12 research outputs found


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    This research was carried out to determine whether the comprehension level differs according to the reading environment by examining the studies comparing the comprehension level according to reading from the screen and from the paper by using meta-analysis method. Meta-analysis method was used in this research. The data of the study were obtained from 12 studies (29 comparisons). All of these studies are studies in which Turkish texts are used in reading. The analysis of the obtained data was carried out using the Comprehensive MetaAnalysis software. In the interpretation of the studies, random effects model was taken as basis. As a result of the analyses performed, a significant and medium effect size (g=-0.423, p=0.003) was found in favor of reading from the paper. Therefore, this result shows that comprehension achievement is higher in reading from the paper than reading from the screen. In addition, it was determined that the effect sizes did not differ significantly according to the publication year, grade level, text type and digital tool. It is recommended to perform studies on improving the screen interface and screen reading skills

    Social network sites for book readers: The example of 1000Kitap, a Turkish social network

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    1000Kitap is Turkey's largest social network for book readers. This network is a social network that mediates readers to realize reading as a social activity with other readers. The first purpose of this research is to reveal how the readers who use this social network start using the network and what they aim by using the network. The second aim is to reveal whether this network has brought about a change in their reading habits and preferences according to the readers who use this network. Finally this research aims to reveal the positive/negative aspects of this network based on the users experiences. For this purpose, phenomenological design was used in this study. The participants are 54 users who are actively using the 1000Kitap. The results indicate that introducing such social networks to the readers and teaching them how to use these social networks correctly can be beneficial in terms of enabling them to reach the right books and motivating them to read. However, the results also indicate that such social reader networks may serve different purposes and lead to negative results if they are not used in accordance with their purpose or in case of excessive use

    أنماط استخدام الجمهور العراقي للصحف الإلكترونية دراسة مسحية

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    تمتاز الصحافة الالكترونية بالعديد من السمات التي ميزتها عن باقي وسائل الاعلام التقليدية والجديدة، فهي تجمع بين المقروء والمسموع والمرئي في وسيلة واحدة، الامر الذي يعني تعدد أنماط وعمليات تلقي المضمون من قبل المستخدم. ان تحديد أنماط استخدام الصحافة الالكترونية من قبل افراد الجمهور يكون في غاية الأهمية للقائمين بالاتصال وادارات هذه الصحف لما لها من أهمية في التعرف على طرق تعامل المستخدمين مع مضمونات الصحافة الالكترونية وكيفية حصول عملية تلقي هذه المضمونات والتفاعل معها. ويعمل البحث على دراسة أنماط استخدام الجمهور العراقي للصحف الالكترونية وتحديدها وكيفية تعاملهم مع الفنون الإعلامية المتعددة التي تتضمنها عن طريق اجراء دراسة مسحية على عينة من المستخدمين للوصول الى النتائج التي يهدف اليها البحث

    Dijital ve Basılı Okumaya Yönelik Tutum Ölçeği: Türkçeye Uyarlama, Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması

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    Bu araştırmada Dijital ve Basılı Okumaya Yönelik Tutum Ölçeğinin Türkçeye uyarlanması amaçlanmıştır. Bu doğrultuda öncelikle ölçeği uyarlamak için gerekli izinler alınmıştır. Gerekli izinler alındıktan sonra ölçek uyarlama aşamalarına göre dil ve alan uzmanları tarafından çeviri işlemleri yapılıp dil geçerliliği sağlanmaya çalışılmıştır. Dil geçerliliği sağlanınca ölçek uygulamaya hazır hale getirilip 9-11 yaş arası 279 öğrenciden oluşan çalışma grubuna uygulanmıştır. Uygulama sonrası geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışmaları yapılmıştır. Ölçeğin orijinal formunda açımlayıcı faktör analizi sonucu belirlenen üç faktörlü yapı, Türkçeye çevrilen form aracılığıyla 279 kişiden elde edilen veriler üzerinden analiz edilmiştir. Doğrulayıcı faktör analizi kapsamında üç faktörlü yapıya ilişkin hesaplanan RMSEA, RMR, X2/sd, GFI, CFI, NNFI uyum indekslerinin iyi düzeyde olduğu belirlenmiştir. Ölçeğin güvenirliğinin belirlenmesi için Cronbach alfa katsayısı hesaplanmış ve bu katsayı ölçeğin bütünün de .80; üç faktör bazında ise sırasıyla .60, .70 ve .74 olarak ölçülmüştür. Bu bulgular sonucunda güvenirlik katsayılarının, birinci faktör için kabul edilebilir, ikinci ve üçüncü faktörler içinse iyi düzeyde olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Araştırmada elde edilen sonuçlar Türkçeye uyarlanan Dijital ve Basılı Okumaya Yönelik Tutum Ölçeğinin geçerlik ve güvenirliğine ilişkin kanıtlar sunmaktadır

    A Collective Case Study of Middle School Teachers\u27 Experiences Using Chromebooks Instead of Textbooks in the Classroom

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    The purpose of this collective case study was to understand the classroom experiences using Chromebooks in place of textbooks among middle school teachers in the Central County School System (pseudonym). The central research question that guided the study asked, How do middle school teachers in Central County experience using Chromebooks instead of traditional textbooks for instructional purposes in the classroom? For this research, the use of Chromebooks was generally defined as reading for learning purposes. The theory that guided this study was the cognitive theory of multimedia learning. The participants were 15 sixth through eighth grade public-school core content teachers. Data collection included individual semi-structured interviews, focus group interviews, and participant journaling. A questionnaire was used to purposefully select participants. All interviews were recorded and transcribed by the researcher. The interviews and journal entries were analyzed through significant statements resulting in common themes that included the need for learner preference, differentiation, and balance, as well as the importance of quality applications, factors influencing learning, and observed benefits and concerns

    Implementación de la biblioteca escolar para el incremento de los hábitos lectores en el tercer grado de primaria, Puente Piedra, 2019

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general determinar de qué manera la implementación de la biblioteca escolar promueve el incremento de los hábitos lectores en estudiantes de tercer grado, enfoque cuantitativo, diseño experimental, nivel explicativo, la muestra fue de 31 estudiantes (X=8,5 años 5; D.E.=0.51), de la ciudad de Lima, Perú. Se utilizó el instrumento Cuestionario sobre los hábitos lectores en estudiantes de primaria, se encontró que los hábitos lectores sufrió cambios significativos en la medición postest (Mdn (pretest) = 46,00; Mdn (postest) =120,00; sig. = ,000; p <.005); estos datos permitieron concluir que la aplicación del programa bibliotecas escolares fuente de animación y motivación a los hábitos lectores influyó de forma significativa en el desarrollo de los hábitos lectores en los estudiantes de tercer grado de primaria, en relación a las limitaciones hermenéuticas, se recomienda realizar estudios experimentales sobre los hábitos lectores desde una perspectiva innovadora, la cual genere un impacto positivo en los estudiantes y la sociedad

    Paper or screen: the effects of reading medium on students' comprehension of science texts and epistemic emotions.

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    openAl fine di acquisire conoscenza risulta fondamentale la capacità da parte di ogni individuo di comprendere i testi scritti, soprattutto in ambito educativo. Con l’avanzare del percorso scolastico, questi testi si fanno sempre più lunghi e più complessi e con il progredire e la diffusione della tecnologia sempre più testi vengono oggi letti in formato digitale. Dati i risultati contrastanti presenti nella letteratura, lo scopo principale di questo studio è quello di verificare se il mezzo di lettura, e la possibilità di evidenziare alcune parti del testo, influenzino il processo di comprensione da parte dei partecipanti. Inoltre, è stato indagato se il mezzo di lettura influisse sulle emozioni dei soggetti. Alla presente ricerca hanno partecipato 66 studenti di classe seconda della scuola secondaria di primo grado, che hanno letto due testi espositivi su concetti scientifici. La comprensione del testo è stata valutata tramite 24 domande a scelta multipla. Le emozioni epistemiche sono state rilevate tramite il questionario Epistemic Emotion Scales (EES). Dalle analisi è emerso che il mezzo di lettura ha influenzato il livello di comprensione del testo: un punteggio più alto è stato registrato a seguito della lettura su carta. E’ poi emerso un effetto dell’interazione tra mezzo e condizione di lettura sulle emozioni positive: maggiori emozioni positive sono state registrate quando i partecipanti hanno letto su carta se non sottolineavano e su digitale se era stata data loro la possibilità di sottolineare. I risultati emersi dalle analisi statistiche sono stati discussi alla luce della letteratura, per poi riflettere su alcuni limiti della ricerca.In order to gain knowledge it is very important being able to decode and understand written texts, especially in the school context. Through their academic journey, students have to read texts that become longer and more complex. Given the contrasting results in previous research, the purpose of this study was to investigate if reading medium and the possibility to highlight or not the text, would have some impact on students’ text comprehension. We also investigated if reading medium would influence participants’ emotions. Sixty-six middle school students took part in this study. They read two expository texts about scientific concepts. Reading comprehension was evaluated using24 multiple-choice questions, while participants’ emotions were assessed with the Epistemic Emotion Scales (EES). Results showed an effect of reading medium on text comprehension, favoring reading on paper. Moreover, an interaction effect of medium with highlighting on participants’ emotions emerged: a higher level of positive emotions was registered when students read from paper and did not highlight and when they read on screen and highlighted the text. The results of the statistical analysis were discussed in light of the literature and then we reflected on the limitations of this research

    Circulación de libros electrónicos y contenidos digitales en las redes de bibliotecas públicas de Iberoamérica

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    Objective: Technology is not a neutral element; the incorporation of digital resources into libraries implies a transformation of services, spaces, professional tasks and the very concept of the library. The aim of the study is to diagnose the circulation of electronic resources among the libraries in the Iberbibliotecas programme; that is, to analyse the level of penetration and the degree of incorporation into their collections, with the aim of articulating systems of dissemination and use in order to be able to plan strategies for the future. Methodology: Different surveys have been carried out to compile information from the triple perspective of users and their needs, librarians, those responsible for acquisitions services and platforms. Results: The data obtained in the study will be a starting point to know the state of the art, trends and future planning of digital resources in the libraries of the system. In general, the state of development of digital content circulation processes in Ibero-American public library networks is very varied: some countries have projects in place, others are in the process of implementing them and others are wondering what is the best model to follow. Therefore, the purpose of this report is to provide a limited diagnosis that describes and analyses these processes with their respective variables and results, in order to help informed decision-making at regional level and to project future research. Digital content is understood as all digital objects in different formats: e-books, audio, video, digital animation, maps, transmedia, podcasts, websites, virtual exhibitions

    Within the IBM galaxy: Exploring differences in online processes and comprehension outcomes between reading on screen and reading on paper

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    Dado el uso extendido de los dispositivos digitales para aprender, resulta crucial conocer si la lectura en pantalla ejerce alguna influencia sobre la comprensión lectora. Sin embargo, la evidencia previa es aún no concluyente. Esta tesis doctoral trata de arrojar más luz sobre dicha circunstancia, así como poner a prueba la Hipótesis de Superficialidad como posible explicación del efecto negativo de la lectura en pantalla sobre la comprensión lectora encontrado por algunos estudios previos. Esta hipótesis propone que los peores resultados en comprensión durante lectura en pantalla son causados por una disminución del esfuerzo cognitivo en este medio. Así, en primer lugar, llevamos a cabo un meta-análisis que sintetizó la literatura empírica publicada entre los años 2000 y 2017 que comparan la comprensión lectora entre la lectura en papel y la lectura en pantalla. Nuestros resultados mostraron peores niveles de comprensión al leer en pantalla que al leer los mismos textos impresos. Además, algunas variables moderaron este efecto. Encontramos que la inferioridad de la lectura en pantalla es mayor entre aquellos estudios que usaron textos expositivos (vs narrativos) y entre aquellos estudios que impusieron a los participantes un límite temporal para la lectura, en comparación con aquellos que permitían a los participantes leer durante el tiempo que estimasen oportuno. Estos hallazgos sugieren que el efecto de inferioridad de la lectura en pantalla aparece especialmente cuando la tarea demanda un mayor esfuerzo cognitivo. Además, encontramos que el efecto es mayor entre los estudios más recientes, es decir, entre las generaciones más jóvenes. Adicionalmente, realizamos dos estudios experimentales con la intención de poner a prueba la Hipótesis de Superficialidad como explicación del efecto de inferioridad de la lectura en pantalla. El primero de ellos comparó el compromiso cognitivo de los lectores, medido a través de sus movimientos oculares, mientras leían varios textos expositivos tanto en pantalla como en papel. También se examinó su nivel de comprensión de los textos y su monitorización meta-cognitiva de dicho nivel de comprensión. Así, una muestra de 116 estudiantes universitarios leyó tres textos en un cuadernillo impreso y otros tres textos en una tablet. De ellos, un grupo leyó durante el tiempo que estimó oportuno, mientras que otro grupo leyó bajo presión temporal. Los resultados indicaron que el tiempo de fijación ocular de los participantes durante la lectura fue mayor cuando leyeron los textos impresos y que la precisión relativa de su monitorización meta-cognitiva fue más elevada en este medio de lectura. En consecuencia, la comprensión fue algo más elevada al leer en papel que al leer en pantalla, aunque este último efecto solo se aproximó a la significatividad con un test estadístico conservador de dos colas. El tercer estudio comparó la atención sobre la tarea de lectura (mediante medidas de mind-wandering, esto es, la generación de pensamientos ajenos a la tarea), la monitorización cognitiva y la comprensión lectora de los participantes al leer un artículo expositivo largo en pantalla o impreso. Ciento cuarenta estudiantes universitarios fueron asignados a una de cuatro condiciones experimentales, según leyeran en un ordenador o en la revista impresa, y según leyeran con tiempo ilimitado o bajo presión temporal. Encontramos que, bajo presión temporal, solo quienes leyeron el artículo impreso aumentaron su atención a la tarea de lectura. Así, este grupo obtuvo mejores resultados de comprensión que el grupo que leyó en pantalla también bajo presión temporal. En cambio, con tiempo ilimitado de lectura los dos grupos de medio de lectura mostraron un nivel de atención similar y obtuvieron puntuaciones similares en comprensión. Por último, no encontramos diferencias entre los grupos experimentales respecto a la monitorización meta-cognitiva de su nivel de comprensión. En conjunto, los resultados de los tres estudios indican que leer en pantalla provoca peores resultados de comprensión, especialmente bajo limitaciones de tiempo de lectura. Este efecto parece estar causado por un menor compromiso cognitivo con la tarea en dicho medio de lectura. Por lo tanto, nuestros hallazgos apoyan la Hipótesis de Superficialidad.Given the pervasive use of digital devices for learning, it is crucial to know whether reading on screens exerts any influence on text comprehension. Nevertheless, previous findings are still inconclusive. This dissertation tried to shed more light on this issue, and aimed to test the Shallowing hypothesis as a possible explanation for the detrimental effect of on-screen reading on text comprehension previously found by some studies. This hypothesis proposes that poorer comprehension outcomes when reading on screen are caused by a lessened cognitive engagement with texts in this medium. To that ends, we first conducted a meta-analysis including the existing empirical literature from 2000 to 2017 comparing reading comprehension between reading in print and on screens. The results showed poorer comprehension outcomes for reading on screen than for reading in print. Furthermore, some moderators qualified this effect. The on-screen inferiority was found to be larger among those studies that used expository texts (vs. narrative texts) and those that required participants to read under time constraints (vs. self-paced reading time). These findings pointed out that the medium effect especially appears when the reading task demands increased mental effort. In addition, we found that the medium effect is larger among the more recent studies, so in younger generations. In addition, we conducted two experimental studies aiming to test the Shallowing hypothesis of the on-screen inferiority for reading comprehension. The first study compared readers’ cognitive engagement, as measured by readers’ eye-movements, while reading several expository texts both on screen and in print. It also examined readers’ reading comprehension outcomes and comprehension monitoring. A sample of 116 undergraduates read three texts on a printed booklet and three texts on a tablet. Some of the participants self-paced their study time, whereas the rest of the sample read under time pressure. Our findings indicated that, regardless of the reading-time frame, the participants fixated longer when reading in print, and that the relative accuracy of their comprehension monitoring was higher also in this medium. Accordingly, they scored higher on the comprehension questions, although this effect only approached significance with a conservative two-tail test. Our third study compared readers’ mind-wandering while reading (i.e., the generation of task-unrelated thoughts), metacognitive monitoring, and text comprehension when reading a long expository article in print or on screen. One hundred and forty undergraduates were allocated to one of four experimental condition, varying in the reading medium (desktop computers vs. the printed magazine) and the reading time-frame (self-paced vs. time pressure). We found that only those participants who read in print reduced their mindwandering (i.e., they increased on-task sustained attention) when the task required to read under time pressure. Thus, in this time-frame condition, the participants who read on screen scored lower on the comprehension test. In contrast, when reading time was self-paced, the level of mind-wandering and the comprehension scores were similar regardless of the medium. Finally, there were no differences in metacognitive monitoring of comprehension between the experimental groups. Altogether, the results from our three studies revealed that reading on screen yields poorer comprehension outcomes, especially under time constraints. This effect seems to be caused by a lessened cognitive engagement in this medium. Therefore, our findings support the Shallowing hypothesis of the on-screen inferiority for reading