24 research outputs found

    The distorted mirror of Wikipedia: a quantitative analysis of Wikipedia coverage of academics

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    Activity of modern scholarship creates online footprints galore. Along with traditional metrics of research quality, such as citation counts, online images of researchers and institutions increasingly matter in evaluating academic impact, decisions about grant allocation, and promotion. We examined 400 biographical Wikipedia articles on academics from four scientific fields to test if being featured in the world's largest online encyclopedia is correlated with higher academic notability (assessed through citation counts). We found no statistically significant correlation between Wikipedia articles metrics (length, number of edits, number of incoming links from other articles, etc.) and academic notability of the mentioned researchers. We also did not find any evidence that the scientists with better WP representation are necessarily more prominent in their fields. In addition, we inspected the Wikipedia coverage of notable scientists sampled from Thomson Reuters list of "highly cited researchers". In each of the examined fields, Wikipedia failed in covering notable scholars properly. Both findings imply that Wikipedia might be producing an inaccurate image of academics on the front end of science. By shedding light on how public perception of academic progress is formed, this study alerts that a subjective element might have been introduced into the hitherto structured system of academic evaluation.Comment: To appear in EPJ Data Science. To have the Additional Files and Datasets e-mail the corresponding autho

    Pedagogika i konstrukcje tożsamości młodzieży w „kulturze kontroli” i „kulturze rozproszenia”

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    Article includes the author’s pedagogical proposal concerning the shape of youth idetnity in the time of domination of culture of control and culture of dispersion. The several selected dimensions of this problem are analyzed with the special attention paid to: the antynomy high culture/popular culture; neoliberalism and neopragmatism as well as other socially constructed components of identity.317231Studia Edukacyjn

    Coping with tradition: Rorty and the uses of the philosophical legacy

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar que la relación de Rorty con la tradición filosófica presenta muchos más matices de los que su reputación podría hacer creer. Se confrontan dos hechos: de un lado, el propósito rortiano de superar la tradición; de otro, la necesidad de la tradición para mantener la conversación, interés principal de la filosofía para Rorty. Por tanto, la relación de Rorty con la tradición es ambigua. Ahora bien, esa ambigüedad puede verse como no contradictoria: Rorty no pretendió tanto ofrecer una argumentación alternativa a la de la tradición cuanto una alternativa a la argumentación de la tradición. Así, más que romper con la tradición, Rorty, a su modo, le da una oportunidad.The aim of this paper is to show that Rorty’s relationship with philosophical tradition has more nuances of meaning than his reputation might suggest. Two opposite facts are considered: on the one hand, Rorty’s intention to overcome tradition; on the other hand, the fact that there cannot be conversation, the main interest of philosophy for Rorty, without tradition. Rorty’s relationship to the philosophical tradition is, thus, ambiguous. Nevertheless, this ambiguity can be seen as not inconsistent. One reason might explain this fact: rather than an alternative argumentation to the traditional one, Rorty offered an alternative to the traditional argumentation. Therefore it makes more sense to read Rorty as giving the tradition a break rather than breaking with the tradition.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (España) FFI2009-0770

    La mente y la verdad. Mitopoíesis filosóficas según R. Rorty

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    “The Sum of All Human Knowledge”: A Systematic Review of Scholarly Research on the Content of Wikipedia

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    Wikipedia might possibly be the best-developed attempt thus far of the enduring quest to gather all human knowledge in one place. Its accomplishments in this regard have made it an irresistible point of inquiry for researchers from various fields of knowledge. A decade of research has thrown light on many aspects of the Wikipedia community, its processes, and content. However, due to the variety of the fields inquiring about Wikipedia and the limited synthesis of the extensive research, there is little consensus on many aspects of Wikipedia’s content as an encyclopedic collection of human knowledge. This study addresses the issue by systematically reviewing 110 peer-reviewed publications on Wikipedia content, summarizing the current findings, and highlighting the major research trends. Two major streams of research are identified: the quality of Wikipedia content (including comprehensiveness, currency, readability and reliability) and the size of Wikipedia. Moreover, we present the key research trends in terms of the domains of inquiry, research design, data source, and data gathering methods. This review synthesizes scholarly understanding of Wikipedia content and paves the way for future studies

    Virtudes cívicas y educación de la ciudadanía. Una incómoda e inevitable amistad

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    This article has a twofold aim. First: I would like to defend that the thought about citizenship is ultimately working with civic virtues and those goes directly to the question about how to educate citizens with this virtues. Second: I think that educating citizenship is not a simple task. I maintain this education need works, concepts and narratives we don’t have today. For this reason, I defend that it is hard (and sometimes it is impossible) to speak about civic virtues. But we have to do it.El propósito de este artículo es doble. Por un lado recordar que la reflexión sobre nuestras democracias hoy aboca de modo inexorable a hablar de cuestiones como la educación de la ciudadanía o a reconocer por la necesidad de desarrollar valores o virtudes cívicas. Por otro lado mi interés es plantear que tales cuestiones y necesidades están lastradas por nuestra incapacidad para hablar de ellas; esto es: no tenemos un vocabulario ni ético ni político para hablar ni de virtudes ni de la educación de la ciudadanía que ha de desarrollar y desarrollarse en nuestras democracias

    Arreglándoselas con la tradición: Rorty y los usos del legado filosófico

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    RESUMENEl objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar que la relación de Rorty con la tradición filosófica presenta muchos más matices de los que su reputación podría hacer creer. Se confrontan dos hechos: de un lado, el propósito rortiano de superar la tradición; de otro, la necesidad de la tradición para mantener la conversación, interés principal de la filosofía para Rorty. Por tanto, la relación de Rorty con la tradición es ambigua. Ahora bien, esa ambigüedad puede verse como no contradictoria: Rorty no pretendió tanto ofrecer una argumentación alternativa a la de la tradición cuanto una alternativa a la argumentación de la tradición. Así, más que romper con la tradición, Rorty, a su modo, le da una oportunidad.PALABRASCLAVE RORTY, TRADICIÓN, FINAL DE LA FILOSOFíA, (NEO)PRAGMATISMO, RETÓRICAABSTRACT The aim of this paper is to show that Rorty’s relationship with philosophical tradition has more nuances of meaning than his reputation might suggest. Two opposite facts are considered: on the one hand, Rorty’s intention to overcome tradition; on the other hand, the fact that there cannot be conversation, the main interest of philosophy for Rorty, without tradition. Rorty’s relationship to the philosophical tradition is, thus, ambiguous. Nevertheless, this ambiguity can be seen as not inconsistent. One reason might explain this fact: rather than an alternative argumentation to the traditional one, Rorty offered an alternative to the traditional argumentation. Therefore it makes more sense to read Rorty as giving the tradition a break rather than breaking with the tradition.KEYWORDSRORTY, TRADITION, END OF PHILOSOPHy, (NEO)PRAGMATISM, RHETORI

    El kant de rorty, o la mayoría de edad de la epistemología

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    Este artículo muestra las líneas generales de la lectura rortiana de Kant, centrada en su papel como máximo representante de la conversión de la filosofía en epistemología, así como algunas críticas a dicha lectura

    Northern philosophies and professional neocolonialism in occupational therapy: a historical review and critique

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    In this article, the authors conduct a historical review of recent philosophies influencing the Occupational Therapy profession in the United States (analytic philosophy and Continental varieties such as neopragmatism). Four philosophical categories are explored: epistemology, axiology, ontology, and praxis. The dominant strand of analytic philosophy is characterized by reductionist views of knowledge and reality, with little sustained attention to ethics and practical action. Competing but lesser recognized Continentally-inspired philosophies offer a critical and more phenomenological approach which values human subjectivities, narratives, and social agency. The authors argue that the dominance of analytic philosophy has created the intellectual foundations for neoliberalism to thrive and permeate the profession of Occupational Therapy in its curricula, practice models, reimbursement systems, and research agenda. As this Northern (United States) version of Occupational Therapy expands globally, the danger exists for professional neocolonialism to occur which can negatively influence or contradict more local ways of knowing and doing. The article concludes by offering strategies to unmask, disentangle, and dismantle Occupational Therapy from its Northern roots towards wider acceptance of Southern epistemologies, ethics, and collective action