53 research outputs found

    Skybridge: 3-D Integrated Circuit Technology Alternative to CMOS

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    Continuous scaling of CMOS has been the major catalyst in miniaturization of integrated circuits (ICs) and crucial for global socio-economic progress. However, scaling to sub-20nm technologies is proving to be challenging as MOSFETs are reaching their fundamental limits and interconnection bottleneck is dominating IC operational power and performance. Migrating to 3-D, as a way to advance scaling, has eluded us due to inherent customization and manufacturing requirements in CMOS that are incompatible with 3-D organization. Partial attempts with die-die and layer-layer stacking have their own limitations. We propose a 3-D IC fabric technology, Skybridge[TM], which offers paradigm shift in technology scaling as well as design. We co-architect Skybridge's core aspects, from device to circuit style, connectivity, thermal management, and manufacturing pathway in a 3-D fabric-centric manner, building on a uniform 3-D template. Our extensive bottom-up simulations, accounting for detailed material system structures, manufacturing process, device, and circuit parasitics, carried through for several designs including a designed microprocessor, reveal a 30-60x density, 3.5x performance per watt benefits, and 10X reduction in interconnect lengths vs. scaled 16-nm CMOS. Fabric-level heat extraction features are shown to successfully manage IC thermal profiles in 3-D. Skybridge can provide continuous scaling of integrated circuits beyond CMOS in the 21st century.Comment: 53 Page

    Design of Variation-Tolerant Circuits for Nanometer CMOS Technology: Circuits and Architecture Co-Design

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    Aggressive scaling of CMOS technology in sub-90nm nodes has created huge challenges. Variations due to fundamental physical limits, such as random dopants fluctuation (RDF) and line edge roughness (LER) are increasing significantly with technology scaling. In addition, manufacturing tolerances in process technology are not scaling at the same pace as transistor's channel length due to process control limitations (e.g., sub-wavelength lithography). Therefore, within-die process variations worsen with successive technology generations. These variations have a strong impact on the maximum clock frequency and leakage power for any digital circuit, and can also result in functional yield losses in variation-sensitive digital circuits (such as SRAM). Moreover, in nanometer technologies, digital circuits show an increased sensitivity to process variations due to low-voltage operation requirements, which are aggravated by the strong demand for lower power consumption and cost while achieving higher performance and density. It is therefore not surprising that the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) lists variability as one of the most challenging obstacles for IC design in nanometer regime. To facilitate variation-tolerant design, we study the impact of random variations on the delay variability of a logic gate and derive simple and scalable statistical models to evaluate delay variations in the presence of within-die variations. This work provides new design insight and highlights the importance of accounting for the effect of input slew on delay variations, especially at lower supply voltages. The derived models are simple, scalable, bias dependent and only require the knowledge of easily measurable parameters. This makes them useful in early design exploration, circuit/architecture optimization as well as technology prediction (especially in low-power and low-voltage operation). The derived models are verified using Monte Carlo SPICE simulations using industrial 90nm technology. Random variations in nanometer technologies are considered one of the largest design considerations. This is especially true for SRAM, due to the large variations in bitcell characteristics. Typically, SRAM bitcells have the smallest device sizes on a chip. Therefore, they show the largest sensitivity to different sources of variations. With the drastic increase in memory densities, lower supply voltages and higher variations, statistical simulation methodologies become imperative to estimate memory yield and optimize performance and power. In this research, we present a methodology for statistical simulation of SRAM read access yield, which is tightly related to SRAM performance and power consumption. The proposed flow accounts for the impact of bitcell read current variation, sense amplifier offset distribution, timing window variation and leakage variation on functional yield. The methodology overcomes the pessimism existing in conventional worst-case design techniques that are used in SRAM design. The proposed statistical yield estimation methodology allows early yield prediction in the design cycle, which can be used to trade off performance and power requirements for SRAM. The methodology is verified using measured silicon yield data from a 1Mb memory fabricated in an industrial 45nm technology. Embedded SRAM dominates modern SoCs and there is a strong demand for SRAM with lower power consumption while achieving high performance and high density. However, in the presence of large process variations, SRAMs are expected to consume larger power to ensure correct read operation and meet yield targets. We propose a new architecture that significantly reduces array switching power for SRAM. The proposed architecture combines built-in self-test (BIST) and digitally controlled delay elements to reduce the wordline pulse width for memories while ensuring correct read operation; hence, reducing switching power. A new statistical simulation flow was developed to evaluate the power savings for the proposed architecture. Monte Carlo simulations using a 1Mb SRAM macro from an industrial 45nm technology was used to examine the power reduction achieved by the system. The proposed architecture can reduce the array switching power significantly and shows large power saving - especially as the chip level memory density increases. For a 48Mb memory density, a 27% reduction in array switching power can be achieved for a read access yield target of 95%. In addition, the proposed system can provide larger power saving as process variations increase, which makes it a very attractive solution for 45nm and below technologies. In addition to its impact on bitcell read current, the increase of local variations in nanometer technologies strongly affect SRAM cell stability. In this research, we propose a novel single supply voltage read assist technique to improve SRAM static noise margin (SNM). The proposed technique allows precharging different parts of the bitlines to VDD and GND and uses charge sharing to precisely control the bitline voltage, which improves the bitcell stability. In addition to improving SNM, the proposed technique also reduces memory access time. Moreover, it only requires one supply voltage, hence, eliminates the need of large area voltage shifters. The proposed technique has been implemented in the design of a 512kb memory fabricated in 45nm technology. Results show improvements in SNM and read operation window which confirms the effectiveness and robustness of this technique

    myCACTI: A new cache design tool for pipelined nanometer caches

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    TThe presence of caches in microprocessors has always been one of the most important techniques in bridging the memory wall, or the speed gap between the microprocessor and main memory. This importance is continuously increasing especially as we enter the regime of nanometer process technologies (i.e. 90nm and below), as industry has favored investing a larger and larger fraction of a chip.s transistor budget to improving the on-chip cache. This is the case in practice, as it has proven to be an efficient way to utilize the increasing number of transistors available with each succeeding technology. Consequently, it becomes even more important to have cache design tools that give accurate representations of designs that exist in actual microprocessors. The prevalent cache design tools that are the most widely used in academe are CACTI [Wilton1996] and eCACTI [Mamidipaka2004], and these have proven to be very useful tools not just for cache designers, but also for computer architects. This dissertation will show that both CACTI and eCACTI still contain major limitations and even flaws in their design, making them unsuitable for use in very-deep submicron and nanometer caches, especially pipelined designs. These limitations and flaws will be discussed in detail. This dissertation then introduces a new tool, called myCACTI, that addresses all these limitations and, in addition, introduces major enhancements to the simulation framework. This dissertation then demonstrates the use of myCACTI in the cache design process. Detailed design space explorations are done on multiple cache configurations to produce pareto optimal curves of the caches to show optimal implementations. Detailed studies are also performed to characterize the delay and power dissipation of different cache configurations and implementations. Finally, future directions to the development of myCACTI are identified to show possible ways that the tool can be improved in such a way as to allow even more different kinds of studies to be performed

    Ultra Low Power Digital Circuit Design for Wireless Sensor Network Applications

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    Ny forskning innenfor feltet trådløse sensornettverk åpner for nye og innovative produkter og løsninger. Biomedisinske anvendelser er blant områdene med størst potensial og det investeres i dag betydelige beløp for å bruke denne teknologien for å gjøre medisinsk diagnostikk mer effektiv samtidig som man åpner for fjerndiagnostikk basert på trådløse sensornoder integrert i et ”helsenett”. Målet er å forbedre tjenestekvalitet og redusere kostnader samtidig som brukerne skal oppleve forbedret livskvalitet som følge av økt trygghet og mulighet for å tilbringe mest mulig tid i eget hjem og unngå unødvendige sykehusbesøk og innleggelser. For å gjøre dette til en realitet er man avhengige av sensorelektronikk som bruker minst mulig energi slik at man oppnår tilstrekkelig batterilevetid selv med veldig små batterier. I sin avhandling ” Ultra Low power Digital Circuit Design for Wireless Sensor Network Applications” har PhD-kandidat Farshad Moradi fokusert på nye løsninger innenfor konstruksjon av energigjerrig digital kretselektronikk. Avhandlingen presenterer nye løsninger både innenfor aritmetiske og kombinatoriske kretser, samtidig som den studerer nye statiske minneelementer (SRAM) og alternative minnearkitekturer. Den ser også på utfordringene som oppstår når silisiumteknologien nedskaleres i takt med mikroprosessorutviklingen og foreslår løsninger som bidrar til å gjøre kretsløsninger mer robuste og skalerbare i forhold til denne utviklingen. De viktigste konklusjonene av arbeidet er at man ved å introdusere nye konstruksjonsteknikker både er i stand til å redusere energiforbruket samtidig som robusthet og teknologiskalerbarhet øker. Forskningen har vært utført i samarbeid med Purdue University og vært finansiert av Norges Forskningsråd gjennom FRINATprosjektet ”Micropower Sensor Interface in Nanometer CMOS Technology”

    Investigation into digital circuit design with GaAs/Ga2O3 heterostructure MOSFETs

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    In this thesis, GaAs heterostructure MOSFETs are investigated as a potential technology for digital circuit design. The devices under investigation are 0.6 μm gate length, enhancement mode, heterostructure MOSFETs, with a high-κ dielectric (Ga2O3), and an InGaAs channel. Historically silicon CMOS technology has been the natural choice for digital circuits, however the realisation of GaAs MOSFET digital circuits could allow full integration of RF, optoelectronic and digital circuits on a single system-on-chip. Additionally, there are potential performance advantages in using GaAs due to it's high electron mobility. For the first time compact models of complimentary GaAs/Ga2O3 MOS are developed to enable an investigation into establishing a digital design methodology for GaAs MOS. Drift-diffusion models are developed and calibrated to measured device data. These models then provide information on the necessary device parameters to build compact models of these devices. BSIM3v3.2 compact models are developed based on this to enable GaAs MOS technology to be investigated using standard circuit design tools. The compact models have been adapted to ensure that they are physically relevant for GaAs devices. This includes some necessary approximations using effective medium theory. Further adjustments, or ratio corrections, are introduced to ensure that the internal physical parameters of BSIM will be correct. The models are compared to similarly-sized silicon devices to investigate the difference in performance between GaAs and silicon MOSFETs. As expected, the GaAs NMOS devices demonstrate improvements in drive current over silicon. However, the GaAs PMOS devices do not offer this advantage due to low hole mobility. Therefore, as a consequence of the high mobility ratio in GaAs, it is important to consider alternative digital design methodologies to CMOS to optimise performance. The performance of benchmark circuits is investigated for this technology in various digital design styles including CMOS, NMOS saturated enhancement load, and NMOS precharge. GaAs digital circuits gain a signifcant advantage in using alternative design styles to CMOS due to the relatively poor performance of the PMOS devices. In using the alternative styles the number of PMOS devices used can be minimised, and it is shown that NMOS precharge offers both speed and power advantages for this technology. The particular GaAs technology investigated does not outperform silicon in terms of speed and power. However, it has allowed a methodology to be established for future device generations, where performance is anticipated to improve signifcantly

    Long-Term Memory for Cognitive Architectures: A Hardware Approach Using Resistive Devices

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    A cognitive agent capable of reliably performing complex tasks over a long time will acquire a large store of knowledge. To interact with changing circumstances, the agent will need to quickly search and retrieve knowledge relevant to its current context. Real time knowledge search and cognitive processing like this is a challenge for conventional computers, which are not optimised for such tasks. This thesis describes a new content-addressable memory, based on resistive devices, that can perform massively parallel knowledge search in the memory array. The fundamental circuit block that supports this capability is a memory cell that closely couples comparison logic with non-volatile storage. By using resistive devices instead of transistors in both the comparison circuit and storage elements, this cell improves area density by over an order of magnitude compared to state of the art CMOS implementations. The resulting memory does not need power to maintain stored information, and is therefore well suited to cognitive agents with large long-term memories. The memory incorporates activation circuits, which bias the knowledge retrieval process according to past memory access patterns. This is achieved by approximating the widely used base-level activation function using resistive devices to store, maintain and compare activation values. By distributing an instance of this circuit to every row in memory, the activation for all memory objects can be updated in parallel. A test using the word sense disambiguation task shows this circuit-based activation model only incurs a small loss in accuracy compared to exact base-level calculations. A variation of spreading activation can also be achieved in-memory. Memory objects are encoded with high-dimensional vectors that create association between correlated representations. By storing these high-dimensional vectors in the new content-addressable memory, activation can be spread to related objects during search operations. The new memory is scalable, power and area efficient, and performs operations in parallel that are infeasible in real-time for a sequential processor with a conventional memory hierarchy.Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 201

    Low-Power High-Performance Ternary Content Addressable Memory Circuits

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    Ternary content addressable memories (TCAMs) are hardware-based parallel lookup tables with bit-level masking capability. They are attractive for applications such as packet forwarding and classification in network routers. Despite the attractive features of TCAMs, high power consumption is one of the most critical challenges faced by TCAM designers. This work proposes circuit techniques for reducing TCAM power consumption. The main contribution of this work is divided in two parts: (i) reduction in match line (ML) sensing energy, and (ii) static-power reduction techniques. The ML sensing energy is reduced by employing (i) positive-feedback ML sense amplifiers (MLSAs), (ii) low-capacitance comparison logic, and (iii) low-power ML-segmentation techniques. The positive-feedback MLSAs include both resistive and active feedback to reduce the ML sensing energy. A body-bias technique can further improve the feedback action at the expense of additional area and ML capacitance. The measurement results of the active-feedback MLSA show 50-56% reduction in ML sensing energy. The measurement results of the proposed low-capacitance comparison logic show 25% and 42% reductions in ML sensing energy and time, respectively, which can further be improved by careful layout. The low-power ML-segmentation techniques include dual ML TCAM and charge-shared ML. Simulation results of the dual ML TCAM that connects two sides of the comparison logic to two ML segments for sequential sensing show 43% power savings for a small (4%) trade-off in the search speed. The charge-shared ML scheme achieves power savings by partial recycling of the charge stored in the first ML segment. Chip measurement results show that the charge-shared ML scheme results in 11% and 9% reductions in ML sensing time and energy, respectively, which can be improved to 19-25% by using a digitally controlled charge sharing time-window and a slightly modified MLSA. The static power reduction is achieved by a dual-VDD technique and low-leakage TCAM cells. The dual-VDD technique trades-off the excess noise margin of MLSA for smaller cell leakage by applying a smaller VDD to TCAM cells and a larger VDD to the peripheral circuits. The low-leakage TCAM cells trade off the speed of READ and WRITE operations for smaller cell area and leakage. Finally, design and testing of a complete TCAM chip are presented, and compared with other published designs

    Ultra-low-power SRAM design in high variability advanced CMOS

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2009.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 163-181).Embedded SRAMs are a critical component in modern digital systems, and their role is preferentially increasing. As a result, SRAMs strongly impact the overall power, performance, and area, and, in order to manage these severely constrained trade-offs, they must be specially designed for target applications. Highly energy-constrained systems (e.g. implantable biomedical devices, multimedia handsets, etc.) are an important class of applications driving ultra-low-power SRAMs. This thesis analyzes the energy of an SRAM sub-array. Since supply- and threshold-voltage have a strong effect, targets for these are established in order to optimize energy. Despite the heavy emphasis on leakage-energy, analysis of a high-density 256x256 sub-array in 45nm LP CMOS points to two necessary optimizations: (1) aggressive supply-voltage reduction (in addition to Vt elevation), and (2) performance enhancement. Important SRAM metrics, including read/write/hold-margin and read-current, are also investigated to identify trade-offs of these optimizations. Based on the need to lower supply-voltage, a 0.35V 256kb SRAM is demonstrated in 65nm LP CMOS. It uses an 8T bit-cell with peripheral circuit-assists to improve write-margin and bit-line leakage. Additionally, redundancy, to manage the increasing impact of variability in the periphery, is proposed to improve the area-offset trade-off of sense-amplifiers, demonstrating promise for highly advanced technology nodes. Based on the need to improve performance, which is limited by density constraints, a 64kb SRAM, using an offset-compensating sense-amplifier, is demonstrated in 45nm LP CMOS with high-density 0.25[mu]m2 bit-cells.(cont.) The sense-amplifier is regenerative, but non -strobed, overcoming timing uncertainties limiting performance, and it is single-ended, for compatibility with 8T cells. Compared to a conventional strobed sense-amplifier, it achieves 34% improvement in worst-case access-time and 4x improvement in the standard deviation of the access-time.by Naveen Verma.Ph.D

    A low-power cache system for high-performance processors

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    制度:新 ; 報告番号:甲3439号 ; 学位の種類:博士(工学) ; 授与年月日:12-Sep-11 ; 早大学位記番号:新576