56 research outputs found

    Recent Advances in Indoor Localization Systems and Technologies

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    Despite the enormous technical progress seen in the past few years, the maturity of indoor localization technologies has not yet reached the level of GNSS solutions. The 23 selected papers in this book present the recent advances and new developments in indoor localization systems and technologies, propose novel or improved methods with increased performance, provide insight into various aspects of quality control, and also introduce some unorthodox positioning methods

    Closely-coupled integration of Locata and GPS for engineering applications

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    GPS has become an almost indispensable part of our infrastructure and modern life. Yet because its accuracy, reliability, and integrity depend on the number and geometric distribution of the visible satellites, it is not reliable enough for the safety of life, environmental or economically critical applications. Traditionally, this has been addressed by augmentation from dedicated support systems, or integration with other sensors. However, from an engineering perspective only expensive inertial systems or pseudolites offer the accuracy required. In the case of pseudolites, the equivalent of ground based satellites, geometry constraints, fading multipath, imprecise clocks, the near-far effect, tropospheric delay and legislative obstructions make them difficult to implement. This thesis takes a step forward, by proposing a loosely coupled integration with Locata, a novel, terrestrial positioning technology, based on the pseudolite concept. It avoids the above pitfalls by utilising frequency and spatially separated antennas and a license-free frequency band, though this comes at the cost of in-bound interference. Its ability to provide stand-alone position and network synchronisation at nanosecond level is used commercially in open-cast mining and in military aviation. Discussion of Locata and GPS technology has identified their shortcomings and main limiting factors as well as the advantages of the proposed integration. During the course of this research, tropospheric delay, planar solution and known point initialisation ambiguity resolution methods have been identified as the main limiting factors for Locata. These are analysed in various static and kinematic scenarios. Discussion also includes ambiguity resolution, noise and interference detection and system performance in indoor and outdoor scenarios. The proposed navigation engine uses a closely coupled integration at the measurement level and LAMBDA as the ambiguity resolution method for Locata and GPS. A combined solution is demonstrated to offer a geometrical improvement, especially in the respect of height determination, with centimetre to decimetre accuracy and a minimum requirement of two signals from any component. This study identifies that proper separation and de-correlation of Locata and GPS ambiguities and better tropospheric models are essential to reach centimetre level accuracy. The thesis concludes with examples of system implementation including: seamless navigation, city-wide network deployment, urban canyons, a long term-monitoring scenario and indoor positioning. This demonstrates how the proposed navigation engine can be an advantage in areas such as: civil engineering, GIS, mobile mapping, deformation, machine navigation and control

    Closely-coupled integration of Locata and GPS for engineering applications

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    GPS has become an almost indispensable part of our infrastructure and modern life. Yet because its accuracy, reliability, and integrity depend on the number and geometric distribution of the visible satellites, it is not reliable enough for the safety of life, environmental or economically critical applications. Traditionally, this has been addressed by augmentation from dedicated support systems, or integration with other sensors. However, from an engineering perspective only expensive inertial systems or pseudolites offer the accuracy required. In the case of pseudolites, the equivalent of ground based satellites, geometry constraints, fading multipath, imprecise clocks, the near-far effect, tropospheric delay and legislative obstructions make them difficult to implement. This thesis takes a step forward, by proposing a loosely coupled integration with Locata, a novel, terrestrial positioning technology, based on the pseudolite concept. It avoids the above pitfalls by utilising frequency and spatially separated antennas and a license-free frequency band, though this comes at the cost of in-bound interference. Its ability to provide stand-alone position and network synchronisation at nanosecond level is used commercially in open-cast mining and in military aviation. Discussion of Locata and GPS technology has identified their shortcomings and main limiting factors as well as the advantages of the proposed integration. During the course of this research, tropospheric delay, planar solution and known point initialisation ambiguity resolution methods have been identified as the main limiting factors for Locata. These are analysed in various static and kinematic scenarios. Discussion also includes ambiguity resolution, noise and interference detection and system performance in indoor and outdoor scenarios. The proposed navigation engine uses a closely coupled integration at the measurement level and LAMBDA as the ambiguity resolution method for Locata and GPS. A combined solution is demonstrated to offer a geometrical improvement, especially in the respect of height determination, with centimetre to decimetre accuracy and a minimum requirement of two signals from any component. This study identifies that proper separation and de-correlation of Locata and GPS ambiguities and better tropospheric models are essential to reach centimetre level accuracy. The thesis concludes with examples of system implementation including: seamless navigation, city-wide network deployment, urban canyons, a long term-monitoring scenario and indoor positioning. This demonstrates how the proposed navigation engine can be an advantage in areas such as: civil engineering, GIS, mobile mapping, deformation, machine navigation and control

    Methods for Aiding Height Determination in Pseudolite-Based Reference Systems Using Batch Least-Squares Estimation

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    There are many situations in which GPS is either unable to provide the desired level of accuracy or is unavailable. Use of a pseudolite-based reference system for navigation can be a means for positioning during these times. While there are advantages in using a pseudolite-based reference system, there are still implementation issues and deficiencies that must be addressed. In many cases, a pseudolite system with ground-based transmitters has difficulty determining the height of the receiver accurately. This is due to the poor vertical observability inherent in the geometry of the system. A common approach in naval applications for solving the problem of poor vertical observability is to use a height constraint, which is well known when travelling on a surface of water. For a ground-based vehicle, knowledge of the surface topography can be obtained, but it cannot be readily used in the same manner as in marine cases, since the height is often a varying function of position. This research investigates and develops five methods of incorporating the known surface topography in a non-linear batch least squares estimation algorithm using carrier-phase measurements from pseudolites. The floating point carrier-phase ambiguities are estimated in this process. Real and simulated data sets are used to evaluate the performance of the five algorithms. In simulation, all methods performed equally well on a flat surface. When simulating a hill, constraining the solution to lie in a plane tangent to the surface topography appeared to aid the solution with the best knowledge of the terrain. Use of a pseudo-measurement, a commonly used approach, did not provide the best results, and indicates the inadequacy of using this method for pseudolite-based systems. Results using data from a real system on a ground-based vehicle demonstrated sub-decimeter level positioning accuracy in all three dimensions

    Instantaneous GPS/Galileo/QZSS/SBAS Attitude Determination: A Single-Frequency (L1/E1)Robustness Analysis under Constrained Environments

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    The augmentation of new global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) to existing GPS enhances the availability of satellite based positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) solutions. Among existing systems, the European Galileo system, the Japanese quasi-zenith satellite system (QZSS), and satellite based augmented systems (SBAS) share at least one frequency (L1/E1) with GPS. In this contribution we analyse the robustness of single-frequency instantaneous carrier-phase attitude determination using data from some or all of the four systems GPS/Galileo/QZSS/SBAS. The performance of the constrained (C)-LAMBDA method is studied under various satellite deprived environments and compared to that of the standard LAMBDA method, using L1/E1 data that was observed for ten days at Curtin University, Perth, Australia. The results demonstrate the enhanced robustness that combinations of the four systems bring to single-epoch single-frequency attitude determination

    Ambiguity resolution of single frequency GPS measurements

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    This thesis considers the design of an autonomous ride-on lawnmower, with particular attention paid to the problem of single frequency Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) ambiguity resolution. An overall design is proposed for the modification of an existing ride-on lawnmower for autonomous operation. Ways of sensing obstacles and the vehicle's position are compared. The system's computer-to-vehicle interface, software architecture, path planning and control algorithms are all described. An overview of satellite navigation systems is presented, and it is shown that existing high precision single frequency GNSS receivers often require time-consuming initialisation periods to perform ambiguity resolution. The impact of prior knowledge of the topography is analysed. A new algorithm is proposed, to deal with the situation where different areas of the map have been mapped at different levels of precision. Stationary and kinematic tests with real-world data demonstrate that when the map is sufficiently precise, substantial improvements in initialisation time are possible. Another algorithm is proposed, using a noise-detecting acceptance test taking data from multiple receivers on the same vehicle (a GNSS com- pass configuration). This allows a more demanding threshold to be used when noise levels are high, and a less demanding threshold to be used at other times. Tests of this algorithm reveal only slight performance improvements. A final algorithm is proposed, using Monte Carlo simulation to account for time-correlated noise during ambiguity resolution. The method allows a fixed failure rate configuration with variable time, meaning no ambiguities are left floating. Substantial improvements in initialisation time are demonstrated. The overall performance of the integrated system is summarised, conclusions are drawn, further work is proposed, and limitations of the techniques and tests performed are identified

    A new approach for optimising GNSS positioning performance in harsh observation environments

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    Maintaining good positioning performance has always been a challenging task for Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) applications in partially obstructed environments. A method that can optimise positioning performance in harsh environments is proposed. Using a carrier double-difference (DD) model, the influence of the satellite-pair geometry on the correlation among different equations has been researched. This addresses the critical relationship between DD equations and its ill-posedness. From analysing the collected multi-constellation observations, a strong correlation between the condition number and the positioning standard deviation is detected as the correlation coefficient is larger than 0·92. Based on this finding, a new method for determining the reference satellites by using the minimum condition number rather than the maximum elevation is proposed. This reduces the ill-posedness of the co-factor matrix, which improves the single-epoch positioning solution with a fixed DD ambiguity. Finally, evaluation trials are carried out by masking some satellites to simulate common satellite obstruction scenarios including azimuth shielding, elevation shielding and strip shielding. Results indicate the proposed approach improves the positioning stability with multi-constellation satellites notably in harsh environments

    Estimation and Mitigation of Unmodeled Errors for a Pseudolite Based Reference System

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    Current flight reference systems rely heavily on the Global Positioning System (GPS), causing susceptibility to GPS jamming. Additionally, an increasing number of tests involve jamming the GPS signal. A need exists to develop a system capable of GPS-level accuracy during these outages. One promising solution is a ground-based pseudolite system capable of delivering sub-centimeter level accuracy, yet operating at non-GPS frequencies. This thesis attempts to determine the unknown errors in the Locata system, one such pseudolite-based system, to achieve the accuracy required. The development of a measurement simulation tool along with a Kalman filter algorithm provides confirmation of filter performance as well as the ability to process real data measurements and evaluate simulated versus real data comparatively. The simulation tool creates various types of measurements with induced noise, tropospheric delays, pseudolite position errors, and tropospheric scale-factor errors. In turn, the Kalman filter resolves these errors, along with position, velocity, and acceleration for both simulated and real data measurements, enabling error analysis to pinpoint both expected and unexpected error sources

    Development and Simulation of a Pseudolite-Based Flight Reference System

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    Current flight reference systems are vulnerable to GPS jamming and also lack the accuracy required to test new systems. Pseudolites can augment flight reference systems by improving accuracy, especially in the presence of GPS jamming. This thesis evaluates a pseudolite-based flight reference system which applies and adapts carrier-phase differential GPS techniques. The algorithm developed in this thesis utilizes an extended Kalman filter along with carrier-phase ambiguity resolution techniques. A simulation of the pseudolite-based positioning system realistically models measurement noise, multipath, pseudolite position errors, and tropospheric delay. A comparative evaluation of the algorithms performance for single and widelane frequency measurements is conducted in addition to a sensitivity analysis for each measurement error source, in order to determine design tradeoffs. Other analyses included the use of optimal smoothing, non-linear filtering techniques, and code averaging. Specific emphasis is given to two alternate methods, both developed in this research, for handling the residual tropospheric error after applying a standard tropospheric model. Results indicate that the algorithm is capable of accurately resolving the pseudolite carrier-phase ambiguities, and providing a highly accurate (centimeter-level) navigation solution. The filter enhancements, particularly the optimal smoother and tropospheric error reduction methods, improved filter performance significantly

    Positioning algorithms for RFID-based multi-sensor indoor/outdoor positioning techniques

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    Position information has been very important. People need this information almost everywhere all the time. However, it is a challenging task to provide precise positions indoor/outdoor seamlessly. Outdoor positioning has been widely studied and accurate positions can usually be achieved by well developed GPS techniques. However, these techniques are difficult to be used indoor since GPS signals are too weak to be received. The alternative techniques, such as inertial sensors and radio-based pseudolites, can be used for indoor positioning but have limitations. For example, the inertial sensors suffer from drifting problems caused by the accumulating errors of measured acceleration and velocity and the radio-based techniques are prone to the obstructions and multipath effects of the transmitted signals. It is therefore necessary to develop improved methods for minimising the limitations of the current indoor positioning techniques and providing an adequately precise solution of the indoor positioning and seamless indoor/outdoor positioning. The main objectives of this research are to investigate and develop algorithms for the low-cost and portable indoor personal positioning system using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) based multi-sensor techniques, such as integrating with Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) Inertial Navigation System (INS) and/or GPS. A RFID probabilistic Cell of Origin (CoO) algorithm is developed, which is superior to the conventional CoO positioning algorithm in its positioning accuracy and continuity. Integration algorithms are also developed for RFID-based multi-sensor positioning techniques, which can provide metre-level positioning accuracy for dynamic personal positioning indoors. In addition, indoor/outdoor seamless positioning algorithms are investigated based on the iterated Reduced Sigma Point Kalman Filter (RSPKF) for RFID/MEMS INS/low-cost GPS integrated technique, which can provide metre-level positioning accuracy for personal positioning. 3-D GIS assisted personal positioning algorithms are also developed, including the map matching algorithm based on the probabilistic maps for personal positioning and the Site Specific (SISP) propagation model for efficiently generating the RFID signal strength distributions in location fingerprinting algorithms. Both static and dynamic indoor positioning experiments have been conducted using the RFID and RFID/MEMS INS integrated techniques. Metre-level positioning accuracy is achieved (e.g. 3.5m in rooms and 1.5m in stairways for static position, 4m for dynamic positioning and 1.7m using the GIS assisted positioning algorithms). Various indoor/outdoor experiments have been conducted using the RFID/MEMS INS/low-cost GPS integrated technique. It indicates that the techniques selected in this study, integrated with the low-cost GPS, can be used to provide continuous indoor/outdoor positions in approximately 4m accuracy with the iterated RSPKF. The results from the above experiments have demonstrated the improvements of integrating multiple sensors with RFID and utilizing the 3-D GIS data for personal positioning. The algorithms developed can be used in a portable RFID based multi-sensor positioning system to achieve metre-level accuracy in the indoor/outdoor environments. The proposed system has potential applications, such as tracking miners underground, monitoring athletes, locating first responders, guiding the disabled and providing other general location based services (LBS)
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