341,523 research outputs found

    Personality development by means of language teaching

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    (EN) It has been attempted to analyze the methods and approaches of teaching of the foreign language on the conditions of modern high school and development of the society. Special attention has been paid to the humanistic approach of language teaching as a means of developing of the learner's personality which is based on empathy, respect, cultural and moral values.(UA) У статті робиться спроба аналізу методик та підходів викладання іноземної мови в сучасних умовах вищої школи та розвитку суспільства. Особлива увага приділяється гуманістичному підходу викладання іноземної мови як засобу формування особистості студента, що базується на емпатії, повазі, культурних і моральних цінностях

    Development of engineering students' foreign language competence via authors’ e-learning courses

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    The new social order requires teaching a foreign language as a means of international communication, forming a student's personality that absorbed the values of native and foreign language cultures and preparing for international communication in all spheres of life. These ideas are reflected in the definition of new goals and approaches to teaching a foreign language in the university.The main criteria for evaluation of foreign language competence of engineering students are: preparedness for professional work after graduation from the university, fluency in oral and written foreign language communication, motivation, and an adequate level of foreign language competence (B2 – Vantage). The paper describes a model for development of engineering students’ foreign language competence by means of information technology (IT) on such stages as conceptualization, interiorization and trainig. The use of IT-means can engage students in a system of professional and socio-cultural relations on the basis of non-verbal forms of communication, global and interactive communication systems, as well as solve a series of tasks to enhance students’ motivation. Foreign language competence allows realizing such aspects of professional activity as a timely introduction to new technologies, discoveries and trends in the development of science, establishment of professional contacts with foreign partners

    Development of engineering students' foreign language competence via authors’ e-learning courses

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    The new social order requires teaching a foreign language as a means of international communication, forming a student's personality that absorbed the values of native and foreign language cultures and preparing for international communication in all spheres of life. These ideas are reflected in the definition of new goals and approaches to teaching a foreign language in the university.The main criteria for evaluation of foreign language competence of engineering students are: preparedness for professional work after graduation from the university, fluency in oral and written foreign language communication, motivation, and an adequate level of foreign language competence (B2 – Vantage). The paper describes a model for development of engineering students’ foreign language competence by means of information technology (IT) on such stages as conceptualization, interiorization and trainig. The use of IT-means can engage students in a system of professional and socio-cultural relations on the basis of non-verbal forms of communication, global and interactive communication systems, as well as solve a series of tasks to enhance students’ motivation. Foreign language competence allows realizing such aspects of professional activity as a timely introduction to new technologies, discoveries and trends in the development of science, establishment of professional contacts with foreign partners

    Викладання іноземної мови як засобу міжкультурної комунікації в аграрному університеті (Teaching foreign language as means of intercultural communication in agrarian university)

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    У статті розглядаються можливості іноземної мови як засобу міжкультурної комунікації у викладанні іно- земної мови в аграрному університеті. Проаналізовано різні наукові підходи до вивчення проблеми міжкультурної комунікації та визначені основні напрямки у дослідженні даної проблеми. (The article deals with possibilities of foreign language as means of intercultural communication in teaching foreign language in agrarian university. Different scientific approaches to studying intercultural communication problems are analyzed and main directions in study of the problem are defined. It is well known that qualitative changes of the social and cultural character of our state political content and its entering the international arena mean foreign language to be really significant and important in practical and intellectual human activity. Foreign language is defined by many authors as means of intercultural communication to master of which is impossible without parallel studying of appropriate culture. Main directions which have been formed in research of intercultural communication are analyzed in the article. It is proved that language is a culture instrument which forms personality, it is specific means of saving and transferring information. A lot of functions are inherent to language but the main ones are means of expressing thoughts and means of communication. It is marked that intercultural aspect in foreign languages studying aimed not only at pragmatic task but at developmental and comprehensive ones as well. It is proved that under present conditions of social and economic changes, rapid growth of agrarian production a need in future agrarian specialists with high level of professional background one of the components of which should be professional knowledge of foreign language arises. But to get this aim it is necessary to change fundamentally the student attitude to foreign language studying. It is obvious that training in foreign language in agrarian university demands improvement in the system of studying organization, creation of effective didactic systems, new technologies and teaching methods. The main idea of foreign language studying is development of students ability to use foreign language as an intercultural communication instrument in any sphere of activity. It is defined that perspective of this work is forming an outlook which is based on principles identifying human values and also implies the development process of mentally rich, highly moral personality of a future specialist who is able to solve creative tasks.

    Future Teacher Cultural Personality as an Object of the Concept “New Ukrainian School”

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    У статті окреслено законодавчий, лінгводидактичний, лінгвоперсонологічний аспекти формування культуромовної особистості майбутніх учителів. Поняття мовної освіти представлено як соціально-педагогічне явище, спрямоване на формування інтелектуально розвиненої, морально досконалої, духовно багатої мовної особистості, яка характеризується активною громадянською позицією, вправно користується усною й писемною формами та стильовими різновидами української мови з урахуванням можливостей лексикографічного ресурсу. Важливість ефективної педагогічної діяльності в умовах реалізації Концепції «Нова українська школа» актуалізує доцільність культури роботи зі словником у мовно-методичній підготовці, уведення національно-маркованих концептів «краса», «радість», «щастя», тем цифрової наративістики, що сприяє дослідженню культуромовних особистостей крізь призму лінгвоаксіології та акмеології.The article outlines the legislative, linguodidactic, lingvopersonologic aspects of future teachers’ cultural personality formation. The concept of language education is described as a social and pedagogical phenomenon connected with the formation of intellectually developed, morally perfect, spiritually rich linguistic personality, who is characterized by active civil position, and properly uses oral and written forms and stylistic varieties of Ukrainian language taking into account the possibilities of lexicographic resource. The purpose of teaching the Ukrainian language is to foresee the formation of a nationally conscious, spiritually rich linguistic person who freely owns expressive means of modern Ukrainian literary language, its styles, varieties, genres in all kinds of speech activity. He must be able independently determine and realize the goals of self-education and self-development. The importance of effective professional activity of the future teacher in the context of the Concept “New Ukrainian School” implementation updates the expediency of research into practical classes of nationally-tagged concepts like “success”, “beauty”, “joy”, “happiness”, reflecting the national culture of the Ukrainian people, processes of thinking, creation of language and speech of personality. The themes of digital narrative studies, introduced into language training, contribute to a deeper study of the cultural personality of teachers through the prism of linguaxiology and acmeology

    Implementation of polycultural approach in linguistic education

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    In modern primary school the stress is laid upon development of a pupil as a personality able to self-upbringing and self-education. Such approach requires change of the content and methods of teaching. One of the tasks is introduction a child into the native language, development of language intuition. Linguistic education is described as a lingo-methodical category. Language is a part of culture, the stress is laid upon acquiring theoretical knowledge of the language as a means of communication. Verbal, mental and aesthetic sides of development are closely connected. In Russian education attention is paid to polycultural approach. It is caused by the necessity to live in a multinational environment, with people of different cultures, religions and nationalities.В современной начальной школе делается акцент на развитие младшего школьника как личности, способной к самовоспитанию и самообразованию. Это требует пересмотра содержания и методов обучения современных школьников. Одна из задач – введение ребенка в мир родного языка, развитие языкового чутья. Языковое образование школьника рассматривается как лингвометодическая категория. Язык изучается как часть культуры народа, акцент делается на усвоение основ теории языка как средства коммуникации. Речевое, умственное и эстетическое развитие тесно взаимосвязаны. В российском образовании уделяется внимание поликультурности. Это вызвано тем, что в современных условиях человек должен уметь жить в мире и согласии в многонациональной и поликультурной среде, с людьми разных национальностей, верований и культур

    Деякі аспекти іншомовної підготовки студентів немовних спеціальностей до міжкультурної комунікації

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    У пропонованій статті розглядаються питання, пов’язані з проблемами іншомовної підготовки студентів немовних спеціальностей в процесі міжкультурної інтеграції шляхом формування у них мовної, мовленнєвої і соціокультурної компетенцій. (This article deals with the issues related to the problems of technical students foreign language training in the process of intercultural integration by means of forming their language and speech competences, social and cultural ones as well. Today foreign language training is an integral component of education, it is not only an indicator of high cultural level of the personality, but also the key to his/her successful professional activity. It is pointed out in a typical foreign language programme for higher education that the purpose of learning foreign language is to master it as a means of communication that promotes the development of students’ ability to use it in terms of interaction in multicultural and multinational space. Therefore, the problem of forming foreign language communicative competence (FLCC) of technical students gained special importance and has become the subject of a number scientific studies. The article examines some peculiarities of forming FLCC of technical colleges students by using the active methods of teaching and reveals the essence of intercultural communication and practical importance of social and cultural competence and tolerance in today’s multicultural world. These active methods contribute to stimulating perceptional activities of students; they are based mainly on dialogues, involving the free exchahge of ideas on how to solve a particular problem and are characterized by a high level of students’ activity. Moreover, these techniques provide a solution of educational problems in various aspects: they develop creative abilities and non-standard mentality; create a positive lear-ning motivation, effective assimilation of large amounts of educational informa-tion; promote the development of communicative and emotional areas of students; contribute to the development of cognitive processes – language, memory, thinking, help to reveal personal and individual capabilities of each student.

    Creativity development: The role of foreign language learning

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    © 2016 Sadykova and Shelestova.The relevance of the present research stems from the need to consider the ways of preventing conflicts between the objective necessity of development of students’ creative activity in the learning process, and insufficient development of pedagogical conditions for its effective implementation in theoretical and methodological terms. The article is aimed at summarizing the study of creativity development by means of the foreign language. A set of methods was used in the paper: theoretical (analysis of the philosophical and methodological literature on the issue; projecting), empirical (questionnaires, interviews, testing, an experiment), methods of mathematical statistics. Experimental work covered in total 58 students and included three stages: summative, formative and controlling. The results of the experiment show that the system of exercises developed for boosting the student’s creativity proved out effective, and the selected indicators characterizing the creative activity of students reflect considerable growth. The authors also proved that the goal of foreign language teaching in higher education is both practical knowledge of the target language, and the development of the student personality. The practical significance of this research involves developing the complex of effective means, forms and methods of teaching and learning activities of students in the process of learning a foreign language in the framework of the theory of development training, and the use of the materials received in the course of study by teachers in the higher and secondary vocational schools

    Identifying the teaching concerns of polytechnic english language lecturers as a means to explore their professional development requirements / Suhaily Hj. Abdullah

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    This study explores polytechnic English Language lecturers' (PELLs) teaching practice in a technical and vocational education and technical (TVET) higher learning institution. It is meant to investigate PELLs' common teaching concerns in order to address their professional development. With regards to this, the combination of selected aspects and procedures from Richards and Lockhart's (1996) Reflective Teaching in Second Language Classrooms, and selected principles and concepts from Larsen-Freeman and Anderson's (2011) Principles in Language Teaching, and Wallace's (1991) Reflective Model has been used to underpin this inquiry. It is a qualitative research. The case study design was employed to investigate the PELLs' teaching practice. Six PELLs from Politeknik Cemerlang who volunteered to be involved in the project were considered as a purposeful sample and were the research participants in this study. Data were collected through informal semistructured interviews, teaching journal writing and non-participatory classroom observations. The data was manually analysed by relying on content analysis methods. The modified versions of open, axial, and selective coding were applied in obtaining the results. The study found that there are five common teaching concerns shared by the participants: concerns about pedagogical aspects, concerns about self, concerns about institutional matters, concerns about learners, and concerns about teachers' roles. These shared concerns were derived from four sources of teachers' belief which included experience as a second language learner, personality factors, established practice and institutional practice. This study also confirmed that reflective teaching procedures provided a valuable means of gaining insightful information on PELLs' teaching concerns, and it helped the researcher to relate to PELLs' professional development. Generally, PELLs are considered as effective language educators because their responses revealed that their professional knowledge consisted of four components of knowledge base required in language teaching namely: 1) knowledge about pedagogical content, 2) knowledge about learners, 3) knowledge about self, and 4) knowledge about institutional matters. However, it is suggested that specific formal inputs to improve their pedagogical content knowledge in English as Specific Purposes (ESP) teaching and to enhance their reflective teaching skills as a self-monitoring means for their own professional development should be acknowledged and prioritized to avoid lowr reticence among them. Hence, some suggestions were made to assist the professional development requirement needed by PELLs as language educators in a TVET higher learning institution. The recommendations for future studies were included to anticipate further investigations related to this particular concern

    A Comparative Study on Japanese and Indonesian Elementary School

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    Pendidikan dasar secara umum terbagi dalam dua lembaga pendidikan yakni sekolah dasar dan sekolah menengah pertama. Proses pendidikan yang berlangsung di sekolah dasar merupakan landasan yang sangat penting untuk proses pendidikan di lembaga selanjutnya. Tujuan yang sangat penting dari proses pendidikan di sekolah dasar adalah pengembangan otot, emosi, sosialisasi, pengenalan lingkungan,dan aspek kebahasaan. Kemudian, mulai kelas empat di sekolah dasar ,para siswa mendalami ilmu pengtahuan secara intensif. Sekolah dsar di Jepang menekankan pada pendidikan mental sehingga anak bisa lebih ulet, tabah, toleran, dan optimis dalam hidup bermasyarakat. Pendidikan moral, olah raga, ketrampilan, dan pendidikan kesejahteraan keluarga sangat penting dalampengembangan kepribadian siswa. Pelajaran matematika dan ilmu pengetahuan banyak diajarkan dengan pendekatan kontekstual di sekolah dasar di Indonesia dan Jepang. Kedua Negara juga mulai memberikan pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kepada siswa sekolah dasar untuk mengenalkan secara dini bahasa dab kebudayan bangsa lain serta mempersiapkan mereka dalam persaingan global. Melakukan studi banding terhadap kondisi pendidikan Negara lain membuat kita memperoleh informasi yang benar terhadap pencapaian kita dan Negara lain di bidang pendidikan serta membuat langkah-langkah perbaikan berdasarkan data yang terpercaya bukan kabar burung yang tidak jelas