group projection of status of the project such as total hours allotted for a task 'Analysis' or 'Design' etc., the percentage of hours allocation as per a task, used hours and its percentage of usages against each task and percentage of the entered projects hours. It represents almost all data appears in WBS and Gantt chart of a project. Based on the data available, the project team or manager can plan further actions.Keywords: Data Warehouse system, responsibility index, Distributed Software Development, resource management(Article History: Received 10 September 2016 and accepted 26 December 2016

    Model driven product line engineering : core asset and process implications

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    Reuse is at the heart of major improvements in productivity and quality in Software Engineering. Both Model Driven Engineering (MDE) and Software Product Line Engineering (SPLE) are software development paradigms that promote reuse. Specifically, they promote systematic reuse and a departure from craftsmanship towards an industrialization of the software development process. MDE and SPLE have established their benefits separately. Their combination, here called Model Driven Product Line Engineering (MDPLE), gathers together the advantages of both. Nevertheless, this blending requires MDE to be recasted in SPLE terms. This has implications on both the core assets and the software development process. The challenges are twofold: (i) models become central core assets from which products are obtained and (ii) the software development process needs to cater for the changes that SPLE and MDE introduce. This dissertation proposes a solution to the first challenge following a feature oriented approach, with an emphasis on reuse and early detection of inconsistencies. The second part is dedicated to assembly processes, a clear example of the complexity MDPLE introduces in software development processes. This work advocates for a new discipline inside the general software development process, i.e., the Assembly Plan Management, which raises the abstraction level and increases reuse in such processes. Different case studies illustrate the presented ideas.This work was hosted by the University of the Basque Country (Faculty of Computer Sciences). The author enjoyed a doctoral grant from the Basque Goverment under the “Researchers Training Program” during the years 2005 to 2009. The work was was co-supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education, and the European Social Fund under contracts WAPO (TIN2005-05610) and MODELINE (TIN2008-06507-C02-01)

    Continuous Rationale Management

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    Continuous Software Engineering (CSE) is a software life cycle model open to frequent changes in requirements or technology. During CSE, software developers continuously make decisions on the requirements and design of the software or the development process. They establish essential decision knowledge, which they need to document and share so that it supports the evolution and changes of the software. The management of decision knowledge is called rationale management. Rationale management provides an opportunity to support the change process during CSE. However, rationale management is not well integrated into CSE. The overall goal of this dissertation is to provide workflows and tool support for continuous rationale management. The dissertation contributes an interview study with practitioners from the industry, which investigates rationale management problems, current practices, and features to support continuous rationale management beneficial for practitioners. Problems of rationale management in practice are threefold: First, documenting decision knowledge is intrusive in the development process and an additional effort. Second, the high amount of distributed decision knowledge documentation is difficult to access and use. Third, the documented knowledge can be of low quality, e.g., outdated, which impedes its use. The dissertation contributes a systematic mapping study on recommendation and classification approaches to treat the rationale management problems. The major contribution of this dissertation is a validated approach for continuous rationale management consisting of the ConRat life cycle model extension and the comprehensive ConDec tool support. To reduce intrusiveness and additional effort, ConRat integrates rationale management activities into existing workflows, such as requirements elicitation, development, and meetings. ConDec integrates into standard development tools instead of providing a separate tool. ConDec enables lightweight capturing and use of decision knowledge from various artifacts and reduces the developers' effort through automatic text classification, recommendation, and nudging mechanisms for rationale management. To enable access and use of distributed decision knowledge documentation, ConRat defines a knowledge model of decision knowledge and other artifacts. ConDec instantiates the model as a knowledge graph and offers interactive knowledge views with useful tailoring, e.g., transitive linking. To operationalize high quality, ConRat introduces the rationale backlog, the definition of done for knowledge documentation, and metrics for intra-rationale completeness and decision coverage of requirements and code. ConDec implements these agile concepts for rationale management and a knowledge dashboard. ConDec also supports consistent changes through change impact analysis. The dissertation shows the feasibility, effectiveness, and user acceptance of ConRat and ConDec in six case study projects in an industrial setting. Besides, it comprehensively analyses the rationale documentation created in the projects. The validation indicates that ConRat and ConDec benefit CSE projects. Based on the dissertation, continuous rationale management should become a standard part of CSE, like automated testing or continuous integration

    Ontological analysis of means-end links

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    The i* community has raised several main dialects and dozens of variations in the definition of the i* language. Differences may be found related not just to the representation of new concepts but to the very core of the i* language. In previous work we have tackled this issue mainly from a syntactic point of view, using metamodels and syntactic-based model interoperability frameworks. In this paper, we go one step beyond and consider the use of foundational ontologies in general, and UFO in particular, as a way to clarify the meaning of core i* constructs and as the basis to propose a normative definition. We focus here on one of the most characteristics i* constructs, namely means-end links.Postprint (published version

    A framework for active software engineering ontology

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    The passive structure of ontologies results in the ineffectiveness to access and manage the knowledge captured in them. This research has developed a framework for active Software Engineering Ontology based on a multi-agent system. It assists software development teams to effectively access, manage and share software engineering knowledge as well as project information to enable effective and efficient communication and coordination among teams. The framework has been evaluated through the prototype system as proof-of-concept experiments

    Component-based software architectures and multi-agent systems: mutual and complementary contributions for supporting software development

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    Dans cette thèse, nous explorons les diverses contributions que les systèmes multi-agents (SMA) et les architectures à base de composants (CBSA) peuvent mutuellement et complémentairement s'apporter l'un à l'autre. Dans un premier temps, nous définissons, illustrons, analysons et discutons une méthodologie du développement des SMA, un modèle de composants (SpeAD), un langage de description d'architecture (SpeADL) et une méthode de conception (SpEArAF) qui facilitent et guident la description et l'implémentation des SMA. Cette réponse complète au développement des SMA est assistée par un outil (MAY) et a été appliquée à un grand nombre d'applications. Dans un second temps, nous explorons à travers divers expériences l'aide que peuvent apporter les SMA auto-adaptatif aux CBSA. Les agents et leur réorganisation continuelle jouent à la fois le rôle de moteur de la construction et de l'adaptation dynamique de l'architecture, mais aussi du conteneur qui connecte ses éléments en pratique.In this thesis, we explore the various aspects of the mutual and complementary contributions that multi-agent systems (MASs) and component-based software architectures (CBSAs) can provide to each other. On one hand, we define, illustrate, analyse and discuss an architecture-oriented methodology of MAS development, a component model (SpeAD), an architectural description language (SpeADL) and a design method (SpEArAF) that ease and guide the description and the implementation of MASs. This complete answer to MAS development is supported by a tool (MAY) and has been applied to many applications. On the other hand, we explore through various experiments how self-adaptive MASs can be used to support CBSAs. The agents and their continuous reorganisation act both as the engine of the construction and of the dynamic adaptation of the architecture, and as the runtime container that practically connects its elements together

    Combining SOA and BPM Technologies for Cross-System Process Automation

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    This paper summarizes the results of an industry case study that introduced a cross-system business process automation solution based on a combination of SOA and BPM standard technologies (i.e., BPMN, BPEL, WSDL). Besides discussing major weaknesses of the existing, custom-built, solution and comparing them against experiences with the developed prototype, the paper presents a course of action for transforming the current solution into the proposed solution. This includes a general approach, consisting of four distinct steps, as well as specific action items that are to be performed for every step. The discussion also covers language and tool support and challenges arising from the transformation

    Accessing natural history:Discoveries in data cleaning, structuring, and retrieval

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