1,758 research outputs found

    From a thin film model for passive suspensions towards the description of osmotic biofilm spreading

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    Biofilms are ubiquitous macro-colonies of bacteria that develop at various interfaces (solid-liquid, solid-gas or liquid-gas). The formation of biofilms starts with the attachment of individual bacteria to an interface, where they proliferate and produce a slimy polymeric matrix - two processes that result in colony growth and spreading. Recent experiments on the growth of biofilms on agar substrates under air have shown that for certain bacterial strains, the production of the extracellular matrix and the resulting osmotic influx of nutrient-rich water from the agar into the biofilm are more crucial for the spreading behaviour of a biofilm than the motility of individual bacteria. We present a model which describes the biofilm evolution and the advancing biofilm edge for this spreading mechanism. The model is based on a gradient dynamics formulation for thin films of biologically passive liquid mixtures and suspensions, supplemented by bioactive processes which play a decisive role in the osmotic spreading of biofilms. It explicitly includes the wetting properties of the biofilm on the agar substrate via a disjoining pressure and can therefore give insight into the interplay between passive surface forces and bioactive growth processes

    Diffusiophoresis in non-adsorbing polymer solutions: the Asakura-Oosawa model and stratification in drying films

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    A colloidal particle placed in an inhomogeneous solution of smaller non-adsorbing polymers will move towards regions of lower polymer concentration, in order to reduce the free energy of the interface between the surface of the particle and the solution. This phenomenon is known as diffusiophoresis. Treating the polymer as penetrable hard spheres, as in the Asakura-Oosawa model, a simple analytic expression for the diffusiophoretic drift velocity can be obtained. In the context of drying films we show that diffusiophoresis by this mechanism can lead to stratification under easily accessible experimental conditions. By stratification we mean spontaneous formation of a layer of polymer on top of a layer of the colloid. Transposed to the case of binary colloidal mixtures, this offers an explanation for the stratification observed recently in these systems [A. Fortini et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 118301 (2016)]. Our results emphasise the importance of treating solvent dynamics explicitly in these problems, and caution against the neglect of hydrodynamic interactions or the use of implicit solvent models in which the absence of solvent backflow results in an unbalanced osmotic force which gives rise to large but unphysical effects.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Glycine Betaine Fluxes in Lactobacillus plantarum during Osmostasis and Hyper- and Hypo-osmotic Shock

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    Bacteria respond to changes in medium osmolarity by varying the concentrations of specific solutes in order to maintain constant turgor. The primary response of Lactobacillus plantarum to an osmotic upshock involves the accumulation of compatible solutes such as glycine betaine, proline, and glutamate. We have studied the osmotic regulation of glycine betaine transport in L. plantarum by measuring the overall and unidirectional rates of glycine betaine uptake and exit at osmostasis, and under conditions of osmotic upshock and downshock. At steady state conditions, a basal flux of glycine betaine (but no net uptake or efflux) is observed that amounts to about 20% of the rate of “activated” uptake (uptake at high osmolarity). No direct exchange of 14C-labeled glycine betaine in the medium for unlabeled glycine betaine in the cytoplasm was observed in glucose metabolizing and resting cells, indicating that a separate glycine betaine efflux system is responsible for the exit of glycine betaine. Upon osmotic upshock, the uptake system for glycine betaine is rapidly activated (within seconds), whereas the basal efflux is inhibited. These two responses account for a rapid accumulation of glycine betaine until osmostasis is reached. Upon osmotic downshock, glycine betaine is rapidly released by the cells in a process that has two kinetic components, i.e. one with a half-life of less than 2 s which is unaffected by the metabolic status of the cells, the other with a half-life of 4–5 min in glucose-metabolizing cells which is dependent on internal pH or a related parameter. We speculate that the former activity corresponds to a stretch-activated channel, whereas the latter may be facilitated by a carrier protein. Glycine betaine uptake is strongly inhibited immediately after an osmotic downshock, but slowly recovers in time. These studies demonstrate that in L. plantarum osmostasis is maintained through positive and negative regulation of both glycine betaine uptake and efflux, of which activation of uptake upon osmotic upshock and activation of a “channel-like” activity upon osmotic downshock are quantitatively most important.

    Pectoral Vessel Density and Early Ultrastructural Changes in Broiler Chicken Wooden Breast Myopathy

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    In wooden breast myopathy (WBM) of broiler chickens, the pectoralis major muscles show abnormally hard consistency and microscopical myodegeneration of unknown aetiology. To date, previous studies have focused primarily on chronic WBM and ultrastructural descriptions of early WBM are lacking. The aim of this study was to elucidate the pathogenesis of WBM by light microscopical morphometry of vessel density and the ultra structural description of early WBM changes with transmission electron microscopy. The pectoral vessel density was compared between unaffected chickens (n = 14) and two areas of focal WBM in affected chickens (n = 14). The transverse myofibre area per vessel was highest in the unaffected area of muscle from cases of focal WBM, significantly higher (P = 0.01) than in macroscopically unaffected tissue, indicating that relatively decreased blood supply may trigger the development of WBM. The ultrastructural study included unaffected chickens (n = 3), two areas offocal WBM from affected chickens (n = 3) and areas of diffuse WBM from affected chickens (n = 3). The morphologically least affected myofibres within the WBM lesion areas in light microscopy exhibited ultrastructural changes of increased sarcoplasmic reticulum diameter and mitochondrial hyperplasia. Such changes originate typically from osmotic imbalance, for which the most likely aetiologies in WBM include tissue hypoxia or myodegencration of the surrounding myofibres. The findings suggest that a relative reduction of blood supply in the major pectoral muscle occurs in the early phase of WBM, which may be linked to the ultrastructural changes of osmotic imbalance. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Teratogenic test of Pandanus conoideus var. yellow fruit extract to development of rat embryo (Rattus norvegicus)

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    Muna L, Astirin OP, Sugiyarto. 2010. Uji teratogenik ekstrak Pandanus conoideus varietas buah kuning terhadap perkembangan embrio tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus). Nusantara Bioscience 2: 126-134. Penelitian ini betujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh pemberian ekstrak Pandanus conoideus Lam. var. buah kuning terhadap persentase fetus hidup, kematian intrauterus, berat dan panjang fetus, keadaan morfologi fetus, serta struktur skeleton fetus tikus putih. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan 25 tikus bunting yang dibagi menjadi lima kelompok secara acak, sehingga masing-masing kelompok terdiri dari lima ekor tikus. Setiap kelompok diberi dosis yang berbeda. P1 (kontrol) diberi 1 mL minyak wijen, P2, P3, P4 dan P5 diberi ekstrak masing-masing: 0,02 mL, 0,04 mL, 0,08 mL dan 0,16 mL. Ekstrak tersebut diberikan secara oral pada kebuntingan hari ke 5 sampai hari ke 17 (fase organogenesis). Pengamatan dilakukan pada hari ke 18 dengan cara bedah sesar untuk mengambil fetus dari uterus. Morfologi fetus diamati setelah fetus dikeluarkan dari uterus, sedangkan untuk pengamatan struktur skeleton dibuat preparat wholemount dengan pewarnaan ganda Alcian blue dan Allizarin Red-S. Hasil percobaan dianalisis dengan ANAVA satu jalur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian ekstrak tidak berpengaruh terhadap persentase fetus hidup, kematian intrauterus, serta berat dan panjang fetus (P≥0,05). Pemberian ekstrak pada induk mengakibatkan kecacatan skeleton (lordosis) fetus pada dosis 0,16 mL dan menghambat osifikasi fetus. Kata kunci: Pandanus conoideus var. buah kuning, teratogenik, tikus putih


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    Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), a virulent chytrid fungus responsible for dramatic amphibian declines, has been detected in the northwestern and southeastern regions of Pennsylvania. However, little environmental Bd testing has been performed in central Pennsylvania, particularly in the unique and speciose habitats of woodland vernal pools. Our study included sampling in four vernal pools over a period of three months during amphibian breeding periods. Skin swabs were taken from three caudate and two anuran species, during the course of late winter and spring migrations (n = 143). Low Bd zoospore equivalent loads were detected in only a few individuals, in three of the five species but in all four vernal pools sampled. No significant trends were seen between zoospore loads and ambient temperature or migration timing across the species sampled

    Gating-by-tilt of mechanosensitive membrane channels

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    We propose an alternative mechanism for the gating of biological membrane channels in response to membrane tension that involves a change in the slope of the membrane near the channel. Under biological membrane tensions we show that the energy difference between the closed (tilted) and open (untilted) states can far exceed kBT and is comparable to what is available under simple ilational gating. Recent experiments demonstrate that membrane leaflet asymmetries (spontaneous curvature) can strong effect the gating of some channels. Such a phenomenon would be more easy to explain under gating-by-tilt, given its novel intrinsic sensitivity to such asymmetry.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    The ongoing search for the molecular basis of plant osmosensing

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    Introduction: Cell viability and metabolism depend on cytoplasmic water and solute content, and organisms have evolved mechanisms to sense changes in cell water content, solute concentrations, cell volume, and/or turgor. This Perspective addresses the response to osmotic challenge in land plants and describes their special dependence on cellular water status for growth and development. Understanding how plants cope with water limitation may allow us to mitigate the agricultural effects of drought, a critical limitation on global crop productivity that is likely to increase in severity as the climate changes (Long and Ort, 2010). The signaling pathways by which plants respond to osmotic challenge are intriguing from an evolutionary standpoint: some aspects of these pathways resemble those of fungal or mammalian cells, some are similar to prokaryotic mechanisms, and yet others are unique to plants (as described below and in Hamann, 2012). In addition to the importance of osmotic homeostasis in land plants, we will discuss some of the specific context and language of plant stress biology, and describe what is known (and not known) about the molecular pathways by which plants sense and respond to osmotic challenges