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    381 research outputs found

    リマ・バレット「ガブリエラの息子」 (翻訳)

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    Untersuchung zur Lehrsprache im Fremdsprachenunterricht : Wünsche der Lernenden und Lehrkraftverhalten unter erschwerten Bedingungen

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    Der vorliegende Artikel befasst sich mit dem Thema der Unterrichtssprache (oder „Lehrsprache‶) im Fremdsprachenunterricht, also der Sprache, welche die Lehrkräfte wählen, wenn sie beispielsweise die Klasse begrüßen, Grammatik und Wor tschatz erklären oder Arbeitsanweisungen geben. Um auszuloten, welchen Anteil der Zielsprache oder der Muttersprache sich die Studierenden von den japanischen und nicht-japanischen Lehrenden wünschen, inwieweit sich diese Wünsche mit der Realität im Klassenzimmer decken, und ob die erschwerten Unterrichtsbedingungen während der Corona-Pandemie einen Einfluss auf die Sprachwahl der Lehrenden hatten, wurde eine Campusumfrage durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Pandemiebedingungen die Sprachwahl nicht signifikant beeinflusst hatten. Hinsichtlich des Verhältnisses von Lernerwunsch und Lehrerverhalten wurde ersichtlich, dass eine Diskrepanz hier eher bei den japanischen Lehrkräften besteht. Die möglichen Hintergründe der Sprachwahl durch die Lehrenden und die Wünsche der Studierenden werden anhand eines geschichtlichen Abrisses und der Entwicklung des Englischunterrichts in Japan nach den Reformen des japanischen Ministeriums für Bildung, Kultur, Sport, Wissenschaft und Technologie (MEXT) seit 2013 betrachtet.departmental bulletin pape


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    本文通过对二语发音教学研究的梳理,探讨了目前二语发音教学的核心问题、教学对象与目标。二语发音教学现阶段的核心问题是教学是否可以以及以何种方式可以带来学习者自发的、熟练的发音。本文通过总结二语发音教学研究领域常见的教学法,如基于发音方式和位置的训练、听觉训练、视听结合训练、以形式为中心的教学等,探讨这些教学法的内在原理、优缺点和使用场景。同时,本文援引Saito and Plonsky(2019)针对77项发音教学的元分析所提出的二语发音测量框架,为日本的汉语二语课堂的发音教学提供理论指导。针对日本汉语学习者常见的发音偏误,如/tʂ/,/tʂʰ/,/ʂ/ 与/tɕ/,/tɕʰ/,/ɕ/的混淆等,为初级、中级和高级阶段的日本汉语学习者提供了教学建议。其中,初级阶段以听觉训练和发音讲解为主,通过集中的、去语境化的训练方式改善日本学习者的发音偏误,提高发音意识,同时辅以语境化的口齿训练;中级阶段,通过模仿朗读、影子跟读等训练方式反复大量地对包含目标语音的句子进行训练,并提供反馈;高级阶段则以在真实的交际任务中为学习者的发音提供纠正性反馈为主要教学手段。departmental bulletin pape


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    本稿は,エミール・メイエルソンが『思考の歩み』で行った心霊研究に対する批判を検討することで,人間科学の認識論に関する考察,という彼の哲学の一側面を明らかにする。メイエルソンの批判は,心霊研究が依拠する証言の脆弱性,および証言から事実を構成する過程における欠陥という二点にまとめることができる。後者の論点においては,ベルクソンらが提示した心霊研究と歴史学のアナロジーが否定される。すなわち,歴史学における事実と異なり,心霊研究が「事実」とみなす例外的な事象は,いまのところ世界に関する他の知識とのあいだに一貫性を見出すことができない以上,「真実らしさ」に欠けるとされる。このようなメイエルソンの議論は,歴史学以外の人間科学の領域における認識論を考えるうえでも,示唆に富むものである。departmental bulletin pape

    Preparing for the Alter-Globalized World: Prioritizing Social Emotional Learning and Translingualism in Education

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    This paper explores the future of education in an increasingly connected world. The world is accelerating, fragmenting, and growing more interconnected, with money and technology gaining greater prominence. Therefore, it is essential to shift the focus of education towards nurturing social emotional learning (SEL) skills such as empathy, communication, and relationship-building, and creating learning environments that are collaborative, inclusive, and supportive. This paper argues that by prioritizing these skills and values, we can equip future generations with the tools necessary to navigate the challenges of the 21 st century and contribute to a better alter-globalized world. The paper proposes a fine-grained approach to education that emphasizes character development and dispositions over coverage curriculum, leveraging student-student, teacher-student, and teacher-teacher relationships to support SEL practices and translingualism. By operating within Karl Popper’s World 3, the world of ideas and conceptual artifacts, we can process and create powerful narratives that can help shape a more just and sustainable future for all.departmental bulletin pape

    Étude bibliographique et historique sur les échanges entre C. P. Thunberg et les intellectuels japonais

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    C.P. Thunberg is, with Kaempfer and Siebold, one of the few Western scientists who managed to visit Japan (in 1775-1776) and share ideas with Japanese scientists during the era of closed borders that lasted over two centuries (1639-1854). As a botanist and direct disciple of Linnaeus, as well as a physician, Thunberg was able to pass on the latest knowledge and techniques in these fields to his Japanese interlocutors, Dejima interpreters and Edo physicians, while learning in return about botany and the other sciences practiced in Japan at the time. Yet his name and the contemporary knowledge he passed on (notably Linnaean taxonomy) appear very little in Japanese writings in the years following his departure. The aim of this article is therefore, through the examination of the writings of both Thunberg and his Japanese counterparts, to find the material traces of this scientific collaboration, in the form of exchanges of letters, books and specimens, from Asia to Europe, and to shed light on the particular conditions of these exchanges.departmental bulletin pape

    『漢字文化大観』 第16章「世界での痕跡-海外における漢字」  第3 節「ベトナムにおける漢字」 翻訳(前半)

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    『汉字文化大观』(漢字文化大観)は、あらゆる側面から漢字の歴史をとらえた専門書として、5 年の編集期間を経て1995年に中国の人民教育出版社から出版され、中国国内で注目を集めた。その後、初版以降の研究成果を反映した改訂版が2010年に出版された。本稿は改訂版の第16章第3 節の一部を翻訳したものである。漢字は中国の宝と呼ぶにふさわしいものであるが、古代より中国国内のみならず、日本や朝鮮半島、およびベトナムにおいても公式の文字として長期間に亘り使用されてきた歴史があり、これらの国々の文字や言語の発展に少なからぬ影響を及ぼしてきた。本節は、古代中国の豊富な文献資料をもとに、漢字と中国の文化、政治がベトナム社会にどのような影響を与え、それがベトナム語の語彙や発音にいかに反映されてきたかについて考察を行ったものである。中国で長年蓄積されてきた、漢字と東アジア地域の歴史や文化の関わりについての研究の一部を翻訳することにより、東アジア地域における漢字研究の更なる発展に貢献することが期待できる。departmental bulletin pape

    Nishida Kitarō’s Self-Aware System of Universals The Body as Incarnation of the Absolute

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    Nishida’s self-aware system of universals is often disregarded and seen as a temporary diversion in the progression of his philosophy. However, this system represents an innovative advancement of the concept of place and deserves comprehensive analysis on its own merits. Furthermore, it contains numerous elements that anticipate subsequent evelopments in Nishida’s philosophy. Byexamining the system’s primary characteristics, particularly the rationale behind the introduction of the intelligible universal and broader universals, we can gain valuable insight into its significance. Additionally, this essay highlights the overlooked concept of the body as the noematic content of the universal of self-awareness. Not only does this concept present Nishida’s initial original solution to the mind-body problem, but it also serves as a foundation for his subsequent exploration of the historical body. Lastly, I consider the two main theoretical challenges that contributed to the neglect of the system in Nishida’s later years.departmental bulletin pape

    Investigating the expectations and experiences of young undergraduate students at Asian universities concerning community engagement field research activities

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    Undergraduate field research in the social sciences can enhance a student’s understanding of the research process, help improve their critical thinking and analytical skills and provide them with opportunities for personal and professional growth. Furthermore, it often allows students to apply the knowledge and skills they have learned in the classroom to real-world situations. This practical experience will generally include elements of problem-solving, communication, and collaboration, all highly valued by employers. However, research into producing a good basic model that will benefit all participants is essential to design projects and activities that fit well with the abilities and interests of various student types across different disciplines and often cultural divides. This paper describes a university-community engagement project involving 43 undergraduate students from five Asian universities, allowing them to conduct field research and interviews on various individuals and organizations working to solve problems in their community, with guidance from faculty advisors. Surveys aimed at understanding student expectations, perceptions, and experiences revealed largely positive outcomes, including enhanced knowledge, skills, and motivation, along with a greater need for enhanced cross-cultural interaction. We analyze these results to suggest improvements for future field research models.departmental bulletin pape


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