1,773 research outputs found

    Using Negative Binomial Regression Analysis to Predict Software Faults: A Study of Apache Ant

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    Negative binomial regression has been proposed as an approach to predicting fault-prone software modules. However, little work has been reported to study the strength, weakness, and applicability of this method. In this paper, we present a deep study to investigate the effectiveness of using negative binomial regression to predict fault-prone software modules under two different conditions, self-assessment and forward assessment. The performance of negative binomial regression model is also compared with another popular fault prediction model—binary logistic regression method. The study is performed on six versions of an open-source objected-oriented project, Apache Ant. The study shows (1) the performance of forward assessment is better than or at least as same as the performance of self-assessment; (2) in predicting fault-prone modules, negative binomial regression model could not outperform binary logistic regression model; and (3) negative binomial regression is effective in predicting multiple errors in one modul

    Do System Test Cases Grow Old?

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    Companies increasingly use either manual or automated system testing to ensure the quality of their software products. As a system evolves and is extended with new features the test suite also typically grows as new test cases are added. To ensure software quality throughout this process the test suite is continously executed, often on a daily basis. It seems likely that newly added tests would be more likely to fail than older tests but this has not been investigated in any detail on large-scale, industrial software systems. Also it is not clear which methods should be used to conduct such an analysis. This paper proposes three main concepts that can be used to investigate aging effects in the use and failure behavior of system test cases: test case activation curves, test case hazard curves, and test case half-life. To evaluate these concepts and the type of analysis they enable we apply them on an industrial software system containing more than one million lines of code. The data sets comes from a total of 1,620 system test cases executed a total of more than half a million times over a time period of two and a half years. For the investigated system we find that system test cases stay active as they age but really do grow old; they go through an infant mortality phase with higher failure rates which then decline over time. The test case half-life is between 5 to 12 months for the two studied data sets.Comment: Updated with nicer figs without border around the

    Exploring Knowledge Engineering Strategies in Designing and Modelling a Road Traffic Accident Management Domain

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    Formulating knowledge for use in AI Planning engines is currently something of an ad-hoc process, where the skills of knowledge engineers and the tools they use may significantly influence the quality of the resulting planning application. There is little in the way of guidelines or standard procedures, however, for knowledge engineers to use when formulating knowledge into planning domain languages such as PDDL. This paper seeks to investigate this process using as a case study a road traffic accident management domain. Managing road accidents requires systematic, sound planning and coordination of resources to improve outcomes for accident victims. We have derived a set of requirements in consultation with stakeholders for the resource coordination part of managing accidents. We evaluate two separate knowledge engineering strategies for encoding the resulting planning domain from the set of requirements: (a) the traditional method of PDDL experts and text editor, and (b) a leading planning GUI with built in UML modelling tools. These strategies are evaluated using process and product metrics, where the domain model (the product) was tested extensively with a range of planning engines. The results give insights into the strengths and weaknesses of the approaches, highlight lessons learned regarding knowledge encoding, and point to important lines of research for knowledge engineering for planning

    Software aging prediction – a new approach

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    To meet the users’ requirements which are very diverse in recent days, computing infrastructure has become complex. An example of one such infrastructure is a cloud-based system. These systems suffer from resource exhaustion in the long run which leads to performance degradation. This phenomenon is called software aging. There is a need to predict software aging to carry out pre-emptive rejuvenation that enhances service availability. Software rejuvenation is the technique that refreshes the system and brings it back to a healthy state. Hence, software aging should be predicted in advance to trigger the rejuvenation process to improve service availability. In this work, the k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) algorithm-based new approach has been used to identify the virtual machine's status, and a prediction of resource exhaustion time has been made. The proposed prediction model uses static thresholding and adaptive thresholding methods. The performance of the algorithms is compared, and it is found that for classification, the k-NN performs comparatively better, i.e., k-NN showed an accuracy of 97.6. In contrast, its counterparts performed with an accuracy of 96.0 (naïve Bayes) and 92.8 (decision tree). The comparison of the proposed work with previous similar works has also been discussed

    Assessment of the State-of-the-Art of System-Wide Safety and Assurance Technologies

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    Since its initiation, the System-wide Safety Assurance Technologies (SSAT) Project has been focused on developing multidisciplinary tools and techniques that are verified and validated to ensure prevention of loss of property and life in NextGen and enable proactive risk management through predictive methods. To this end, four technical challenges have been listed to help realize the goals of SSAT, namely (i) assurance of flight critical systems, (ii) discovery of precursors to safety incidents, (iii) assuring safe human-systems integration, and (iv) prognostic algorithm design for safety assurance. The objective of this report is to provide an extensive survey of SSAT-related research accomplishments by researchers within and outside NASA to get an understanding of what the state-of-the-art is for technologies enabling each of the four technical challenges. We hope that this report will serve as a good resource for anyone interested in gaining an understanding of the SSAT technical challenges, and also be useful in the future for project planning and resource allocation for related research

    Development of Agent-Based Simulation Models for Software Evolution

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    Software ist ein Bestandteil des alltäglichen Lebens für uns geworden. Dies ist auch mit zunehmenden Anforderungen an die Anpassungsfähigkeit an sich schnell ändernde Umgebungen verbunden. Dieser evolutionäre Prozess der Software wird von einem dem Software Engineering zugehörigen Forschungsbereich, der Softwareevolution, untersucht. Die Änderungen an einer Software über die Zeit werden durch die Arbeit der Entwickler verursacht. Aus diesem Grund stellt das Entwicklerverhalten einen zentralen Bestandteil dar, wenn man die Evolution eines Softwareprojekts analysieren möchte. Für die Analyse realer Projekte steht eine Vielzahl von Open Source Projekten frei zur Verfügung. Für die Simulation von Softwareprojekten benutzen wir Multiagentensysteme, da wir damit das Verhalten der Entwickler detailliert beschrieben können. In dieser Dissertation entwickeln wir mehrere, aufeinander aufbauende, agentenbasierte Modelle, die unterschiedliche Aspekte der Software Evolution abdecken. Wir beginnen mit einem einfachen Modell ohne Abhängigkeiten zwischen den Agenten, mit dem man allein durch das Entwicklerverhalten das Wachstum eines realen Projekts simulativ reproduzieren kann. Darauffolgende Modelle wurden um weitere Agenten, zum Beispiel unterschiedliche Entwickler-Typen und Fehler, sowie Abhängigkeiten zwischen den Agenten ergänzt. Mit diesen erweiterten Modellen lassen sich unterschiedliche Fragestellungen betreffend Software Evolution simulativ beantworten. Eine dieser Fragen beantwortet zum Beispiel was mit der Software bezüglich ihrer Qualität passiert, wenn der Hauptentwickler das Projekt plötzlich verlässt. Das komplexeste Modell ist in der Lage Software Refactorings zu simulieren und nutzt dazu Graph Transformationen. Die Simulation erzeugt als Ausgabe einen Graphen, der die Software repräsentiert. Als Repräsentant der Software dient der Change-Coupling-Graph, der für die Simulation von Refactorings erweitert wird. Dieser Graph wird in dieser Arbeit als \emph{Softwaregraph} bezeichnet. Um die verschiedenen Modelle zu parametrisieren haben wir unterschiedliche Mining-Werkzeuge entwickelt. Diese Werkzeuge ermöglichen es uns ein Modell mit projektspezifischen Parametern zu instanziieren, ein Modell mit einem Snapshot des analysierten Projektes zu instanziieren oder Transformationsregeln zu parametrisieren, die für die Modellierung von Refactorings benötigt werden. Die Ergebnisse aus drei Fallstudien zeigen unter anderem, dass unser Ansatz agentenbasierte Simulation für die Vorhersage der Evolution von Software Projekten eine geeignete Wahl ist. Des Weiteren konnten wir zeigen, dass mit einer geeigneten Parameterwahl unterschiedliche Wachstumstrends der realen Software simulativ reproduzierbar sind. Die besten Ergebnisse für den simulierten Softwaregraphen erhalten wir, wenn wir die Simulation nach einer initialen Phase mit einem Snapshot der realen Software starten. Die Refactorings betreffend konnten wir zeigen, dass das Modell basierend auf Graph Transformationen anwendbar ist und dass das simulierte Wachstum sich damit leicht verbessern lässt.Software has become a part of everyday life for us. This is also associated with increasing requirements for adaptability to rapidly changing environments. This evolutionary process of software is being studied by a software engineering related research area, called software evolution. The changes to a software over time are caused by the work of the developers. For this reason, the developer contribution behavior is central for analyzing the evolution of a software project. For the analysis of real projects, a variety of open source projects is freely available. For the simulation of software projects, we use multiagent systems because this allows us to describe the behavior of the developers in detail. In this thesis, we develop several successive agent-based models that cover different aspects of software evolution. We start with a simple model with no dependencies between the agents that can simulative reproduce the growth of a real project solely based on the developer’s contribution behavior. Subsequent models were supplemented by additional agents, such as different developer types and bugs, as well as dependencies between the agents. These advanced models can then be used to answer different questions concerning software evolution simulative. For example, one of these questions answers what happens to the software in terms of quality when the core developer suddenly leaves the project. The most complex model can simulate software refactorings based on graph transformations. The simulation output is a graph which represents the software. The representative of the software is the change coupling graph, which is extended for the simulation of refactorings. In this thesis, this graph is denoted as \emph{software graph}. To parameterize these models, we have developed different mining tools. These tools allow us to instantiate a model with project-specific parameters, to instantiate a model with a snapshot of the analyzed project, or to parameterize the transformation rules required to model refactorings. The results of three case studies show, among other things, that our approach to use agent-based simulation is an appropriate choice for predicting the evolution of software projects. Furthermore, we were able to show that different growth trends of the real software can be reproduced simulative with a suitable selection of simulation parameters. The best results for the simulated software graph are obtained when we start the simulation after an initial phase with a snapshot of real software. Regarding refactorings, we were able to show that the model based on graph transformations is applicable and that it can slightly improve the simulated growth

    On Oracles for Automated Diagnosis and Repair of Software Bugs

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    This HDR focuses on my work on automatic diagnosis and repair done over the past years. Among my past publications, it highlights three contributions on this topic, respectively published in ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM), IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE) and Elsevier Information & Software Technology (IST). My goal is to show that those three contributions share something deep, that they are founded on a unifying concept, which is the one of oracle. The first contribution is about statistical oracles. In the context of object-oriented software, we have defined a notion of context and normality that is specific to a fault class: missing method calls. Those inferred regularities act as oracle and their violations are considered as bugs. The second contribution is about test case based oracles for automatic repair. We describe an automatic repair system that fixes failing test cases by generating a patch. It is founded on the idea of refining the knowledge given by the violation of the oracle of the failing test case into finer-grain information, which we call a “micro-oracle”. By considering micro-oracles, we are capable of obtaining at the same time a precise fault localization diagnostic and a well-formed input-output specification to be used for program synthesis in order to repair a bug. The third contribution discusses a novel generic oracle in the context of exception handling. A generic oracle states properties that hold for many domains. Our technique verifies the compliance to this new oracle using test suite execution and exception injection. This document concludes with a research agenda about the future of engineering ultra-dependable and antifragile software systems


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    Modern computer software systems are complicated. Developers can change the behavior of the software system through software configurations. The large number of configuration option and their interactions make the task of software tuning, testing, and debugging very challenging. Performance is one of the key aspects of non-functional qualities, where performance bugs can cause significant performance degradation and lead to poor user experience. However, performance bugs are difficult to expose, primarily because detecting them requires specific inputs, as well as specific configurations. While researchers have developed techniques to analyze, quantify, detect, and fix performance bugs, many of these techniques are not effective in highly-configurable systems. To improve the non-functional qualities of configurable software systems, testing engineers need to be able to understand the performance influence of configuration options, adjust the performance of a system under different configurations, and detect configuration-related performance bugs. This research will provide an automated framework that allows engineers to effectively analyze performance-influence configuration options, detect performance bugs in highly-configurable software systems, and adjust configuration options to achieve higher long-term performance gains. To understand real-world performance bugs in highly-configurable software systems, we first perform a performance bug characteristics study from three large-scale opensource projects. Many researchers have studied the characteristics of performance bugs from the bug report but few have reported what the experience is when trying to replicate confirmed performance bugs from the perspective of non-domain experts such as researchers. This study is meant to report the challenges and potential workaround to replicate confirmed performance bugs. We also want to share a performance benchmark to provide real-world performance bugs to evaluate future performance testing techniques. Inspired by our performance bug study, we propose a performance profiling approach that can help developers to understand how configuration options and their interactions can influence the performance of a system. The approach uses a combination of dynamic analysis and machine learning techniques, together with configuration sampling techniques, to profile the program execution, analyze configuration options relevant to performance. Next, the framework leverages natural language processing and information retrieval techniques to automatically generate test inputs and configurations to expose performance bugs. Finally, the framework combines reinforcement learning and dynamic state reduction techniques to guide subject application towards achieving higher long-term performance gains
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