192 research outputs found

    Magazyny poradnikowe dla kobiet – kryzys, rozwój czy stagnacja

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    Female press is a broad segment of the press market. Some publications touch many topics, such as monthly Claudia, while others are dedicated to one specific field of everyday life, e.g., My cooking (Moje gotowanie) or I have a baby (Mam dziecko). Regardless of the release profile of the magazine, the press offer is addressed to women and based on the transmission of different types of advice adjusted to the prospective target group. Due to this offer, female readers can cope with all their problems and find answers to all the questions. The commercialization of the media is leading to the deepening of segmentation of female magazines, the goal of which is to reach the widest possible audience and achieve satisfactory results of the copy sales. This article attempts to answer the question what conditions the guidance bi-weekly and the guidance monthly magazines for women issued by companies with foreign capital, such as: Bauer Media Poland, Edipresse Poland, Burda Media Poland. The conclusions are drawn on the basis of data on the average copy sales published by the Association Press Distribution Control for the surveyed magazines.Prasa kobieca to szeroki segment rynku prasowego, który tworzą magazyny ogólnotematyczne, takie jak miesięcznik „Claudia” oraz te poświęcone jednej, konkretnej dziedzinie życia – Moje gotowanie czy Mam dziecko. Niezależnie od profilu czasopisma oferta prasowa adresowana do kobiet bazuje na przekazywaniu różnego typu porad dostosowanych do potencjalnej grupy docelowej. Dzięki nim czytelniczki mają sobie poradzić ze wszystkimi problemami i znaleźć odpowiedź na każde pytanie. Komercjalizacja mediów natomiast prowadzi do pogłębiającej się segmentacji w obrębie magazynów kobiecych, której celem jest dotarcie do jak najszerszego grona odbiorców i osiągnięcie zadawalających wyników ze sprzedaży egzemplarzowej. Celem artykułu jest próba odpowiedzi na pytanie, w jakiej kondycji znajdują się dwutygodniki i miesięczniki poradnikowe dla kobiet, wydawane przez koncerny z zagranicznym kapitałem, takie jak Bauer Media Polska, Edipresse i Burda Polska. Podstawą do wnioskowania są dane ze średniej sprzedaży egzemplarzowej, opublikowane przez Związek Kontroli Dystrybucji Prasy, dotyczące badanych magazynów

    Guidance in Mass Media – Analysis of the Selected Examples

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    Guidance in media is not a new phenomenon. Looking for the answers to more or less complex questions about human existence seems to be as old as human society. A great deal of books are guidance books. Guidance has always been present in the press. Guidance programmes are also found on television. The Internet is dominated by the communication guidance based on one to one or/and one to few principles. However, the popularity of some websites, portals and blogs makes this way of communication similar to the traditional, periodical mass media (one-to-many).Contemporary media, and to be more precise, media offer has become a commodity. In order to be sold, it undergoes the processes of tabloidisation. Due to this, the owners can count on higher profits as the product reaches a larger audience. Guidance in press and on television has become one of the ways to make money.The article is based on the offer addressed to the female mass audience and is an attempt to answer the questions: what are the characteristics of mass guidance, what subject matter dominates in the popular media offer addressed to the mass audience, and what benefits does the sender get from the message

    The variability of the small cardiac vein in the adult human heart

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    Direct analyses were performed on 50 hearts submitted for post mortem examination. The remaining hearts were examined by the corrosion method. The aim of the work was to assess the morphology of the small cardiac vein. The small cardiac vein, which runs along the back surface of the coronary sulcus, would usually drain into the coronary sinus at its right side (86% of cases). Cases of the small cardiac vein draining into the middle cardiac vein were also noticed (12%) or directly into the right atrium (1%). In 1% of the preparations it ran along the right margin in the direction of the apex of the heart. In 30% of the corrosion preparations the small cardiac vein was not accessible with the help of corrosion. In 24% of the dissection preparations it was not possible to reach the small cardiac vein with the help of dissection. A statistically significant relationship was observed between the frequency of the presence or absence of the small cardiac vein and the sex of the donor (p > 0.001). In the group examined the percentage of men who did not have the small cardiac vein was 6 times higher than among the woman. There was no evidence for any statistically significant dependence between the frequency of occurrence or of absence of the small cardiac vein and the technique employed


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    Urban tourism has become very popular in the last years, so the crucial problem in bioclimatology is to elaborate proper methods for evaluation of climatic conditions in the cities, which are popular tourist destinations. This paper presents results of the assessment of biothermal conditions in Madrid, Stockholm and Warsaw. For this purpose biometeorological indices (PST and UTCI) based on human heat budget models as well as tourism climatic index TCI were used. The calendars of bioclimates’ suitability for urban tourism in these cities were designed using WSI index. Applied research tools were appraised and recommendations for future evaluations of climate in terms of urban tourism were given.

    Analysis of the course and the ostium of the oblique vein of the left atrium

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    Considerating the origin of the coronary sinus and the oblique vein of the left atrium, both are remnants of the left horn of the embryonal venous sinus. The studies were carried out on 100 human cadaver hearts. The causes of death were not cardiac reasons, no detectable changes in the coronary arteries. In the study, dissections and corrosion technique were used. Heart veins were filled by metacrylan through the coronary sinus. The beginning, the course, the tributaries and the ostium oblique vein of the left atrium to the coronary sinus were investigated. The variability of the length and the venous tributaries and the ostium of the oblique vein of the left atrium were noticed. The variability of the venous tributaries (the dendritic, forked and simple types of the tributaries) was noticed. Four groups of ostium were observed. The ostium oblique vein of the left atrium was situated at the level of: the posterior vein of the left ventricle and also the great cardiac vein, the posterior vein of the left ventricle, the great cardiac vein and the independence ostium

    Foreign Capital in the Women's Press in Poland in 1989-2019 – Attempted Summary

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    Press companies with foreign capital have been functioning on the Polish media market since 1990. In the nineties, women’s press was dominated by four media giants with German capital: Bauer Media, Burda Poland, G+J Poland, and Axel Springer Poland (‘The Big German Four’), which were later joined by Edipresse Poland and Marquard Media. In the years between 2001 and 2016, mergers and acquisitions took place which led to a concentration of the press market. As a result, in 2019 Bauer Media became the definitive leader, systematically expanding its press range in the group of multi-thematic magazines. Despite taking action, neither Edipresse Polska nor Burda International was able to compete with the media giant.  The aim of this article is to analyze changes in the segment of women's multi-thematic magazines which took place between 1989 and 2019. The research used the method of system analysis, a research approach used in social sciences, which considers the notion of the system and its analysis as crucial for the understanding of social phenomena. It was assumed that the women's press published in Poland is a part of the Polish media system.  It is a closed sub-segment. Considering this multi-thematic magazine group as a whole without dividing it into subsegments, it is obvious that Bauer Media was the ultimate leader – owning 13 titles i.e. 56.5% of the available magazine range. The remaining 10 magazines (43.5%) were owned by Burda International (5), Marquard Media (2), Edipresse Polska (1), Agora S.A (1) and Wydawnictwo Zwierciadło (1). In the years 2018-2019, the media giant Bauer Media extended its magazine range and gained a monopoly in the advice and gossip magazine subsegment

    Evaluation of several methods used in anatomical investigations of the blood and lymphatic vessels

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    The aim of this review is to describe the advantages and limitations of several methods used in anatomical investigations of intravisceral blood and lymphatic networks. The microangiographic methods as well as corrosion methods are described. In conclusion the authors confirmed that the most useful way for exploration of the blood and lymphatic vessels is to prepare corrosion casts. This paper focuses on the scanning electron microscopic examination of vascular corrosion casts. This method allows the examination of the three-dimensional organisation of vessels, including the blood and lymphatic capillaries. Imprints of endothelial cell nuclei can be observed on the surface of the blood and lymphatic vessels

    Woman's magazines in the new media expansion era

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    Prasa kobieca to nadal niezwykle atrakcyjny dla wydawców sektor rynku medialnego. Mimo rozwoju i ekspansji nowych mediów magazyny kobiece przynoszą zyski swoim wydawcom, którzy znaleźli sposób na funkcjonowanie prasy kobiecej na rynku medialnym, nieustannie zmienianym przez nowe media. O rozwoju ilościowym tej prasy świadczą nowe magazyny debiutujące każdego roku na rynku. Wynikiem rozbudowy tego sektora prasowego jest obserwowany od piętnastu lat proces segmentacji. Wydawcy tworzą mniejsze, najczęściej poświęcone konkretnej tematyce, segmenty prasowe. W ich obrębie dochodzi do rywalizacji o czytelniczkę i o wpływy z reklam. Artykuł stanowi próbę krytycznego spojrzenia na sektor prasy kobiecej. Badaniami objęto tytuły funkcjonujące na polskim rynku prasowym w latach 1990-2015. Wydaje się, że taka perspektywa czasowa pozwoli zbadać zaangażowanie wydawców w ten sektor prasowy, kondycję najważniejszych tytułów, uchwycić procesy segmentacji oraz sytuację prasy kobiecej w kontekście ekspansji nowych mediów.Women's magazines are still very attractive for the media market sector publishers. Despite the development and the expansion of the new media, women's magazines bring profit to their publishers, who have found a way of their in the media market which has been continuously changing by the new media. The development in the number of women's magazines is manifested by the new magazines debuting in the newspaper market every year. The result of the extension of this newspaper sector is the process of subsegmentation which has been observed for 15 years now. The publishers create smaller, usually topic-specific segments of the press. In these smaller subsegments the competition for the reader and advertising revenue is present. This article attempts to look critically at the women press segment. The study include the titles which operated on the Polish press market in the years 1990-2015. It seems that this time perspective will enable the examination of: the involvement of the publishers in this segment of the press, the condition of the most important titles, the subsegmentation processes and the situation of women press in the context of the expansion of the new media

    ‘Twój Styl’ as an example of a magazine for women – preliminary research

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    „Twój Styl” to luksusowy magazyn kobiecy ukazujący się na polskim rynku prasowym nieprzerwanie od 1990 r. Jego twórczynią i pierwszą redaktorką naczelną była Krystyna Kaszuba, która wzorując się na zagranicznych czasopismach, tj. „Marie Claire” i „Elle”, stworzyła unikatowy polski magazyn luksusowy. W latach 1990‒2021 „Twój Styl” wypracował pozycję lidera w swojej grupie typologicznej, stając się wzorem dla innych czasopism. Celem podjętych badań jest: przedstawienie stanu badań nad najważniejszym magazynem luksusowym na polskim rynku medialnym; uwypuklenie najważniejszych wydarzeń w ponad trzydziestoletniej historii periodyku; określenie miejsca „Twojego Stylu” w grupie magazynów luksusowych istniejących na polskim rynku prasowym oraz nakreślenie kolejnych obszarów badań nad tym czasopismem.‘Twój Styl’ is a luxury women’s magazine that has been published in the Polish press market continuously since 1990. Krystyna Kaszuba was its founder and the first chief editor. Taking inspiration from foreign magazines such as ‘Marie Claire’ and ‘Elle’ she created the unique Polish luxury magazine. In the years 1990–2021 ‘Twój Styl’ developed the position of a leader in its typological group, becoming a model for other magazines. The aim of the research is: to present the state of the research on the most important luxury magazine on Polish media market; to highlight the most important events in over 30-year history of this periodical; to define the place of ‘Twój Styl’ in the group of luxury magazines existing on Polish press market and to outline further areas of research on this magazine.Publikacja przygotowana/dofinansowana ze środków budżetu państwa w ramach programu „Społeczna odpowiedzialność nauki” Ministra Edukacji i Nauki. Jest wynikiem udziału w projekcie „Ośrodek Badań Historii Kobiet – kontynuacja”[email protected] Dąbrowska-Cendrowska ‒ doktor habilitowany w dziedzinie nauk społecznych w dyscyplinie nauki o komunikacji społecznej i mediach, medioznawca. Zainteresowania naukowe: współczesny polski system medialny, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem mediów adresowanych do kobiet, konwergencja treści, poradnictwo medialne, mediatyzacja poradnictwa. Ważniejsze publikacje: Zmieniająca się rzeczywistość polskiej prasy kobiecej (1989‒2019), (Kielce: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego, 2020); Jak żyć? Poradnikowe funkcje periodycznych mediów adresowanych do kobiet w Polsce w XXI w., (Warszawa: Oficyna Wydawnicza ASPRA-JR, 2018); Poranny towarzysz i doradca. Polska telewizja śniadaniowa na przykładzie programów „Dzień Dobry TVN” i „Pytanie na śniadanie”, (Warszawa: ELIPSA, 2014); Niemieckie koncerny prasowe w Polsce w latach 1989‒2008. Działalność wydawnicza – upowszechnianie treści – sposoby oddziaływania na czytelników, (Warszawa: ELIPSA, 2009); The most important women’s magazines and their publishers on the Polish press market in the year 1989‒2019, „Media Biznes Kultura”, nr 1, 2019; Guidance in Mass Media – Analysis of the Selected Examples, „Respectus Philologicus”, nr 33, 2018.Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w KielcachAdamik-Szysiak, Małgorzata. „Grupa Bauer Media w Polsce. Działalność i kierunek rozwoju”, w: Lidia Pokrzycka (red.), Inwestycje koncernów na polskim rynku medialnym. Wybrane zagadnienia, (Lublin: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, 2012).Błaszczak, Anna. „Kolejny rok mobilizacji”, Rzeczpospolita, nr 71, 2003, B3.Ćwik, Urszula. „Zagadnienie praw kobiet na łamach «Kobiety i Życia» (1970–1989)”, Czasopismo Naukowe Instytutu Studiów Kobiecych, nr 1(1), 2016, 66‒83.Dąbrowska-Cendrowska, Olga. „Czy prasa kobieca potrzebuje gatunków dziennikarskich”, Media i Społeczeństwo, nr 6, 2016, 183–197.Dąbrowska-Cendrowska, Olga. „Krystyna Kofta jako reprezentantka felietonistów «Twojego Stylu» w latach 1990–2009”, w: Kazimierz Wolny-Zmorzyński, Wojciech Furman, Jerzy Snopek (red.), Mistrzowie literatury czy dziennikarstwa?, (Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Adama Marszałka, 2011).Dąbrowska-Cendrowska, Olga. Niemieckie koncerny prasowe w Polsce w latach 1989–2008. 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