8,609 research outputs found

    A semi-automatic semantic method for mapping SNOMED CT concepts to VCM Icons

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    VCM (Visualization of Concept in Medicine) is an iconic language for representing key medical concepts by icons. However, the use of this language with reference terminologies, such as SNOMED CT, will require the mapping of its icons to the terms of these terminologies. Here, we present and evaluate a semi-automatic semantic method for the mapping of SNOMED CT concepts to VCM icons. Both SNOMED CT and VCM are compositional in nature; SNOMED CT is expressed in description logic and VCM semantics are formalized in an OWL ontology. The proposed method involves the manual mapping of a limited number of underlying concepts from the VCM ontology, followed by automatic generation of the rest of the mapping. We applied this method to the clinical findings of the SNOMED CT CORE subset, and 100 randomly-selected mappings were evaluated by three experts. The results obtained were promising, with 82 of the SNOMED CT concepts correctly linked to VCM icons according to the experts. Most of the errors were easy to fix

    Design and evaluation of a new pharmaceutical pictogram sequence to convey medicine usage

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    Pictorials may be used to augment textual instructions in the depiction of safety and warning information on medicines. The objective of this study was to design, develop and evaluate a simple and culturally appropriate pictogram sequence for using nystatin suspension, and to assess its understandability in low-literate Xhosa participants. A new pharmaceutical pictogram sequence was designed through focus group discussions and evaluated in a 2-phase process. The results of Phase 1 (30 participants) identified various problems associated with the new pictogram sequence. It was modified accordingly and re-evaluated in Phase 2 with 20 participants. All participants belonged to the Xhosa group, had between 0 and 7 years of formal schooling and had English as their second language. Acceptance of the new pictogram sequence was based on international standards (ANSI and ISO criterion) for evaluating the comprehensibility of pictograms. In Phase 1, the new pictogram sequence was correctly interpreted by 66.7% of the participants and this complied with the ISO criterion of 67% correct. In Phase 2, 95% of the participants were able to correctly interpret the new pictogram sequence. This result complied with the ANSI criterion of 85% correct, therefore, this new pictogram sequence was considered to be acceptable. This study has illustrated the success of using a consultative approach in the design of new pictograms

    Discussing a teacher MKT and its role on teacher practice when exploring data analysis

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    This article considers teacher knowledge in managing mathematically critical situations and the role of what can be termed a mathematical summary in the analysis of a teaching episode, viewed from the perspective of Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching (MKT). The analysis is based on an episode of content review, from a perspective which aims to understand the teacher’s logic rather than merely identify gaps in their knowledge. We discuss the importance of approaching mathematically critical situations in order to contribute to eradicating mathematical innumeracy (statistics) and to promote a kind of practice which is “mathematically demanding” as well as “pedagogically exciting”

    Analysis of Dongba Pictographs and Its Application to Pictogram Design

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    I present my research developing new pictogram design methods based on the formative methods of Dongba pictographs, for the purpose of developing understandable, systematic and interesting pictograms. I studied and analyzed the formative methods of Dongba pictographs and extracted a set of new pictogram design methods. To test the feasibility of the proposed pictogram design methods, I designed some pictograms for Traditional Chinese Medicine through each method and administered a questionnaire to test the readability of these pictograms

    Medicines and driving: evaluation of training and software support for patient counselling by pharmacists

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    Background : The consumption of some psychotropic medicines has a negative effect on the fitness to drive. Pharmacists are expected to give useful advice to patients on their participation in traffic. However, almost no information is available on this topic. Objective : To assess the effect of training and implementation of new dispensing guidelines with regard to driving-impairing medicines, in two types of dispensing support tools. User acceptance was measured as well as the effect on pharmacists' attitudes & awareness, self-reported behaviour and knowledge. Setting Pharmacists from East Flanders in Belgium. Methods : Two intervention groups and a control group participated. The intervention groups followed a training and were provided with a dispensing support tool containing information on the effect of medicines on driving ability, which was either stand-alone (USB stick) or integrated into the daily used software (ViaNova). The three groups filled out a questionnaire prior to and after the intervention period. Main outcome measure : Answers to a pre/post-questionnaire on attitudes and awareness, self-reported behaviour, knowledge and user acceptance. Results : Many pharmacists were already strongly interested in the topic at the beginning of the study. Positive changes in attitude, self-reported behaviour and knowledge were measured mostly in the group of pharmacists for which the information was integrated in their daily used software. These pharmacists asked significantly more about the patients' driving experience, informed them more about driving-related risk and gave more detailed information on impairing effects of medicines. The knowledge of the participating pharmacists on the topic 'medicines and driving' remained generally low. The participants acknowledge the importance of being aware of the topic medicines and driving but they report a lack of information or education. They strongly prefer a tool that integrates the information in their daily used software. Conclusion : Dispensing support tools with information on the potential impairing effect of a medicine on the fitness to drive increases awareness, reported risk communication behaviour as well as knowledge of pharmacists on this topic. Computerised dispensing support tools are most effective when the information is integrated into the daily used dispensing software

    The Requirements for Safety in Use of Fire Elevators

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    Príspevok sa zaoberá tematikou bezpečnosti pri používaní požiarnych výťahov, konkrétne svojimi požiadavkami na ich označenie a prevádzkovanie. Nato, aby sa tieto výťahy mohli zaviesť do budovy musia spĺňať stavebné, konštrukčné a iné požiadavky, keďže zlyhanie pri ich nezastavení môže mať nepriaznivý vplyv na životy zachraňujúcich, ale aj okolitých ľudí. Súčasťou príspevku je analýza a posúdenie rizík v uzavretých priestoroch požiarnych výťahov pomocou grafu rizika.The paper deals with the theme of safety in the use of fi re elevators, specifi c requirements for the labelilng and operation. In order the bring these elevators into the building, buildings must meet construction, design and other requirements, as failure to do so may have an adverse effect to rescue, but also the surrounding people. Part of the contribution is to analyze and assess the risks in the closed premises of fi re elevators using the risk chart


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    Tuberkulosis (TB) merupakan penyakit infeksi menular yang disebabkan oleh bakteri Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Angka kejadian TB sangat tinggi di negara berkembang, salah satunya di Indonesia. Pengobatan TB dilakukan dengan memberikan obat antituberkulosis (OAT) selama 6 bulan sampai pasien dinyatakan sembuh. Salah satu faktor kegagalan terapi TB adalah rendahnya tingkat kepatuhan pasien dalam menggunakan OAT. Pictogram sendiri merupakan media bantu visual dalam bentuk gambar yang diharapkan mampu memberikan informasi secara efektif sehingga dapat meningkatkan pemahaman pasien tentang penggunaan OAT. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan pictogram terhadap peningkatan kepatuhan minum obat OAT pada pasien TB paru di Puskesmas wilayah Banjarmasin Utara. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental one group dengan menggunakan rancangan pretest-posttest design.  Instrumen yang digunakan adalah Pictogram dan kuesioner MMAS-8 untuk mengukur tingkat kepatuhan pasien. Data hasil penelitian kemudian dianalisis menggunakan uji Wilcoxon. Adapun sampel yang didapat adalah sebanyak 28 sampel. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat peningkatan kepatuhan minum OAT secara signifikan pada pasien TB paru setelah menerima intervensi menggunakan pictogram (p<0,05). Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan pictogram berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan kepatuhan minum obat OAT pada pasien TB paru di puskesmas wilayah Banjarmasin Utara