20 research outputs found

    Path planning and reactive based control for a quadrotor with a suspended load

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    This paper presents a solution to quadrotor cargo transportation, more precisely when cargo is suspended as a sling load. The challenge lies in payload position control and swing attenuation, which we approach by dividing the model into subsystems: attitude quadrotor in free flight, and translational and attitude load dynamics. We propose a solution based on reactive control, in the sense that we utilize a reactive force that reacts to the error position and the oscillation in the load. Asymptotic stability of the system's closed-loop equilibrium is proved using Lyapunov theory. Additionally, a three-dimensional path planning algorithm is proposed based on cubic splines, which give us a natural path between initial and final desired points. Moreover, we convert the path planning problem into trajectory tracking with a spline's correct parametrization. Control and path planning performance are demonstrated with numerical simulations in three different scenarios

    A Hybrid Control Approach for the Swing Free Transportation of a Double Pendulum with a Quadrotor

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    In this article, a control strategy approach is proposed for a system consisting of a quadrotor transporting a double pendulum. In our case, we attempt to achieve a swing free transportation of the pendulum, while the quadrotor closely follows a specific trajectory. This dynamic system is highly nonlinear, therefore, the fulfillment of this complex task represents a demanding challenge. Moreover, achieving dampening of the double pendulum oscillations while following a precise trajectory are conflicting goals. We apply a proportional derivative (PD) and a model predictive control (MPC) controllers for this task. Transportation of a multiple pendulum with an aerial robot is a step forward in the state of art towards the study of the transportation of loads with complex dynamics. We provide the modeling of the quadrotor and the double pendulum. For MPC we define the cost function that has to be minimized to achieve optimal control. We report encouraging positive results on a simulated environmentcomparing the performance of our MPC-PD control circuit against a PD-PD configuration, achieving a three fold reduction of the double pendulum maximum swinging angle.This work has been partially supported by FEDER funds through MINECO project TIN2017-85827-P, and project KK-202000044 of the Elkartek 2020 funding program of the Basque Government. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 777720

    A framework to design interaction control of aerial slung load systems: transfer from existing flight control of under-actuated aerial vehicles

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    This paper establishes a framework within which interaction control is designed for the aerial slung load system composed of an underactuated aerial vehicle, a cable and a load. Instead of developing a new control law for the system, we propose the interaction control scheme by the controllers for under-actuated aerial systems. By selecting the deferentially flat output as the configuration, the equations of motion of the two systems are described in an identical form. The flight control task of the under-actuated aerial vehicle is thus converted into the control of the aerial slung load system. With the help of an admittance filter, the compliant trajectory is generated for the load subject to external interaction force. Moreover, the convergence of the whole system is proved by using the boundedness of the tracking error of vehicle attitude tracking as well as the estimation error of external force. Based on the developed theoretical results, an example is provided to illustrate the design algorithm of interaction controller for the aerial slung load via an existing flight controller directly. The correctness and applicability of the obtained results are demonstrated via the illustrative numerical example

    Cooperative aerial manipulation with force control and attitude stabilization

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    Ranging from autonomous flying cars, fixed wing and rotorcraft UAVs, there has been a tremendous interest in aerial robotics over the last decade. This thesis presents contributions to the state-of-art in cooperative payload transport with force synthesis and dynamic interaction using quadcopter UAVs. In this report, we consider multiple quadcopter aerial robots and develop decentralized force controller for them to manipulate a payload. We use quadcopters with a rigid link attached to it to collaboratively manipulate the payload. We develop a dynamic model of the payload for both point mass and rigid body cases. We model the contact force between the agents and the payload as a mass spring model. This assumption is valid when the vehicles are connected to the payload via elastic cables or when the payload is flexible or surrounded by elastic bumper materials. We also extend our aerial manipulation system to a multi-link arm attached to the quadcopter.We develop an adaptive decentralized control law for transporting a payload of unknown mass without explicit communication between the agents. Our controller ensures that all quadcopters and the payload asymptotically converges to a constant reference velocity. It also ensures that all of the forces applied to the payload converges to desired set-points. Desired thrusts and attitude angles are computed from the control algorithms and a low-level PD controller is implemented to track the desired commands for each quadcopter. The sum of the estimates of the unknown mass from all the agents converge to the true mass. We also employ a consensus algorithm based on connected graphs to ensure that each agent gets an equal share of the payload mass. Furthermore, we develop an orientation control algorithm that guarantees attitude stabilization of the payload. In particular, we develop time varying force set-points to enforce attitude regulation without any moment inputs from the quadcopters

    Exploiting Heterogeneity in Networks of Aerial and Ground Robotic Agents

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    By taking advantage of complementary communication technologies, distinct sensing functionalities and varied motion dynamics present in a heterogeneous multi-robotic network, it is possible to accomplish a main mission objective by assigning specialized sub-tasks to specific members of a robotic team. An adequate selection of the team members and an effective coordination are some of the challenges to fully exploit the unique capabilities that these types of systems can offer. Motivated by real world applications, we focus on a multi-robotic network consisting off aerial and ground agents which has the potential to provide critical support to humans in complex settings. For instance, aerial robotic relays are capable of transporting small ground mobile sensors to expand the communication range and the situational awareness of first responders in hazardous environments. In the first part of this dissertation, we extend work on manipulation of cable-suspended loads using aerial robots by solving the problem of lifting the cable-suspended load from the ground before proceeding to transport it. Since the suspended load-quadrotor system experiences switching conditions during this critical maneuver, we define a hybrid system and show that it is differentially-flat. This property facilitates the design of a nonlinear controller which tracks a waypoint-based trajectory associated with the discrete states of the hybrid system. In addition, we address the case of unknown payload mass by combining a least-squares estimation method with the designed controller. Second, we focus on the coordination of a heterogeneous team formed by a group of ground mobile sensors and a flying communication router which is deployed to sense areas of interest in a cluttered environment. Using potential field methods, we propose a controller for the coordinated mobility of the team to guarantee inter-robot and obstacle collision avoidance as well as connectivity maintenance among the ground agents while the main goal of sensing is carried out. For the case of the aerial communications relays, we combine antenna diversity with reinforcement learning to dynamically re-locate these relays so that the received signal strength is maintained above a desired threshold. Motivated by the recent interest of combining radio frequency and optical wireless communications, we envision the implementation of an optical link between micro-scale aerial and ground robots. This type of link requires maintaining a sufficient relative transmitter-receiver position for reliable communications. In the third part of this thesis, we tackle this problem. Based on the link model, we define a connectivity cone where a minimum transmission rate is guaranteed. For example, the aerial robot has to track the ground vehicle to stay inside this cone. The control must be robust to noisy measurements. Thus, we use particle filters to obtain a better estimation of the receiver position and we design a control algorithm for the flying robot to enhance the transmission rate. Also, we consider the problem of pairing a ground sensor with an aerial vehicle, both equipped with a hybrid radio-frequency/optical wireless communication system. A challenge is positioning the flying robot within optical range when the sensor location is unknown. Thus, we take advantage of the hybrid communication scheme by developing a control strategy that uses the radio signal to guide the aerial platform to the ground sensor. Once the optical-based signal strength has achieved a certain threshold, the robot hovers within optical range. Finally, we investigate the problem of building an alliance of agents with different skills in order to satisfy the requirements imposed by a given task. We find this alliance, known also as a coalition, by using a bipartite graph in which edges represent the relation between agent capabilities and required resources for task execution. Using this graph, we build a coalition whose total capability resources can satisfy the task resource requirements. Also, we study the heterogeneity of the formed coalition to analyze how it is affected for instance by the amount of capability resources present in the agents

    A Geometric Approach to Trajectory Planning for Underactuated Mechanical Systems

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    In the last decade, multi-rotors flying robots had a rapid development in industry and hobbyist communities thanks to the affordable cost and their availability of parts and components. The high number of degrees of freedom and the challenging dynamics of multi-rotors gave rise to new research problems. In particular, we are interested in the development of technologies for an autonomous fly that would al- low using multi-rotors systems to be used in contexts where the presence of humans is denied, for example in post-disaster areas or during search-and-rescue operations. Multi-rotors are an example of a larger category of robots, called \u201cunder-actuated mechanical systems\u201d (UMS) where the number of actuated degrees of freedom (DoF) is less than the number of available DoF. This thesis applies methods com- ing from geometric mechanics to study the under-actuation problem and proposes a novel method, based on the Hamiltonian formalism, to plan a feasible trajectory for UMS. We first show the application of a method called \u201cVariational Constrained System approach\u201d to a cart-pole example. We discovered that it is not possible to extend this method to generic UMS because it is valid only for a sub-class of UMS, called \u201csuper-articulated\u201d mechanical system. To overcome this limitation, we wrote the Hamilton equations of the quad- rotor and we apply a numerical \u201cdi- rect method\u201d to compute a feasible trajectory that satisfies system and endpoint constraints. We found that by including the system energy in the multi-rotor states, we are able to compute maneuvers that cannot be planned with other methods and that overcome the under-actuation constraints. To demonstrate the benefit of the method developed, we built a custom quad- rotor and an experimental setup with different obstacles, such as a gap in a wall and we show the correctness of the trajectory computed with the new method