178 research outputs found

    Study on Early Warning of Enterprise Financial Distress — Based on Partial Least-squares Logistic Regression

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    Establishment of an effective early warning system can make the company operators make relevant decisions as soon as possible when finding the crisis, improve the operating results and financial condition of enterprise, and can also make investors avoid or reduce investment losses. This paper applies the partial least-squares logistic regression model for the analysis on early warning of enterprise financial distress in consideration of quite sensitive characteristics of common logistic model for the multicollinearity. The data of real estate industry listed companies in China are used to compare and analyze the early warning of financial distress by using the logistic model and the partial least-squares logistic model, respectively. The study results show that compared with the common logistic regression model, the applicability of partial least-squares logistic model is stronger due to its eliminating multicollinearity problem among various early warning indicators

    An empirical study on credit evaluation of SMEs based on detailed loan data

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    Small and micro-sized Enterprises (SMEs) are an important part of Chinese economic system.The establishment of credit evaluating model of SMEs can effectively help financial intermediaries to reveal credit risk of enterprises and reduce the cost of enterprises information acquisition. Besides it can also serve as a guide to investors which also helps companies with good credit. This thesis conducts an empirical study based on loan data from a Chinese bank of loans granted to SMEs. The study aims to develop a data-driven model that can accurately predict if a given loan has an acceptable risk from the bank’s perspective, or not. Furthermore, we test different methods to deal with the problem of unbalanced class and uncredible sample. Lastly, the importance of variables is analyzed. Remaining Unpaid Principal, Floating Interest Rate, Time Until Maturity Date, Real Interest Rate, Amount of Loan all have significant effects on the final result of the prediction.The main contribution of this study is to build a credit evaluation model of small and micro enterprises, which not only helps commercial banks accurately identify the credit risk of small and micro enterprises, but also helps to overcome creditdifficulties of small and micro enterprises.As pequenas e microempresas constituem uma parte importante do sistema económico chinês. A definição de um modelo de avaliação de crédito para estas empresas pode ajudar os intermediários financeiros a revelarem o risco de crédito das empresas e a reduzirem o custo de aquisição de informação das empresas. Além disso, pode igualmente servir como guia para os investidores, auxiliando também empresas com bom crédito. Na presente tese apresenta-se um estudo empírico baseado em dados de um banco chinês relativos a empréstimos concedidos a pequenas e microempresas. O estudo visa desenvolver um modelo empírico que possa prever com precisão se um determinado empréstimo tem um risco aceitável do ponto de vista do banco, ou não. Além disso, são efetuados testes com diferentes métodos que permitem lidar com os problemas de classes de dados não balanceadas e de amostras que não refletem o problema real a modelar. Finalmente, é analisada a importância relativa das variáveis. O montante da dívida por pagar, a taxa de juro variável, o prazo até a data de vencimento, a taxa de juro real, o montante do empréstimo, todas têm efeitos significativos no resultado final da previsão. O principal contributo deste estudo é, assim, a construção de um modelo de avaliação de crédito que permite apoiar os bancos comerciais a identificarem com precisão o risco de crédito das pequenas e micro empresas e ajudar também estas empresas a superarem as suas dificuldades de crédito

    Is the Financial Report Quality Important in the Default Prediction? SME Portuguese Construction Sector Evidence

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    This work analyses whether financial information quality is relevant to explaining firms’ probability of default. A financial default prediction model for SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) is presented, which includes not only traditional measures but also financial reporting quality (FRQ) measures. FRQ influences the decision-making due to its impact on financial information, which has repercussions on the accounting ratios’ informativeness. A panel data of 1560 Portuguese SMEs in the construction sector, from 2012 to 2018, is analysed. First, firms are classified as default or compliant using an ex-ante criterion which allows us to identify signs of financial constraints in advance. Then, the stepwise method is employed to identify which variables are more relevant to explain the default probability. Results show that FRQ measures, namely accruals quality and timeliness, impact firms’ defaulting, supporting their relevance in predicting financial difficulties. Finally, using a logit approach, the accuracy of the model increased when FRQ variables were included. Results are confirmed using “new age” classifiers, namely the random forest methodology. This work is not only relevant to the extant financial distress literature but has also relevant implications for practice since stakeholders can understand the impact of financial reporting quality to prevent additional risks.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A deep learning approach of financial distress recognition combining text

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    The financial distress of listed companies not only harms the interests of internal managers and employees but also brings considerable risks to external investors and other stakeholders. Therefore, it is crucial to construct an efficient financial distress prediction model. However, most existing studies use financial indicators or text features without contextual information to predict financial distress and fail to extract critical details disclosed in Chinese long texts for research. This research introduces an attention mechanism into the deep learning text classification model to deal with the classification of Chinese long text sequences. We combine the financial data and management discussion and analysis Chinese text data in the annual reports of 1642 listed companies in China from 2017 to 2020 in the model and compare the effects of the data on different models. The empirical results show that the performance of deep learning models in financial distress prediction overcomes traditional machine learning models. The addition of the attention mechanism improved the effectiveness of the deep learning model in financial distress prediction. Among the models constructed in this study, the Bi-LSTM+Attention model achieves the best performance in financial distress prediction

    Tutorial and Critical Analysis of Phishing Websites Methods

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    The Internet has become an essential component of our everyday social and financial activities. Internet is not important for individual users only but also for organizations, because organizations that offer online trading can achieve a competitive edge by serving worldwide clients. Internet facilitates reaching customers all over the globe without any market place restrictions and with effective use of e-commerce. As a result, the number of customers who rely on the Internet to perform procurements is increasing dramatically. Hundreds of millions of dollars are transferred through the Internet every day. This amount of money was tempting the fraudsters to carry out their fraudulent operations. Hence, Internet users may be vulnerable to different types of web threats, which may cause financial damages, identity theft, loss of private information, brand reputation damage and loss of customers’ confidence in e-commerce and online banking. Therefore, suitability of the Internet for commercial transactions becomes doubtful. Phishing is considered a form of web threats that is defined as the art of impersonating a website of an honest enterprise aiming to obtain user’s confidential credentials such as usernames, passwords and social security numbers. In this article, the phishing phenomena will be discussed in detail. In addition, we present a survey of the state of the art research on such attack. Moreover, we aim to recognize the up-to-date developments in phishing and its precautionary measures and provide a comprehensive study and evaluation of these researches to realize the gap that is still predominating in this area. This research will mostly focus on the web based phishing detection methods rather than email based detection methods

    SME default prediction: A systematic methodology-focused review

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    This study reviews the methodologies used in the literature to predict failure in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). We identified 145 SMEs’ default prediction studies from 1972 to early 2023. We summarized the methods used in each study. The focus points are estimation methods, sample re-balancing methods, variable selection techniques, validation methods, and variables included in the literature. More than 1,200 factors used in failure prediction models have been identified, along with 54 unique feature selection techniques and 80 unique estimation methods. Over one-third of the studies do not use any feature selection method, and more than one-quarter use only in-sample validation. Our main recommendation for researchers is to use feature selection and validate results using hold-out samples or cross-validation. As an avenue for further research, we suggest in-depth empirical comparisons of estimation methods, feature selection techniques, and sample re-balancing methods based on some large and commonly used datasets.publishedVersio