924 research outputs found

    Hierarchical Up/Down Routing Architecture for Ethernet backbones and campus networks

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    We describe a new layer two distributed and scalable routing architecture. It uses an automatic hierarchical node identifier assignment mechanism associated to the rapid spanning tree protocol. Enhanced up/down mechanisms are used to prohibit some turns at nodes to break cycles, instead of blocking links like the spannning tree protocol does. The protocol performance is similar or better than other turn prohibition algorithms recently proposed with lower complexity O(Nd) and better scalability. Simulations show that the fraction of prohibited turns over random networks is less than 0.2. The effect of root bridge election on the performance of the protocol is limited both in the random and regular networks studied. The use of hierarchical, tree-descriptive addresses simplifies the routing, and avoids the need of all nodes having a global knowleddge of the network topology. Routing frames through the hierarchical tree at very high speed is possible by progressive decoding of frame destination address, without routing tables or port address learning. Coexistence with standard bridges is achieved using combined devices: bridges that forward the frames having global destination MAC addresses as standard bridges and frames with local MAC frames with the proposed protocol.Publicad

    Programming Model to Develop Supercomputer Combinatorial Solvers

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    © 2017 IEEE. Novel architectures for massively parallel machines offer better scalability and the prospect of achieving linear speedup for sizable problems in many domains. The development of suitable programming models and accompanying software tools for these architectures remains one of the biggest challenges towards exploiting their full potential. We present a multi-layer software abstraction model to develop combinatorial solvers on massively-parallel machines with regular topologies. The model enables different challenges in the design and optimization of combinatorial solvers to be tackled independently (separation of concerns) while permitting problem-specific tuning and cross-layer optimization. In specific, the model decouples the issues of inter-node communication, n ode-level scheduling, problem mapping, mesh-level load balancing and expressing problem logic. We present an implementation of the model and use it to profile a Boolean satisfiability solver on simulated massively-parallel machines with different scales and topologies

    Architectural Considerations for a Self-Configuring Routing Scheme for Spontaneous Networks

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    Decoupling the permanent identifier of a node from the node's topology-dependent address is a promising approach toward completely scalable self-organizing networks. A group of proposals that have adopted such an approach use the same structure to: address nodes, perform routing, and implement location service. In this way, the consistency of the routing protocol relies on the coherent sharing of the addressing space among all nodes in the network. Such proposals use a logical tree-like structure where routes in this space correspond to routes in the physical level. The advantage of tree-like spaces is that it allows for simple address assignment and management. Nevertheless, it has low route selection flexibility, which results in low routing performance and poor resilience to failures. In this paper, we propose to increase the number of paths using incomplete hypercubes. The design of more complex structures, like multi-dimensional Cartesian spaces, improves the resilience and routing performance due to the flexibility in route selection. We present a framework for using hypercubes to implement indirect routing. This framework allows to give a solution adapted to the dynamics of the network, providing a proactive and reactive routing protocols, our major contributions. We show that, contrary to traditional approaches, our proposal supports more dynamic networks and is more robust to node failures

    Communication aspects of parallel processing

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    Cover title.Includes bibliographical references.Supported in part by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research. AFOSR-88-0032CĂĽneyt Ă–zveren

    Content addressable memory project

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    A parameterized version of the tree processor was designed and tested (by simulation). The leaf processor design is 90 percent complete. We expect to complete and test a combination of tree and leaf cell designs in the next period. Work is proceeding on algorithms for the computer aided manufacturing (CAM), and once the design is complete we will begin simulating algorithms for large problems. The following topics are covered: (1) the practical implementation of content addressable memory; (2) design of a LEAF cell for the Rutgers CAM architecture; (3) a circuit design tool user's manual; and (4) design and analysis of efficient hierarchical interconnection networks

    Efficient permutation-based range-join algorithms on N-dimensionalmeshes using data-shifting

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    ©2001 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.In this paper, we present two efficient parallel algorithms for computing a non-equijoin, range-join, of two relations an N-dimensional mesh-connected computers. The proposed algorithms uses the data-shifting approach to effectively permute every sorted subset of relation S to each processor in turn recursively in dimensions from low to high, where it is joined with the local subset of relation RShao Dong Chen, Hong Shen, Rodeny Topo

    d-Simplexed : Adaptive Delaunay Triangulation or Performance Modeling and Prediction on Big Data Analytics

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    Big Data processing systems (e.g., Spark) have a number of resource configuration parameters, such as memory size, CPU allocation, and the number of running nodes. Regular users and even expert administrators struggle to understand the mutual relation between different parameter configurations and the overall performance of the system. In this paper, we address this challenge by proposing a performance prediction framework, called dd-Simplexed, to build performance models with varied configurable parameters on Spark. We take inspiration from the field of Computational Geometry to construct a d-dimensional mesh using Delaunay Triangulation over a selected set of features. From this mesh, we predict execution time for various feature configurations. To minimize the time and resources in building a bootstrap model with a large number of configuration values, we propose an adaptive sampling technique to allow us to collect as few training points as required. Our evaluation on a cluster of computers using WordCount, PageRank, Kmeans, and Join workloads in HiBench benchmarking suites shows that we can achieve less than 5% error rate for estimation accuracy by sampling less than 1% of data.Peer reviewe
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