387 research outputs found

    Sähköisen identiteetin toteuttaminen TPM 2.0 -laitteistolla

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    Most of the financial, healthcare, and governmental services are available on Internet, where traditional identification methods used on face-to-face identification are not possible. Identification with username and password is a mediocre solution and therefore some services require strong authentication. Finland has three approved strong authentication methods: smart cards, bank credentials, and mobile ID. Out of the three authentication methods, only the government issued smart card is available to everyone who police can identify reliably. Bank credentials require identification with an identity document from Finland or other European Economic Area (EEA) country. Mobile ID explicitly require identification with Finnish identity document. The problem with smart cards is the requirement for a reader, slow functioning, and requirement for custom driver. A TPM could function as a replacement for a smart card with accompanying software library. In this thesis, I created a PKCS #11 software library that allows TPM to be used for browser based authentication according to draft specification by Finnish population registry. The keys used for authentication are created, stored and used securely inside the TPM. TPMs are deemed viable replacement for smart cards. The implemented system is faster to use than smart cards and has similar security properties as smart cards have. The created library contains implementations for 30% of all TPM 2.0 functions and could be used as a base for further TPM 2.0 based software.Pankki-, terveys- ja julkiset palvelut ovat suureksi osin saatavilla internetin välityksellä. Tunnistautuminen käyttäjätunnuksella ja salasanalla ei takaa riittävää luotettavuutta, vaan joissain palveluissa on käytettävä vahvaa tunnistautumista. Suomessa on tällä hetkellä käytössä kolme vahvaa tunnistautumisvälinettä: pankkien käyttämät verkkopankkitunnukset, Väestörekisterikeskuksen kansalaisvarmenne ja teleyritysten mobiilivarmenteet. Näistä kolmesta kansalaisvarmenne on ainoa, joka ei vaadi asiakkuutta ja on täten kaikille saatavilla, jotka poliisi voi luotettavasti tunnistaa. Verkkopankkitunnukset vaativat tunnistautumisen suomalaisella tai Euroopan talousalueen (ETA) valtion myöntämällä henkilötodistus. Mobiilivarmenne myönnetään vain henkilölle, joka voidaan tunnistaa suomalaisella henkilötodistuksella. Kansalaisvarmenne on kuitenkin älykortti kaikkine älykortin ongelmineen: sen käyttämiseen tarvitaan erillinen lukija, sen toiminta on hidasta ja se vaatii erillisen laiteajurin. Tämän työn tavoitteena on luoda ratkaisu, jolla älykorttipohjainen tunnistautuminen voidaan toteuttaa tietokoneissa olevan TPM-piirin avulla. Tässä diplomityössä luotiin PKCS #11 -rajapinnan täyttävä ohjelmistokirjasto, joka mahdollistaa TPM-piirin käyttämisen tunnistautumiseen selaimessa Väestörekisterikeskuksen laatiman määritelmän luonnoksen mukaan. Tunnistautumisavaimet luodaan, tallennetaan ja niitä käytetään TPM:ssa, mikä varmistaa avainten luottamuksellisuuden. Älykortin toiminnallisuudet todettiin mahdolliseksi toteuttaa TPM-piirillä. Toteutettu järjestelmä on nopeampi käyttää kuin älykortti ja se takaa älykortteja vastaavan tietoturvatason. Työn tuloksena tehty kirjasto toteuttaa 30 % kaikista TPM 2.0 -ohjelmistorajapinnoista, ja kirjastoa voidaan käyttää osana tulevia TPM 2.0 -ohjelmistoja

    Towards a Flexible Intra-Trustcenter Management Protocol

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    This paper proposes the Intra Trustcenter Protocol (ITP), a flexible and secure management protocol for communication between arbitrary trustcenter components. Unlike other existing protocols (like PKCS#7, CMP or XKMS) ITP focuses on the communication within a trustcenter. It is powerful enough for transferring complex messages which are machine and human readable and easy to understand. In addition it includes an extension mechanism to be prepared for future developments.Comment: 12 pages, 0 figures; in The Third International Workshop for Applied PKI (IWAP2004

    Lightweight password hashing scheme for embedded systems

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    Passwords constitute the main mean for authentication in computer systems. In order to maintain the user-related information at the service provider end, password hashing schemes (PHS) are utilized. The limited and old-fashioned solutions led the international cryptographic community to conduct the Password Hashing Competition (PHC). The competition will propose a small portfolio of schemes suitable for widespread usage until 2015. Embedded systems form a special application domain, utilizing devices with inherent computational limitations. Lightweight cryptography focuses in designing schemes for such devices and targets moderate levels of security. In this paper, a lightweight poly PHS suitable for lightweight cryptography is presented. At first, we design two lightweight versions of the PHC schemes Catena and PolyPassHash. Then, we integrate them and implement the proposed scheme – called LightPolyPHS. A fair comparison with similar proposals on mainstream computer is presented

    Adding security and privacy to genomic information representation

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    Provision of security and privacy to genomic data is a key issue in current genomic information representation. Existing formats do not give a solution to these issues (or they provide a partial one), so new solutions are demanded. MPEG-G (ISO/IEC 23092, Genomic Information Representation) is an International Standard for the representation of genomic information being defined by the MPEG Committee (Moving Pictures Expert Group, ISO/IEC JTC1 SC29/WG11). We provide flexible protection to the information stored inside the MPEG-G format with a combination of security techniques and privacy rules.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    An approach to restrict viewing of media

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    Nowadays, the issue of copyright infringement of media contents becomes more vital since the media content is published on the internet for easy access to users.Due to that, the authors’ work affect adversely if their work can be copied or downloaded, modified or shared illegally by unauthorized users.In this paper, we proposed a method to restrict the viewing of images to control the media content accessibility.The method is using basic encryption scheme in order to prevent copyright violations, means, user who does not have specific player and/or with correct password can still view the grey-scale part of the media work in order to accomplish the marketing purposes.The encryption scheme integrates with certain properties such frequency and/or date time which will be used as a salt parameter for Password Based Key Derivation Function 2 (PBKDF2). The method also uses Color Lookup Table (CLUT) as an input to encrypt color table which the decryption process relies on the properties and the correct password

    Exploiting an HMAC-SHA-1 optimization to speed up PBKDF2

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    PBKDF2 is a well-known password-based key derivation function. In order to slow attackers down, PBKDF2 introduces CPU-intensive operations based on an iterated pseudorandom function (in our case HMAC-SHA-1). If we are able to speed up a SHA-1 or an HMAC implementation, we are able to speed up PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA-1. This means that a performance improvement might be exploited by regular users and attackers. Interestingly, FIPS 198-1 suggests that it is possible to precompute first message block of a keyed hash function only once, store such a value and use it each time is needed. Therefore the computation of first message block does not contribute to slowing attackers down, thus making the computation of second message block crucial. In this paper we focus on the latter, investigating the possibility to avoid part of the HMAC-SHA-1 operations. We show that some CPU-intensive operations may be replaced with a set of equivalent, but less onerous, instructions. We identify useless XOR operations exploiting and extending Intel optimizations, and applying the Boyar-Peralta heuristic. In addition, we provide an alternative method to compute the SHA-1 message scheduling function and explain why attackers might exploit these findings to speed up a brute force attack against PBKDF2

    PALPAS - PAsswordLess PAssword Synchronization

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    Tools that synchronize passwords over several user devices typically store the encrypted passwords in a central online database. For encryption, a low-entropy, password-based key is used. Such a database may be subject to unauthorized access which can lead to the disclosure of all passwords by an offline brute-force attack. In this paper, we present PALPAS, a secure and user-friendly tool that synchronizes passwords between user devices without storing information about them centrally. The idea of PALPAS is to generate a password from a high entropy secret shared by all devices and a random salt value for each service. Only the salt values are stored on a server but not the secret. The salt enables the user devices to generate the same password but is statistically independent of the password. In order for PALPAS to generate passwords according to different password policies, we also present a mechanism that automatically retrieves and processes the password requirements of services. PALPAS users need to only memorize a single password and the setup of PALPAS on a further device demands only a one-time transfer of few static data.Comment: An extended abstract of this work appears in the proceedings of ARES 201

    A framework for cryptography algorithms on mobile devices

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    Mobile communication devices have become a popular tool for gathering and disseminating information and data. With the evidence of the growth of wireless technology and a need for more flexible, customizable and better-optimised security schemes, it is evident that connection-based security such as HTTPS may not be sufficient. In order to provide sufficient security at the application layer, developers need access to a cryptography package. Such packages are available as third party mobile cryptographic toolkits or are supported natively on the mobile device. Typically mobile cryptographic packages have reduced their number of API methods to keep the package lightweight in size, but consequently making it quite complex to use. As a result developers could easily misuse a method which can weaken the entire security of a system without knowing it. Aside from the complexities in the API, mobile cryptography packages often do not apply sound cryptography within the implementation of the algorithms thus causing vulnerabilities in its utilization and initialization. Although FIPS 140-2 and CAPI suggest guidelines on how cryptographic algorithms should be implemented, they do not define the guidelines for implementing and using cryptography in a mobile environment. In our study, we do not define new cryptographic algorithms, instead, we investigate how sound cryptography can be applied practically in a mobile application environment and developed a framework called Linca (which stands for Logical Integration of Cryptographic Architectures) that can be used as a mobile cryptographic package to demonstrate our findings. The benefit that Linca has is that it hides the complexity of making incorrect cryptographic algorithm decisions, cryptographic algorithm initialization and utilization and key management, while maintaining a small size. Linca also applies sound cryptographic fundamentals internally within the framework, which radiates these benefits outwards at the API. Because Linca is a framework, certain architecture and design patterns are applied internally so that the cryptographic mechanisms and algorithms can be easily maintained. Linca showed better results when evaluated against two mobile cryptography API packages namely Bouncy Castle API and Secure and Trust Service API in terms of security and design. We demonstrate the applicability of Linca on using two realistic examples that cover securing network channels and on-device data.Dissertation (MSc (Computer Science))--University of Pretoria, 2007.Computer ScienceMScunrestricte