30,267 research outputs found

    Nucleic acid - protein fingerprints. Novel protein classification based on nucleic acid - protein recognition

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    Protein chemistry uses protein description and classification based on molecular mass and isoelectric point as general features. Enzymes are also compared by enzymatic reaction constants, namely Km and kcat values. Proteins are also studied by binding to different oligonucleotides. Here we suggest a simple experimental method for such a comparison of DNA binding proteins, which we call "nucleic acid-protein fingerprints". The experimental design of the method is based on an use of short oligonucleotides immobilized inside microarray of hydrogel cells - biochip. As a first stage, we solved a simple experimental task: what is the shortest single strand oligonucleotide to be recognized by protein? We tested binding of oligonucleotides from 2 to 12 bases, and we have obtained unexpected result that tetranucleotide one is long enough for specific protein binding. This 4-mer can contain two universal bases - 5-nitroindole nucleoside analogue (Ni) and only two meaningful bases, like A, G, T and C. The result obtained opens a way for constructing the simplest protein binding microarray. This microarray consists of 16 meaningful dinucleotides, like AA, AG, CT, GG etc. Physical sequences of all the nucleotides were NiNiAA, etc, where Ni is bound to gel through the amino linker. We prepared such an array and tested it for specific binding of several DNA/RNA binding proteins, labeled with fluorescent dyes like Texas Red of Bodipy. We tested RNase A and Binase for binding on the simplest microarray. It contains only 16 units, and there is a significant difference in the binding patterns. The microarray based on 3-mers must contains 64 units and must have much more specificity. The new principle of protein classification based on nucleic acid-protein recognition has been proposed and experimentally proved. Such an experimental approach must lead to a universal classification of specific DNA/RNA binding proteins

    Physico-chemical foundations underpinning microarray and next-generation sequencing experiments

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    Hybridization of nucleic acids on solid surfaces is a key process involved in high-throughput technologies such as microarrays and, in some cases, next-generation sequencing (NGS). A physical understanding of the hybridization process helps to determine the accuracy of these technologies. The goal of a widespread research program is to develop reliable transformations between the raw signals reported by the technologies and individual molecular concentrations from an ensemble of nucleic acids. This research has inputs from many areas, from bioinformatics and biostatistics, to theoretical and experimental biochemistry and biophysics, to computer simulations. A group of leading researchers met in Ploen Germany in 2011 to discuss present knowledge and limitations of our physico-chemical understanding of high-throughput nucleic acid technologies. This meeting inspired us to write this summary, which provides an overview of the state-of-the-art approaches based on physico-chemical foundation to modeling of the nucleic acids hybridization process on solid surfaces. In addition, practical application of current knowledge is emphasized

    Fluorescent labeling of plasmid DNA and mRNA : gains and losses of current labeling strategies

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    Live-cell imaging has provided the life sciences with insights into the cell biology and dynamics. Fluorescent labeling of target molecules proves to be indispensable in this regard. In this Review, we focus on the current fluorescent labeling strategies for nucleic acids, and in particular mRNA (mRNA) and plasmid DNA (pDNA), which are of interest to a broad range of scientific fields. By giving a background of the available techniques and an evaluation of the pros and cons, we try to supply scientists with all the information needed to come to an informed choice of nucleic acid labeling strategy aimed at their particular needs

    Identification of antisense nucleic acid hybridization sites in mRNA molecules with self-quenching fluorescent reporter molecules

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    We describe a physical mRNA mapping strategy employing fluorescent self-quenching reporter molecules (SQRMs) that facilitates the identification of mRNA sequence accessible for hybridization with antisense nucleic acids in vitro and in vivo, real time. SQRMs are 20–30 base oligodeoxynucleotides with 5–6 bp complementary ends to which a 5′ fluorophore and 3′ quenching group are attached. Alone, the SQRM complementary ends form a stem that holds the fluorophore and quencher in contact. When the SQRM forms base pairs with its target, the structure separates the fluorophore from the quencher. This event can be reported by fluorescence emission when the fluorophore is excited. The stem–loop of the SQRM suggests that SQRM be made to target natural stem–loop structures formed during mRNA synthesis. The general utility of this method is demonstrated by SQRM identification of targetable sequence within c-myb and bcl-6 mRNA. Corresponding antisense oligonucleotides reduce these gene products in cells

    Sensitive electrochemical assays of DNA structure

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    Electrochemical methods have been used to study the structure and function of nucleic acids for more than 50 years. These approaches complement other experimental techniques, which we illustrate by using examples from studies of processes involved in the repair of DNA damage. The excellent sensitivity of the electrochemical approaches makes them good candidates for use as biosensors of a wide range of molecules and biological processes

    Effect of native gastric mucus on in vivo hybridization therapies directed at Helicobacter pylori

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    Helicobacter pylori infects more than 50% of the worldwide population. It is mostly found deep in the gastric mucus lining of the stomach, being a major cause of peptic ulcers and gastric adenocarcinoma. To face the increasing resistance of H. pylori to antibiotics, antimicrobial nucleic acid mimics are a promising alternative. In particular, locked nucleic acids (LNA)/2'-OMethyl RNA (2'OMe) have shown to specifically target H. pylori, as evidenced by in situ hybridization. The success of in vivo hybridization depends on the ability of these nucleic acids to penetrate the major physical barriers-the highly viscoelastic gastric mucus and the bacterial cell envelope. We found that LNA/2'OMe is capable of diffusing rapidly through native, undiluted, gastric mucus isolated from porcine stomachs, without degradation. Moreover, although LNA/2'OMe hybridization was still successful without permeabilization and fixation of the bacteria, which is normally part of in vitro studies, the ability of LNA/2'OMe to efficiently hybridize with H. pylori was hampered by the presence of mucus. Future research should focus on developing nanocarriers that shield LNA/2'OMe from components in the gastric mucus, while remaining capable of diffusing through the mucus and delivering these nucleic acid mimics directly into the bacteria