843 research outputs found

    Unified radio and network control across heterogeneous hardware platforms

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    Experimentation is an important step in the investigation of techniques for handling spectrum scarcity or the development of new waveforms in future wireless networks. However, it is impractical and not cost effective to construct custom platforms for each future network scenario to be investigated. This problem is addressed by defining Unified Programming Interfaces that allow common access to several platforms for experimentation-based prototyping, research, and development purposes. The design of these interfaces is driven by a diverse set of scenarios that capture the functionality relevant to future network implementations while trying to keep them as generic as possible. Herein, the definition of this set of scenarios is presented as well as the architecture for supporting experimentation-based wireless research over multiple hardware platforms. The proposed architecture for experimentation incorporates both local and global unified interfaces to control any aspect of a wireless system while being completely agnostic to the actual technology incorporated. Control is feasible from the low-level features of individual radios to the entire network stack, including hierarchical control combinations. A testbed to enable the use of the above architecture is utilized that uses a backbone network in order to be able to extract measurements and observe the overall behaviour of the system under test without imposing further communication overhead to the actual experiment. Based on the aforementioned architecture, a system is proposed that is able to support the advancement of intelligent techniques for future networks through experimentation while decoupling promising algorithms and techniques from the capabilities of a specific hardware platform

    Benchmarking for wireless sensor networks

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    Exploiting programmable architectures for WiFi/ZigBee inter-technology cooperation

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    The increasing complexity of wireless standards has shown that protocols cannot be designed once for all possible deployments, especially when unpredictable and mutating interference situations are present due to the coexistence of heterogeneous technologies. As such, flexibility and (re)programmability of wireless devices is crucial in the emerging scenarios of technology proliferation and unpredictable interference conditions. In this paper, we focus on the possibility to improve coexistence performance of WiFi and ZigBee networks by exploiting novel programmable architectures of wireless devices able to support run-time modifications of medium access operations. Differently from software-defined radio (SDR) platforms, in which every function is programmed from scratch, our programmable architectures are based on a clear decoupling between elementary commands (hard-coded into the devices) and programmable protocol logic (injected into the devices) according to which the commands execution is scheduled. Our contribution is two-fold: first, we designed and implemented a cross-technology time division multiple access (TDMA) scheme devised to provide a global synchronization signal and allocate alternating channel intervals to WiFi and ZigBee programmable nodes; second, we used the OMF control framework to define an interference detection and adaptation strategy that in principle could work in independent and autonomous networks. Experimental results prove the benefits of the envisioned solution

    WiSHFUL : enabling coordination solutions for managing heterogeneous wireless networks

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    The paradigm shift toward the Internet of Things results in an increasing number of wireless applications being deployed. Since many of these applications contend for the same physical medium (i.e., the unlicensed ISM bands), there is a clear need for beyond-state-of-the-art solutions that coordinate medium access across heterogeneous wireless networks. Such solutions demand fine-grained control of each device and technology, which currently requires a substantial amount of effort given that the control APIs are different on each hardware platform, technology, and operating system. In this article an open architecture is proposed that overcomes this hurdle by providing unified programming interfaces (UPIs) for monitoring and controlling heterogeneous devices and wireless networks. The UPIs enable creation and testing of advanced coordination solutions while minimizing the complexity and implementation overhead. The availability of such interfaces is also crucial for the realization of emerging software-defined networking approaches for heterogeneous wireless networks. To illustrate the use of UPIs, a showcase is presented that simultaneously changes the MAC behavior of multiple wireless technologies in order to mitigate cross-technology interference taking advantage of the enhanced monitoring and control functionality. An open source implementation of the UPIs is available for wireless researchers and developers. It currently supports multiple widely used technologies (IEEE 802.11, IEEE 802.15.4, LTE), operating systems (Linux, Windows, Contiki), and radio platforms (Atheros, Broadcom, CC2520, Xylink Zynq,), as well as advanced reconfigurable radio systems (IRIS, GNURadio, WMP, TAISC)

    A Test Methodology for Evaluating Cognitive Radio Systems

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    The cognitive radio field currently lacks a standardized test methodology that is repeatable, flexible, and effective across multiple cognitive radio architectures. Furthermore, the cognitive radio field lacks a suitable framework that allows testing of an integrated cognitive radio system and not solely specific components. This research presents a cognitive radio test methodology, known as CRATM, to address these issues. CRATM proposes to use behavior-based testing, in which cognition may be measured by evaluating both primary user and secondary user performance. Data on behavior based testing is collected and evaluated. Additionally, a unique means of measuring secondary user interference to the primary user is employed by direct measurement of primary user performance. A secondary user pair and primary user radio pair are implemented using the Wireless Open-Access Research platform and WARPLab software running in MATLAB. The primary user is used to create five distinct radio frequency environments utilizing narrowband, wideband, and non-contiguous waveforms. The secondary user response to the primary user created environments is measured. The secondary user implements a simple cognitive engine that incorporates energy-detection spectrum sensing. The effect of the cognitive engine on both secondary user and primary user performance is measured and evaluated